beep ! beep !

hermes_by_poly_m-d6rinm8Hermes, poly-m

Fabulous + the heavens part and the angles sing …
she also she sells
Game of Thrones Tarot here  ! ! 

Mercury rules and flies through Gemini deftly, signsmiths of words + ideas – they are flits and flirts of wit and wisdom – wryly speaking in tongues.  Magnificent mimics, they can twist and turn a perfect phrase – inflections and reflections are tricksy & bendy in this mutable air sign.  Gifts of gab and languages, including sign, are a natural adaptation born and bred of a need to exchange ideas and move messages.

Information superhighways through your neighborhood, they are the go-to folks for any and all: how-to, where-are and did-they ? !?  goodies.  Rumors and facts flow freely here, with equal billing. The flow of deets & dirt is the keynote of Mercury in Gemini.

Versatile and observant, this Mercury ferrets away information, cleverly collecting curiosities and quips for curveball conversations later.  These sparkly Gems are the Jack and Jill of all trades – lifelong learners and teachers on the move, they are avidly curious about everything from soup to nuts.  Happily, they are willing to share their wealth of knowledge with anyone within earshot.

This can be an anxious, nervous placement for Mercury – watch the hands for signs of distress, they are a dead giveaway. 
Hands still = on meds. kidding !
Hands fluttering = overly busy, still in control. 
Hands in the air & waving = information overload.  Throw chocolate, back away slowly.

Mercury is a fabulous intellectual flirt in Gemini, a bit fickle, but fun and bubbly.  Thinking can be a bit scatterbrained due to the restlessness of Mercury; superficial due to the social quality of air sign, Gemini.  To fly the friendly skies with this Mercurial Gem, polish your points of perceptions, witty wordplay, comic comebacks and have a blast !

Peter’s prowess

Tyrion-Lannister-tyrion-lannister-35417095-3333-5000Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister
Game of Thrones

How fun is it watching Peter chew lines and spit ’em out with sardonic wit week after week ?  Easily one of my favorites on GoT, he steals scene after scene, year after year.  Peter won an Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series in 2011 for the role of Tyrion.  I have loved his work since I saw The Station Agent, co-starring Patricia Clarkson, I highly recommend it.

Peter is a very earthy Gemini Sun (and Mercury – rules Gem), with 3 planets in Toro, including Moon (exalted here) and a late Virgo stellium.

Early Sagittarius Mars, Chiron in Aries are his lone fire planets – but with Jupiter nestled between Pluto and Uranus – Peter has plenty of wisdom, enthusiasm and power to attain adventurous goals.  Chiron in Aries is a powerful drive to heal wounds through understanding/seeing the big picture, while focusing on taking the single-minded  independent lead.  Mars in Sag loves to explore, learn, experience and play.

Sag Mars quintiles (genius expression) Virgo Pluto and if that doesn’t make a randy, lusty, silver-tongued devil I’ll eat your hat.  Perfect casting !  It also indicates a drive to expand philosophies/perceptions surrounding perfection on a mass scale (Mars quint Pluto trine Moon).

Virgo Jupiter neck and neck with the innovator (Uranus) and the metamorph (Pluto) craft a clever, witty and practical punch.  Pluto trines exalted Moon in Venus – ruled Toro leading to favor, attraction via steady, humble groundwork – laid patiently, skillfully, and sensually, I might add. 

Tyrion LannisterKudos to leathersmith, & artisans all – fantastic work !

Peter has Gemini Sun square late Virgo Pluto/Jupiter/Uranus leading to a tremendous inner tension forcing intellectual/communicative self-improvement.  The key is versatility inherent to mutable signs – mental dexterity, witty repartee, being calm, cool, collected in a battle of wits.

That knock-out Virgo stellium sees Jupiter in exact sextile to Neptune in Scorpio – now that is the ability to powerfully flesh out any scenes on film (Neptune).  The minutiae of  expressions Peter is capable of turning out in scene after scene is stunning. Did you catch his eye twitching when Tywin (new hand in the office) was lecturing him ?  Go back and look – amazing.  He is all kinds of fun to watch onscreen !

Venus bang on Saturn in Toro has much to do with that artistic control.  Venus rules Taurus and the arts; Saturn, discipline and control – both are well-placed in earth.  Peter’s perceptual prowess coupled with powers of mimicry – Mercurial energy is working its charm !

I’ll pop some fun vids in the comments – fair warning – plenty of swearing and skin.
If it turns you off – don’t turn it on.


the verse speaketh

Hilar !
Put it right out there buddy !
Leo Moon flair, confidence and check ME out  lol.

I once had a friend who argued “not everything means something”.
Wrong !
I get messages (Mercury) on the roadways constantly.
 (Saturn Rx in 3 trine Mars in 11 – high octave messages)

Once I was wondering “should I go to all 3 shows ?”
Just then, a license plate on a passing car read

Mercury Venus and Jupiter in Gemini – short distance commuting.
 Venus (love) sextile Uranus (God)*
Opportunity knocks for some odd love dialogues*


ps.  yes he was sexeh, I checked him out


Cate as Galadriel of Lórien

Cate is phenomenal, just adore her work . . . and she bronzed her elvish ears.
I am soOo on board with that !

