gets brains storming


Chris Samnee

Nothing has greater power than an idea whose time has arrived.
Victor Hugo

Mercury in Aries

Mercury rules the brain
Hemisphere rulership is split 
Mars rules left hemisphere – Analytical
Mercury rules right hemisphere – Creative

Mercury in Mars-ruled Aries cuts to the chase.
It thinks on the fly – the highly analytical revolving door of ideas spins like a top in this sign.  Like most fire signs, they tend not to filter.  Words pop out in fits of passionate interchanges, they keep the communication superhighway HOT.

Driven by a need to be THE FIRST to say, think, + lay tread on new intellectual roads, they are adept at speed.  Speed reading, speed pattern recog + connects, Mercury in Aries is an enthusiast of IDEAS rather than a philosopher who ponders them. (Sag)
Genius extroverts, they get brains storming – then ditch that idea for the next new thing.

Aggressive speech, thought is due to the Martian influence – witty banter brings out their best game.  Mars is the blade, after all.  Negotiation, sharing of thoughts, seeing other perspectives is hard for this impulsive, ego-driven Mercury placement. They are impatient, but have lively minds full of sudden insights and flashes of fired-up clarity.  They make great life coaches full of inspirations, quips.
Mercury in Aries is adept, agile with advice on how to GET MOVING + DO IT !


ps. How about weird brain pic – is Wolverine.
Fantastic feral Mars Mercury represent !


Julian Lennon

(edit. bulk of this post originally posted 6.1.12.)*

I have loved Julian since Valotte, have written about him here at least twice before, but only just today* looked at his natal chart.  Julian recently released Everything Changes, his first album since 1998.  He is active in charity work including his own White Feather Foundation (named for something his father told him), he produced Whaledreamers, a doco about an aboriginal tribe in Australia and its special relationship to whales. (wiki)
My library has it, love it !  He has been making music and creating for 30+ years, if you want to start from the beginning, go to Hey Jules for all sorts of groovy backstories.

Timothy White Photography

While snapping photos during a surprise visit on his brother (pictured above) Sean’s 2007 tour, Julian began to take photography more seriously.  With encouragement from his friend, photographer Timothy White (see link above), Julian had his first, highly successful photography exhibition “Timeless” in NYC in 2010.

Timeless, (above) was taken while on tour with Sean.  It most definitely speaks to my 12th house Sag Mars. . .traveling the open road at night. Obviously it speaks to Julian’s 12th house Aries/Jupiter as well.  I love it !

I had to include Blue Moon, (below), yet another favorite of mine which had me dreaming in cerulean blue for several nights. Julian’s landscapes, particularly the clouds (Neptune rules, angular in 7th, strong) feel like gentle tides which build to a roar of surf – heady heartfelt moments of insight into our Mother Earth…powerfully, quietly taking care of business.

Prints of Julian’s collections are available here.

Love this pic of Julian below  – composition, color + pop in a couple of mystical glyphs  on a handsome fella and we’re good, people.

Rune: (Birch) Berkano, stillness, sanctuary, strength via rebirth – earth goddess
Jupiter: exploration, enthusiasm, optimism, truth, luck and growth

Some wingnut tried to rise my ire a coon’s age ago about Julian’s astro.  I knew the minute I saw this pic he already knew his score.**  Also, for the nutters out there  pitching fits and smacking the term ‘illuminati’ (means enlightened, not the evol ) on everything  symbolic, get a library card, try reading a few books please and thank you.

Julian is Aries Sun, born under a gibbous (nearly full; strong) Libra Moon.  Exalted Aries Sun opposite Libra Moon is ego self vs the public persona (Moon).  The desire for perfection, and the expectation of culmination must be balanced with the realization that compromise and co-operation is the way to highest potential.  Strength through working and playing well with others is key.

Being at odds with how the public (moon) perceives him is a large undertaking in this lifetime – his Libra Moon (others) opposes Aries Sun (self) and  **Jupiter on the high octane 0 degrees Aries point.  He is dealing with 4 strong oppositions involving Sun, Moon and Venus.  Creative expression is inherently a juggling act of awareness and compromised relationships with others.  Collaboration, when sought, is likely very rewarding.

