Side by Side

Orli smilingMay I introduce handsome, kind, mystical seagoat; Capricorn Sun Orlando Bloom.

Orli’s adept on stage and screen – a modern day Romeo, crusading knight, musketeer, swashbuckling pirate and lithe Elvish Prince of the Woodland Realm to name a few.  This last April, he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, you can see it here (near 11:00 mark). He absolutely rocked in The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies and soon can be seen next in, Digging for Fire with Sam Rockwell.

Orli is a life path 2 with a 12th house Capricorn Sun, Scorpio Moon; an Aquarius rising, he is ruled by UranusHow apt.  Uranus rules astrology and doing Orli’s chart  delivered a need to address house systems.  Ah cha cha – the dreaded subject which sends many astrologers into fits of “I’m right and you’re wrong”, and yes, I’m going there.

Up to now I have done a slew of solar charts, aka using Noon as birth time and interpreting with planets in signs and aspects only without addressing houses specifically.  I can still form a solid interp, but knowing the houses means I can hone in on where each planetary expression is working.  Eg: Saturn in 3rd: thinking, learning, speaking, communicating vs. Saturn in 6: health, daily routines, personal responsibilities etc… To quote Steven Forrest, “We are our signs, and we do our houses.”

Signs divide the Heavens and Houses divide the Earth

Orlando Bloom Wallpaper @ go4celebrity.comSean (Astin) and Orli are the only members of The Fellowship who have exact birth times listed at Astrodienst.  Orli’s chart here.  Using Placidus for Sean was less problematic because at lower latitudes Placidus doesn’t present a problem.  Using Placidus system, higher latitudes means higher likelihood of (wide) intercepted houses.  Orli was born in Canterbury, England at 51 North.  (Anywhere above 66 N gets tricky using this system.)  Orli’s signs (see his chart in link above) Pisces/Virgo are intercepted or contained entirely within houses 1/7 respectively. Interceptions are akin to operating in stealth mode.  Eg. Pisces Venus uses Aquarius and Aries as intermediaries in order to fully express Piscean Venusian energy.

How the houses are divided after ascertaining the Cross* is the Crux of the house systems cuss & discuss issue.
Short list of popular house divisions: (yes there are more)
Time-based: Placidus, Koch
Space-based: Equal, Meridian, Morinus, Topocentric
Quadrant-based: Campanus, Porphyry, Regiomontanus, Topological

I will go into house systems more, later – for now I will just delineate regardless of house system the Ascendant/Descendant (Sunrise/set) Midheaven/Nadir (Noon/midnight)* remain the same – they are physical points.  Eg. Orli is Aquarius rising at 21 degrees with his Midheaven at 13 Sagittarius. (Nadir and Descendant oppose exact) The End.

Many astrologers use one system for natal and another for horary, some prefer ancient to modern – it’s up to the individual.  What are the differences, how are they calculated and what is tried, tested and true in your experience…? That is what you should explore and figure out on your own.  I have provided several links below, knock yourself out !

Resources for diving into house systems:
Urania Trust House Systems and Charts are Not Flat
The Astrology Podcast: Reconciling Modern and Traditional Astrology w/ Robert Hand
Skyscript: Problems of House Division
AquariusPapers: Astrology House Systems

orlando-bloom-pirates-caribbeanOk, now back to Orlando…!
Orli is a 12th house* Capricorn Sun (stealth in the 12th), Scorpio Moon; Aquarius rising, ruled by
Which btw, I did not know when I wrote this – I was alluding to Mars moving into my 12th solar house – seems it was cosmic kismet.  So now we both know.  As an aside: I have Mars in Sagittarius, my 12th house sign…I am also stealth.

I am reading Orli’s chart in Placidus rather than Whole sign.  He is the posterboy for why I am happily still in camp Placidus.  Why ?  Saturn rules bones.

Whole sign places his Saturn in the 7th of relationships, alliances and contracts
Placidus places his Saturn in the 6th house of health, daily work and routine

‘I’ve broken my back, my ribs, my nose, both my legs, my arm, my wrist, a finger and a toe and I’ve cracked my skull three times. Youthful carelessness,’ he shrugs. ‘This is a battered body, all right. But, each time, it made me stronger and more determined to do things.’  – Orlando Bloom source

He jokes about it in a recent BOTFA 60 secs interview w/ Lee & Evangeline

Notice he says he is accident prone in the interview above.
Mars rules accidents and Orlando’s Mars is out of bounds at 23°50’45” S.  Out of bounds means the planet is out of bounds of the sun’s kingdom, outside the rays of the king aka outside the sun’s maximum latitudinal declination of 23°28′.  An out of bounds planet acts as its own ruler and king.  It’s a wildcard, a freebird.

Mars being more Martian will be even more gung-ho, hot to trot, impatient, restless and eager to get moving and shaking.  Out of bounds Mars is a scrappy adrenaline junkie, a fighter and a hero.  Note also Orli has Mars exalted in Capricorn – that means operating well, purring like an engine, the energies support one another.  Mars in Capricorn is capable of superhuman intense focus which helps alleviate the Mars OOB tendency to be overly reckless.  If you want to check your chart for declinations, go to, click on upper left where it says additional tables, voila – declinations !

