when are we ?

Understanding the workings of the heavens gave the ancient navigators an anchor in time from which one could calculate an estimated location on a map.

Many scientists originally thought the Antikythera Mechanism, which is believed to be 2000 years old, was a piece of navigational equipment.

Little did they know it would be one of the most important scientific measuring devices ever discovered.
This video describes its shipwreck origins.




The Antikythera Mechanism is the
earliest preserved portable astronomical calculator, calculating the Sun, Moon and likely the positions of the inner planets which were known in antiquity.
The mechanism was used to predict solar and lunar eclipses.

This video shows how the gear assembly works – fantastic !
Saturn = time
Uranus = machines




peace & patience
with love


steady as she goes

Friday 31 
Mercury into Cancer 2:07am CST, USA
Mars into Gemini 5:39am

Sunday June 2
Venus into Cancer 9:13pm

Friday June 7
Neptune Rx 3:24am

Mercury and Mars are high octane at the moment – culmination degrees.
Steady as she goes cap’t…

I’m more interested in being truthful than being believed.

Detach from needing to have things work out a certain way.  
The universe is perfect and there are no failures,
Give yourself the gift of detaching from your worries and trust that everything is happening perfectly.

ps.  special, special thanks to those of you who have checked in on me.
I love you.  You know who you are. xox

Mag Neato Show

Coronal Mass Ejection !

The flare is expected to cause vibrant northern lights from the Arctic as far south as New York, the Dakotas, Washington and Michigan, with a smaller possibility of it going into Pennsylvania and Iowa, even Kansas.

The lights are currently estimated for 8 p.m. EDT Saturday arrival, with a possible deviation of up to seven hours.

Below are links to visibility around the globe.

North America
South Australia, New Zealand

The average equatorward boundary of the midnight aurora is shown for levels of magnetic activity ranging from relatively low, Kp=3,  to very high, Kp=9.

The above pic is from NASA – M 6.5 class flare 3:16am EDT April 11; leaving the sun at over 600 miles per second.  Note: we are entering solar maximum cycle, which is
expected in late 2013.

more maps, info here and also NOOA Space Weather

Previous MEGA POST Solarific Science Explosion knock yourself out !

Peace out

Cosmic Buzzz

Visions of the New Humanity

This summer, coming to a sky near you on June 5, 2012…. 

The planet Venus moves in front of the Sun.
This is a very rare event called the Occultation of Venus. 

These transits occur (approximately) every 121 years, in pairs, 8 years apart.  The next pair of transits will then begin (approximately) 121 years later, with another pair of transits.

Venus will be in what is called an inferior conjunction – Venus retrograde in between the Sun and Earth.  (The superior conjunction is when Venus is on the other side of the Sun from Earth.) These pairs of conjunctions happen in either Gemini or Sagittarius.  See the chart below, the occultation in June is in Gemini at 15 degrees.

The last of this pair of transits was in 2004 in Gemini, the transit this June will be the last for (approximately) 121 years.  These transits historically happen during shifts in consciousness such as the renaissance, the growth of industrialism, and the scientific age – they highlight creative growth on earth – this pair of transits highlights the information age, the age of worldwide communications.  It indicates a fresh start and new directions on our journey to the next pair of transits over 100 years from now…

It will be visible from North America, the Pacific, Australia and eastern Asia.
Note: Wear eye protection to look right at the sun, and get a telescope !

So let’s talk about the occultation of Venus ~ we love Venus mwahs xox !
The chart above is for the aspect when it is exact, but be aware it will be applying and separating before and after – ascendant will be shifting as the earth and sky moves.

First of all, these pairs of transits occur in the signs of :
Gemini & Sagittarius – what we THINK, and what we SEE.
Gemini is Mercury ruled, Sagittarius, Jupiter ruled.

So one pair of transits brings communications (Mercury), and the next one expands upon the energies (Jupiter rules expansion) ~ until 121 years later Venus begins the cycle again.

Venus retrograde conjuncts Sun (and Mercury) – right off we are dealing with communication (Mercury / Gemini) of solar (Sun) and harmonic (Venus) principles.
(I am counting Mercury as conjunct through transference of light, 15 degree orb for luminary, plus is occurring in Gemini which Mercury rules – is strong here)
THINKING and SPEAKING of our WILL, and what we HAVE and how we BALANCE. Conjunctions are power operating and we have communication of creative balance front and center.

