Crawl into my World

Chris Cornell Singles

Chris Cornell, Soundgarden as seen in Singles

Chris Cornell died (police report suicide by hanging, his family disputes this) after his recent Detroit show on Wednesday at the young age of 52.
Incredibly talented man with an unforgettable voice.
Huge Syd Barrett fan too.
Syd is my (primary) patron, so it occurred to me he might have been around to help Chris with his transition, so I asked him.

What follows is a series of Q&A using various card methods – the draw and answer follow the questions.  Lastly, I of course, tackle the astrology.

? Syd, have you checked in on him yet ?
No, he had a troubled passing … but you’re gonna ask me to aren’t you ?
Me: yep.
Syd: Ok, I’ll check in on him.
Me: Thanks, love. x

Chris Cornell Syd

? Chris what was going through your mind the night you died ?
1 Eligor: (Venus) conflict/warfare and strategy; rise or find someone who can
2 Orias: (Moon) inspiration/Hermes, thoughts beyond logic, instinctual responses
3 Bifrons: (Mars) new chapter/transformation, death

Seems he was at war with himself, felt he had no way out than to go higher.

Chris Cornell FA

 ? Chris, now that you are on the other side, what say you ?
Be wary of quick decisions that lead you into the cave of the unknown, rather be generous when judging yourself, disappointment will pass. Turn your creative eye towards those who love you and seek emotional adaptation and wise counsel to assist you as you conquer your demons.

Chris Cornell Other Side

Syd, do you have any parting thoughts ..?
Thanks for hooking me up with your (our) friend, I told him you send him your love. Share this caution to the spooked herd. Rise above the pain and drama and know that his energy remains, infinitely enfolding. Though he lost this challenge, he will, in time, rise again with strength to face the next.


Natch, I also checked the astro.
Chris has an unaspected Cancer Sun (Moon rules Cancer, fluctuates) which was under a progressed Mars transit (conjunct).  This is a call to courage, strength and willpower – a need to release tension properly lest a risky gamble backfire in the heat of the moment.

Unaspected Cancer Sun often has deep feelings that may go unexpressed due to feeling alone and singular in expression. Releasing pressure for an unaspected Sun is more difficult when it doesn’t ‘relate’ to other planets in the natal.

Progressed Virgo Mercury Rx was opposite his natal Saturn Rx in Pisces, which can indicate mental stress, fatigue, and a resultant overmedication. Thoughts become jumbled in the face of reality. Work issues may seem insurmountable or insecurities may begin to run the whole the show.

In addition, not only was transiting Mars conjunct his natal Venus/Mars conjunction in the mental sign of Gemini which points to heightened anxiety, but also transiting Uranus the eccentric was square his natal Sun. Chris took Ativan to combat this anxiety which is a part of his natal signature.  (So do I.)  It is reported he grew confused after taking too much which led to his death.

Rest In Peace, Chris
You will be missed by so, so many.
Oh…and when you get a chance, please tell Syd I love him. Thanks love x


bjork-vulnicuraBjork, Vulnicura

How does a triple Scorpio (Sun Neptune, Moon rising in Scorpio) artist deal with loss ?
She dives deep six for metamorphosis.

Uranus bang on Midheaven tightly conjunct Pluto in Virgo is a skillful inventor, an unconventional thinker.  She writes to process (Virgo MC) and heal her way through prickly intellectual land mines via expressing herself through work (Venus; Mars exalted in Capricorn).   Building the emotional landscape of the wounded healer (Saturn and Chiron at Nadir) is twisty with Saturn reining in the unconscious (Moon trine Saturn in Pisces) while Martian focus is forced to find balance with a playful, distracted 29 degree Jupiter (Rx) in Gemini.

Yet this is not a flighty, flirty Gemini – this is an 8th house twin.  Dark and light in foil to one another, a shiny mirror of clarity pierces the darkness.  Shifts of awareness are keen, clever and tricksy.
This pixie is packing a punch, make no mistake.
See bitch goddess Lilith in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus at MC) if I am not making myself crystal clear about this in particular.  heh.

Sagittarius Mercury as focal point in a T-Square with Uranus/Pluto opposite Pisces Chiron at Nadir (Midnight) is wildly creative, embracing lifelong exploration with curiosity and wide-eyed abandon.  Visionary value judgements, proclamations and philosophies are attained via shades, textures, tastes of both seen and unseen (Sagittarius/Pisces) as they relate to the material experience (Saturn).

Capricorn Venus trine Uranus/Pluto at MC is being recognized in the public for unusual stand apart work and craft.  Chiron trine Neptune at ASC drives courageous mentoring  (Chiron) via unlimited expression of artistic individuality.