The lovely balance to all this driving Mars…?  Venus in Pisces, exalted.  Oh yeah baby, a lover and a fighter.  Very nice.  Venus in Pisces is in his first house (natural house of Aries/Mars) bestowing harmony upon self-expression of all kinds – he is sweet and kind, easy-going.  Also the abundant handsome graceful elvish thang he exudes flawlessly, is enhanced by Neptune at Midheaven.
Elves are Pisces/Neptune energy, as are Pirates on the high seas – particularly in Sagittarius.  Just sayin’.

orlando-bloomOrli has Moon at 0 degrees Scorp conjunct (out of sign) North Node at 29 Libra.  North Node in Libra denotes a future of finding balance, harmony via shifting of personal and partnership alliances.  Mars-ruled South Node (past we carry) in Aries is conjunct Chiron the wounded healer, herbalist/philosopher/teacher (which in addition to other aspects) signifies a past incarnation of teaching, mentoring and the healing arts.   Master of bartering with the commoners, a drives a hard bargain kind of trader, fair but a stickler.  This time around the hard bargain lies within.

Orli’s Chiron is conjunct a Black Hole at 27 Aries…how apt.  Black holes signify physical alchemy, rites of passage and molecular metamorphosis from the quantum level, matter formed from pure energy.  (Alex Miller)

In 1998, (at the age of 21) Orlando fell three stories and fractured his spine.  His doctor told him he might never walk again – he seriously considered it while he laid in hospital paralyzed for 4 days.  He went through a six hour surgery, having bolts and plates inserted into his back, then miraculously walked out on crutches 12 days later (wore a brace for a year) and eventually finished drama school.  Two days later, he received word he got the part of Legolas in Lord of the Rings.  Mystical Seagoat !

Being curious, I did my best to suss out a ballpark time for this transit. Orli was nearing the end of his second year at drama school 1998, so going with March/April and the outers will be slow-moving enough to talk about.
1 Uranus opposite natal Leo Saturn in the 6th
That’s a break, a separation from health and ego.  Major polarity/intellectual shift and in his second solar house of values.
2 Transiting Aries Saturn square his natal Sun (internal turmoil over impulsive behavior vs. possible immobility) from his 4th solar house (feelings/family/nurturing) trine his descendant (balance/bonds/allies) and conjunct natal Chiron (wounded/healer).
3 Transiting Chiron in Scorpio (metamorphosis/healing) conjunct Uranus opposite natal Taurus Jupiter in his 11th solar house (friends/wishes/eccentric luck)

From GQ:  When the time came to remove the titanium pins from his spine, to the doctors’ alarm, they were all fractured. They came out in shards. One of the pins had been driven too deep to remove, by dint of Orlando’s physical overexertion. “I’d been doing stuff right away,” he recalls, shaking his head. “I went straight back into it, man.”

Orlando talks about his back in Men’s Health (video in that link) more about how it changed his outlook on life here.  How did he do it ?  Here.

Orlando-BloomSidi winkie

Orli & his friend, Sidi (How I love the name you chose – you are such a sweetie !)

Orli is filled with unusual, interesting tidbits (hello Uranus !).  I’m not even diving into the meat & potatoes astrology but having a blast doing this interp !  Here’s another oddball cool thing…the Great Attractor is conjunct his Sagittarius Midheaven/Neptune.

Orli’s MC is 13′, Great Attractor is at 14′ and natal Neptune is at 15′.  Note: Neptune is exactly trine his Leo (back) Saturn (bones) in the 6th (health).  Great Attractor signifies a point of extremes: curiosity/knowing, invitation/fixation, polarity/immersion. source
Neptune is inspired (bone) healing being known in the public for it, subconscious depths, spiritual intelligence.  Great Attractor conjunct MC is revealing transcendence, cleansing, shifting perspectives involving highly attuned beliefs of what is possible via the higher mind – despite traditional roles of distance/timespace on the material plane.


Now for some meat on these astrobones….

Orli has 12th house Sun trine Jupiter Rx (rules his MC) in Taurus, nice & earthy – sensible, structured, diligent, no nonsense.  Dependable though keen to explore, eager to indulge in pleasures (Venus rules Taurus) supported by Venus square Neptune at MC.  I have written about my own trials with Venus square Neptune here and here.  Sensitives need to disengage go high qi hermit at times.  Get your sport on, go outside and get out of the suffering headspace that follows the Venus square Neptune with Saturn strong.

Mercury Rx tightly conjunct Mars in Capricorn 11 square Pluto in Libra determines intellectual safety (Mercury rules Nadir/Midnight) must be circumvented somewhat through (self) patience and understanding that spiritual transformations are more easily achieved than intellectual attainments until Mercury retrograde hits its stride.  (Neptune at MC trine Saturn conjunct DC – both strong)

Natal retrogrades: Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn.  (Communication/learning; higher learning/study; work/building, respectively)
Retrogrades serve to slow the planetary energy (we express inwardly) in order to perfect it – which usually means around 30 yrs+ we finally figure out how to best operate it (outwardly) in a way that serves us.  Eg.  Orli mentions in the interview above that he now tones down the overly exuberant play (Leo) because he is now a Dad (Saturn rules fathers).