Cate is a Taurus packing 5 retrograde planets: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto; indicating introverted planetary expression in the younger years while finding the personal compass.  Retrograde energies prospect their internal ground – fine tune, hone their craft well into later years, when they blossom outwardly, radiantly.

Cate’s Aries Venus is trine Mars in Sagittarius – Love of passionate FIRE – the urge to explore and express the ethical dilemmas born of the human instinct.  Mercury in Gemini (ruling; strong – also rules Virgo) opposes Sag Mars – gathering the info is only pulling back the bowstring for Cate – the possibilities are endless, but she brings the delicate minutiae to each role (Mars square Pluto in Virgo) fleshing out each character believably.

Toro Sun finds the worth of artistic expression through opposition with Neptune in Scorpio.  Neptune opposite Sun can mean a suffering, battered ego made stronger – a path of transcendence – soul and spirit wants and needs to both experience and express the depths; wrangling, funneling Mercurial communication through the Virgoan combine of self-improvement is part and parcel of healing others through common expression.

Cate has Uranus 0 degrees in (Venus-ruled) Libra –  a boho planet on a springboard Cardinal degree – signifying  a sweetly compelling yet surprisingly uppercutting rebel artistic streak.

Explanation and exploration (Mars square Ura/Jup/Plu) of human frailty reveals itself through an artistic earthbound lesson – the shades and shifts of human ethics. Cate’s artwork is passionate, courageous, surprisingly bold yet brilliantly understated.

The Lady of Light, The Lady of the Wood.

The Lady of Light bears the ring, Nenya, also known as the Ring of Adamant, the Ring of Water, which was made in the Second Age, along with the other two Elven Rings, Narya and Vilya.  Nenya is not normally visible; Frodo can see it by virtue of being a Ring-bearer, Sam tells Galadriel he only “saw a star through your fingers.”

Nenya’s power was preservation, protection, and concealment from evil.

Neptune much ? 
Preservation of life, nature.
High qi magick, spirituality.

Such is the longing of Pisces . . .gazing anywhere anyplace and anywhen . . . feeling the oceans of life, adrift and ever feeling.

Rescue, healing.

Buddhist non-attachment or barnacles encrusted.  ?
To wear a ring of power is to be alone.

I have them (Venus Neptuner) squared, in my natal.
The present energy – conjunct is sweet – gifty.

(rather than grifty)

The balance is so delicate – always – it requires / re-wires finesse.
Experience is the best teacher.

Merc Rx + Sat Rx

I am drinking it in, feeling, learning, adapting.
May the octaves of love wash waves of cosmic knowledge over you when you need a light in dark places….

Seasamin arwen en amin

American Made Midas Maven

Margaret Dunning with her 1930 Packard 740 Roadster

This lovely lady is amazing !

Margaret has been a gearhead since the age of 8 (when she first drove), she still drives her 82 year old car, she is 102, and she just won a scholarship to go back to school and finish her business degree.  Holy cow – I’ll have what she’s having !  Obviously, she’s got an Aquarian edge somewhere and some good Saturn happening.

She’s a Cancer with Moon in Aquarius.  Uranus in Capricorn with Saturn in Taurus, which I have to admit is what I went looking for, but instead was amazed by her business acumen and stunning money aspects*.  Cancers are known for business, though they are a bit more discreet than Capricorns (their opposite sign), they are on the same wavelength of gather, rinse, repeat.

Her Royal Flush / Midas touch is she is positively oozing Venus, so cool !
* Venus = $$

She is a conservative, cautious but extremely lucky gambler: Mars in Leo on the decan of Sun, square Saturn, but sextile Jupiter
Her Cancer Sun is on the decan of Moon, sextile Toro Saturn – excellent $$ instincts

Margaret has two planets ruling their signs:
Mercury in Gemini
Venus in Taurus*  conjunct North Node of Destiny (benefic)

Jupiter trines both of these planets (out of sign) from the other Venus-ruled house, Libra
Jupiter = BIGGIE SIZE ME in any aspect
Lucky Jupiter is her most highly aspected planet

Check this out: Margaret has 3 planets on the decan of Venus

Cha – ching  ! *

Factoid: Margaret served on the board of Community Federal Credit Union in Plymouth from 1962 to 1984, and was president of the board for 19 of those years.The assets of the Credit Union increased from $1 million to $40 million during those years.

So the surprise scholarship with free car care products for the gearhead who started driving on a Model T and has lovingly restored a :
– 1931 Ford Model A
– 2003 Cadillac DeVille
– 1906 Model N Ford
– 1930 convertible Cadillac DeVille

Uranus in Capricorn (business degree) on the decan of Mercury (octaves of thinking, learning, intuition) trine Toro Venus which trines Jupiter Libra (free money for going back to school).

Margaret is a real sweetheart, Venus ! * Jupiter ! Cancer Sun !  and has donated much time (see Saturn on Venus), volunteered for the Red Cross, has donated scads of money to her community, helping build a library, a historical museum, and she also runs a private grantmaking foundation.

She’s my new shero !
Cheers Margaret ~