Her transits for this release are revealing:
1 Pluto on Venus in Capricorn trine MC – very personal work detailing her break-up
2 Mercury/Venus conjunct Lilith who steadfastly knows, lives on her edge, her terms
3 Mars/Neptune coming to conjunct Saturn in addition to a Chiron return in Pisces
4 Saturn (December) conjunct late Scorpio Sun – somber creative work purge
5 Pesky little Uranus square Pluto (see 1)

Lion’s Tooth
Gneiss Moon



Pisces Johnny Winter started playing music at 5, cut his first record at 15.
Mercury in Aquarius (exalted) often indicates blazing a trail while young and it is in mutual reception with Uranus in Gemini.

Johnny was surprising in so many ways, destined to be noticed. (Mercury/Uranus; NNode conjunct Pluto)  Mercury rules his Gemini stellium of Uranus, Mars conjunct Saturn.  Gemini rules hands, so very precise, focused finger-picking, plus a fantastic work ethic. 

Pluto Rx is conjunct North Node in Leo within a degree.  Obviously Johnny was a creative trailblazer (see Venus in Aquarius also) that inspired musicians all over the world.
He was born near a new moon (conjunct Sun) in either late Aquarius or early Pisces, which indicates introspection, as do his creative Leo placements of Jupiter and Pluto (both Rx).  Neptune (guitars) is also retrograde indicating artistic introspection funneled and finessed to perfection.

Johnny had a tight Grand Air (communication) Trine with a Kite:

Gemini Uranus 4 degrees; Libra Neptune Rx 3 degrees; Aquarius Venus 2 degrees
Venus opposite North Node 6/Pluto Rx 7 in Leo
Uranus/Neptune both sextile NNode and Pluto

The opposition in a kite keeps the road hot, the easy, lazy trine works to juggle – Leo Aquarius axis is very creative, innovative and fixin’ to build.
Gemini Uranus squares Pisces Sun within a degree, further delineating the sharp need for communicating the human spirit through music.

RIP Johnny
Gneiss Moon 

Circles of Time

gptribbwGram Parsons

The other day I was reading about Graham Hancock and Rupert Sheldrake speaking together at a symposium in Joshua Tree, and I felt sadness and regret twice over for missing this Gram as well.

Gram was a Scorpio Sun conjunct Jupiter, Mars at 29th culmination degree.  Mercury and Venus are conjunct in early Sagittarius (and along with Mars, out-of-sign) trine a Saturn Pluto conjunction in Leo.  (Leo fire/fire loves flash, Nudie suits, anyone ?)

Gram was a man with a positive outlook and free spirit, though burdened with the heartache of losing his parents through tragedy while still very young – his father took his own life when Gram was 12, later his mother died due to cirrhosis when he was 19.
(Sun/Jupiter square Saturn/Pluto)

gram-parsonsGram had Uranus Rx and North Node of Destiny in Gemini; North Node trines Neptune in Libra, Uranus tightly opposes Lilith in Sagittarius.  Wild open spaces appealed, as did thinking outside the box – he has influenced an incredible number of musicians with his laid-back cutting-edge style.

His creative power lingers in the minds/hearts/ears of so many, and I am one.

keith-richards-and-gram-parsons-joshua-tree-thumb-400x235Gram and Keith Richards in Joshua Tree

I wanted to ask Gram what if anything he had to say to all his fans left here missing him, and this is what I drew.

photo 6
Shaman carrying out a peacemaking dance – HOPE.

photo 5
Message from spirit, crux.
Complexity, reward and worth.
All that is – surrounds us, expressed in circles of time.




Nugent lionNugent

Ted’s (fb) photo caption for the above:
And the lion sleeps tonight!! Wellwell well,looky looky here! Young Ted lastwhiteboy to get out of the Sudan alive March 1978 as the Idi Amin rebels killed everybody & blew up everything, hot on my trail!! [excerpt]Lynx photo below posted on Ted’s fb June 12, no caption.

Nugent June 12
A friend shared this lynx link yesterday, and of course, it elicited an immediate visceral reaction.  Moon is currently in Leo, and I have Venus conjunct Jupiter in Leo. 
Stranglehold has long been a fave, my first roommate will attest to it – I’ve seen him live covered in skin/tail, he put on a good show.  I have seen interviews over the years, Ted is a livewire – intelligent and outspoken – he has a commanding presence.

