You Know . . .

rose-leslie-game-of-thrones-6Rose Leslie as Ygritte, Game of Thrones

A bit of mini interp prior to Full Leo Moon conjunct Jupiter stuff…

Rose is an Aquarius with Jupiter (traditional ruler) in Pisces in exact square to Uranus in Sagittarius.  Sagittarius (the archer) is ruled by Jupiter; Pisces rules film as well as what lies beyond.  Rose is either a late Gemini or early Cancer Moon – making Jupiter focal planet of a(n out of sign possibly) T-square with Moon opposing either Uranus/Saturn in Sag or Venus/Neptune in Capricorn.

Pisces Jupiter is sensitive, enthusiastic – while square Sagittarius Uranus, wildly unpredictable – gypsy spirit emotional consciousness, seeing/knowing keen: scout. 
If Moon is in Gemini: think/hear it coming; Moon in Cancer: gut/feel it coming. Pisces Mercury tends towards transcendent thinking, daydreams – senses of thinking and feeling are tightly woven.

In tandem with Aquarius Sun, boho individualism is strong, rebellious, while Venus and Neptune in Capricorn shore up love/work structure, goalsets and practicality.  Values earth, time, place, emotional roots, the past.  Mars in Aries (ruling) is gutsy, brave and independent; adventurous and hard-working when trine Uranus/Saturn in Sagittarius.

I see now why her performance moved me to tears at the end of last season.  Actions screamed, yet volumes remained silently unspoken.  Exquisite, truly.  Astrologically, Rose’s late Sag trines my Leo Venus Jupiter & her Venus is on my ASC.  Ygritte is a tough girl on the outside, but sensitive on the inside.  I get that – more than I’d like to admit.  How perfect the line and the fact Rose is an Aquarius, yes ?  Brilliant.

ygritte-bow-and-arrow-game-of-thrones-1February 3
Full Moon 14 Leo
5:09pm Chicago

Full Leo Moon opposite Aquarius Sun delivers news via culmination in house Leo.  In conjunction with Jupiter Rx we have more feelings, more drama, more flair, a dash of luck and lots of learning – retrogrades explore interior landscapes – with Full Moon, lush emotional landscapes.  While Jupiter travels Rx in Leo: we learn about ourselves, our creativity, our heart space and the s/hero within.  What leads you to Rise out of bed in the morning with a song in your heart ?  This Moon points you right to it !  This moon clears the space + opens the door of the heart so you can more easily see/know.

1 Internal (Mercury/Jupiter Retrograde)
2 External – as Mercury goes direct mid-February, the last Uranus/Pluto square perfects mid-March, Jupiter goes direct mid-April

While feelings are in opposition to Sun we see/feel the peace talks and likely a rebalancing of emotions and an emotional detachment/ release from what no longer serves us.  Leo is all about me Me ME and how the individual spirit needs to be expressed.  To feel joy, we must feel we have PURPOSE.

Sun in Aquarius thinks globally – yet we are individuals within the global energetic etheric field.  We must first suss out personal issues before we can offer the world our highest vibration.  So it is.

Uranus is square Pluto with last exact on the way mid-March.
03 17 2015 Aries Uranus & Capricorn Pluto both Direct – 15 degrees
This full moon at 14 Leo trine Uranus activates our entrance into positive (forward) growth via:
1 internal visualization.
2 Elbow grease.
Hallelujah !

Many have been releasing, purging, surrendering and letting go … all the while, new structures have been slowly taking form.  Sagittarius Saturn square Neptune at full Moon accentuates the place of emotional friction between what we feel we are capable of and what we are actually seeing unfold at. this. point.  Both are flexible, mutable and working – building the dream straight from emotional visualization.
Have faith in yourself and in others.

Be positive, light of heart – focused and specific.
Seek wisdom inside yourself, your path is yours and your alone.
Make it know.
Gneiss Moon

Grinning & Winning


Full Moon Eclipse 25 degrees Aries
Friday October 18 6:38pm CST, USA
Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio 18 Scorp

Monday October 21
5:29am CST, USA
Stations direct 2 Scorp

Saturday November 10 4:11pm CST, USA
(where it re-grooves own path from Earth’s perspective)
Pre: October 1 through Post: November 27
Aries Uranus Rx square Capricorn Pluto 9 degrees
Friday November 1
Jupiter Rx 20 Cancer
Sunday November 3
New Moon Solar Eclipse 11 Scorp

Thursday November 7
Neptune Direct 2 Pisces
Wednesday November 13
:::::::::::::::: time_by_kd_matheson-d38y5t1TIME by kd-matheson

Heh.  Metamorph Mambo.  This will be interesting.  As you can see, we will all be very busy under this sky in the upcoming weeks.
::: Eclipses are FLASH POINTS :::
Speeding events through the portal MAY CAUSE DISTORTION and FEEDBACK.

