Mars has Mail

Messier 6 and Comet Siding SpringOpen cluster Messier 6 and Siding Spring – Rolando Ligustri 
Astronomy Picture of the Day

Siding Spring likely formed 4.6 million years ago in the Oort Cloud.  No comet has come anywhere near this close to Earth in recorded history. source

Siding Spring will flyby Mars at a distance of 87,000 miles on October 19. 
That’s one-third of the distance between Earth and Moon.  Siding Spring’s tail could extend from Earth all the way to our moon. Its gaseous coma, the fuzzy head surrounding the nucleus, might stretch halfway to the moon.

If you would like access to all my posts, including the incoming New Moon Solar Eclipse as well as Siding Spring, and access to my 2015 astrological calendar, please visit the hands/heart tip jar on the main page.  Thank you

Heads UP  !


Sun ViewerSun Viewer photo of ISON surviving perihelion.

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes,
but in having new eyes.  ::: Marcel Proust :::

Last night I was really digging science geeks around the globe rattling off excited tweets, links, pics and debate of ISONs demise.
He’s dead Jim.
No wait !

A dust trail – darn. Just a dust trail.
No wait !  A tail ! 
It has a nucleus – ISON LIVES – YaY !  
NASA confirmed late this am, unofficially tweeps were all over it last night.  Nicknamed ISONANDON, Schrödinger’s Comet, it was fun stargazing/cometwatching for sure.

The icy material that turns into a gas made ISON bright as it approached the Sun, indicating ISON is a young comet.  Now we wait to see how ISON grows/fades as it moves away from our sun,  leaves our system, likely never to return – yet another wait and see (orbit calculations, escape velocity, etc..).
Science first, astrology second – have to understand both to get a grip, if you want to skip straightaway to the interp – scroll down.
Mars transit my natal Uranus ya know, I loves me some science !

Science here from Comet Ison Observing Campaign (CIOC).
Here is the NASA clip, where you can clearly see ISON taking the curve.
Are you a stargazer wanting to report first sighting of new comet ? Go here.
How cool is that ?!  My Merc at MC would love to name a returning comet.

A comet needs to get within about 850,000 miles from the sun at perihelion to be classified as a sungrazer. The first sungrazing comets may have been observed by Aristotle and Ephorus as far back as the year -371. Greek historian Ephorus reported this comet fragmented into two parts. Scientists speculate this breakup seems to have given rise to two main comets, which upon the 11th century return broke again, giving rise to the sub-group I of the Kreutz sungrazers.
Until 1979, only about 9 sungrazing comets had been seen, all from the ground. By 1989, 16 sungrazers had been identified – since 1995, over 1100 new comets have been discovered, of which over 900 belong to the Kreutz sungrazing group.  Close to 85% of sungrazing comets follow a similar orbit, called the Kreutz Path. source

ISON is not following the Kreutz path. Oh, a rebel – I’m liking it !

The exact orbit of comets [on their return/presumably their initial approach as well] depends very much on what the solar system barycentre is doing at the time and this is largely controlled by the position of Jupiter and Saturn. (see discovery below)
What is the barycenter ? Watch vid below.

ISONs discovery
was ushered in by Jupiter at 16 Gemini sesqui-quadrate Saturn at 28 Libra – as well as
a T Square with 6 degree Capricorn Pluto as focal – square both Uranus Rx at 6 Aries and Mercury at 7 Libra. 

Friction, agitation forcing transformation re: the past, future actions via balance of thought through love (Mercury/Libra) culminating in re-invention of action plans (Uranus). Tweaking the higher mind output/input – stilling the chatter, seeking peace of mind, (Saturn in Libra/Jupes in Gem) justice. 
Leo 16 Venus squared Scorpio 19 Mars on this day – with Pluto as focal in T Square – fine line justice/vengeance as well as thought/manifestation.
Mercury/Uranus, octaves of perception and communication in opposition – perceptual shift incoming from the dude across the wheel.

ISON discovered Sept 21, 2012 at 29 Cancer – waxing moon in Sagittarius

ISON closest to Mars, Regulus* on October 1, 2013 at 20 Leo
ISONs perihelion on November 27/28 at 1-7 degrees Sagittarius
interactive model here, cool visuals

* The King-Maker, Watcher of the North – linked to Archangel Raphael & divine healing. Full Regulus post is here.
ISON also passed fixed star Spica, read previous ISON post with interps for that star here.
ISON also flew by Vesta,
home of the sacred fire in the belly – divine fire of creation, energy made manifest on the material plane.

With kind thanks to Kim Falconer I link the fascinating Rudolf Steiner link she provides re: comet astrology here.  Fair warning, it’s a little ‘out there’ ! 

ISONs discovery was heralded by a T Square with Pluto as focal, square both Uranus Rx in Aries and Mercury in Libra during a waxing moon in Sagittarius.
ISONs perihelion occurred while Pluto was focal in a T-Square square both Uranus Rx in Aries and waning Moon in Libra.

Nutshell Comet message – head tempered by heart/love/harmony.

Directors cut: Clannish feelings, instincts (Cancer) born in a seed of thought (Sun Virgo) that culminated (perihelion, combust Sun – phoenix, trial by fire) into global feelings of love, balance (Moon Libra) wisdom, instinctual healing (Sun Sagittarius) via experience, acceptance, forgiveness (Venus).
Easter Egg:
Check Sagittarius degrees 0-7 for your light bulb Comet Moment.
Any planet/point there is your key – as well as what it aspects.
Also check your natal Jupiter (rules Sag) for more clues.

I don’t have to look too hard, my natal Mars is right there.
Not sharing any more, it is between me and my friends (11).
Eleven changebreakers & changemakers, in (sort of) that order.

Here is a quote from the CIOC link above, which is suitably Sagittarian.
“I just want to end on this note: not long after comet ISON was discovered, it began to raise questions. Throughout this year, as many of you who have followed closely will appreciate, it has continued to confuse and surprise us. This has unquestionably been the most extraordinary comet that Matthew and I, and likely many other astronomers, have ever witnessed. The universe is an amazing place and it has just amazed us again.”

Peace out

This is the Time

Book of Doors Divination Deck
Daemon Tarot (which is actually an Oracle)

Question – Comet messages (refer to previous post)
Book of Doors Hi qi answer path
Daemon – Low qi answer path

Book of Doors – Ta; Family of Earth.  Satet:  (She points to Sirius) Purification, initiation of new energies, works.  Flood of fertility. Spiritual growth. The right time for action.

Daemon Cerberus.  Gifts of grace, humbleness, conversation.  Comfort within means.
Speaks of Saturnian restriction in the house of desirous Scorpio, yes ?
We live, we learn.

In Peace,

Far Out Five


Rochus Hess Comet ISON (click on pic for biggie size)

Comets fascinate me. 
Chinese astronomers have records on comets, including observations of Halley’s Comet, going back to at least 240 BC.  Often thought to be portents of doom and gloom, pheasant or broom stars signify CHANGE.  Differing types of comets were said to deliver different omens.

Comets are MESSENGERS from the outer reaches of space.
Most comets are believed to originate from the Oort Cloud far beyond the orbit of Pluto.
Continue reading

Sungrazer Lovejoy

Comet Lovejoy From Space Station

Credit: NASA
International Space Station Commander Dan Burbank captured spectacular imagery of Comet Lovejoy from about 240 miles above the Earth’s horizon on Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2011.

Spectacular !

Saturn rules ice, dust ; Neptune gas (comet contents) and escapes !

more pics at click here