I managed to watch his tv show a couple of times, (despite not having cable) it was as I expected, wild & crazy, OTT.   It always stuck me as odd when people were shocked by Ted’s demeanor.   After all, he IS the Motor City Madman.  What did they think it/he was going to be like, (presumably) signing a waiver to be on a madman’s survivalist reality show ?  Obviously the dude on foot who played “chicken” with a truck envisioned something quite different than what actually happened.  I saw that comin’, easily.

I knew Ted is a Sagittarian bow hunter, obviously it stuck with me having bow hunters in my family. Today, I took a closer look at his natal chart.  I’ll be honest, I have mixed feelings about Ted, agree with some ideas – others not at all.  To use this platform to write a heated knee-jerk response without looking at all the info would put me in the category of this crap journalism, which is not gonna happen.  So I will give you the astrological deets and you can make up your own mind about what he says/does.
I will add you might want to google poaching and reality star duped for starters, and of course, Ted’s viewpoints can be found on the link to his official page under top photo.

I will also add that Endangered population deets can always be found on The Red List on the sidebar under conservation.  I will directly link vulnerable African Lion here and the NA (Bobcat) Lynx here – also please note dates on reports given in link as well as the date on the top photo caption.  Also note that I do not know where the Lynx was killed, I presume North America, but do not know for certain, as he did not provide that info.

PRZ-006444Ted is a Sagittarius with Sun conjunct Mercury (combust) opposite late degree Uranus Rx in Gemini.  That is the outspoken livewire aspect across communication houses – Sagittarians tend to be blunt; Uranus, radical.  Ted is obviously earthy, with Mars (guns) exalted in Capricorn (T. Pluto is bang on Mars at the mo), Saturn in Virgo and Moon and North Node of Destiny in Taurus.

Capricorn Mars (conjunct 6+ orb) Jupiter square Neptune in Libra denotes his hardline approach/outreach via music (Neptune rules guitars, the other string instrument) as well as his stance re: balance/loss and responsible conservation (Saturn/Capricorn) that does not always set well with others (Libra).  Mars and Jupiter (in exact) trine to Saturn again is a relentless hardline re: analyzation of use of any and all things.  He is known for being very anti-alcohol/drugs, which is obviously unusual in the world of S/D & R&R.

hairy dudes
Ted is a catalyst, provoking transformation over the haves/desires what is mine/ours axis of Taurus/Scorpio.  Not exactly a surprise, is it ?  Moon in Taurus (no deets, no orb) opposes Venus in Scorpio – both of which square focal planet Pluto Rx in Leo.  Pluto is death; Leo is life – square the Moon and Venus which are public favor or lack thereof.  Note Pluto in Leo is fixed as are the signs of Taurus and Scorpio, he is not changing anytime soon, regardless of what anyone thinks – just saying.

Lastly, Ted has Sagittarius Chiron (wounding/healing/teacher) square Saturn in Virgo indicating restless tension re: philosophies of teaching/hunting and conservation/limits as well as personal responsibilities re: same.  These are mutable signs, indicating he will listen – only if you have done your research, know the facts and have a valid argument – otherwise, forget it.

peace out
Gneiss Moon
Stranglehold in comments

Sound of Scorpio


N. Smith

How y’all doin’ leading up to Scorpio Full Moon ?  
Highs & lows ?  
Roger that.

I can barely walk with Saturn transit conjunct and Full Moon Lunar Landing on natal Neptuner in 11. Transit Mars Rx in 10 opposing natal Satan Rx, while natal backdoor Mars is getting hammered by a Neptune square.
I’m Saturn’s bitch & Neptune’s nymph without a doubt. 

So I have a lively natal Saturnian Neptuney illustration for you….
I had a stellar  Pete moment several years back…
Lemme explain.

My former husband and I loved to have fun.
He’s a 4 planet Sagittarius stellium; me, 9th house stellium, Venus conjunct Jupiter and Mars in Sagittarius.
Lots and LOTS of fun.

We have natal Taurus Moons conjunct – both of us have Moon opposite Neptune.
Classic textbook intoxicant aspects.
Yeaaah, we partied.
On the run, touring as often as possible
while still holding 
down full time jobs.

Safe to say we both made our share of mistakes, and I am not without blame.
I am the lucky owner of a 8th house Leo Venus/Jupiter square Scorpio Neptune.
I don’t want to be a queen, I want to be the Queen.

The story goes, I came home from being gone awhile to find our bed made – perfectly.
Dead. Giveaway.

Whoever she was, (not the first or the second woman I had put up with either) this one had been in my home – in. my. bed.
My natal Toro moon is exalted, in 4 – MY HOME.
Think Bull.  Horns Locked, Loaded.