Mercury rules the right cerebral hemisphere : non-verbal communication, intuition, inclusive whole picture thinking.  Venus rules love, art and money – exchanges of all three in order to create balance between opposites.  Sun is willpower, our spiritual self manifest on the physical plane.
Sun Mercury and Venus Rx ALL trine Saturn Rx in Libra – light shone on finding (global, earth, Saturn 10th) balance – financial, love and physical / mental. (Internal shifts and external global shifts are in progress at this occultation.)

I am right brain strong, (Merc MC) so you will be getting a Piscean point of view from me.  (Plus I have a big Neptuner, this will always be the case here at GMAstro.)
Consider this…are you left brain strong ?  If so, then this aspect will mean your Mars (rules left brain) will be wanting to lead the square from Virgo.  Mars rules the language, logic, critical thinking, numbers and reasoning.

Notice I said Mars will Want  to lead…the trine Will lead.

That is Mercury (intuitive brain) trine the global tuning fork (Neptune is transpersonal and global) in Pisces (safe at home plate) conjunct the healer centaur, Chiron.  Sun is benefic, Venus is benefic and if we tune our Neptuner properly, I believe it will be a benefic as well.

Venus, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are all retrograde during this transit.  That’s a shift towards the internal self, a re-invention and re-categorizing in order to create internal balance. On the menu this round is love, work, spiritual health and transformation.
Venus is a personal planet, Saturn a social planet, and Neptune and Pluto are transpersonal or generational planets.  The energies will be felt in that order, Venus first as it is personal…etc..

Mars in square to Venus signals a need to overcome obstacles to communication.  Virgo protects and serves the ‘little people’ in the corporate machinery. This aspect addresses the need for global equality and freedom of information. (Uranus in Aries)
Are we as a people being served by our elected or are we serving them ? Are you personally effectively serving yourself as well as others ?

Gemini multi-tasks but needs to have time to process the influx of information coming in and going out in order to be most effective.  Mars in Virgo square Gemini indicates a need for slow and steady (earth) acclimation to the intellectual and social environment (air).
Ninth house goes where the wind blows, ya know ?  Where is your higher head at ?  Envision your highest possible goal, our collective peak globally ~ then take action.
Video below shows the geometric orbit of Venus ~ sacred sky geometry.  The video further down has outer planetary orbits, check it out – very cool !


Seek moments of solitude – be alone with your thoughts.  Process first, then  formulate new plans of action.  This is true of the Uranus Pluto square – transformation and regeneration of direction and actions over and over in order to break down barriers.

Blade upon whetstone.  Headbutt a stonewall.
Shake it off, re-envision and re-apply force.
Revolutionary solutions in progress ~

Virgos see the details of any problem and get to work. Sort, purge, fix and make things more efficient. Virgo Mars in trine to Moon conjunct Pluto Rx in Capricorn is an aspect of our feelings publicly and personally.  We are actively seeking inner transformation of structure and foundations both personally and globally.

Aries Uranus square Pluto Rx Capricorn is brain-storming 24/7.
Aries rules the brain.  Pluto Rx in Capricorn seeks metamorphosis.

How solid and workable are the solutions long-term ?  Who has the authority and are they (you) USE -ing it properly ? Likely not, for Uranus squares Moon and Pluto from Aries and that signals change to public and personal moods (Moon).  Mars in trine outlines progress in matters of public (and personal) health and renovation, as does sextile to Neptune Rx the planet of healing and spiritual intelligence.

Sun, Venus and Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn retrograde in Libra indicates long-term solutions to finding balance personally and globally is on the table  – up for discussion.  How are our assets and worth judged – are they being judged fairly ?

Gemini will ferret out the answers, they always do.  Geminis are flexible – mentally dexterous, and clever. They generate ideas by thinking, talking and exchanging via language. They are born to pop out ideas right and left then move on to the next one.

So be aware we will (globally and personally) be sending and receiving a great deal of insightful (Sun) information at the time of this occultation.
Be alert, where the mind goes, the actions will follow !



There is a strong healing vibe in the air for this occultation of Venus.
Capricorn Moon Pluto conjunction sextile Neptune and Chiron in Pisces.