Mercury Rx conjunct Mars square Pluto in Libra (air/intellect) forces (Pluto) different modes of communication.  Intuition, instincts, sensitivities to vibrations, wild animals, totems, energies, feelings, weather, dreams are all likely top notch especially with Venus in the first (strong/angular) trine Uranus and NNode/Moon.

orlando+bloom+kingdom+heaven-e1336365951189Venus exalted in Pisces (water) trine Moon in Scorpio (water) supports intuition and instinct though Moon is in its fall in Scorpio.  Moon is a planet of fluctuation – Scorpio likes it fixed and Scorpio likes more control than Moon allows.  Feelings (Moon) take on a metamorphic quality of caterpillar to butterfly infinity.

In (out of sign) square to Sun (ego/spirit), Moon desires lots of transformation via work, building, all while being in the flow of idealism and innate spirituality and inspired art.  This is an aspect of feeling on your feet – if that makes sense.  Any 8th house planet has swamp stuff (trust me, I know) Moon needs to process and your best route is creativity (moon rules 5th, trines Venus) and expressing yourself via music, film, art, playing with kids.

Leo Saturn is focal point of a T-Square (not surprising considering back and bone  issues) with Uranus in Scorpio (break/metamorphosis, respectively) which opposes Jupiter in Taurus indicating polarity shifts that induce reconfigurations of values in the realms of personal resources/esteem and ultimate shared/renewal.  Saturn holds down the fort in house health trine Neptune at MC indicating healing and an innate idealism despite material or health setbacks or restrictions.

Odd, I just remembered this: my boss reminded me of this ironically 10th house/Saturn thing. (Saturn is bosses/10th) He hardly ever watches pop culture movies but recently reminded me of the fact that years ago Orli had watches stolen by the Bling Ring.  Astrologically, spot on with Neptune at MC – timepiece theft made into a movie (Neptune).  Taurus tends to collections, so the T-square is apt with the break-in, time and fame.  Sad but true, it’s all right there in the natal.

Quintiles or spiritual gifts and places of divine grace via unusual talents: Sun quintile Uranus exact – gotta say right place right time with this one as well as quirky and yes unusual bone healing.  The Wolverine gene haa.
Venus quintile Jupiter – Loving, kind, lucky (healing well again) an abundance of creativity and optimism.  These two benefics in quintile underneath the radar (horizon) bestows grace and peace of mind in an otherwise interactive, public chart.

Orli tattsNew tat (new to me anyway)
You, my eagle with blue black wings, where have you been flying for so long
I was flying there over the mountains where it all was silence.

From a movie, ‘Dersu Uzala from 1975.

This is a monster post, but Orli is a sweetie and he deserves the best.  Oh and by the way my former husband and I were in a flurry of texting after BOTFA and he agrees, you are the most awesome gravity-defying elf evah.
We love ya babes ! mwahs xo

I will close with one last thing before midnight because I just read this today, thought it was very, very cool.  Orli took a break after LOTR/Pirates/Elizabethtown to do this…

‘My cousin (Sebastian Copeland) is an environmental campaigner and photographer and he was doing a book called Antarctica – A Global Warning. He joined the (two-month) research ship and I went along and assisted him. There was no phone, no email, no knowing…’  After existing in the eye of a media storm, Bloom became nothing more than a cog in a crew of 47 manning a converted Norwegian icebreaker sailing out of Patagonia. The ship was bound for one of the most remote regions, an icy wilderness where the effects of global warming are, he says, ‘frighteningly apparent’. source
Ps. Capricorn rules Antarctica

Namárië mellonamin
Gneiss Moon 

Good in this World


Astin, SeanSean Astin

Sean has been working in films since he was ten with 114 credits including The Goonies, Rudy, 50 First Dates, and of course he is Samwise Gamgee in Lord of the Rings.  He has seven film projects on deck, click here for deets.  Sean can also be heard on Vox Populi radio every Thursday here.

At Vox Populi Radio, we seek not to change minds, but to learn more about one another. We believe that with curiosity and civility, we can find a way past entrenched viewpoints, forward to understanding and real solutions.

Sean is a sixth house Pisces Sun/Moon with Virgo rising, and Gemini an intuitive thinker/feeler with Mercury (his ruler, and rules his Midheaven) exalted on the culmination (29th) degree of Aquarius, the decan of Venus.  Empathetic, kind and  perceptive – he has a good ‘feel’ for civil service, common people – communication via heart feelings and intellectual knowing are equally strong.

Sam Rivendell GaladrielSean’s North Node of Destiny is in the sixth house of Aquarius, highlighting humanitarian work and service, aspirations for greater global good via practical intelligent discourse, and he is quite possibly a very unusual gardener.
You saw that coming, right ? Ok, while I am at it, I cried so hard when Sam carried his best friend (Venus) Frodo up the mountain (Saturn) in Mordor (Pluto) I thought my head was gonna pop right off.  :::sigh:::  Go Sam !

