Astrology of Clever

Fixer's manifestoSugru

Repairs/Recycle/UPcycling ruled by Uranus
See 4 above
Freedom & Independence – very Uranian !
Note also (read below) Sonia is a trained scientist (video) which is ruled by Uranus.

When I was a kid, I spent most of my time running off into the woods out back, playing in the creek catching frogs and messing around in the mud and the muck.  Not a fan of Barbie.  Somehow I ended up with one ( ? ) and not surprisingly, she was prone to idiotic naked ditch dilemmas, crying for rescue from my Bionic Man/Woman or Star Trek action figures.

For the record: I do have a Venusian vibe: Libra at MC, Venus conjunct Jupiter in Leo, Moon in Taurus.  Yes to all things creative, artistic, harmonious, beautiful – but – strong earth placements deliver practical, healthy sensibilities.

I had to share this picture/video link here on GMA.  I love the simple pleasure Sonia and her mother create by upcycling children’s freakishly over glamourized dolls into toys vastly more realistic/healthy for kids.

bratz2Tree Change Dolls Etsy Tumblr

Picture speaks volumes, yeah ? 
Here’s the video.

As an oddball sidenote: mannequins freak me right out.  Dolls are ruled by Venus and mine is an 8th house (death/creepy) Venus square Neptune (fakes).  I about jumped outta my skin once when I ran into an Iman mannequin locally.  I’m a Trekkie and a Bowie fan, so I immediately recognized her face, but I had no. idea. real people were used to fashion fake ones … until then.  eep.

Peace out
Be yourself
Gneiss Moon

freak flags

Click the link for a quickflash of Uranus ~>  freak flags.
Again, from the archives (Pluto is linked in the post below).

Uranus is square Pluto from South Node (opposite North Node) while Pluto squares all three.  (Uranus and both nodes.)

Squares aka inner friction, obstacles and tension between two energies that can be more powerful than a trine if solved because you have to work so hard to fix it !

I WILL Remain

cosmic head animatedFear.
Fear is ruled by Saturn, Neptune.  The octaves of thought perception: Mercury and Uranus also factor highly (anxiety).
Strong placements of these planets, hard aspects to them (especially Sun/Moon) will indicate a tendency toward fear (difficulty).  Hard aspects to the 8th or 12th house will indicate (repressed) fears. *

Mars strong in good aspect indicates fearlessness – the same holds true for Pluto, the higher octave of Mars, and aspects to it.

What is the primal baseline ?
1. Fight
2. Flight
3. Freeze

What actions are taken in a fearful moment depends on the natal chart.*
As well as progressions of said natal chart and transits to both.  Planetary energies will lend support and confidence or add to stress and panic to what is present in the natal.

Being a Capricorn rising (Saturn-ruled) with Mercury at high noon, Uranus conjunct Sun and Moon opposite Neptune most highly aspected with squares to the 8th, I am familiar with fear.  I have been working on it for years…now it is more akin to caution I work to keep my mega-reckless Mercury/Uranus/Sagittarius energy in check.

I will not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.

I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing….only I will remain.
Litany against fear, DUNE

Living a life full of fear, trauma and flashbacks often leads to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms outlined here and here.
How to begin healing PSTD here.  Differing forms here. 

Hard aspects (see above) to these planets may indicate fear and/or trouble involving:
Sun – life, father, children, that which you create
Moon – home, family, mother, women, emotions, public
Mercury – thinking, speaking, neighbors, children, driving
Venus – love, money, relationships, bonds, disharmony
Mars – aggression, men, competition, leading, fire
Jupiter – wide outdoors, flying/foreign, stupidity, clergy, judges
Saturn – small spaces, age, falling, breaking, caves, change
Uranus – cages, boredom, electrics, abandonment (no ground), heights
Neptune – that which is hidden/confusing, lies, lack of art/empathy, noisy crowds
Pluto – superficiality, transparency, apathy, peacefulness

Keep in mind the hard aspects ensure growth ala friction.  Trines and sextiles are fabulous grace periods but not particularly keen on forcing flowerings.  Just sayin’.