Every hair on my body stood straight UP, my eyes glazed over, in the space of a heartbeat, I was a world away, in a trance state.

I slowly turned, calm and cool as a cucumber, silently marched down two flights of stairs, strolled up to his $800 Alvarez, quietly apologized aloud to the luthier, sweetly grabbed the neck and smashed that mutha into a million pieces.


tumblr_me2sihZUfC1qm3f8zo1_500I remember the wild abandon of Pure Plutonic Pain surging through my whole body.
I remember hating being driven to destroy what I find wholly holy, music.
I remember finding it odd how solid hollow body guitars actually are.
You’ve really gotta put the whammy on ’em – as illustrated below by Dave Grohl.

Equally as satisfying as primal scream.
oro Moon trine Pluto does both very well when pushed too far.

dave-grohl-smashing-guitar-oAfterwards, I sat down, had a beer, a smoke….my thoughts drifting aimlessly as I curiously gazed at the wreckage of my life laying and lying all over the basement floor.
I found it odd that in a hairsbreadth, I was so angry that I destroyed in seconds what someone had so lovingly, painstakingly created over weeks, months.

Neptune is my most highly aspected planet – ruling stringed instruments, though I didn’t know it at the time.   It became obvious years later when I learned astrology, read my aspects – read our aspects.

Stunningly accurate, divinely sublime.

For the record:
Jerry Lee Lewis, Charles Mingus, Pete Townshend are among the first to smash their instruments onstage; Jimi the first to set it ablaze.

Pete has Aries Mars opposite Libra Neptune both square Saturn N Node focal in Cancer 10.  Twelfth house Moon square Uranus in Gem on MC.

Jimi has great aspects to his Libra Neptune including trines to Gemini Uranus/Saturn.
Fire burns in his 12th house Sagittarius stellium: Sun, Mercury, Venus (opposing Gemini) square Leo Chiron tightly conjunct N Node as (out-of-sign) focal points in a T-Square. 

JIMIBURNING_0002-newsound of scorpio
sex drugs and rock n roll


Pompeii in Pink

david-gilmour-fondos-103327David Gilmour

I love Love LOVE Floyd.
You can find my interp for
Syd here.

One of my favorite things is waking up in the morning with a fresh cuppa java, listening to KQED while I read cards.  You can find KQED an hour with Floyd on the sidebar under Neptunes.

Thrillingly, David has whammy sensitive / artistic / musical water placements !

Sun and Venus (exalted) in Pisces trine a Mars Saturn Rx conjunction in Cancer.
Aries Mercury also trines Mars/Saturn, as well as Pluto Rx in Leo.
Obviously, he’s a workhorse (Mars/Saturn) in the name of art and music, (Pisces) with 5 retrogrades and heavy water placements, he hits his groove in solitary productivity.
Saturn hermits, conjunct Cancer Mars – in order to work freely, quietly without distractions.

Incredible how many artists are working T-Squares as a catalyst to creativity.
David has Mars/Saturn as focal point square Aries Moon and Jupiter Rx in Libra.
Aries Moon and Mercury is fiery fuel under all that sensitivity / creativity – head space and emotional space are  in tandem – courageous, passionate, inspired. 

Jupiter expands the exploratory creative drives of Venus ruled Libra – while conjunct Chiron Rx – he writes and teaches the wound & the healing in his music. Lyrics are compelling and magnetic with Uranus in Gemini square Sun in Pisces – Uranus cuts  straight to the universal nitty gritty lyrically, but with an inherent sweetness and hope for all life and love. (Sun Pisces)

Gemini Uranus trines Neptune in Libra – brilliant communicator through art – both are sextile Leo Pluto which is powerful creativity, risk and play via music (Sun Pisces).
David has North Node in Gemini indicating a need to share and distribute ideas.  This is a total thinking placement, but in regards to doing so with others rather than exploring independently.

Lilith in late Scorpio is delving deep into unseen desires and with an exact trine to Venus, we have an independent trailblazing creative without a shadow of a doubt.
Mercury quintiles Uranus which again solidifies he is an inspired communicator.

I saved the very best for last !

I always knew they were sincerely playing some kind of cosmic tribute to the dead.
I have asteroid Pompeja aka Pompeii 203 bang on my natal Uranus.

David has asteroid Melpomene conjunct Pompeii in Capricorn (earth, past) exactly quintile Chiron Rx (the wounded healer) in Venus-ruled Libra.
OoOoo musical healing across timespace – gives me gooseflesh ! !

Leo rules Italy; Aries and Sagittarius rule Naples.  Pluto and Uranus rule volcanoes. In  79 AD, devastating volcanoes of that magnitude were unheard of.  I will link a doco in comments.