Sean has the majority of his planets below the horizon save Chiron in Aries 7 and Saturn in Taurus, nearest his Midheaven.  This signals a tendency to introversion, especially with Saturn, the restrictive planet of limitations and work, in his 9th house of Taurus.  Sean surfaces to give voice to those causes he has a love for – the vision, ethics and philosophies drive him to go public.  (Mars ruled Chiron in 7; Mars in Sagittarius)  He feels a very strong sense of social responsibility (Saturn, 6th stellium), wants to rally others to exchange and share what they see, their viewpoints. (Mars Sagittarius, see below)*

Saturn elevated in Taurus is steady and stubborn, but in good aspect (trine, harmony) to Venus (rules Taurus) in the 5th, he is steadily working, taking risks, and really loves kids and being a good Dad is very important to him.  He is loyal, true and he’s a what you see is what you get kind of guy.

Sean AstinSagittarius Mars in 4 square his Ascendant / Descendant axis* from the Nadir (4th house) of nurturing, childhood, family shows a student/teaching quality has always been present in his emotional landscape.  Self-expression ( Sag Mars can be blunt – I have it, I know)* and the gut instincts are courageous, impulsive – while in square to Moon (public: which opposes ascendant) actions taken may not always find fertile ground on a wide scale at the outset.

Here is where Capricorn Venus trine Saturn (rules Capricorn)  delivers grace via Sean’s Stick & Stay nature.  She also trines Pluto (metamorph) in his Virgo 1st house, first impressions can be transformed by compassion and loyalty to the cause, by showing his heart is in the right place.

With Neptune conjunct Jupiter and Mars all in Sagittarius, it’s no surprise Sean loves running, particularly marathons (see Saturn in 9 for endurance).  Neptune at 3 degrees conjunct Jupiter at 5 dovetail in square to Mercury at 29 Aquarius (yes, out-of-sign, but it is his ruler) and Sun at 6 Virgo. Squares push us to succeed for they are restless tension that we are constantly working to release high qi.  Mars in tough aspect in 4th can be not only oversensitive (luminaries in Pisces supports) but also insensitive (see blunt*) – such is the nature of a square – it all comes back to self-expression aka 3rd house with Mercury and Jupiter in difficult aspect.

“I run first for me, I run second for my family, and third I run for you…” – Sean
Team #Run3rd here
Mission Statement here.

Note also 3rd house and Jupiter are modes of thinking/seeing – in square, these energies must be used constructively to work to their best advantage.  Spiritual higher mind focus and metamorphic trial and error are likely until finding the personal groove.

Sean running gg bridgeLike Elijah, Sean has no oppositions, save Aries Chiron which opposes Uranus in Libra, so again, dealing with others/expression of self in regards to balanced relationships is called to the fore.  Chiron is the wounded healer/teacher/herbalist/philosopher, in Aries opposite (this means interacting/compromising with another) Uranus it can indicate sudden upsets of same, energy over the top followed by drain and a need to re-charge.  Needs of self and needs of another are in peace talks, likely involving men and women (Aries/Mars and Venus/Uranus) just remember compassion works a charm and (Venus) is in much easier aspect than aggressive Mars.

Venus in earth trine Saturn and Pluto in all in earth gives the grounded support needed to find your creative working balance.  Use your skills, honesty and steadfastness and ambition with compassion to succeed.

Alexandra AstinSean and his daughter Alexandra in RotK.

Also of note is a Quasar exact conjunct Sean’s Sun at 6 Pisces.  This indicates achievement and success, honors and goals reached.  Pisces Sun in the 6th house  expresses spirit by being a public worker serving the highest good of all by lifting the collective unconscious in inspiring, idealistic ways.

Sean is doing his Uranus return brilliantly with Vox Populi.  Humanitarian global concerns are the hallmark of Uranus returns, when it reaches natal opposition we sum up our contribution to date and are either satisfied or aspire to better achieve social and karmic balance.

Uranus goes direct on the 21st at 12 Aries in exact opposition to his natal Uranus.  Slow caution is advised 2-3 days prior to 21st as Venus and Pluto are moving into exact conjunction in Capricorn square both natal and transiting Uranus in opposition to one another on the 21st.
Transits are felt prior to exact, so Sean, if you read this – keep your eyes open, be careful.  I can’t predict Uranus, no one can – it’s the wildcard.
Just a head’s UP.

Saesa omentien lle, Astalder
Gneiss Moon

Four on the Floor

Viggo styleYou have a moral obligation to finish the job you said you would do.
Viggo Mortensen

Viggo’s filmography is linked above, his artworks (as well as artworks of his friends) including paintings, photographs, poetry and music can be found at Perceval Press, also linked on the sidebar.  His paintings were also featured in A Perfect Murder.  I have written about Viggo before here and here.

He’s a savvy, soft-spoken traveler who prefers privacy, though he surfaces to fight (speak) for causes he cares deeply for…Democracy Now earlier this week, here.
( I will relay Viggo/Aragorn astrology throughout, note resemblance to Strider above.)