First up to bat: Full Moon Eclipse in Aries at 25 degrees puts Sun in Libra opposite Moon in Aries, both in square to Jupiter in Moon-ruled Cancer.
Emotionally driven action that leads to balance re: feelings, memories, mother, home via changes in philosophy, travel, the ethics of moving ahead – onward through the past.

Virgo Mars (rules Aries) is the Eclipse Head Honcho, (HA ! Aries joke) in opposition to Neptune Rx in Pisces – fuzzy logic may be coming your way re: what to think and how to morph. TAKE YOUR LEAD here, people – Mars widely trines Full Aries Moon.

Go with your instincts, go with your gut !  

This eclipse spotlights personal growth and independence.

Check the house where Aries lands in your natal.
This is how and where you be be BLAZING YOUR TRAIL.
See what is up with your natal Mars & Jupiter – BIG clues & Keys here.

Luna widely conjunct (12 degrees) South Node in Toro is a nod to LETTING GO.
Completion, moving away from something or someone you love/loved.

Mars Head Honcho trines metamorphic Pluto in Capricorn from Earthy earth, earth, earth Virgo.  Grounded. Stable – we are feeling good in other ways, unexpected Uranus square Pluto ways.

Venus SEES ALL POSSIBILITIES in Sagittarius & she also ATTRACTS THEM !
We are learning, growing and stretching and it feels GREAT !
One door slams shut, and a window FLIES OPEN.
Steady as she goes Capt’n . . .

Anything in the ballpark of 25 degrees +/- 5 will be feeling it – late degrees of Cardinal signs will be working it via square.  (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)

Note: Eclipse energies are active for weeks, sometimes months before and after the actual event.  (Sun will square eclipse point in 3 months; oppose in 6 – ck Aries progress at this time)

Late degrees of Leo and Sag offer support (also opportunities re: hope, honor, generosity of spirit) through awareness.  Late Aquarius and Gemini offer emotional support via open lines of communication.

Note: Mercury stations 3 days after Eclipse and stations can be tricky aka: rocky re: comms of all kinds.  Think 2x, speak 1x.  We ARE talking ARIES here.

House Scorpio supports Jupiter – focal planet of Eclipse T-Square.
Meaning dig deep, tweak perspectives – see both sides of self and other.

Saturn, North Node of Destiny and Mercury are the in-house rolling conjunction trine sensate sponge Neptune, and teacher/philosopher Chiron in Pisces.
Remember most of all, to move forward with the sense of humor well oiled and firing on all pistons and everyone will come out grinning, winning and healed.

peace out

Looney Lunar Information Glut

Neptune’s Tomb, Paul Lehr

Monday 18
Sun into Pisces 6:02am CST, USA
Saturn Rx 11:02pm (11 degrees Scorpio)
until July 8 (4 degrees Scorpio)

Saturday 23
Mercury Rx 3:41am (19 degrees Pisces)
until March 17 (5 degrees Pisces)

Sunday 25 * edit: MONDAY 25, soz !
Full Moon in Virgo 2:26pm (7 degrees)
Venus into Pisces 8:03pm

Wheels turn and changes are upon us…
Apologies for being late with this – I was having a bit of a breakdown breakthrough  transit myself.  Two Toro Moons opposite Saturn (my ruler, nearly Rx) with Pluto coming and going.  Tower card showed up a couple of times, fun weekend.
So on to what’s up in a nutshell…

Sun into Pisces is a dream paradise vacation in the la la land of mystics, soothsayers, inspired artists of all kinds, healing, vivid dreamscapes – both waking and sleeping. 
Pisces have such a lovely energy … they are sensitive, compassionate – thinking in terms of inclusiveness and cosmic consciousness. 

