Agile Analysis

andrew-lincoln-001Andrew Lincoln

I love, Love, LOVE The Walking Dead.  Crazy mind fuq tv.  See prior TWD posts here. 

Andy is a Virgo Sun, Aries Moon with a tidy T-Square between Scorpio Venus opposite Taurus Mars both square focal planet Jupiter in Aquarius.  Reserved (ala Virgo), but packing an underlying intensity of drive, purpose and intellect.

Mars in Taurus is relentless, will not back down or give an inch re: work, love or money.  Great work ethic and when working high qi, aggressively practical, peacemaking and commonsensical.  They are patiently cool as a cucumber until their Mars gets ahem aggravated, then all bets are off. Hair-trigger monster you can’t stuff back in the box.  (Familiar, Toro Moon here.)  Tapping this obviously works in his favor during zombie apocalypse freak-outs.  Killer Within –  stunning, brilliant scene, well done.

Venus in Scorpio, always an interesting placement, is in detriment aka opposite its ruler and immediately in peace talks to express itself well.  Scorpio doesn’t always excel at diplomacy being a sign of power struggle.  (I have a similar energy, Venus in 8th.)  While Venus trines Saturn in Cancer (also in detriment restricting/refining emotions) delivering an emotional depth and steadiness, it squares Jupiter in Aquarius which indicates periods of high energy expansion followed by separation.

Mercury/Pluto in Libra in tight trine to Jupiter Rx in Aquarius (all within 3 degrees) indicates a powerful transformative thinker; relationships with faith, honor and trust and the balance of same deliver mental transmutation/mind-expansion in odd unusual ways.  Resiliency of thought, perceptions, viewpoints while also tuning into the subtle vibrations of a group.

Aries Chiron opposite Uranus in Libra, is a lightning bolt of unusual awareness when dealing with justice and weighing all the options.  Thinking & acting fast with precision (Chiron quintiles Saturn) offering family and bonds where there were none.  Uranus in quintile to North Node in Capricorn also magnetizes steady work, unusual alliances and unexpected balance and harmony through the same.

Saturn is focal point of a yod aka receiving pressure from Neptune in Sagittarius (which sextiles) Jupiter in Aquarius – bonds of family/genetics, home/work, film/teaching.
Ok, here comes the perspective shift – I love it that everyone who is part of TWD says it is everybody’s show, they feel like family and they feel like we are family too.

Saturn is structure/rules and Cancer is family – this is revealed in TWD by a code, a pact, an alliance – no one gets in unless they answer the questions correctly.  This focal Saturn is a brilliant expression of a tool they have used to survive as a family.
Andy’s Saturn squares Mercury tightly conjunct Pluto in Libra; squares Pluto exact.
Mercury rules questions; Pluto, death.

Here are Rick’s questions:

How many walkers have you killed?
How many people have you killed?
Why ?

Amazingly succinct astrological synchronicities, I love it.

In closing, Andy has Venus in Scorpio at 1 degree which means he has new beginnings in store at the New Moon Solar Eclipse at 0 degrees Scorpio on October 23.
Well done, can’t wait to see the new season !

Peace out
Gneiss Moon

Gifts of Millstones

shoulders_skatz-hates-norman-reedus*Capricorn, Norman Reedus
(note cheekbones, facial structure)*

After my marathon induction into The Walking Dead, I ran up Norman’s chart since the archer, Daryl had some weird accident co-incidences with one of my brothers (the eldest).  It turns out Norman himself has some weird accident coincidences with my youngest brother as well.  For the record, I don’t want to give the impression I only enjoy Norman’s work on The Walking Dead because that is not the case at all – I enjoy the entire cast and their work immensely.

The Walking Dead speaks to me of the current aspect Uranus square Pluto all over (high octane personal metamorph 24/7), as well as my specific aspects Mercury (walking) Sun/Ura/Plu in 9.  I find TWD incredibly dense, emotionally rich, psychologically intense & surprising.  Every single episode delivers new perspectives and ideas to chew on afterwards – I love it  – fantastic work writers, cast & crew – thank you.

The Michonne scene I refer to here, for instance.
Who is the walking dead ?
Damn. whoa.
Reality check.

I was wondering how working on TWD has changed cast members (specifically Norman’s) viewpoints on life and death.  Probably because TWD changed mine – for the better.  (No deets, it’s private.)  Then it occurred to me the car wreck Norman survived in 2005 (imdb) was likely more of a catalyst in that philosophical realm.

Norman was passenger (Gemini/Mercury/3rd rules) in a car that was hit by an 18 wheeler, he went through the windshield, sustained serious head injuries and survived. My youngest brother was not so lucky, he died in a car crash and his daughter had severe brain trauma sustained from their wreck.  (She is doing very well now after years of hard work, thank you.)

I read about Norman’s titanium eye socket, and being a curious regenerative astrocat, I had to hunt up the deets to see what Norman’s transits and progressions were in late Feb of 2005.  Only then the similarities between Norman’s chart and my brother’s dawned on me, so here I am, writing another accident astrology post for Mars Rx in Libra.