Look to asteroid Pompeii to see how you deal with completely unexpected circumstances that blow your mind and your world inside out.
I guarantee you having Pompeii on Uranus is a wild ride.

Chromotherapy of

Healing properties: Heals grief and sadness. Restores youthfulness. Brings you in contact with your feelings.

Esoteric/magickal: Softness and tenderness, romance, caring, nurturing, for children, youth, peace, friendship, femininity, emotional love, emotional healing. source

Peace love and Floyd


billy_boyd 2

May I introduce Billy Boyd.
Billy is a not only a multi-Virgo with my heart up his sleeve, Billy is a Virgo wonderment. 
My Virgo stellium looks like chump change next to his.  Dig it !

Sun 4
Jupiter 13
Pluto 22
Mercury 22
Venus 23
Uranus 28

Now THAT is a stellium.

Billy ScotsSix Virgo Planets, Mars in Leo, Saturn Rx in Aries.
Outbound expression of Leo creativity via Mars power trine North Node of Destiny & Chiron Rx in Aries circumscribed by intense intellectual analyzation. + Cheeky !
Goal-enriched, focused, streamlined creativity.

Virgo restraint is brought to a crux by Pluto, Mercury, Venus (22,22,23) respectively; tight triple conjunction, mind you – straight to the chase, he is.  Perceptual shifts ongoing, daily routine reveals sacred patterns, philosophical shifts and psychological breakthroughs revealed via a mind busy with practical matters.

Virgo Pluto, Mercury/Venus are tightly sextile 23 Neptune in Scorpio, leading to much opportunity and ultimately success on stage in theater (Mars, Leo) as well as (Neptune ruled) film and music. Billy has an amazing voice, Beecake is fantastic, see vids in comments.  Well done.

Billy spies appleSaturn Rx as Yod focal point indicates adaptation, improvisation re: elements & modalities in re: to work, identity, intellect and expressing desires.  Points of a Yod see, feel and react differently – integration, co-operation needed; adaptation, improvisation on call.

Saturn Rx is not only in its fall, but also retrograde – which makes the reconfiguration of actions undergo continual reconsideration.  Actions are slowed and internalized while figuring out how to best express them.  Growing older, at which point expressing the planetary energy has been perfected, the energy is delivered outwardly.  (I have Saturn Rx in Aries, as does Thom Yorke.)  Seeking perfection is inherent – streamlined power in progress, editing on hand 24/7.  Aries Saturn as focal point indicates the need to overcompensate, overachieve and cover all the bases prior to action as well as in the process of doing it.
 Stardust and Melancholy photoStardust and Melancholy

North Node in Aries calls the spirit forth to bushwhack a new trail via impulse & instinct, the emphasis is on self-acceptance rather than seeking accolades through others.  Chiron Rx here is much the same, leading with the spirit of connection, new beginnings, meet/greet/make it neat (fast), move on.

Fire signs (as well as any planets therein) are the cheerleaders of the zodiac; Aries, doubly so – they are the I AM / WE ARE doing it FIRST primal people.  Aries North Node of Destiny, Chiron Rx, Saturn Rx are notable as they are Cardinal – focusing the drive of Billy’s mutable (adaptable) plow.  Mars in Leo is fixed, creative and backing with major powerhouse instinctual energy towards destiny via trine.

Cardinal inspiration, ideas, creativity, exceptionally vibrant healing* are given the reins here especially during fire sign transits. *For those who are of the *Chiron rules Virgo crowd; Sun & Chiron are in tandem giving and receiving great reception as Sun is exalted in Aries.

Beecake BillyBeecake on Twitter

Saturn prominent not only indicates restriction, but also older people, authority figures, ambitions a long-standing career and a love of work.  Billy lost his parents at a very young age and was raised by his grandmother.  Pluto, Mercury 22; Venus 23 Virgo indicates a woman stepping into his life to undertake personal responsibilities while he was young during a major life transition. (Pluto, death, transformation; Mercury, youth; Venus female; Virgo service to others.)  As a comparison, I’ll pop in my own deets: I’m Saturn ruled (in 3, siblings) all bros & sis are over 12 + years older than me.

Note current astro transits: Transiting Capricorn Pluto; Venus direct trine Virgo Jupiter (beneficial, though transformative change via art, communications, balance); Jupiter Rx sextile Virgo Jupiter (opportunity expansion); as well as transiting Uranus conjunct North Node of Destiny.  Uranus rules astrology…and you, my friend, are up to bat this time.  Welcome.

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