22 Halo


moon_halo_Jupiter_12-23-2012_Danny_Crocker-Jensen_Wardsville_MOJupiter & Moon by Danny Crocker Jensen 2012

A ring around the sun or moon, means rain or snow is coming soon.

Moon dogs are formed when light passes
through hexagonal ice crystals
in cirrus or cirrostratus

Light gets bent twice
 at an angle of 22 degrees

Six is ruled by Venus
Balance within flux

If the moon shows like a silver shield,
You need not be afraid to reap your field 

But if she rises haloed round,
Soon we’ll tread on deluged ground.

Of interest:
The MOON RING is HUGE here tonight
22 degrees got me looking

Mars is applying within 14′ at 21 Aquarius
Jupiter Rx is receding within 19′ at 21 Leo


To Seek Out


Oracle of the Radiant Sun

Leo Jupiter at nearly 10 degrees closes the trine to Aries Uranus at nearly 16 degrees throughout the next few weeks becoming exact in late September.

Working high qi, this is an aspect of Enterprise and self-expansion.  Bold, daring actions reap both long-term and long distance rewards.

Optimism, friendliness and enlarging social circles brings big payoffs. Confidence ratchets up and enthusiasm, brainstorms and odd experiences that tweak perspectives become the norm.

Study of science, alternative energy as well as kundalini energy and the human energy field is supported by this trine.  Energy surges likely due to the influence of Jupiter/Sun and Uranus/Mars.

Learning, travel and exploration of all kinds including philosophical perspectives of the collective will be looming large in our frame of reference.

Note also this is an aspect of WILD FREEDOM and impulsive, gutsy actions.  Use this to your advantage while also being ATTUNED to your environs + goalsets in order to achieve best results.  Bob & Weave, Float & Sting.

Now, Boldly Go !

when are we ?

Understanding the workings of the heavens gave the ancient navigators an anchor in time from which one could calculate an estimated location on a map.

Many scientists originally thought the Antikythera Mechanism, which is believed to be 2000 years old, was a piece of navigational equipment.

Little did they know it would be one of the most important scientific measuring devices ever discovered.
This video describes its shipwreck origins.




The Antikythera Mechanism is the
earliest preserved portable astronomical calculator, calculating the Sun, Moon and likely the positions of the inner planets which were known in antiquity.
The mechanism was used to predict solar and lunar eclipses.

This video shows how the gear assembly works – fantastic !
Saturn = time
Uranus = machines




peace & patience
with love


Liquid Human Crystals

Zakay Glass

Ok., obviously gorgeous geometric glass sculptures. Click through for luminaries if you dare.  I have a luminary thing, so I love.
This glass sculpture is a Great Stellated Icosahedron.
Can you hear Jor – El ?  hee

I have been studying  platonic solids and sacred geometry.  Fascinating really – the building blocks of the universe.

The tetrahedron, cube, and octahedron all occur naturally in crystal structures.

The human body is made of crystal structures – liquid crystal structures.

Liquid crystals are a state of matter between that of a conventional liquid and that of a solid crystal.

Possessing inherent properties that are ideal for working with light as well as a molecular structure that can be easily controlled by electric fields, liquid crystals are commonly used in the electronic displays of televisions, cell phones and portable gaming devices. Liquid crystals are also found in soaps and detergents as well as in the proteins and cell membranes within the human body. (source)

Think of the solids as crystallized musical vibrations, or spirit seen in matter.  As frequencies change, movement will always occur along spiral pathways, or “phi” ratio.

Notes in the scale of western music are based on natural harmonics that are created by ratios of frequencies.  Ratios found in the first seven numbers of the Fibonacci series ( 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 ) are related to key frequencies of musical notes. (source)

Fibonacci sequences appear in biological settings, such as growing fruits, ferns, tree branches, and the human body.  If you want more: Divine Cosmos – also check out David Wilcock’s chart in mini interps above.

What we vibrate naturally spirals outward, causing others to resonate likewise.