Mars Rx in Libra is researching self-reliance, resiliency and balance, reconciliations, re-thinking how, where and when to re-apply force.  It is the study of creative directions.
Bringing Balance to the Force.
C’mon…you had to know I was gonna go there, right ? lol

Mars rules accidents. Incidentally, transiting Mars Rx was applying conjunct my natal Uranus at the time of my brother’s death – he was a double Aquarian.

millstone Yeong-Hao HanYeong-Hao Han

First – full disclosure: This Capricorn Rising failed her Saturn return.
Saturn was smack on my natal Aries Saturn Rx when my brother died, my niece landed in the hospital near me for months on end, while my family tried to gain custody of her. Prior to that my folks house caught on fire, and they were both diagnosed with cancer.  Pretty heavy stuff.
I could have handled it better, but then hindsight’s 20/20 isn’t it ?  My own years of debilitating sickness followed Saturn return and I have worked slowly, steadily since then to improve my mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.
Astrological know-how has been immensely helpful along with savvy card reading, I can see hard times coming and prepare.  I know how long I have to grit my teeth and deal until the transit passes.

What you read here at GMA are gifts of the millstones.
I finally figured out how to work Aries Saturn Rx trine Sag Mars at the backdoor properly – less going on tour, more quiet spiritual work.

Heads up under 30 peeps, learn your lesson from me – Saturn return will test you.
Work hard, stay clean, use your head, ask for help if you need it and you’ll be fine.
There is a Saturn return calculator on the sidebar.  (Usually around ages 29, 57, 85)
BroThis is my youngest brother with snake (Scorpio rising).  I neglected to mention earlier both of my older brothers were/are archers, crafting longbows and recurves.  So yeah, weird similarities with Norman, who I hear is an excellent shot with a longbow.  I dig it.

Now, onto the similarities…
First, my brother’s natal T square + Saturn aspects:
Aquarius Moon/Sun/Venus and Mercury in 3 opposite Pluto Rx in Leo most elevated.
Mercury & Pluto square Mars (strong, conjunct ASC from 12) – Mars is focal planet.
Pluto is ruler.

Third house luminaries square Saturn in Scorpio 12th; Moon exact.
Third house/Mercury rule short distance travel.
My brother died about a mile from his house, though he nearly died years before in  Florida (Pluto 9, long distance travel) when he was 25 or so, got filled up with metal then, after that wreck.

Accident deets:
Mars Rx in Mercury-ruled Virgo applying square to Prog Mars
Prog Sun exact conjunct natal Mercury square natal Mars
Prog Moon square natal Jupiter, prog Mars
Transit Pluto Rx applying to ASC, square prog Mercury
Transit Jupiter exact natal Sun square natal Saturn
Transit Uranus applying to natal Moon square natal Saturn
Transit Chiron Rx square natal Mercury, square transit Neptune
Transit Mercury square natal Uranus Rx

Lots of squares, indicating very restless energies looking for expression.
Most definitely a time for caution, being on guard, circumspect.

norman_reedus_daryl_dixon_vest_from_the_walking_dead_2_1Now for Norman, pictured above with one of his many crossbows.

Norman reports his wreck happened when he was headed home after an REM gig during the Berlin Film Fest in February of 2005, so I ran up the progs and transits to see what came up for Feb 14, 2005.
First off, Mercury (rules passengers) square Mars can indicate traveling accidents.
Mars in Scorpio is regenerative power and transmutation, possibly brushes with death when Mars is under tough aspects and transits/progs activate them.

The likelihood of another Mars focal point is what caught my eye.
For the record, I think Norman’s a Scorp rising (puts moon early/mid teen degrees).
He has 3 deamon tats, Omen is one of his fave movies, generally known for playing killers, gunmen etc…

Norman’s natal Mars (accident) deets.
Natal Mars in Scorpio square Mercury (similar).
Mercury opposite Leo Moon (how tight this aspect ?, tricky – Moon moves quickly)
Mars square Leo Moon. (Again, tricky, but I give a wider orb with the luminaries.)
He also has Sun square Saturn in its fall in Aries.  Aries rules the head; also Germany.

Accident deets:
Transit Mars square natal Jupiter
Transit Mars square prog Venus
Prog Mercury square natal Mars
Transit Sun/Mercury square natal Neptune
Transit Saturn Rx square natal Aries Saturn (progressed Saturn exact)
Transit Pluto square natal Pluto
Transit Chiron applying to natal and progressed Mercury

There was an Aquarius stellium at the time of Norman’s accident.
Venus/Neptune conjunct within one degree; Sun/Mercury exact conjunct – Jupiter trine all of it from Libra.
Triple benefics (Sun, Venus, Jupiter) at work.
North Node of Destiny and transit Pluto in exact trine in fire signs (energy).
This is good.
A friend (Venus/Aquarius) translated for him, Norman had surgery and lives to tell the tale. Interestingly, Norman actually ditched his hospital stay early, flew back to LA to film the autobiographical short film, Meet Me in Berlin, linked below.
Interview here.

Interesting dude.
I like him.

