
say-it-outloud-1New Moon in Virgo coming Monday (interp here) so I thought it would be a great time to mention not only thoughts (Mercury rules; also Gemini and Virgo) but also voice (Taurus and Venus rule voice; Venus also rules Libra).  Click image 2x for biggie size.

New Virgo Moon chart is Venus ruled and Venus is in the 11th (Uranus rules, natural chart) in exact trine to Uranus Rx in the 7th (Venus rules, natural chart).  Venus is also squaring Mars/Saturn exact conjunction in the 2nd (Venus rules, natural chart) indicating an obstacle to overcome, an inner need to change habits & get creative with problem-solving.

Venus is also quincunx (inconjunct) Chiron in the 6th (Virgo rules, natural chart).  The wounded centaur turned healer, herbalist, philosopher, teacher, leader and mentor of heroes looks to change UP via health or character – likely BOTH.  Venus and Chiron can inform each other from completely differing perspectives – Leo Venus WILL create, Pisces Chiron will BELIEVE.

Old cuss Capricorn Pluto is quincunx new birth Leo Jupiter – Unlearn what you have Learned.

I know.
Can’t go two days without a Yoda quote around here.  (or Han & Leia for that matter)  heh.

Also worthy of note: Gemini Hephaestus (2212) is square Virgo New Moon from the 8th – Mercury rules both signs.  Asteroid Hephaestus signals forgiveness, craft, cunning and skill.  Blazing a trail and rising to create your destiny – despite rejection – despite emotional and physical difficulties. These aspects support re-forging your life via hammering though personal ‘perceived’ difficulties by better using the power of thought and voice.

Think about it !  You can achieve maximum manifestation by setting your mind, heart and voice to the correct vibration from the start !

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”  – Marianne Williamson

Peace & Love
Gneiss Moon

Sacred Heart



Sag Venus trine Uranus Rx in Aries
Fire to Fire – inspirations incoming !

Artistic endeavors, sideways insights, shifts in love, money and personal philosophies are fired up with passion and courage to be bold – hot Hot HOT ! 
Healing surrounds all these things through personal growth via new information that shifts the belief systems. 

Seeing/thinking/feeling things differently lately ? 
We ALL are.

Six days away from the Aries eclipse, 9 from Mercury stationing Rx.

Continue reading

New Nut Neurals


Hey look, new site – cool.  Love Mobeius !
SoOo the astro . . .

Whiskers are twitching, yah ?!  Plenty of vibrations zingpinging off this & that !
Fun few days ahead and beyond.

Friday 26
Moon into Aries
4:29pm CST,USA

Moon meets up with Uranus and we start feeling it in the wee hours of the *25th.

Moon / Uranus tag team as focal point of T-square between Cancer (Moon ruled) Mercury, Mars, Jupiter; Pluto in Capricorn (Cancer – Capricorn oppose each other).
You have mail ! 
EMO mail, your favorite, right ?  Hold tight: transformation of old into new – road is rocky but it won’t be rocky long.  Eyes on the prize: head ’em UP, move ’em out !

Sun will square Saturn exact (growth through the past, tension with authority, and high qi building) Venus will trine (ease of metamorphosis via love) Pluto and sextile Cancer stellium delivering an opportunity for home & family growth via inclusion by remaining flexible (Venus in mutable).

Most of all, process – Venus is in Virgo, after all.
::: BALANCE :::

Venus opposite (peace talks) Neptuner (water, emo dreams), is soon trine to Pluto (earth to earth Manifest)

NOW is primo for delineating:
1.  This I do not want.
2.  This I DO want.


Thinking facts: Mono-tasking is actually the most highly efficient pre-frontal cortex method. Be in the ZONE. 
Concentrate – thought funnel – this ZONE leads to more happiness according to studies via the Happy DVD Just sayin’.
Mutable learning, that is to say – being flexible, open to new stimuli keeps the brain at maximum retention / efficiency.  The more you learn and increase stimulation during the day, the more vivid your dreamscapes at night.

Feed your head (Merc/Jupes; lower & higher mind) new ley lines around emotional baggage (Cancer) you need to process at a higher level while sleeping.  You will retrace your daily steps at night, thereby reinforcing your new New NEW neural pathways.
Guides will be on hand to assist you.
Beneficent Nut, Goddess of the Night Sky is ready to help lead you to your destiny . . .

Sleep heals in more ways than one !

dream well & Rise UP

Radical familiars


INTENTION – First House – Aries, Mars ruled
H e a d s p a c e
Expansion – Jupiter

Goal-directed thoughts.
No stats.
You are the scientist – you determine
How many thoughts float across your mind in a day  …  ..    .. ?

Consider each thought a burgeoning world.
We are collectively bending a new head space.
Radical familiars.

with love

sync the hemispheres

4 Hz Entrainment Audio Program 

Tibetan overtones and undulating drones sound behind a curtain of rain. This meditation is powerfully effective in stimulating a dreamlike state, while also promoting expanded awareness.