Resonance phenomena occur with all types of vibrations or waves: there is mechanical, acoustic, electromagnetic, nuclear magnetic, electron spin resonance, and resonance of quantum wave functions. (wiki)

All all our bodily systems react to sound vibration, as do our spiritual, mental, and emotional states.  These solids can visually bring our vibrations into harmony with the rhythms of nature. They can help us understand frequencies and learn how to reorganize our own thought patterns – raise our frequency with the help of sound and the symmetry and balance of sacred geometry.

Sound, vibration and frequencies – turn energy and matter into form.

Think manifestation station –

Sun is in Will-Powered Leo coming to conjunct Mercury Rx.
 Sun and Mercury Rx both trine inventive Uranus Rx in gung – ho to go Aries  !
Yee Haw – and Sun is quintile Mars, (rules Aries) meaning action is true and balanced – from the heart ~>  a gift of spirit *

Communication octaves are in trine – like a ringing bell.
Mercury Rx is quintile Saturn.  Think quietly, envision, then work it.
Saturn trine Neptune Rx.  Patiently manifest your inner dream.

Here is a geometry morph vid I love.
Solfeggio frequency for sound healing in comments.



This was a lovely surprise (Uranus rules surprises) gift from a stranger.
A slice of giant astronaut film.
How cool is that ?!

You know what’s cooler …?
I went back and checked the astro of Star Trek exhibition day ~
Venus (gifts) was conjunct Uranus (astronauts / aerospace).

Moon was tightly conjunct Saturn in the last degrees of Venus ruled Libra.
I bought my Mom (Moon) a tribble (a cooing fuzzball – I’m going with Venus rules) for Valentines (Venus rules Libra, love and gifts) and she’s a Capricorn (Saturn rules).

She of course, loved it !  She is the original trekkie in our house.
She made me the model ship and hung it in my bedroom when I was little.
She bought me the little action figures and we watched the cartoon.

(In our composite Jupiter -expansion- is tightly conjunct Uranus)
Jupiter amps up the space geek wattage, lol.

Mom even bought me Captain’s Logs years ago – I drug it out of my bag for the car trip over, and my friend cracked UP at the unabashed nerdiness.
My friend was secretly relieved I didn’t dress as a Klingon, lol.
No – not Klingon – obviously
  I’m from Betazed.   hahaha !

Roddenberry asteroid 4659 is exact conjunct my 11th house Neptuner – hilar – Incredibly apt for a life long Trek freak !

…so back to the fellow at the museum, he saw me snapping shots of the giant reels at the museum and thought I might like a slice.  I totally like !

Sun (rules generous Leo) was quintile (special talents, expression) Jupiter (lucky gifts, explorers) in the sky that day.
Your kindness was very sweet, thank you !
(Venus and Jupiter rule politeness, are conjunct in my natal.)

I was a radio, tv, film major in college, but he didn’t know that.
When he found me in the lobby and gave me the slice, my Mercury MC kicked in and I blurted some quickie astro “Neptune just went into Pisces for the first time since the gold rush and my most highly aspected planet is Neptune which rules film ! !”

TMI ?!  haha oh well – I gave him this addy and went on about Gneiss metamorphic rocks, science then finally put a sock in it.  If in case – you, Mister handsome Museum Film dude – are reading…in my natal, Uranus (space) is in my 9th (exploration) house.
It is conjunct my Sun (spirit) and Pluto (metamorphs) and your surprise really lifted my spirits, thanks !

The 11th house of Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) rules birds of a feather (flight is Uranus, so is astrology), or like minded friends.  Aquarians and Uranian types are eccentric and inventive, they are the crazies on the cutting edge – they expect and offer freedom.  Aquarians are advanced in humanitarian thinking and goals (Aquarius is an Air sign, full of intuitive brainstorms- Uranus rules lightning and electricity) seeing and knowing (Aquarian motto) the value of all life on earth and in space.

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Sounds Uranian all over, curious and strange, the radical and uncharted.
In case you didn’t know, Kirk and Uhura had the first interracial kiss on network television.  ! YaY !
There is Venus (kiss) conjunct Uranus (radical & unexpected) again !

AND Uhura is derived from uhuru which is Swahili for freedom.