Negative people and energies can be toxic to the Pisces psyche.  They are sponges picking up vibrations of whatever is around them; one reason they – more than any other zodiac sign – need to cultivate friendships with hi qi sensitives like themselves.   Spiritual intelligence is strong with Pisces Suns, they are transcenders who are highly intuitive, and sacrifice for the greater good.  [ Low qi Pisces can be delusional, escapist, impractical, prone to addictions, timid and deceptive.]

Saturn Rx brings inner revisions of structures, achievements, goals and responsibilities; in Scorpio, Saturn Rx delivers re-working and transforming the power that drives the building.  Saturn likes it lean and clean – Scorp house is keen to formulate re-birth.

Saturn Rx in Scorp is also an aspect of re-defining relationships – with authority and men, particularly older men, or fathers.  note: Saturn is re-applying to an exact sextile with Pluto in Cap – mutual reception with metamorphic Pluto – take the opportunity presented – transformation and metamorphosis is imminent and supremely supported  re: the above – count on it.

Mercury Rx in Pisces is primo for subconscious revisions of how we flow through our lives and perceive and relate with the cosmic ALL ONE.  Mercury is thinking, messages, communication, perceptions and self-expression of all kinds.  Mercury Rx in Pisces spins a fantastic tale of the ultimate spiritual quest in the final frontier – our minds.
Oy – in tandem with Saturn Rx in Scorp the house of the unseen mysteries – honey we are going deep sea diving in the SUBsubconscious … this oughta be good.

Full Moon in Virgo has our feelings in opposition to a googob of Pisces: Neptune, Sun, Chiron, Mars and Mercury Rx (re-applying conjunction to them all).  In addition, Moon at 7 is opposite Sun at 7 – both in square to Jupiter in Gemini at 7 degrees.

::: any planet near 7 degrees (+/- 5 degrees) you will be feeling this Moon ! :::

That makes ginormous thinking / chattering Gemini Jupiter the focal point of the superhighway Lunar information glut.   haha lucky Jupiter makes me visualize cloverleafs on the freeway…

What do I mean by that ?

Full Moon saturation illuminates Mercury-ruled Virgo house – information and messages are most certainly incoming to all Virgos – and Virgo sorts by nature.  Pisces Sun absorbs and Gemini is the revolving door of factoids.

Mercury Rx on the 23rd, Full Moon on the 25th means the brainpan is shifting and popping – times near stations are often bumpy.  Keep in mind – Mercury is dualities, rules Gemini and Virgo.

Note: Uranus (polarities) is quincunx Moon just prior to Full, so expect a weird emotional message to pop in re: actions, men or powershifts that will change your thinking and emotions revolving around some long-standing structures.

Also note:  Pisces 19 degree Mercury Rx re-applying to 18 degree Mars puts them in trine to 19 degrees North Node of Destiny in Scorpio as Saturn Rx retreats from a conjunction to NNode.  Authority, an older figure or crumbling structure of some kind retreats to lick its wounds via a re-applying trine to Chiron, Sun and Neptune in Pisces.
 It is meant to be…go re-read Saturn Rx if it freaks you out.

Adaptation, improvisation.

We will feel Full Moon emotional tug of war / peace talks in these areas:
what we think / how we perceive
how we act upon it / how others react to us
are we healing / inspiring to ourselves and others
what does our spirit desire / what is our life work – are they compatible

Happy Trails…
May the force be with you

Double edged sword

May I introduce Mr. Karl Urban.

I am always amazed at how astrology is so layered….complex, and yet equally stunningly simple.  Karl is a Gemini Sun, Mercury combust (within 2 degrees of Sun means solar rays overpower Mercury, ego can rule thinking) and Sun conjunct Saturn (which gives a little balance, reality check to the combust Mercury) all in Gemini.  Mercury rules Gemini, so it is well-placed despite being combust.

Here’s the stunningly simple bit: trekkies (me !) can tell you if you don’t know yourself – Karl dead on NAILED the role of Dr. McCoy ‘Bones’  in Star Trek.  I read it brought Leonard Nimoy to tearsKarl was that good.  I can tell you my jaw dropped…whoa. !
For the record, Karl ~ you were awesome !   Trek sequel is in post-production yippie !

Gemini’s are fabulous mimics and Karl has Sun (honors, recognition) smack between Mercury (rules names, communication) and Saturn (rules bones).  See how easy ?!