Viggo is one of five knights from The Lord of the Rings production; the others being Ian Holm, Ian McKellen, Christopher Lee and Peter Jackson.  Viggo was knighted on April 16th 2010 by Queen Margarethe II of Denmark.  This pleases me, knights are Jupiter.

Viggo horsing aroundAn accomplished horseman in his spare time, Mortensen requested Aragorn be given more saddle time than was originally scripted. He also kept his on-screen horse nearby during the entire principal photography schedule in order to ride in his off-hours and strengthen his relationship with the horse.  He also did all his own stunts in Hidalgo, including a breakneck bareback ride that even the stuntman couldn’t handle.  (Viggo has Saturn in Sagittarius: truth in the work, steady on a horse)

Sagittarius rules horses and Jupiter rules Sagittarius.

Yes, I think Viggo is Sagittarius rising, and yes, there is horse info in the GMA Viggo links above, although I am adding a recap and an addition/correction, here.

Viggo loves horses, has bought several post wrap:
Kenny (Hasufel) aka Eomer’s horse, that Aragorn borrowed in TTT
Brego (Uraeus) aka Theodred’s warhorse Aragorn set free who later found him wounded (pictured above)
Tecontender (T.J.) aka (one of the 5 horses used in) Hidalgo
In addition to Asfaloth aka Florian (Arwen rode in Ringwraith chase) that Viggo gave to Arwen’s stunt double, Jane Abbott.

Viggo’s book: The Horse is Good here.  He supports wild horse preservation here.  You can also read about Viggo’s horse filming experiences at Horse Nation here.  You can read his experiences with the horses in Hidalgo (specifically) here.

“One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was from a horse master, he told me to go slow to go fast. I think that applies to everything in life. We live as though there aren’t enough hours in the day but if we do each thing calmly and carefully we will get it done quicker and with much less stress.”  source

viggo chillinViggo is a late degree Libra Sun conjunct North Node of Destiny conjunct Venus (rules Libra) within a degree.  He is a man of balance and thoughtful consideration, promoting justice and fairness in all he does.  The majority of personal planets are in air, he’s a thinker/communicator.  Mercury in Scorpio is the lone personal planet water placement – perceptive and sharp, nothing escapes notice. Here lies the power of mental prowess, regeneration and rebirth, intensity of focus. Viggo is a life path Eight.

Outbound actions (Mars retrograde aka internalized, revision mode) involving observation, thinking, speaking are versatile, spontaneous yet alert to stir compassion (Neptune). Mars Rx quincunx (health/altitude adjustments) Scorpio Neptune (healing spirit conjunct Mercury) informs improvisation  aka thinking on his feet. 

Gemini Mars Rx squares Virgo Pluto – Mercury rules both signs – he knows the power of words, the transmutation they hold.  Words…what odd things…singular symbols strung together like prayer beads or notes on a scale – they form unified shapes, summoning mental images, evoking emotions that enable collective understanding.  Scorpio Neptune/Mercury/Jupiter measures words to the point of struggle, for to speak is to finitely define what is in essence esoteric, alchemical and forever in flux.

Viggo is a word wizard – conscientiously smithing his craft.  Mars retrograde quincunx Scorpio Neptune is forever making adjustments, resurrecting or furrowing the mindfield searching for new subconscious emotional reserves.  Fluctuating Aquarius Moon also supports this restless quest for information but from the mental perspective – intake and processing of moods, feelings, vibes of surrounds are highly instinctive and intellectual  in nature.

Viggo3Viggo is kind, artistic, thoughtful, informed, enigmatic, funny and quirky. He actually quit speaking for a month (4 weeks) to better understand his role as a deaf/mute woodsman in The Passion of Darkly Noon.  Released in 1995 (presumably filmed in early/mid ’94) Viggo was having a Jupiter transit to his stellium near natal Neptune with Saturn in Pisces in trine to same with Uranus/Neptune conjunct in Capricorn square his Libra Sun, Venus, NNode conjunction. Curiously, the social/outers were all retrograde mid ’94.  I knew and loved this story, but went digging up the deets for y’all, and the story is pure Viggo – read it here.

Desire to penetrate the mysteries of pure creative heart and soul (Leo) as well as higher mind and communication (Uranus) are enhanced by Jupiter (student/teacher) square Uranus in Leo (creation/curiosity/play).  The drive to experience differences and see and think through another’s eyes and experiences lends to heightened growth of the craft.  (Sun/NNode/Venus in Libra)  Jupiter in Scorpio square Uranus in Leo seeks to disrupt complacency by investigating all manners of philosophy on life and death – each deserves respect (Jupiter).  The Road – the only movie I felt was so intense that I had to stop half way through and walk it off a bit before beginning again.  That’s high praise from a Plutonic.