Whenever Uranus transits a planet in your natal expect the unexpected, it can mean a separation, a surprise, sudden messages & bolts from the blue, but most of all the unpredictable.  Consider if the aspect Uranus makes is a conjunction (power operating), an opposition (compromise with another), a trine (more harmonious) or a sextile (an opportunity).  That will give a bit of an idea where the change may come from.
Still – heads UP !

Also, I have seen in some charts Uranus in Leo, the 5th and / or in hard aspect to the Sun (Sun rules Leo, which rules the heart) can indicate a heart murmur, which is made by turbulent blood in or near your heart.
(Not in all charts, mind you, but some. Just be aware of the possibility.)

I love this, it’s only 2 minutes, and well worth your time, promise.  I found this video by following an Aquarian.  Odd the bit with the canoe parked at the edge of the water looks like the scene where Frodo breaks from the Fellowship, and leaves the shores of Amon Hen for Mordor.

Uranus rules synchronization, science as well as magnetics:
check this out (from wired) –

In particle physics, synchronized orientation is found in systems with “low noise,” in which signals are transmitted without degrading. But low noise isn’t enough to produce synchronized speeds, which are found in critical systems. The researchers give the example of ferromagnetism, where particles in a magnet exhibit perfect interconnection at a precise, “critical” temperature.

Read more Uranian bird science here and here.

namaste, friends~

Supernova Virgos

Rassouli – Birth of the Sun

How ya doin’ Virgos ?  Got Mars ?  lol.  yeah.  A generation of late 60’s Virgos are feeling the heat like me.  Mars retrograde all over the Sun Uranus Pluto conjunction. Fun times !  

Birth is ruled by both Pluto and the Sun.

The Sun is life.

Pluto is divine will, inner energy, sex, struggle, helplessness, death, research, mines, psychoanalysis, nuclear energy, morphing.
(Morpheus is the mythological shaper  of dreams, he would transmute his form to enter the dreams of humans.)  The definition of transmutation is to change or alter in form, appearance, or nature – especially to a higher form.

Pluto brings (re) birth – – but. only. after. labor.

Initiate change, or you will be forced to change.  Wherever Pluto lands in the natal, or by transit, some part of your life will die and be reborn over and over and over again.
You will be forged, re-made. (click)
Better. Stronger. Faster.

Pluto is the inner furnace – the fire in our bellies. Divine will and energy of life turned inward to create metamorphosis.

Mars is the outgoing flame, the desires expressed.  Personal will and energy turned outward in relentless drive and forward thrust.

Pluto rules Scorpio and is the higher octave of Mars (which was Scorpios traditional ruler).

Yet, the Mars above us in currently retrograde in Virgo.  Retrograde motion is the energy of the planet turned inward, it is a time of appraisal and action on the internal landscape regarding all things Virgo.

Late 60’s Virgos know there is a rolling boil, a silent powerhouse of energy in the Virgo house at the moment.
Sun is nuclear, Pluto is nuclear, Uranus is magnetic, awake and cracking in Aries and Mars Rx (rules Aries) is breathing down our necks !

Virgo is ruled by Mercury – – with Mars Rx in her sign, the inner dialogue is working overtime (Saturn Rx will be finding balance in Libra soon too) analysing and sorting, creating order out of mental chaos.  The blade (Mars Rx) is sharp, lightning fast, and efficient.

Now about Sun (birth) and Pluto (rebirth).

I started thinking about the volcanic fire in Virgo bellies and thought nuclear.

Pluto rules atomics, and the Sun is nuclear, magnetic.
When a star dies, it expands to become a red giant, then shrinks to a white dwarf.

If a white dwarf is in a binary star system, it can collect matter from the other dwarf star. Its mass slowly and steadily increases, the pressure at the center becoming so great that fusion occurs. If it exceeds the Chandrasekhar limit, then the white dwarf star explodes in a thermonuclear supernova.

