Lure of Luxury

TZVIATKO KINCHEV-11Tzviatko Kinchev

Venus in Libra (she rules) is a thoughtful, social placement for the planet of love, art, beauty and money.  While in Taurus (she also rules) Venus is earthbound, valuing the material world; while in Libra she values ideas, one-on-one relationships, harmony and refinement.

This Venus loves to make people feel comfortable and at ease, they delight in clever conversation.  They are fond of conventional pleasantries, politeness and expect reciprocation in kind.  Their homes are lovely, filled with pleasing, beautiful things, as are their closets.  These folks are the clothes horses of the zodiac, loving to appear their best at every function – be it a ballroom, or a ball diamond – they have it together. They match.

Venus here is diplomatic and considerate, seeing situations from every angle.  They will gladly listen to other viewpoints in order to better weigh all options before making a formal judgment.  While they are professional advice givers, they are often hard-pressed to make decisions in their own lives.  The tendency to over think any and every move is to be avoided.

This Venus is charming, liking their mates to be pleasing as well.  Shoddy dress and sloppy speech will not impress.  This Venus can be flippant and a bit insincere at times, preferring to placate rather than be pushy.  This Venus makes friends easily for they are friendly and outgoing. (Cardinal)

When it comes to money, they are good at attracting it, but need to keep good sense when spending it.  The lure of luxury and label is strong.   Libra Venus is romantic and generous, they enjoy sharing.  They show appreciation for those they love with tokens of affection, such as notes, sweets or similar small, kind gestures.

Venus into Scorpio October 23 (USA)

Peace and Love
Gneiss Moon


One Another’s Light

I do not know what brought me here
Away from where I’ve hardly ever been and now
Am never likely to go again.

Faces are lost, and places passed
At which I could have stopped,
And stopping, been glad enough.

Some faces left a mark,
And I on them might have wrought
Some kind of charm or spell
To make their futures work,

But it’s hard to guess
How one person on another
Works an influence.
We pass, and lit briefly by one another’s light
Hope the way we go is right.

Brian Patten
Peace & Love

Bling Bucks

Mark Wagner

Trade / Balance.

I have seen all sorts of bills in my day.
Venus into Leo and I am writing about $$ vanity & money $$

Glamorous greenbacks.
Currency clout, bling bucks…
Wondering who is on the $10,000 bill ?

I have Mercury in Libra at MC, where does our money go (public is Libra, 7th) and what does it communicate ?
How many slang terms for Moola ?
This one cracked me up, a funny moment in a double shift that brought a big grin.
I still have it, I do have Venus in Leo 8th after all.

These are all over the place in Iowa, since NORML is going strong there.

Then there are the Where’s George bills – enter the serial # and track the movements of Venus all over the states.  I tracked one as far as the local pharmacy, before that it was in Georgia somewhere.  I was curious where it had been.  I have Aquarius (curiosity) on 2nd, Venus in Leo (curious cat on 8th of research) conjunct Jupiter (long distance travel).
Venus sure does get around . . . (soz, couldn’t resist !)

How is your cash FLOW ?

Look at Venus.
Look to how Venus is aspected:
trine (harmonious); square (tense, difficult); opposition (dealing with others) or sextile (opportunities).

What is going on in your Earth houses – the wealth triad, the material plane ?
See Oprah below (2nd, 6th, 10th)

Look at Second House (personal earnings)
Look at Eighth House (joint finances)

Have a peek at Margaret’s chart interp, she has great $$ aspects.

Also note Oprah Winfrey’s natal Grand Air Trine: Sun, Mercury, Venus in 2nd house Aquarius, trine Jupiter in Gemini 6th, trine Neptune in 10. Pluto in Leo 8th opposes all her Aquarius, squares her Mars in Scorpio (focal planet in T Square).  Oprah is a powerfully driven businesswoman, using her unusual gift for communicating.  She is the queen guru of pop culture talk show healing on a mass scale.


