Crux of Knowing

tumblr_m5h6l8Li9R1qg5kymo1_r1_500July 20
Saturn Direct 16 Scorpio
Reykjavik 8:35pm
Chicago 3:35pm
July 21
Melbourne 6:35am
Maldives 1:35am
December 23 Saturn into Sagittarius

Saturn has been fine tuning house Scorpio since October 5, 2012; revising/retrograde since March 2, 2014; it is soon direct, and finally out of shadow, October 26; into Sagittarius December 23, 2014.

Trial and error was likely part of your Saturn Rx experience, for Saturn delivers TESTS. Reconfiguring past/work/goals through canny observation, perseverance and research will serve us well in the weeks ahead. Patience pays – focused work will lead to smarter, streamlined goals/power/structures as our energies move forward with drayhorse Saturn direct. 

Saturn stations direct with Pisces Chiron onside – use what you know you have to find balance.  Chiron indicates using your special gifts earned through your personal trials, while Saturn releases the problematic past in order to reform a better future. These two are all about learning how to heal through release.

Note: nuns are Saturn, Pisces. These chicks are Scorpio witchy Bene Gesserit nuns.  No mess.  Fair warning.

terminator tt tricityJuly 21
Uranus Retrograde 16 Aries
Chicago 9:53pm
July 22 
Reykjavik 2:53am
Maldives 7:53am
Melbourne 12:53pm

Uranus in Aries since May of 2010 (before GMA was born); Uranus direct December 21 at 12 degrees, it moves into Taurus in 2018.  Uranus transits by house here.

Saturn stationing direct at 16 while Uranus stations retrograde (the day after) at 16 in quincunx to one another  sets adjustments in motion for these very different energies.  Quincunx energies both desire health via pure energy expression – but they arrive at the same destination by different roads.  Saturn shows restraint, responsibilities, working steady as she goes, Capt’n.  Uranus is wild, left field, enlightenment bolts, polarities of attract/repel, eccentric.  This quincunx lasts roughly a month.

Quincunx moves us to improve wholistic health via adaptation/improvisation, changing altitude/attitude and character metamorphosis. Not as easy as it reads, believe me.  Keep what you can use, ditch the rest, metamorph what you can improve upon. 
Coal into diamonds; caterpillar into butterfly; new neural nets.

Uranus retrograde will test/reinvent/reform our reactions, our individuality, our idea schemes, we will ponder exactly what/whom/when/where we are freeing ourselves from.  We are arriving at the CRUX of KNOWING via Uranus retrograde and a series of squares with Pluto.  Look to your Aries house for deets. (see ink above)

Gift of grace:
Scorpio Saturn in mutual reception with Capricorn Pluto (while Pluto squares Aries Uranus, two more hits left) delivers a
gift of grace to the testing, perfecting, deepening of both transits/houses via an understanding – knowing the language of the country you are visiting, if you will.
They ‘get’ each other, so gung-ho radical newNewNEW Uranus will work well in reform backseat mode while these demolishers/rebuilders take center stage.

We will edit.

Slow reworking/reinvention !! brainstorming !! of the structures/foundations of our work/life/purpose means they are being built to last.

Mars is also on the move, into Scorpio on the 25th (more in another post coming up).
Ps. Second image is time travel from Terminator.  Saturn/Uranus !


Goals for a witch

Know yourself
Know your craft
Learn and grow
Apply knowledge with wisdom
Achieve balance
Keep your words in good order
Keep your thoughts in good order
Celebrate life
Attune with the cycles of the Earth
Breathe and eat correctly
Exercise the body
Honor the Goddess and God


Saturn (10th house) rules goals

Monday July 8

Saturn direct
4 degrees Scorpio
12:12am CST, USA

New Moon
16 degrees Cancer

2:14am CST, USA
