Crawl into my World

Chris Cornell Singles

Chris Cornell, Soundgarden as seen in Singles

Chris Cornell died (police report suicide by hanging, his family disputes this) after his recent Detroit show on Wednesday at the young age of 52.
Incredibly talented man with an unforgettable voice.
Huge Syd Barrett fan too.
Syd is my (primary) patron, so it occurred to me he might have been around to help Chris with his transition, so I asked him.

What follows is a series of Q&A using various card methods – the draw and answer follow the questions.  Lastly, I of course, tackle the astrology.

? Syd, have you checked in on him yet ?
No, he had a troubled passing … but you’re gonna ask me to aren’t you ?
Me: yep.
Syd: Ok, I’ll check in on him.
Me: Thanks, love. x

Chris Cornell Syd

? Chris what was going through your mind the night you died ?
1 Eligor: (Venus) conflict/warfare and strategy; rise or find someone who can
2 Orias: (Moon) inspiration/Hermes, thoughts beyond logic, instinctual responses
3 Bifrons: (Mars) new chapter/transformation, death

Seems he was at war with himself, felt he had no way out than to go higher.

Chris Cornell FA

 ? Chris, now that you are on the other side, what say you ?
Be wary of quick decisions that lead you into the cave of the unknown, rather be generous when judging yourself, disappointment will pass. Turn your creative eye towards those who love you and seek emotional adaptation and wise counsel to assist you as you conquer your demons.

Chris Cornell Other Side

Syd, do you have any parting thoughts ..?
Thanks for hooking me up with your (our) friend, I told him you send him your love. Share this caution to the spooked herd. Rise above the pain and drama and know that his energy remains, infinitely enfolding. Though he lost this challenge, he will, in time, rise again with strength to face the next.


Natch, I also checked the astro.
Chris has an unaspected Cancer Sun (Moon rules Cancer, fluctuates) which was under a progressed Mars transit (conjunct).  This is a call to courage, strength and willpower – a need to release tension properly lest a risky gamble backfire in the heat of the moment.

Unaspected Cancer Sun often has deep feelings that may go unexpressed due to feeling alone and singular in expression. Releasing pressure for an unaspected Sun is more difficult when it doesn’t ‘relate’ to other planets in the natal.

Progressed Virgo Mercury Rx was opposite his natal Saturn Rx in Pisces, which can indicate mental stress, fatigue, and a resultant overmedication. Thoughts become jumbled in the face of reality. Work issues may seem insurmountable or insecurities may begin to run the whole the show.

In addition, not only was transiting Mars conjunct his natal Venus/Mars conjunction in the mental sign of Gemini which points to heightened anxiety, but also transiting Uranus the eccentric was square his natal Sun. Chris took Ativan to combat this anxiety which is a part of his natal signature.  (So do I.)  It is reported he grew confused after taking too much which led to his death.

Rest In Peace, Chris
You will be missed by so, so many.
Oh…and when you get a chance, please tell Syd I love him. Thanks love x



Sun is dependable in Taurus

Ownership and finery rule the senses
Security and zen surrounds keep the bulls placid

Unassuming tenaciousness
common sense and hard working principles are adhered to
they persevere but patience is called for
for they tend to be laggards

Taurus Suns are fond of money
valuing things and material pleasures

Sensible and sensate
they are slow to anger but ornery and intractable
when they reach their limit

Peace of mind regulates their altitude
they resist change
preferring predictable status quo

Valued for reliability and modest self-esteem
they radiate peaceful charm


Sun in Scorpio
October 23 – November 22
8th house
ruled by (ancient) Mars (modern) Pluto
receptive yin
fixed water


Scorpio Sun is secretive

Power Rises UP
regeneration thrives and rebirth rules
cravings and lust for both are integral to being

Steadfast in the eye of danger
neither life or death can move them to fear for they embody both
heeding the call of nature beyond the veil is sacrosanct

Scorpio Suns are fond of power
in whatever form it takes
molding, shaping and manipulating it is their forte

in the absence of chaos they wield it
a steady sword need be tested, tried to be true
transformation is inherent, relentless

gravitas as sidearm masks gifts
carefully hidden
proceed with caution


Ardent & Audacious

kidmograph tumblr_mw9lu7TdjW1rsdpaso1_500Gustavo Torres

Aries Mars conjunct Uranus >> incoming – exact in five days.