Evolve into love

Full Moon in Taurus 6 degrees
Monday 29 2:49pm CST, USA

We are almost Fully Looney, people ! 
Or are some of us already there and then some ?!

Full Toro Moon is for HOooOowling – Toro rules the throat – so let’er RIP !

Hallelujah Venus off my late 9th house Virgo Sun/Uranus/Pluto stellium and bunglefuq progs: Virgo Venus / Uranus [exact] with a sidekick of Pluto [opposite transit Uranus on prog Saturn – which squares prog Mars in Cap to which Pluto is applying].

Recently visited my mother…guess what happens when you put two stressed out Plutonics in the same room. 

OoOoh waitress ? wtf is my Xanex horse tranq ?!

I spent the morning in tears, Virgo processing events of late.

Chrysalis stage anyone ? – deceptively silent – behind the curtain: atomic meltdown.
Shifting / grinding brain gears – BIGTIME unavoidable mental metamorphosis – didn’t realize I was holding my breath until it passed – then WHAM release.

Mars opposite Jupiter Rx – both in AIR – brought internet sparring over some idiotic Doctor Who cartoon that implied the companions were common carbon copies of one another – interchangeable arm candy.  Yet another slight to all women everywhere.
Hey, smack it up on my page – fair game – If I disagree, you’ll know it.  If I agree you will also know it.  I may be blunt – but I am honest.

Show ain’t over yet – Full Toro Moon is in my lunar house (opposite my natal Neptune) with SuperMoon eclipse to follow Nov 13 ON my Neptuner.

This is my NINE year – culmination – solar return is Cardinal heavy, North Node of Destiny smack on ASC with Pluto as focal planet of a T-Square with Sun opposite Uranus.
Lock and Load Baby – this is dead straight on shakedown street. 
I suspect many of you are feeling the CHRYSALIS POWER SURGES as well, yes ?
Do tell…I would love to hear your experience of Uranus square Pluto thus far… 

I apologize for sliding into astro home plate in the bottom of the 9th – been a bit busy – but now I’m back in the game !

Venus into Libra

Sunday 28
8:04am CST, USA

Ahhh…a light fluffy frothy Venus whipped into a perfect curly Q with sprinkles.
* Lovely ! *
Sweets, scents, art, beauty, friendliness, charm and diplomacy all sit sweetly in the
Libran parlor.

Venus loves to freely flit and flirt in this intellectual, communicative AIR sign, her home – she rules this house beautiful.  She is polite, polished, matchie- smatchie, and wants you the same.  Her sense and sensibilities will suffer greatly if a fugly shoddy – or horrors !  outdated ensemble should stumble across the doorstep on date night. 

She is bubbly, outgoing and honestly enjoys the company of others – the exchange of ideas and concepts revolving around art, social equality and how to balance and beautify everything is a sure-fire win.  She is in love with love, romance is key as is being thoughtful and considerate.

Librans can be incredibly indecisive – fair warning – they often like you to choose dinner and arrange plans so they won’t have to fret over it.  I had a Libra friend that looked at 7 painted color swatches on the wall for years – at last visit – still no choice.

They are great minglers at parties, the hostess with the mostest serving up a smile so sweetlyThey are emotionally straightforward and will work to keep a relationship running smoothly, they dislike chaos and discord Saturn is exalted in Libra – fairness and stability in a mate is especially treasured.
Heads up !
Libra into Venus means she is opposite Uranus Rx in Aries and square Pluto in Capricorn right off the bat.

You have mail !
Someone most likely a woman delivers a surprise revolving around creativity / love / money.  Communication resolves past issues, propels you forward into your future – fresh ideas are incoming regarding emotional matters held over from the past : childhood, siblings, or close relatives. 

Men / mentors step up to the plate to assist your healing in some form or fashion, offering stability and guidance. 

A whole new way of seeing and thinking develops from these exchanges – actions needed to forge ahead will become obvious.  Growing pains likely, but in the end they are signs of your revolutionary evolution into your divine rebirth. 
Spread your wings and  F L Y . . .