“Each time I make a movie, it’s like a paid scholarship to a different university course.”  source

Mercury rules eyesight, Uranus (its higher octave) rules the aetheric sight.  In Viggo’s case, Jupiter (conjunct Mercury, square Uranus – I think it’s his ruler) links the two.  He’s a philosopher grounded by Saturn in Sagittarius – he sees how ideas manifest on the material plane, it informs not only his philosophies, but also his self-discipline.

ellesar palantir
Sagittarius Saturn conjunct ascendant in good aspect (trine Uranus, sextile Venus exact) is serious about the long-term ramifications of any and all energetic exchanges.  Saturn also gives structure and support (work) to wildcard Uranus in Leo.  Uranus in Leo insists on creative diversity, fingers in all the pies.  Double fixation (Leo/Uranus) driven by independence, innovation, invention and switch-hit artistic perceptions, he’s the courageous boho gypsy revolutionary who knows that all that glitters is not gold.  Uranus separates from Leo (rules gold).  Viggo desires respect for the craft, understanding, co-operation and kindness rather than fame, recognition or piles of money.  He is a humanitarian, who cares deeply about people.  (See Perceval Press.)

All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;

The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.

The Riddle of Strider

For FrodoPersonal: This tiny moment above was one of my (many) favorite RotK scenes, subtle indeed.  Got me right in the feels, speechless.  I respect your opinion, but I humbly disagree.

Viggo has Libra Sun quintile (genius expression) Uranus (in the sign Sun rules, Leo)  indicating boho creative spirit expression, forming strong bonds with others – while remaining individually independent and true to self within said partnerships.

This aspect signals awareness of sensations in the aether heretofore unspoken – felt with the heart only.  The ego separates, the heart unites.  Sun is both heart and ego and both are electric – a conscious choice (Venus) resides in this aspect.

A couple of quick asteroids:
Lucifer 1930
If you have seen The Prophecy, then you know why I chose to look up Lucifer, I very briefly wrote about it here.  Damage Control: It is a representation of the fight between good and evil raging within us all.  Please also note Venus the morning star is Lucifer, Venus the evening star is Hesperus and the pentagram is the shape of the her orbit.  See it here.  Viggo has Lucifer in Capricorn, trine Pluto and quintile Venus; both exact, hence the role in the creative arts.  Note also that many astrologers don’t give account to anything but tight conjunctions for asteroids.  I pitch ’em out there for interest, flavor.

Varda 174567
Previous post here.  In J.R.R. Tolkien’s mythology, Varda is queen of the stars, aka the star-kindler.  Varda, the bestower of blessings is in exact conjunction with Viggo’s natal Venus.  This pleases me… for two reasons.
One: Varda bestows charm and grace upon Viggo through Venus.
Two: The ring (Venus rules rings) Aragorn wore was called Elessar, the Elfstone, the stone of Eärendil.  Crafted by the Noldor, it was of the deepest green and held the light of the Sun, bestowing healing powers upon the wearer.  The ring was given to him as a gift (Venus) from Galadriel (for his marriage to Arwen) at the time the Fellowship left Lothlórien.  Aragorn took Elessar as his royal name as was foretold.  History of Elessar here and here. 

Viggo peace outNamárië
Gneiss Moon


Richard Armitage3Richard Armitage

I love watching Richard chew Middle Earth scenery – a commanding, Kingly presence indeed – authoritative voice, confident swagger that is Leo incarnate. 

Richard is a late degree Leo Sun conjunct Venus (within a degree).  Sun in the sign it rules, tightly conjunct Venus is creatively beneficial – attracting those who stand apart, are willpowered, fun and expressive.  Leo Sun/Venus is an affectionate combo, very generous, eager to play and have fun, but also demands its due – in respect as well as love. 

Courageous Leo loves camaraderie, happily shares the wealth of spirit inherent to house of Sun; Virgo Moon is more reticent to take the spotlight, preferring to work quietly, diligently on the craft.  Moon in Virgo needs intellectual feeding to feel emotionally satisfied, further highlighted by Mercury in house.

Mental gymnastics feed the creative prowess, leading to focused self-expression.  Practicality meets perfectionism, versatility bred by sensing sacred patterns, making connections.  Clever emotional weaving of worlds holds court, thoughts pave the road to success, solving the restless tension via Mercury (tightest focal, see below) is key.

Richard Armitage2

Sun/Venus Leo is very giving/heartfelt, full of hope.  If they do not receive in kind, they are forgiving, but their pride takes a hit and their light dims. (Sun rules Leo.)  I mention this as Richard has a rolling (out of sign) stellium with Venus/Sun/Mercury collectively serving as joint focal points in a T-Square.

Squares indicate personal metamorphosis, internal obstacles leading to massive growth.  T-Square focal points are a funnel for expression.  See Bruce Lee.  Sun/Venus in late Leo shows creative expression is of incredible importance to him; Virgo Mercury as focal highlights intellectual dexterity, high qi analyzation of ideas and the reasoning behind them.

Richard’s Venus/Sun/Mercury are rolling focals square both Saturn and Jupiter/Neptune indicating intense focus on art, work, diplomacy and life philosophies.  Think/see/learn/desire/analyze are all getting the workout – squares keep the road hot because we want to scratch the itch of friction.

Communicating depth perception (Saturn/restriction) breathes full flexibility into the house of Gemini, which craves nuance and information exchange.  Expression is crucial to breaking he crystallizations of Saturn – house Gemini loves change while Saturn does not – best bet is to find the balance and work it.