I mentioned Jupiter on the (Mars-ruled) Aries point – it is trine Mars in Leo which is powering his whole chart with creativity from the 5th – Mars also trines exalted Aries Sun.  Independent risk-taking, single-minded goals, extreme sports, being a cheeky monkey (his words) are all power driven by the need to have fun, explore, achieve and move on to the next goal.

Anything on the Zero degrees Aries point is a huge outrush of that planetary energy – Jupiter here exponentially expands vibrations of teaching, philosophy, understanding, healing (12th) through actions.

I have already been on this like hair on ape – if you wanna climb on the comparison  soapbox, I suggest you read this first.
Then find the door.  Alllrighty then.

Julian has Venus (art, creativity) exalted and conjunct Chiron in Pisces in trine to Scorpio Neptune Rx.  Obviously musically talented, creative and sensitive.  (Moon is also in a Venus ruled sign, Libra)
Julian’s Neptune Rx (inspired music, photography) squares Saturn (work and father: also the energy at MC) …honestly the comparisons are old for me – but for him..?  .sheesh.

Earlier this year I watched an interview segment where some idiot news hack inserted Beatles music throughout – infuriating – Julian has been recording his own music for 30 years.  He deals with grace, (mostly) he was rightly pissed off re: the above, as was I.

As any good astrologer will tell you, the aspects do not define you – how you deal with the aspects aka energy – defines you.
Positive or negative/attract or repel, it is entirely up to you.  Saturn/ Capricorn elevated with Mercury rising smack on ASC is a double-edged sword: constant comparisons of a child (Mercury) to his father (Saturn) but it is also profound patience and clever evasion tactics of same.

In addition, Saturn is in Aquarius and let’s face it, that can mean change-ups and separations with the father, who is likely a rebellious sort.  It can also mean genius  innovative work, switch hitting between diverse work interests, a strong humanitarian streak (see Whaledreamers) and a love of the earth and earthkind (see White Feather).

Julian is an Aries with a strong sense of self who can withstand all the goofy public opinions that have shadowed him.  Jupiter in Aries also delivers faith in personal abilities.  North Node in Cancer shows his path of nurturing, and growing into his own regarding feelings surrounding family.  (see comments)

Julian has Pisces Venus conjunct Chiron (harmony, healing with women, relationships)  opposite Uranus Rx / Pluto Rx conjunction in Virgo.  That can signal not only a need for personal freedom, but also the need to give it to others.  It signals perfectionism, or high standards (Uranus and Pluto are transpersonal) placed upon him (Venus is a personal planet) and his chosen art by others.  Venus opposite Pluto Rx will bring life – long metamorphosis involving not only love and creativity, but also money, peace of mind.  Read the wiki link above for the low-down on the money / will / heirloom trail; I am not going there, it irritates me he and his mother were treated this way.

Uranus is quintile (spiritual gifts) Neptune – this brings unusual Uranian style gifts, such as inspired musical talents, far out communication skills (betting on astral travel here), healing and compassion in addition to a well-spring of forgiveness.  Julian has lived his life under scrutiny and handled it very well in my opinion.
Uranus is also trine Mercury in Aries – Julian is not only quicksilver smart – with octaves of communication trine one another – he KNOWS (Merc trine Uran) he is talented in his own right, he has just been waiting for everyone else to catch up.

Here is a photo which elegantly represents the hands of a sensitive artist. Conic fingertips denote a spiritual, artistic, sensitive creator. Gemini on the second equals lovely hands and a lively creative mind.

Quickie asteroid round-up: Julian has transformative Sekhmet conjunct Sun; nature deity Freia conjunct ASC.

Head over to his instagram here if you are wondering what he’s looking at, he also pops into his fb account fairly regularly, look him up !
Yesterday Julian released a fantastic app that is worth every penny of $12 and then some – get it on his website here.

Love your work, Julian. xo

This one is dedicated to a billion Aqua Full MooOon children rolled into ONE.
I’ll pop one of the freshies in comments.



