Genetics & Karma

Fourth House
Natural House of Cancer
Moon Rules

The fourth house determines
how and where we feel
at home, safe and secure
it is where we rest.

It is both the womb and the tomb.

Fourth house is family
particularly the mother or care-giver
the roommate
hotels and motels
the place of birth
and fixed unmovable possessions.

It is the genetics you inherit
and the land you live on.

Your privacy and your private matters
live in the fourth house.

Fourth house is agriculture, produce
farmers, gardeners
fields, growers
and buried treasures.

The breasts, stomach
digestion and the uterus are fourth house.

Real estate, property damages
public buildings
and the political party (or persons) opposing the government
are all fourth house.

It is personal spiritual security, and self-rehabilitation.

Fourth house is midnight
the well of psyche
it is where and how we relax

 to find balance.


Tenth House
Natural House of Capricorn
Saturn Rules

Tenth house determines how
we use
our inborn talents to achieve success in life.

Tenth House is adulthood, honors
fame or infamy
our status
in the world at large.

Tenth house rules the
working parent with the primary income,
the authoritarian in the home
with the highest rank. 

Tenth house is the career,
administration, business, chief executives
chairmen of the board,
and the boss.

It is presidents, prime ministers, monarchs
government officials
the political party in power.

Tenth house is popularity, esteem, promotions
rank and public reputation
it is how
the public at large sees you.

It is ambitions, goals, notoriety
and the rewards of karma.
Tenth house rules the
bones, knees and teeth.

Tenth house is high Noon
the Midheaven,
the Zenith,
the pinnacle
at the top of the mountain.

It is the structure you seek to build
your life upon.

It is
how and where
you make your mark
in the world.


zig zag moon

I went all Virgo persnickety on my yard today – mowed, and yanked a ton of weeds so this dark Virgo moon I can rest easy knowing my inside and outside chores are done.  A happy Virgo is a Virgo with work completed (Virgo is the sign of work and service).
The cool thing is what stopped me dead in my tracks ! 
I brake ( break ! ) for critters.

I just had to get a pic of this most beautiful, groovy (Saturn-ruled) spider and her web.

How appropriate my new spider friend is a Nephila, or ‘fond of spinning’, as I have been having a weird spun-out, emotional weekend.   Transiting Jupiter is nearly conjunct my natal 4th house Moon/Neptune opposition my emotional geiger counter is c-c-clicking !
I need a distraction, so here are some pics (Neptune) from my home (4th house) !

Golden silk orb-weavers  are sometimes referred to as writing spiders due to occasional zigzag patterns called stabilimenta  (web decorations) built into their webs.  There are many theories as to why the spiders spin such patterns, such as they make shiny UV attractors, excess silk, but the coolest theory is because they like the patterns, it is their spider artHow cool is that ?!

I’m going with aesthetics, because I once saw a large web with a teeny-weenie miniature web (just like the big one) in the far upper right corner of the web.  I often wondered if it was a practice web, wall art or maybe a guest bed…who knows..?!  I keep an eye out just in case I see another someday.

If my theory is true, it would mean spiders are not only Saturn-ruled, but also Venus (art) ruled.  This particular spider often kills her mate, so better toss in some Mars and Pluto as well.
What do you think….?

I looked up spider totem, and it is spot-on because I wasn’t even going to post this evening….and just as I waited for the page to load, I glanced at the clock- 11:11 !   (manifestation time)
So groOovy…let’s all see the web of life during the dark Virgo Moon !

Spider helps understanding of illusions and reality, spiritual and physical balance, awakens sensibilities and weaves influences in development in your own world, stay focused on the center of things.  Spider is gentleness and strength and will remind you of this pattern. She also will aid in communications and the written word.

Gaia breathes

Odd that after my ‘breathing‘ post the other day, I was wondering why I didn’t think of including info about how the Earth breathes….then the US gets earthquakes.  She has been breathing for millions of years; very slowly, and at a lower vibration than humans, but breathing nonetheless.

See Pangea at left for a visual of how the continents looked millions of years ago, before plate tectonics moved the earth by the addition of new ground rising up, and older pushing below.

From Aug 22-24, several earthquakes hit regions where they do not normally occur.  Several small pre-cursor quakes out in Cali– nothing new there, they take their juice shaken most days anyway–then a 5.3 near the Colorado/New Mexico border, a few small ones near the New Madrid fault, then soon after a 5.8 in Virginia.

(Click here for USGS, then click animation to view the sequence of recent earthquakes)

I have been reading Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home by Rupert Sheldrake. In his book, he mentions earthquake prediction via animal behavior, also known as Etho-Geological Forecasting.