Pluto conjunct Moon by nature is an aspect of dragging up the depths for scrutiny and it signifies struggle with feelings (both public and personal) that will bring metamorphosis in status, responsibility and ambitions.  While in sextile to the healer planets it is an opportunity to find emotional relief by thinking and vibrating to the higher spiritual realms.  Think globally (Pisces is all inclusive) regarding communication and the highest forms of love and peace.

North Node of Destiny is sextile Mid Heaven.
That’s the peak experience~ the pinnacle ~ the flag raised on the summit of the world.
What is our global flag ?  BIG hint: chickenfoot !

North Node of Destiny is in Sagittarius with a strong influx of Piscean energies, meaning love and acceptance for humanity, and the exploratory urge to promote spiritual growth in all directions everywhere to infinity and beyond.  Now that IS a buzz, lol !

Sagittarians don’t want to read or think (Gemini South Node) about travel – they need to do it and SEE it for themselves.  We will be reading our maps, plotting our course and getting behind the driver’s seat for this occultation ~>

Where are we headed…?
I know where I want to go…!

om mani padme hum~

light bringer

photo: Detlef Koschny Venus transit Sun 2004

Venus trivia for stargazers:

The ancient name for Venus was ‘Lucifer’, which means ‘light bringer’, from lucem ferre.
  Venus was once thought to be two different stars, the evening star (Vesper) and the morning star (Lucifer).  The orbit of Venus forms a pentagram – click on the metaphysics of the Occultation link below for the video – it’s way cool !

Venus takes 243 Earth days to rotate on its axis – it rotates backwards – or retrograde, meaning on Venus the sun would rise in the west and set in the east.

The only planets known to have lightning are Venus, Earth, Saturn and Jupiter.  Venus is the only of these that has lightning, yet no water – instead lightning comes from clouds of sulfuric acid. The atmosphere of Venus absorbs all blue and ultraviolet wavelengths, which makes it a greenhouse planet. The surface of Venus is hot enough to melt lead at 870 degrees Farenheit : 465 degrees Celsius.  Winds on Venus travel roughly 224 miles (360 kilometers) per hour.

On June 5, 2012 USA, Venus will pass between the Earth and the Sun.
This is called the Occultation of Venus.  There have been all of 53 transits of Venus across the sun between 2000 B.C. and the last one in 2004. (NASA)

If you want the metaphysics, click here: Occultation of Venus .


If you’re in the western Pacific, eastern Asia and eastern Australia, you’ll get a great view of the entire event. North and Central America, and northern South America get the beginning of the transit (on June 5), but the sun will set before the event ends. Conversely, Europeans, as well as those watching in western and central Asia, eastern Africa and western Australia will get a glimpse at the tail end. (NASA)

Click here for the Live webcast via NASA. On June 5, 2012 USA.
I suggest you tune in – this will not happen again in our lifetimes !
The next one is in 2117.

I also found this great read, that explores the history of Venus occultations…
you may also like:
Cycles of the Heart
June 8, 2004 & June 5-6, 2012  By Nick Anthony Fiorenza

peace out peeps~

Draw the stroke

Full Scorpio Super Moon
shadow of the sacred Oak tree

Beware the oak, it draws the stroke
<~ lightning ~>

Oak is a sacred tree of Truth.

Zeus, Jupiter, Dagda, Perun and Thor

gods of rain, thunder and lightning

rule the oak

as do the goddesses
Diana, Rhea, Egeria, Aria

  The word Druid comes from the welsh word derwydd
which means

The mighty Oak symbolizes
strength, endurance and triumph.

Acorns are used to
mental, emotional, physical and spiritual

They are also used to ease pain.

Bless an acorn under this full moon
carry it and the spell will
draw fruition of creative endeavors
into your life.
The oak reaching great heights
also has deep roots
it symbolizes natural law that bridges
heaven, earth, and the underworld.

Quercus (Oak) is asteroid 8643
Read this asteroid for qualities of strength and endurance.
It is also your bridge between worlds.

Moon goddess Diana is asteroid 78
Read this asteroid as your sacred (oak) forest.
Where you hunt and are on target.
It is where your instincts are true.

It is your lunar protection for when you give birth.
Blessed be ~