Renaissance point

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was an amazing Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer.  and that is just scratching the surface…

He conceptualized a helicopter, a tank, concentrated solar power, a calculator, the double hull and outlined a rudimentary theory of plate tectonics, and drew one of the first scientific drawings of a fetus in utero. (wiki)

Taurus Sun with Toro Venus in applying trine to Neptune in Libra at MC, genius creative expression !  Sagittarius rising – expressive and expansive – Jupiter is in Pisces 3rd of learning conjunct Moon.

Aquarius Mars trine Saturn exalted in Libra 10th: Leonardo was an idea machine – invent, conceptualize, research, sketch, design and build futuristic machinery.

The illustration below seemed appropriate for the Uranus, Pluto, Venus T-square.
Freaky drawing of coffin contraption with gyroscope !  ?
Dunno, is weird and fascinating whatever it is.

Eighth house Pluto and Uranus – highly observant – he learned anatomy in detail through dissecting cadavers (Venus quintile Pluto).  He drew detailed bone studies, and the pregnancy drawing you see above, as well as detailed drawings of architecture, water devices, animals, faces of rage, deformities, and machines of his own design.

Saturn in 10 wants to know how everything works, Neptune at MC absorbs the world like a sponge.  Neptune and Saturn in 10 are both opposite Aries Mercury in 4. Mercury trines Leo Pluto – he certainly changed the world through creative expression.

Curiously, most of Leonardo’s writings are in mirror-image cursive, perhaps it was easier because he was left-handed, or maybe it was for reasons of secrecy, perhaps both, no one knows.

As you can see, his drawings and sketches were extremely detailed and highly researched – Virgo precision at MC and Aries Mercury in trine to Pluto in Leo.

The animation above delineates the sacred geometry of the golden rectangle, which is more easily seen in colored portions below.

Da Vinci and others (including the architect Palladio) helped to revive this knowledge of sacred geometry and its application after the so-called “Dark Ages.”

Apart from the monks in Ireland, most of the older knowledge was preserved by Arabic culture that translated older Greek and Roman works into Arabic. These works were retranslated back into Latin and other European languages by scholars working in cross-cultural universities in renaissance Spain.

Study on the proportions of head and eyes

You can see above the geometry da Vinci applied to sketching human faces.  Obviously mirror image writing and building with polarities (Uranus sextile Venus in 6th) appealed with Mars in Aquarius in trine to Saturn in the tenth of achievement.

This mathematical precision (sacred geometry) is applied to Mona Lisa below, I am sure there is another for the Last Supper floating around as well.  I will look, pop into comments.

Which brings me to the point of this post. 
Mercury is numbers, counting, perceptions.
Saturn is mathematics.

(traditional ruler of the fixed sign Aquarius)
is form and matter – the building blocks – earth plane..

Uranus is the higher octave of numbers, counting and perceptions.

Uranus is spirals.
The geometric electrical energy grid that connects all life on earth.

Which leads me to believe Uranus rules sacred geometry as well as Saturn.

Thoughts . . .?

A fun morph.

Leonardo is asteroid 3000.
Da Vinci has it exact conjunct North Node in Capricorn.

Consider Leonardo your renaissance point !

Currently Leonardo is at 10 Cancer.
Dark Moon in Cancer is at 10 degrees as I write this !
Interesting it is dovetailing into the renaissance T- Square Action, yes ?
Venus will soon follow to conjunct – she is at 6 Cancer.

Just in case I haven’t pitched you enough science yet…
If you want some
to chew on awhile – here’s a porterhouse steak, pack a blade – it’s a biggie !


incoming !

M.C. Escher

Pisces Mercury leaves water
for fire as it moves into Aries tomorrow

Mercury is quintile Venus and it is coming to conjunct
Uranus which sextiles Venus

Check your mail !

*Surprises await *

Good lord, last time they met up during all that zippy Merc retro conj Uranus biz ~
I laid my hands on a library book on a shelf in my house I claimed I had returned

! ! horrors ! !

Bad. Virgo.