The energy of the explosion synthesizes new elements, particularly those heavier than iron. These fresh, new elements are then sprinkled into the surrounding gaseous medium, enriching it. Therefore, later generations of stars formed after the supernova contain more heavy elements than previous generations. In fact, the enrichment of the gas in our region of the Milky Way reached such a point that a sufficient quantity of heavy elements existed to give rise to life, as we know it, here on Earth. (source: click)

Life, death and rebirth macro style.

The first law of thermodynamics states :
energy cannot be created or destroyed, it only changes form.

Supernova remnant captured by NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory


eat trash

Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper. – Francis Bacon

art objects Kevin Van Aelst

Sun and Mercury conjunct (power operating) communicating humanitarian concerns in rebel Aquarius.  They are forming the focal point in a T-Square between Saturn (responsibilities, the Earth) on 29 degrees (culmination degree) of Libra (balance, fairness), which is opposite (compromise) Moon (public, feelings) coming to conjunct Jupiter (excess) in Taurus (attitudes about luxury), which in turn, square (inner tension) Sun and Mercury. 

Mars Rx in Virgo (re-evaluate civil actions and service) opposite (compromise) Venus (luxury) in Pisces (universality) and Uranus in Aries (full throttle change).

Saturn trine Neptune (build the dream) on 29 degrees of innovative Aquarius.  Pluto (refuse, trash, transmutation) trine excessive Jupiter in the earth sign of Taurus.

You may apply the above to your life (micro) and globally (macro) – – it is the sky above us all.

I just watched a great documentary Dive ! which has won 21 film festival awards worldwide.  The film is part of a growing movement that re-examines the role of food in a society that wastes 1/2 of all that it produces.

Every year in America we throw away 96 billion pounds of food. One half of all food prepared in the US and Europe never gets eaten. The Department of Agriculture estimated in 1996 that recovering just 5 percent of the food that is wasted could feed four million people a day; recovering 25 percent would feed 20 million people. Today we recover less than 2.5 percent. (facts from: Dive !)

North Node of Destiny is in visionary Sagittarius. “Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Gandhi  – – Well done, filmmaker Jeremy Seifert, well done !

Please take 6 minutes to watch this small clip about food waste, and how to help empower change on our Earth.

click. ~> Extreme Green: Dumpster Diving to Prevent Food Waste.


Free the goal

3-day Solar-Geophysical Forecast issued Jan 21 22:00 UTC

Solar Activity Forecast: Solar activity is expected to be low through the period
(22 – 24 January) with a chance for an isolated M-class flare.

M-class flares are medium-sized; they can cause brief radio blackouts that affect Earth’s polar regions. Minor radiation storms sometimes follow an M-class flare.

Geophysical Activity Forecast: The geomagnetic field is expected to be at mostly quiet levels until late on day 1 (22 January).
Activity is forecast to increase to unsettled to active levels at around 22/1800Z and continue into day 2 (23 January) due to the expected arrival of the halo-CME observed on 19 January.
There will also be a chance for minor storm levels during the CME passage.

Field activity is expected to decrease to quiet to unsettled levels on day 3 (24 January) as Coronal Mass Ejection effects subside.  A coronal mass ejection (CME) is a massive burst of solar wind, other light isotope plasma, and magnetic fields rising above the solar corona or being released into space
Please note : some sensitive to solar activity may be more likely to have seizures, dizziness, or disrupted sleep during heightened solar geomagnetic storms.

Please note: I am not saying you will, just watch how things feel for you, and be aware – lots of energies are shifting in the sky now ~

While docked and onboard the International Space Station  on March 21st 2008, an STS-123 Endeavour crewmember, looking northward across the Gulf of Alaska, captured the glowing green beauty of the Aurora Borealis over the Earth.
This CME will arrive with the New Moon in Aquarius, which rules magnetics.  New Moons are when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun.

Deep Dark Moon vibes will be getting extra powered juice from the Electro-magnetic waves, dark places will be zapped with a bit of an unusual light, something surprising.

Sun, Moon and Mercury will be trining Mars during the luminary line-up so draw back your bows people, aim true.  Focus on what you will magnetically draw to yourself between now and the Full Moon in Leo to come.

Space Weather Now has more here.

More of my posts on electro-magnetics here.