With this meditation you will achieve deep relaxation, syncopate your brain hemispheres, and activate brain power for your super-conscious mind.

lay lady ley

I have mentioned before the magnetite found in human brains.  Click here  and here for more fascinating info. If an energy surge, or drain is noticeably felt – try constant contact or grounding with the earth –  bare feet on ground is very beneficial, flat out laying on the ground is better..

I am going to get in the grass here shortly before bed, headache.  Tr. Mars exact Pluto and activating my Uranus has prompted (wavy vision, and headaches) and also more explorations into ley lines and earth energies.

For those following the sense of direction bit Perianne and I have been talking about recently: (from link above) some humans, particularly Polynesian navigators, seem able to judge direction in the absence of all obvious cues (Sun, Moon, stars, waves and so on)

Interestingly, the book I am reading mentions blurred vision is an effect of abnormal serotonin levels. The gastrointestinal tract (Virgo rules, that’s Mercury) holds 90% of the bodies  serotonin (my Virgo stellium is getting hammered by Mars now) the rest can be found in neurotransmitters of the central nervous system (Gemini rules, also Mercury).  All the benefics are in Gemini house at the moment, so am in pain, but mellow, thankfully.

I tell you this so maybe you can tune into the energies too … consider it a Uranus Pluto experiment with GneissMoonAstro …

 Current astro…

For now, keep in mind Uranus in Aries means an activation of the electrical brain (Aries rules: hemispheres are Mercury right; Mars, left.).  Uranus is in square to Pluto in Capricorn which means a changing of the earth, and how we relate to it.
 No, I am not meaning macro scale earth changes – I mean micro changes, our brains, our bio-energies in relation to the changing earth as we walk upon differing fields of magnetism present in the earth.

The human body acts as an antenna – it will pick up and absorb energies from the air (ions) and the earth.  Which polarity depends on the position of the body (we absorb horizontally polarized energies while prone; the opposite when walking around upright.)

Magnetic fields in the earth will vary depending on the type of rock, buried ore and type of fault lines nearby.  I feel the Smokies are a slower, older and wiser energy; the Rockies near the four corners is crisp and quick; the energies around the Northwest seem erratic, restless.  That’s the large scale impression I get, but every square mile has its own properties, and if you live near power lines – they attract even more electrical energies from the ground to broadcast, and this will be felt if you are sensitive to it electricity or magnetism.  See how you feel when you walk around….

I will be dowsing and watching for any weirdness – well more weirdness, that is, lol.
 I will be likely be revisiting magnetics, electricity, the brain and ley lines during the
 Ura/ Pluto squares … so check back…

peace love and solidarity through life’s polarities

funhouse of mirrors

Chunli style by Artgerm

So here’s the deal, I have this  thing  about polarities.  I have always felt it, and life seems to toss odd situations at me right and left so I can learn the yin yang of life, the duality and the separateness that lies within the cosmic sea of All One.

My astro that supports this :
Mercury (dual in gender) at MC in Libra (balance between opposites)
Uranus (polarities) elevated, conjunct Sun
Chart ruler slow ass Saturn Rx in 3rd (Gemini rules) in gung ho to go Aries
Venus conjunct Jupiter in Look At Me Leo square (hides behind) giant Neptuner

You get the drift … an astrologer once told me I had an ‘easy’ chart.  Number one, that pissed me off, basically negated my entire life struggle in 5 words or less.
Number two, she didn’t look very closely in my opinion.

I have one visible opposition, but many by nature, simply by placement of being.

Do you see them in your chart ?
The invisible difficulties.

Gemini is Mercury ruled.
Mercury rules sight.
Mercury is the trickster.
Dual.  Polarities.

Mercury (along with Uranus) rules the vibrations that govern sight.
The optic lens reverses the image for our brain. (right side up, upside down)

I love the rad illustration at the top ~
look at her Gemini hands (left and right)
and all the air flowing around her.

Gemini is air or intellect.
Fast, flirty and fun.
Flighty and fickle.
Bores easily, likes to keep the energy moving around.
The idea swap meet.
Switch hitting.

Getting the polarites here ?

Gemini rules breath.
(right and left)
Venus in Gemini needs some breathing exercises for vocalists, click !

Mercury rules the brain ~ are you left or right brain ?
(Mars rules left hemisphere , Mercury right hemisphere)

Venus is in Gemini at the moment.
Venus rules  Love.  Art.  Money.

Gemini is versatile, clever, curious and nervous (rules the nervous system).

My Venus is on fire in water, fixed.
Venus cruising through Gemini is a whole other ballgame.
Mutable air is the intellectual presto – change-o. flip-flop, kinda weird, but breezy and bubbly. I like.