Mars conjunct Uranus drives the wheels of change and innovation into ultra radical high gear.  High octane blast offs behind the wizard of weird manifests in remarkable originality and free thinking backed by tremendous passion.

Unpredictable outbound energy is the hallmark of this aspect.

Mars conjunct Uranus is wildly courageous, bold and headstrong – contrary even.  This team is leading the way come hell or high water, they will not be stopped, corralled or worse yet – managed.  

Fiercely independent, they are extreme in whatever they choose to throw their energies into, no one will convince them otherwise.  Forward actions & fixed mindsets are all over the shop.

Willpower, thought processes aka altitude attunement is of utmost importance, for getting the head straight prior makes all the difference in how the game is played.  Mars conjunct Uranus has incredible wild instincts and KNOWS how to react to social situations no matter how odd the crisis or sitch.  They jump right in without thinking, this is an aspect of action/reaction for better/worse.

This combo points directly to humanitarian interests, they are often spoiling for a good cause/fight to rally behind.  These intelligent reformers are audacious and ardent with the ability to view life with a detached objectivity, making them very perceptive champions in a pinch.

Mars conjunct Uranus signals a strong-willed, domineering competitor who is not only intuitive, inventive and clever but also packed with stamina for the long haul.  They are rebellious, resourceful and highly focused.

Gneiss Moon 

For Your Consideration

FullSizeRender 2

Quantum Tarot

March 20
Solar Eclipse 29 Pisces 

Hi qi manifestation of this eclipse highlights the unseen, sneaking and strategy.  Pisces Sun conjunct Moon Solar Eclipse in the last degree (29) of the last sign of the zodiac (Pisces) is stealth in the twelfth without a doubt.

Caution is advised, an oblique approach to any and all difficulties is better received than full frontal guns blazing.

This Quantum card reveals different forms of radiation, aka atomic nuclei that are unstable and release particles spontaneously.  All forms of radiation are silent/invisible though they do not operate the same.

Alpha can be blocked by a sheet of paper.
Beta can be blocked by aluminum.
Gamma is very high energy/powerful can only be blocked by lead.

This card signals scheming and penetration, the indirect approach.  Many situations will be sneaking up on us – calmly  calculate and consider all circumstances flowing inward & outward.

We spy but are also spied upon.
Carefully contemplate boundaries – those you set & those you break.  Where are you permeable, where are you rock solid…?  Know your deal breakers.

Treat others as you would like to be treated & treat yourself well while you are at it.  Management of the mischievous Pisces savior/martyr complex is a must.

This is the culmination degree of an intuitive, compassionate, sign.
Healing comes home.

How healthy is your (Earth’s) body of water ?

What we create we live with: energy, thoughts, feelings and vast amounts of miscellaneous material goods.  Eg. There is no such thing as throwing trash away.
Hidden means hidden – not gone or away.  Garbage (energy) ends up in a landfill, (in someone else’s face) quite a bit of it is sadly floating in the Pacific. 

Transmutation of Use is the Key.
Consider this – personally, globally.

FullSizeRenderNight Sun Tarot

April 4
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 14 Libra

High qi energy card highlights exalted Aries Sun conjunct Uranus in opposition to Moon in Libra both square Pluto at 15 Capricorn.  

Polarities walk hand in hand with reversals of fortune/perspective shifts via work- trine Jupiter Rx we have sublime grace, hope riding shotgun. 
Sun delivers rationality, clarity and new constructions of consciousness and creativity.  Humanitarian ideals and kinships with like minds/hearts are strong, magnetic, harmonious.
Energy boosts and bountiful blessings.

peace & love
Gneiss Moon

# 9

imageLudovica Wing Shuen Price

is ruled by Mars and Pluto.

Nine is culmination, completion, attainment, the beginning & the end, complexity.  Nine represents understanding, humanity, universal truth, compassion and benevolence.

Symbolism /mythologies of the number nine include:

Odin’s nine days/nights sacrifice on Yggdrasil (Hangman, tarot)

nine realms

Enter a caption

Nine realms (above, click for bigger)
Nine Virtues
9 Virtues
City of Nine Gates
Nine months of human gestation
In human gestation, the sperm tail has nine twisted threads, which after uniting with the egg form a centriole which is a circle of nine parallel tubes.