Chart for the time of quake indicates chart ruler, Pluto (earth shifts) in Capricorn (material world), in square to Uranus (vibrations,quakes) in the 4th house of home and property, in square to Mars (energy) which is in opposition to Pluto.  Mars (activity) square Saturn (bedrock, Earth), which is also square Pluto.  Be aware these aspects are in cardinal signs (crisis, activity, action).
(see big red square)

There is also a grand Earth trine involving Jupiter (expansion), Venus (sensations) and Sun (government buildings) with metamorphic Pluto.

How to reduce earthquake dangers.

Hypersensitive Adaptation

“My belief is in the blood and flesh as being wiser than the intellect. The body-unconscious is where life bubbles up in us. It is how we know that we are alive, alive to the depths of our souls and in touch somewhere with the vivid reaches of the cosmos.”  – D. H. Lawrence

Spoken like a Virgo with Scorpio rising, Pluto (chart ruler) conjunct Neptune.  D.H. Lawrence has Virgo Sun conjunct Jupiter, Uranus, North Node in the 11th house (natural house of Aquarius).  He was visionary; a very creative thinker, writer.

I find it so interesting that by following my heart, I have perfectly played my astrological hand, walked my astrological map- including the pitfalls, without consciously doing so.  What I love about learning astrology is it has explained so much about my habits and tendencies.  Astrology has given me the tools to be pro-active in charting my own course to physical and spiritual healing.  I am hoping through reading this site, I can help you do the same.

My friend Rhonda introduced me to Craniosacral Biodynamics, and having Moon opposite Neptune in the 11th, and Sun conjunct Uranus, I find this fascinating.
Body fluids are ruled by Aquarius and Uranus
movement of the body fluid is ruled by Moon and Neptune. 

The intention of craniosacral work is to encourage the cellular breath to move freely, without restriction, thereby allowing the life-giving oxygen, ions, and vital fluid to flow thoughout the body.

The cellular breath, or The Breath of Life produces a series of subtle rhythms (rhythms are Moon and Neptune ruled) that may be palpated in the body and which make up an integrated physiological system. At least three subtle rhythms have been identified in this “primary respiratory system”, each having a different rate and producing rhythms within rhythms.

These three “tides” are referred to asthe cranial rhythmic impulse; a more superficial rhythm expressed at an average rate of 8-12 cycles per minute, the mid-tide; a tidal rhythm that carries ordering forces into the body expressed at a slower rate of approximately 2.5 cycles per minute and the long tide; a deep and slow rhythmic impulse expressed about once every 100 seconds. The long tide is considered to be the first stirring of life and motion as the Breath of Life emerges from a deeper ground of stillness at the center of our being.

This same ‘breath of life’ takes place on a larger scale in the oceans of the Earth via thermohaline circulation.  It is like a giant ocean deep water conveyor belt transporting enormous volumes of cold, salty water from the North Atlantic to the Northern Pacific, and bringing warmer, fresher water in return.

Salt water oceans make up 71% of the Earth’s surface, the human body is more than 60 percent water. Blood is 92 percent water, the brain and muscles are 75 percent water, and bones are about 22 percent water.

Scientific studies cannot prove the rhythms of the Moon influence water in the human body, or that the Moon has an influence on humans at all, for that matter; but they cannot prove astrology either, and I know it works.  I know astrology works because I have seen it working in the charts of myself, my family, and those people I admire.

Look for any aspects to Mercury, Gemini, or Jupiter to indicate the quality of your breathing.  Look to aspects to Uranus, Aquarius, Moon and Neptune to indicate the rhythmic movement of blood, or water in your body.

I have Neptune both opposite Moon, and square Leo meaning in my chart I may have to watch for heart trouble, as Leo rules the heart, and Neptune bodily fluids.  I have also learned to be attuned to emotional balance as my Moon is in the 4th house (natural house of Cancer- rules the stomach) and can cause vague (Neptune rules the hidden) stress induced illness.  I have Saturn (restriction) in the 3rd house (natural house of Gemini). 

Mercury, Gemini and Jupiter rule breathing in the astrological chart.

I spent many years smoking on and off, and haven’t smoked now in several years.  My Saturn placement is a red flag for lung issues, so good thing I quit.  (not that I recommend smoking for any placement, I don’t)

The first step to health is prevention.
Like the Bene Gesserit from Dune, I know humans can bend the life force towards health and well-being through concentration and will.

In the Bene Gesserit tradition, Sisters received many years of training in prana/bindu body control. They were capable of entering a trace-state, altering metabolism and slowing heart rates to neutralise toxic chemicals in the body on a molecular level.  Bene Gesserit are trained in “the minutiae of observation”, noticing details that the common person would miss in the people and environment around them. When combined with their analytical abilities, this “hyperawareness” makes the Bene Gesserit capable of divining secrets and arriving at conclusions that are invisible to everyone else.

It’s no surprise I love Dune and reading of the Bene Gesserit, as I have a Virgo stellium and giant Neptuner, both leading me to be conscious of physical and spiritual health.
The first step to balance is awareness.
May the road to health rise up to meet you…