Peace out
Gneiss Moon

sidewinder samurai

Michonne WDDanai Gurira as Michonne, The Walking Dead

Samari warrior woman – silent, deadly.
First things first.  MARS. 
I had to know. Here’s the deal with the blade (Mars) of her natal.  Ready ?
Mars Retrograde in Cancer.  Backwards & in its fall.

Coming from someone (me) who has her ruler (Saturn) backwards and in its fall (in Mars ruled Aries) – I love seeing someone dealing well with a tough Mars energy  placement.

Retrogrades mean the energy is primarily expressed inwardly – incubated, percolated, until perfected, then it is expressed outwardly, brilliantly.
A planet in fall is opposite the sign it works best in. Imagine energy being born into peace talks.  Compromise before action aka slowed expression.

Mars in Cancer is fire on water – obviously covert ops, work gets done via the backdoor, sidewinder.  Danai has Mars trine Uranus in Scorpio, meaning lightning fast instincts, reflexes (Uranus) powerful feeling (Moon, gut) based intel drives actions.  Danai also has Mars quintile North Node of Destiny in Libra signaling genius expression of Mars energy in partnerships, relationships.  Progression in tandem with others.

Expressing female power in all its moods and swings is incredibly transformative and rewarding.  Mars is in a Moon (waxes, wanes) ruled sign, Plutonic power is in a Venus (scales balance) ruled sign.  The juxtaposition and friction created between the hard/tough and the soft/forgiving is a source of great power and growth in Danai’s chart.

Aquarius Sun is quincunx Cancer Mars, leading to friction surrounding the intellectualizing of emotional expression and vice versa.  Expressing tribal (global)concepts, as they relate to personal (family, kin) experience requires adaptation and improvisation.

I would also like to point out Saturn stationed retrograde at 23 degrees Scorpio exact trine her natal 23 degree Cancer Mars Rx.  Changes re: work and daily routine involving long-term career that will work out well in the long run (trine).

Incredible scene.
Sublime realization.
Well done.


Rolling Thunderboil

normanNorman Reedus also here

I gave myself the Walking Dead for Full Leo Moon in my 8th house for VDay.
Marathon of intensity for Lunar rush between my Venus/Jupes.  I loved it immediately, particularly when the phrase “we have been through so much, but I hardly know you” came up.  Very Saturn in Scorpio, Uranus square Pluto – cut to the chase, work to be done, the rolling thunderboil.  It resonated, was exactly what I needed.

Daryl is such an interesting character, I read Norman wanted him to have a heart of gold under that rough past, made it happen onscreen.  Savvy Moon in Leo (rules heart) touch, I love it.  Well done.

Norman showing some IL love right onNorman is a Capricorn Sun square Saturn (refined) in Aries (action), with Mars (rules Aries) well placed in Scorpio (ancient ruler, regenerative power) in trine to Venus exalted in Pisces.  Quiet strength, resilient, fair – ready to kick ass into high gear metamorphosis when need be, also good senses re: heart of what matters.

Scorpio Mars square (internal tension) Mercury (communications) exalted in Aquarius, brain gears running rebel warp speed, yet not oppressive or showy but intense.  He speaks volumes when he doesn’t speak at all (see rolling thunderboil).  Late Virgo Pluto (Rx) out of sign conjunct Uranus conjunct Jupiter in early Libra – sweet rolling trines to earth Sun and air Mercury by transference of light.  Practical balance, exploring the intellectual intensity of relationships (Venus square Neptune).

Norman Reedus WD
Sideways, interesting divinations.

In a close up in the episode I was just watching (3/7), I noticed Norman has two moles on the left (private) side of his face near his mouth.  Moles are metal, considered lucky on the face, I have one on my left also – we will age well. More face reading info in previous posts here.

Jupiter (archer, travel) is conjunct Uranus (adoption, friends) in Libra (partnerships) which is well suited to both Daryl and Normans journey. Norman has spent many years traveling the globe since he was young – travel make camp, then pick up and move on.  Living the 5 life path dream.

Mercurial, (rules 5, and is exalted in Aquarius) thoughtful, kind…he says and does interesting things that shifts my perspective into high qi. He also likes cats (Leo Moon) which is always a plus in my book, having plenty of Leo myself.  Here he is with Eye in the Dark.  I’ll pop a vid in the comments as well.

Norman and Eye in the Dark

Scorpio Neptune trine 29 degree Pisces Chiron finds healing via discernment of emotional connections between all living things.  Very strong healing vibe worked well through the vehicle of film, (Neptune rules) both behind and in front of the lens.

Mercury exalted loves the intellectual perspective shifts creation delivers.
Venus exalted loves the emotional transcendence.
Norman is the best of both worlds, brilliant and compassionate.

The chosen work of the artist is always evident in the natal, as well as the person themselves.  I find it endlessly fascinating how we all manifest spirit through our work on earth. (Sun is spirit; Saturn, rules Capricorn, earth and work)

Norman archery

Interesting also – my brother was punctured by his arrow in a fall, pulled it out himself and hauled his ass outta the woods, alone.  Deets, story in previous post here.  Norman’s Leo Moon (actors, drama) is conjunct my brothers triple Leo Pluto Mars Saturn.

I came back specifically to edit in this amazing pic.
Norman Reedus bein all tactilePeace out ass kickers