Pregnancy_ChangesNine Chinese dragons
Nine kitsune tails  (See asteroid Inari.)
The Ennead of Heliopolis, Egypt
enneadNine twists in the river Styx.
Nine lives (read: 80)
Nine-round death meditation
Nine Choruses of Angels
Mesoamerican Nine Lords of Night
Nine Muses
Ninth House
John Lennon (a 6) was oddly surrounded by nines, also here.

Nine Ring-Wraiths & The Fellowship of the Ring. <~ Yes, ALL 9 + interest.
Nine sacred woods of Beltane
Nine is the triple triad of 3×3, the Triune of the Goddess

In Kabbalism, the ninth sephiroth of the Tree of Life is yesod aka the magickal link between mind and matter, the foundation and support of our existence, a great fundamental force for good/evil/transformation.

Cabalah%20of%20the%20Hebrews%20redrawn%20webNine is unique in being the only digit which, when multiplied by any other digit, always reproduces itself – for this reason, nine symbolizes indestructible matter and immutable truth.  Nine is the number of spiritual and mental proficiency, the root of all things.
Nine is the number of the circumference (circle), divisions of 90 degrees create 360 degrees for the entire circumference(see sacred geometry video, GMA fb page)

Nine is a dense composite of vibrations of all the numbers before itAces are pure energy (see Robin Wood pic below) opposed to the slower, textured energy of the nines.  See how short and sweet the interp for one is here.  Arriving at the point where I could write the interpretation for nine took considerably more effort than it did when I was writing one, I guarantee you.

Nine is attainment, achievement and the ending of a cycle as the next number (10) is again reduced to 1.  Nines carry the energy of calculation prior to culmination.  Nines are knowledgeable masters and visionary leaders capable of great influence on their environment.

imageGenerous to a fault, these idealistic humanitarians sacrifice money, time and energy to improve the welfare of all.  The vibration of nine is equipped to be responsible for more than themselves, they carry a heavy burden for many.  They are selfless, tolerant and philosophical rather than materially focused.  Nines are open and understanding of many walks of life – knowledge coupled with compassion reigns supreme.

Self-awareness is the signature of this vibration, they have lived through the energetic expressions of numbers 1-8. These folks teach life’s lessons, have great empathy and dedicate themselves to helping others succeed through counseling, mentoring and the healing or creative arts.  Serious students of life, they have an amusingly eccentric edge and are often gifted with highly intuitive powers due to energy recognition/transmission.

Amin Tela
Gneiss Moon

The Roses


Grateful Dead

Funny/odd I did not know until this very day that Uranus and Pluto rule fanatics.  
I laughed.
I do not self-identify as a fanatic.

I have endured BS for years by others who do not understand why I would travel anywhere to hear certain bands so many times I have lost count. I have again endured it here at GMA because I love to explore the creative spirit in actors, directors, musicians, scientists, philosophers, etc..

I am Virgo Sun Uranus Pluto – see above.
Venus Jupiter in Leo – when I like anything, I tend to like it a LOT.
I am not without mistakes (Uranus/Pluto also rule) but I am not ashamed of loving who or what I love.  I do my best to be truthful, fair, just and kind whatever I am doing, but especially here when I write.

I have noticed the Uranus Pluto square is dragging Plutonic power-trippers from the depths of fandoms, (standoms, whatever) into unusually Uranian high gear.
See Gamergate.
Typical rants include: I was here first (Aries/Uranus) or I am older, wiser (Pluto/Capricorn), or it’s obvious/how can you be so blind, gender bias and the absolute worst: flat-out bullying and fixedFixedFIXED mindsets.

I have seen it but reserved comment until now.  The incoming eclipses & square compel me to note people are forgetting why we are all here in the first place.

The Roses, people.
We are here for the love.
Let’s not forget it.
Now go out and be kind to one another, please and thank you.

May it blow in all good company.
peace & love 
Gneiss Moon

carving the spirit free

Charlie TerrellCharlie Terrell

Full Moon 14 Virgo
March 5 Chicago 12:05pm
London 6:05pm
March 6 Tokyo 3:00am
Wellington 7:00am

Full Moon in Virgo opposes Sun/Chiron in Pisces highlighting peace talks between the deep subconscious wound and the need for practical healing via logical, precise daily analyzation.
Chop wood, carry water.
Mercury opposes Moon/Jupiter today while Sun/Neptune quincunx them.
Change of habits, re-organization is needed.  Focus on feelings and regeneration – metamorphose habits/character traits that self-sabatoge.