Leo Venus in exact square to Scorpio Neptune indicates high qi awareness/creativity when channeled correctly, low qi delusion/obsession when living in shadow.  Hard aspects between Venus and Neptune are the hallmark of a creative, sensitive soul – octaves of artistic expression working together.  Late Leo Sun conjunct Venus further highlights this strength.

Richard Armitage

Also of note is the similarity/individual nuances between Richard and Martin Freeman (Bilbo) who were both born in the UK within a month of each other.  Their charts are similar (esp. the outer planets) but the inner planets determine personal expression, hence only a wide similarity. House placements will also determine much that I am unable to tell without the exact time of birth.  I have done a solar chart (Noon) for both men.  If you would like to compare, Martin’s chart interp is here.

Similarities include Mars conjunct North Node in trine to Uranus, and a Grand Air Trine (communication) but Richard has a much tighter conjunction between Mars and North Node of Destiny by less than a degree.  Uranus trine Saturn trine Mars/NNode circulates social/generational stream of consciousness  ideas – while driving action to change.

Richard has Mars quintile (gifts, talents) Neptune indicating a love of music, film, as well as plenty of peace and quiet to let the mind wander and relax.  Hiking and getting right with nature is a great work/stress reducer.

Now for seeing Thorin in his chart. 
Hello, the Leo has landed. 

Leo is royalty; Saturn is lineage – ancestry through the Father aka Capricorn/Saturn.
Fits the Thorin II Oakenshield bill.
(Son of Thrain II, grandson of King Thor.)
No great love of elves via Saturn opposing Neptune – King Thranduil did not assist the dwarves when Smaug took over Erebor, their lonely mountain home.

Sun conjunct Venus in late Leo ?
Leo loves the shiny gold bling (Leo rules gold) – mountains of it. (Saturn)
Just saying’.

Gneiss Moon

Hoopy Frood Hobbit

martin-freemanMartin Freeman

There was a flurry of texting with my former husband when The Hobbit casting was announced.  I was rattling off the return of Ian, Andy, Orli and even Elijah, who is being written in !  Then he asked Who’s Bilbo ?  I was rambling about rumored talks with James McAvoy when the news hit.  In bubbly geekspeak excitement all I could pop out was Dent. Arthur Dent !  YaY !  Excellent choice ! 

Martin is a Virgo Sun conjunct Venus which is beneficial twice over, though less so when Venus is in its fall (opposite its exaltation) working harder/born into compromise.  Both benefics squaring Saturn in Gemini indicate a sharp mind/tongue/wit learned through restraint and obstacles of both the mind and communication.  It is a placement of learning focused self-expression/discipline re: love, money, balance and diplomacy.

Mars conjunct North Node of Destiny in Aquarius is the powerful knowing of an intellectual innovator that acts/reacts* (Mars/Mercury, respectively) fully on instinct.
Martin has a Grand Air Trine with Mars/NNode, Uranus in Libra and Saturn in Gemini.

Uranus/Saturn/Mars NNode circulates social/generational stream of consciousness  ideas – while driving action to change.  Keep the best and fuck the rest kind of thinking.
Saturn loves traditional think – boho Uranus in Libra upsets the popular balance, while Mars in Aquarius does the unexpected by harmonizing both via change. 


Leo Mercury is focal point of a T-Square * between Saturn in Gemini opposite Scorpio Jupiter conjunct Neptune (out of sign; 29 and 0 degrees respectively) in Sagittarius.  Clever, creative ideas are prolific, though the expression/execution may be slow to manifest recognition.

Benefic 29 degree Scorpio Jupiter is luck high when death is nigh.  Particularly when it sextiles 29 degree Virgo Pluto which is in good aspect to Saturn.  Transformative communications are the crucible to regenerative relationships, especially regarding work.
Note 29 Scorpio Jupiter/0 Sagittarius Neptune conjunction (death luck/suffering via travels; respectively) sextile 29 Virgo Pluto alludes to Bilbo’s chance of protection from the evils of the Ring of Power.  Culmination degrees are saturated with the vibration of that planet/sign.

Bilbo out riddles the Sphinx (asteroid 896) of Middle Earth – by facing challenges, guarding life, keeping secrets and using timely revelations.  Riddles are ruled by Pluto/Neptune and imho Mercury.  Martin’s focal Leo Mercury cleverly navigates a path through trick questions in order to escape from the cave (Saturn) alive.

Martin also has spiritual gifts ala Venus and Mars: both quintile Jupiter and Neptune; Venus from Earth, Mars from Air.  Specialized talents are present with all, but the finest expression is Mars Fire on Aquarius Air with North Node of Destiny.  The elements are compatible and will operate smoothly. Venus attracts while Mars is outgoing, both in quintile to a tight Jupiter/Neptune conjunction indicates artistic inclination, a talent for giving/receiving unusual communications, particularly on film (Neptune).