How is your Venus reacting..?
What is her natural habitat in your chart ?
How does your Venus think  in Gemini ?

I am right brained by nature.
Mercury elevated in Venus ruled Libra.
Venus expanded by Jupiter in creative Leo.
Neptune most highly aspected.  Artistic.
I see pictures, learn by seeing.
(Plus Sun Virgo stellium on 9th Sag house I SEE the big picture, but Virgo ANALYZES details – polarities again, see ?)

So here at GMA, this time I switch hit & Venus gets the Virgo shake-down science style.
Practical.  Logical.  What’s love got to do with it ?

Venus in Gemini is an opportunity to hop the fence and live the other side awhile.
Ya know, try it out, bust outta the box a bit.

In my case do story problems or something rational.
Yea right 4 people get off 6 people get on 5 miles later and how far till Albuquerque  always wanted to say ‘why’d ya get off the damn bus to begin with / take a fuqin taxi already !  Love numerology – hate math.  ta da !  polarites !

You get where I am going with this polarities business right…?
Venus is going to flip – flop !

Venus stations retrograde
24 degrees of Gemini on Tuesday May 15, 9:33am CST,USA

Venus stations direct
7 degrees of Gemini on Wednesday June 27 10:07am CST, USA

Retrograde motion means Venusian energies get shifted inward.

We will reflect (again polarities !) revise, and revision how we create love art money.
How we attract (Venus attracts) these things and  what is  our law of attraction ?

Do we really even want what we think we want ?

Appearances can be deceiving.
Mercury ruled Gemini house is the fun house of mirrors  with Venus in residence.

Go to your Taurus house, Libra house, Gemini house.
This will tell you where your thoughts will be dwelling during Venus retrograde.
…more on this later…

Thought precedes action.
Going visual again…
Jedi hand wave, “you want to go home and re-think your life.”

When Venus retrogrades – brainstorm !
::: try drawing on the right side of the brain, use color.
::: strategize, list by numbers , pros / cons, be rational.

Blessed be ~
The Divenusian.

dexterious complexities

To make biological survival possible, Mind at Large has to be funneled through the reducing valve of the brain and nervous system.  What comes out the other end is a measly trickle of the kind of consciousness which will help us stay alive on the surface of this particular planet.  To formulate and express the contents of this reduced awareness, man has invented and endlessly elaborated those symbol – systems and implicit philosophies which we call languages.
~Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception

Newborn Mercury direct in Pisces today, energies are in flux a bit until the dust settles.  (Case in point, first edition of this post vanished.)  The Pisces house in your chart will be getting an influx of ideas, a need to express and communicate.  Also look to your natal Mercury and the aspects it makes – energies there may be sputtering a bit until Mercury finds its groove.

Where does your Mercury live and how does it operate ?

Is your Mercury fire and active shoot from the hip / lip Mercury…or in earth and slow and a more steady and practical Mercury ?  Is your Mercury in air and intellectual, socially aspiring…. or is your Mercury in water and intuitive, emotional and romantic ?

Is Mercury in a cardinal sign and initiating action; in fixed and building slow and steadily; or in mutable and flexible, adaptable ?

Where is Mercury in relation to the horizon ?  Above the horizon makes Mercury extroverted, below the horizon it is more introverted.

Mercury Rx in the natal is an introverted Mercury that needs encouragement to bloom fully.  It will be inwardly very active until circumstances in life will force it to become extroverted later in life.

Mercury rules perception, language, maps, logic, how we learn, dexterity, sight, smell, traveling, neighbors and the right cerebral hemisphere. 

The right cerebral hemisphere is non – verbal, intuitive.  It thinks in terms of pictures and patterns – it is inclusive, whole sight.  Right brain does not think in terms of numbers, letters, words or reductions and categories.
(The left hemisphere is ruled by Mars; Aries rules both hemispheres as a whole.)

Stop & Think.
Where is your Mercury ?
Where is your Mars ?

……thinking…….in pictures………tune in the right brain feelers….

Does that flesh out your whole brain  a bit for you ?

I’ll grease the gears by using myself as an example.  Mercury in Libra (Cardinal Air) at MC, sextile Jupiter.  I speak well, and often, lol.  I prefer speaking over writing, because my Mars is in Sagittarius (Mutable Fire, Mars above horizon in 11) quintile lightning fast Uranus.  Uranus rules complexities, Mars desires – now !

Saturn Rx lives in Aries, my 3rd (Gemini house – Mercury rules) of communication and while Saturn Rx (trines my Mars) steadies my mind and writing ~ it is like rather like trying to funnel the cosmos (Sag is my 12th house sign) through the eye of a needle when I write.  aka. brevity..?..define brevity..!?

So when you leave here…please ponder your right brain Mercury.
The quiet, intuitive, pattern – seeing, inclusive Messenger.
….and see where it leads you…..