Full Moons are Sun Moon promises.  New Moons signal quiet growth from intent; Full Moon fruition is harvest.  Full insight via the compare and contrast of what we asked for and what was delivered and how we feel (Moon) about it.

During New Moons we (conscious – solar / subconscious – lunar) are side by side looking into the world:  two FEELS more like ONE.  Instinct and will are a team, setting intentions for growth during the coming lunar cycle.

During Full Moons two FEELS more like TWO, because we are at odds with the other side of ourselves, at odds with the reflection of self, at odds with the OTHER.  (Full Moons are always opposite Sun) Instinct and will are in peace talks, they are AWARE of their separateness.  Understanding, illumination and growth is at a peak – knowledge courses in from all sectors.

Hope or Jettison.
Spirit of Change.
Peace talks signal reboots across the wheel where your house Virgo meets house Pisces.  Virgo – Pisces axis here.
Obstacles are found in houses Gemini and Sagittarius.  Change is made easily in mutable signs – work it !  Think universal vs personal healing, meditation vs daily routines, logic vs beliefs – the symbiotic middle ground via thought patterns, mental re-boots, polarity shifts.

Be inventive !

This brings to mind the edge of the knife (Mars/Venus/Uranus), carving away at the hidden spirit (Sun/Chiron Pisces) that is waiting to be born within the wood.  Venus has moved on from Mars and will move on from Uranus by the time Full Virgo Moon arrives, but by transference of light they all trine (Uranus exact) Leo Jupiter – surprise inspiration, love/creativity and the gift of quiet grace.  (Jupiter Rx)

Note that Mercury is out of shadow the day before Full Moon, crystal clear concepts are dawning – Mercury is exalted in Aquarius until March 30 when it whizzes into Aries. (edit: March 12 Pisces, rather) 

Know also on March 14, taskmaster Saturn moves Rx at 4 degrees Sagittarius until August 8 when it moves direct at 28 degrees Scorpio. Late Leo (and all fixed signs) people you have my empathy, but we have to go back and get something we seem to have forgotten.

We are also heading into major changes with two incoming eclipses:
Solar Eclipse 29 Pisces March 20
Full moon Lunar Eclipse 14 degrees Libra April 4
More on that soon.

Gneiss Moon


Storm-women-of-the-x-17242599-1024-768Storm, Marvel

I mentioned in Drum of Truth we have Venus conjunct Uranus incoming !   Venus is coming up on Uranus Feb 28 – March 4.  This is a heck of an aspect when backed by Aries/Martian power.

What may we expect you ask ?  
With Uranus all bets are off – higher octave of the trickster, it’s a wildcard.

Those born with Venus conjunct Uranus KNOW it delivers a surfeit of surprises.  Wildly creative, but will not be restrained in any form or fashion.  Love comes in an incredible rush/often abandoned in a nanosecond.  Incredibly magnetic/repellant due to the electric polarities of Uranus.

See this aspect and know these people cherish change in a myriad of forms.  Radically sensual and wildly flirtatious Venus conjunct Uranus is attracted to anything unknown, new, innovative.  Uranus rules the ankles, Venus attracts, showing a bit of skin or flash here will turn their heads.

Venus conjunct Uranus has the uncanny knack of being in the right place at the right time for love/money/creative opportunities.  Due to the fact that Venus rules relationships and Uranus fellowship, these people have an aptitude for herding friends from all walks of life – the weirder, the better.

These folks are curious about love in all its forms of expression, though they can be a bit emotionally detached preferring intellectual stimulation instead.  Give them plenty of room to roam, for freedom is absolutely essential, they will not be fenced or herded.  They KNOW if you are feeding them a tired old line trying to seduce or flatter – instead, go do your own thing – works a charm !

Ultimately this is an aspect of bohemian creativity/love and that means money (Venus) is also likely to come in fits and starts.  They have a take it or leave it interest in cash – humanitarian ideals and social consciousness are at the forefront of their minds.  They create social change wherever they go.

The way to their heart/affections is through their cerebrum.

Gneiss Moon