Asteroid Bilbo is 2991.  Currently at 8 Sagittarius.
Bilbo was discovered in a sky of 6 retrogrades: Mars on out to Pluto – all in inward (yin) revision mode.  Bilbo was tightly conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio both opposite Taurus Sun and Mercury indicating slow going peace talks re: personal and shared possessions.
Venus was in Pisces (exalted) quincunx Saturn in Libra.  Interesting as the quincunx deals with both health and change of character – altitude adjustments.  Consider the ring (Venus is jewelry) of power that did indeed prolong life, but at a cost of Bilbo’s mental health.
FYI: Martin has Bilbo at 27 Libra which may be opposite his moon which is either late Aries or early Taurus, but I don’t have his time of birth, so I cannot say.

peace out
Gneiss Moon

Father Mercury

6a00d834515b5d69e201053647af02970b-640wi“Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it’s from Neptune.”
Noam Chomsky

Described as ‘”the father of modern linguistics”, and one of the world’s top public intellectuals Noam is also an: analytical philosopher, cognitive scientist, logician,  political commentator/activist.  He has authored over 100 books, is currently Professor Emeritus at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Pandemoniumfromamerica is dedicated to him.  

I have long been a fan, the first time I heard him speak, I was blown away.  Noam is absolutely brilliant, deftly cutting through media bias and cultural subterfuge with unequalled power and grace.  Propaganda and the Public Mind: listen here.

Noam has a shining Sagittarius stellium: Mercury, Lilith. Sun, Saturn all conjunct ASC, with the whole she-bang trine Uranus Rx in Aries. Obviously he’s a very inspirational and creative thinker with a truckload of Mars backing the brains.

His ruler, Jupiter Rx in Taurus trines Neptune Rx elevated in Virgo – his 9th house of higher education and philosophies.  Neptune squares his 6th house Gemini North Node within a degree.  Noam has a very spiritual higher mind that seeks union through blowing the barn doors off grandiose, over-bearing, idiotic boundary-making in the name of power/profit.

With a strong Venusian energy, (including Jupiter conjunct Chiron Rx in Taurus) Noam is an intellectual healer leveling the playing field between all people, globally.  Moon ruled Pluto quintile Venus ruled Chiron supports, indicates same.  Venus in Capricorn in exact square to Moon in Libra (10) and in opposition to Pluto in Cancer, drive his desire to balance relationships between the powerful haves and the powerless have-nots. 

In deep gratitude & respect
I thank you
Gneiss Moon

Elf Leaf

Harvest of PurplesHarvest of Purples
Gneiss Moon

Squash ruled by Moon
Lavender; Masculine, Air, ruled by Mercury
Gemini, Virgo; secondary, Aquarius, Libra
Also: Elf Leaf, Nard, Nardus, Spike

Medicinal: Nervine, sedative, tonic.
Lavender is soothing, calms the nerves.  A few drops  of oil on bed linens, in water baths aids in sleep, eases minor aches and pains.
Lavender tea is excellent for a peaceful mood and relaxation.

Magickal: Attracts the physical and financial attention of men and women alike.
Mix with rosemary for chastity, fidelity.
Burn with sandalwood to attract helpful spirits.

Purple foods are high in antioxidants, specifically anthocyanin, which protect against cell damage from free radicals.

Peace, Gneiss Moon

Beloved Star

photo 19Mary-El Tarot

I drew this card as a culmination, a crux, a meeting place between the upcoming eclipses.  Earth (animal, vegetable, mineral, spirit) is the meeting place of these perspectives, of these solar/conscious and lunar/subconscious influences.
We are ONE Tribe: Earthkind.

Full Lunar 15 degrees Aries October 8
New Moon Solar 0 degree Scorpio October 23 (USA)
(More on these later, a million + 1 things on my plate at the mo.)

Crux of the sitch is The Star.

How I love this !
Why ?
I looked up the star-kindler, Varda, asteroid 174567.

In J.R.R. Tolkien’s mythology, Varda is the queen of the stars, the star-kindler. She is the deity who, prior to the birth of the first humans, created the stars and constellations. She also set the vessels of the Sun and Moon upon their appointed courses above the girdle of the Earth.
Ilmarë is Varda’s handmaid. source

Star is the result following earthly knowledge, the life-long building of a relationship with the material world, the Malkuth. The Star is the blessed enlightenment that follows destruction, aka The Blasted Tower.

Varda is conjunct Mars at Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse; 14 degrees Sagittarius.
Mars and Uranus are Lords of this eclipse.

*Varda was discovered (2003) retrograde at 2 degrees Sagittarius square a tight Mars/Uranus Rx conjunction in Pisces: Uranus exact at 2; Mars applying square at 1 degree Pisces. (Lords of incoming Aries Eclipse) Mercury and Venus were smack on 14 degrees of Gemini in exact opposition to the Great Attractor. (see comments)
Sun was at 29 Gemini, Nodes of Destiny on axis of Taurus(NN)/Scorpio at 29 also known as culmination degrees.  Now that IS interesting/synchronous.

We SEE, we KNOW.
We take ACTION.

Ego consciousness, illusion and delusion – in essence – perspectives SHIFT.  In the darkest aftermath of the Tower, a star of hope. a point of illumination beckons.

It is HOME.
It is the ONE.

amin mela lle
You know who you are.
Gneiss Moon