May you face your fears and remain

Gneiss Moon

Let it fly

am ScorSolarEclipse heron 002Heron on the lake morning of Scorpio Solar Eclipse, Gneiss Moon

Mars IS in Capricorn since early am today, post incoming asap.
Funny how last day of vacation creeps up.  I need to get busy.
Hauling brush to burn, cleaning garage, readying for winter months… with pauses in between to marvel at blue sky and bright red maple leaves and breathe crisp, cool air.

Tonight, I was going to run to the store, but my truck wouldn’t start, the battery had mysteriously run down.  (No doors open, no lights on and it ran yesterday.)

When my neighbor came over with a charger, he shared terrible news about a friend.
Uranus rules batteries and shocking insight.

Saturn by transit is conjunct my natal Neptuner and square my natal 8th house Venus Jupiter conjunction.  Deep sadness, heinous sensitivity coupled with the determined refusal to put up with overbearing, intrusive fuckwits while I work my ass off. 

Mercury stationing opposite Uranus while both square Pluto, is for a Virgo with 9th house Sun/Uranus/Pluto, forced altitude adjustments 24/7.  It is often hard to get my head around it, changes are so fast and furious it is hard to SEE straight for ten consecutive minutes.

Jean PhoenixJean Grey, Phoenix

Tricky mental maneuvers proliferate – one hand/half of brain blocks all entry while the other hand/half of brain is open to receive.  Cogs in the wheel grind, I am understanding to a point.  Some things won’t ever make sense (Mercury) no matter how I look at it.

Clarity rings like a freedom bell with Uranus.

Pluto forces new material into consciousness – grappling for efficiency, understanding and the  s  p  a  c  e  to do so increases exponentially.

Scorpio season with Uranus square Pluto…?
Give spirit the space to phoenix.
Gneiss Moon

Jolly Good Insight

Air no title artist
Luis Tamani Amasifuen

Libra Venus on North Node of Destiny with Sun and Mercury Rx deliver signposts into your future.  Opportunities abound to carve out your creative niche with plenty of guts & power to back it up via the Grand Fire Trine.  Love, money, messages are incoming with a plethora of Libra opposite Uranus and Venus on North Node – listen UP.

Mercury in reassess, revise, reintegrate mode in the house of harmonious partnerships redefines finesse inwardly.  Mercury Rx in Libra signals abundant navel gazing (Venus rules both Libra, navels) which will birth new growth outwardly when Mercury stations direct on the 25.  Clarity increases as Mercury moves out of shadow November 10.

Note Leo Jupiter square Scorpio Saturn (in mutual reception with Pluto) calls forth vision in the work, faith in the work, working even though the weather does not permit full visibility.  Power forward, quietly keeping your personal momentum – for creativity is on tap.  Saturn restricts, limits and seeks depth in Scorpio while Jupiter in Leo wants largess and a boatload of fun.  Find your balance while managing both.

I thought I had posted this before, but evidently the timing wasn’t right until now.  I found the image above and thought of my crystal Fulgurite (sometimes Fulganite).  I have only blown it twice; once was today, seemed appropriate.

FulguriteIt’s a roughly 1 3/4″ (4 cm) long piece of fused silica (sand) formed into a natural glass tube by lightning strike.  The temperature at exact strike has been calculated to be hotter than the surface of the sun.  The tubes are formed from the melted sand down the middle which vaporizes at electric strike.  Mine is from Egypt, long story.

This is obviously a storm manifestation stone which delivers lightning fast kundalini awakenings, purification and creative acceleration.  Fulgurite shifts physical energies into a higher frequency/vibration.  It enhances intuition and clears the path to divine purpose by clearing or attracting the energies needed for spiritual progress.

Fulgurite 2This is also a stone of spirit (latin: spiritus; Greek: pneuma; Sanskrit, prana) or breath.  It enhances communications with higher realms via the breath when blowing through the bones of the electric tube.

Fulgurite is ritually used to ‘blow away’ troubles, cloud-bust or rain-make, call higher beings or purpose, as well as assist healing diseases of the nose, ear and throat.
Vibrates to the numbers 4 and 6 (source: Melody)

Think of these communications as throwing Thor’s Hammer – they will be coming back, so be wise, prudent with what you are attracting.  Power over yourself shall prove you worthy.  [see Thor 1 if you get tangled up on that last bit.]
Interesting as I write this asteroid Wodan 2155 is conjunct Moon at 12 Cancer; asteroid Odin 3989 is at 23 Leo trine Mars.
More Norse, Odin stones (another natural stone) here.

I left the weirdest until last…beloved Uranus and the bolt from the blue, the Freak Flag waving proudly in the thunderstorm.  I love it. 

With an elixir of Fulgurite we find more focused thoughts, assimilation of vitamins A & C, and a strengthening of the thymus, tendons and neurological tissues.
In Lemuria* fulgurite and quartz were used to divide the human race into two genders.
* Continent of practical earthy peoples; foil to the more intellectual Atlantis.
Fulgurite is androgynous.  (Gurudas)

Interesting as Mercury is androgynous – picking up the energies of whatever sign it happens to land in or whatever planet it is near.  Mercury Rx is a detached perspective particularly in Libra – while closing the opposition to its higher octave, Uranus, it calls us into intellectual awareness/balance between self/humanity.
Rethinking the I Am – We Are in order to balance both.

Jolly good insight approaches.

Gneiss Moon

snowballs chance

Never tell me the odds by OKTotallyAndy Helms

Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1.

This scene popped into my head first thing when I woke up.
Mercury is statistics, counting the numbers; square Mars in Scorpio, thoughts of driving straight into likely certain death.

Likes and dislikes are Venus/Uranus

Cancer Mercury is (out-of sign) square Mars in early Scorpio and will be closing the gap over the next seven days while Cancer Venus closes the square to Uranus Rx in Aries.

Venus square Uranus
attracts the sublime radical weird
squares motivate us to reach our highest actualization
Just saying.

May the Force be with You

Homing IN

Red Fox Richard PetersRichard Peters

For two years, Professor Hynek Burda of the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany studied the hunting behavior of eighty-four wild red foxesHe discovered that the foxes have a higher success rate catching prey when their heads are oriented north.

He suggests that the fox tweaks its head position, using ear canals to ‘estimate the distance of its prey by moving forward until the sound source is in a fixed relationship to the magnetic field’.  Directional preference biology here.

Hunting was observed in different seasons, habitats, times of day and vegetation. Of 592 jumps observed, 72.5 percent of successful attacks were made when the foxes aligned themselves about 20 degrees off from magnetic north.  Attacks from other directions were mostly unsuccessful.

The study adds that grazing and resting cattle and deer prefer to orient their body axes in north – south direction.  This may be to provide constant directional reference, which helps to quickly synchronize movement of individuals in herds when danger strikes.

Fascinating ! 
I am a 9th house Virgo Sun/Uranus/Pluto, intrigued by polarities, solar magnetics, earth energies such as the Taos Hum etc..  Investigation of this natural directional preference phenomena is ongoing with me.

North is ruled by Cancer; South by Capricorn
Foxes are ruled by Mercury; Magnetics by Uranus

Mercury / Uranus are lower / higher octaves of one another, respectively.

I am Capricorn rising with Mercury at MC, Mars rising in Sagittarius quintile Uranus.  I have a great sense of direction, rarely get lost, naturally, inexplicably, ‘know’ where magnetic north is.
A friend of mine with Capricorn Moon opposite Cancer Mercury in poor aspect in the 11th has a terrible sense of direction, can’t even give directions to get to her house from work. 
Curious quirk when viewed through the lens of astrology, yes ?

From the first time I did reiki I chose / knew to orient myself North – South, with North at my back.  In my natal chart, Moon is (exalted) in Taurus in the North(west) quadrant acting as a fulcrum – opposite biggie Neptune in 11 & trine (Sun/Uranus) Pluto in 9.
Perhaps this is why I intuitively chose it as a position of starting strength. 

I have read many differing opinions regarding which direction to sit for heightened meditation, which direction provides more restful sleep, but I still choose North-South because it feels right to me.

What is your take on homing in on directions / magnetics… any ideas ?
Notice any difference…?
C’mon…Moon is in Aquarius, pop me a fly ball outta left field !