Astrology has a myriad of layers like a prism diverts rays of light, humans are complex, we have depth ~ stages of learning and growth unfold as the planets move with us throughout our lives…fascinating, yes ?
Click here for similar film astro story surrounding James Earl Jones of Vader fame.

Karl has this Gemini conjunction trine Uranus in Libra.  (Now I know why he reminds me of my brother.  My brother was an 3rd house [Gemini rules] Aquarius [Uranus rules]stellium.)  Gemini Mercury trine Libra Uranus is savvy and bright, uncannily perceptive on relationship matters, and those involving art, love and money.  Uranus is unpredictable and is aptly named ‘the awakener’ for it is the ginormous game changer that strikes in an instant.  It is polarities – one minute you are here – next minute you are there.  Standing in the same spot but with a 180 shift in perspective. BAM !

Gemini’s see both sides, they are idea people – Sun, Mercury and Saturn trine Uranus in Libra is super observant, weighs and balances thinking, communications.  Uranus is the esoteric ruler of Libra – it is the intuitive wrecking ball of the status quo, delivering stunning insights in a lightning flash ~>  a whole new world, way of thinking follows.
Also, Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury and I know it rules body language (non-verbal) as it is an intuitive art, telepathic.  Karl channelled that innate talent into the role of McCoy – the body language was spot on.  Even if viewers didn’t consciously  know the exacts of why Karl was so dead on, they instinctively  knew.  Animals communicate in this way, it is honed and precise.  Some humans also have a genius ability in this area, Karl is one of these people.

Saturn in Gemini is an alert, clever focused  mind.  It acts as a funnel or anchor for the innate flip-flop dual nature of Mercury ruled Gemini.  Saturn builds a foundation in thinking and communicating – it does the hard work, conjunct Sun, Karl is a hard worker and proud (Sun) of the work he does.

This Gemini stellium is also sextile Moon in Aries, that’s communication meets action on the playing field.  Moon (feelings) in Aries likes to go gung ho – it is impulsive and independent – a leading Moon, not a following passive Moon, for it is powered by Mars and wants what it wants when it wants it, and make it snappy !  Moon is conjunct Chiron (loosely perhaps, don’t have his exact time of birth here) leading to self-revelations regarding the wounding and subsequent healing via women and/or the public in his life.  Moon is opposite Libra Uranus so love relationships and/or relationships with the public will result in breakthroughs in how he feels, what he knows (Uranus) intuitively, and how he acts (Mars).  This conjunction and subsequent awakening completely overhauls his way of nurturing himself and others.

Karl has Mars in Cancer at 16 degrees, conjunct John Rhys-Davies Mars at 20 degrees Cancer.  (Sean Bean’s Mars is at 4 degrees Cancer.)  This means they feel (Moon rules Cancer) and actively respond to situations in a similar fashion. Karl is a big fan of Indiana Jones and likely really enjoyed working with John. (Karl named one of his sons Indy, short for Indiana..!..and ok, I have to interject Mercury loves to name things and his other son’s name is Hunter, great names, imo !)   [note: Thanks Universe for giving me a whole new mindset on Mars in Cancer peeps. Message received. O&O]

Karl has 3 T-Squares, focal planets are as follows:
Focal planets are under the most stress to transform the squares, which are inner tension and friction, they represent obstacles to be overcome. 

Invoke the highest vibration of Mars (enthusiasm rather than anger; Pluto transformation of self rather than power over others; Jupiter exploration of philosophies rather than extravagance and lack of foresight)

Mars in Cancer (square-inner tension) Moon in Aries & Uranus in Libra
[Moon opposite Uranus]

Pluto in Virgo (square) Venus in Cancer & Jupiter in Capricorn
[Venus opposite Jupiter]

Jupiter in Capricorn (square) Uranus in Libra & Moon in Aries
[Moon opposite Uranus]

First off, Karl’s Pluto is exact conjunct my 29 degree Virgo Sun. He transforms, while I enlighten,… seems appropriate.  The 29th degree is a culmination degree (each sign has 30 degrees, 0-29) meaning he will transform (Pluto) by service to others, self-improvement and problem solving. He will likely constantly seek perfection (Virgo) through transformative experiences.  This will involve a strain between love, his art (Venus) home and family (Cancer) and possibly overwork.  Most likely, distance (Jupiter) from family while working is very difficult for him.  The high side of this is honing the higher vision (Jupiter in Capricorn) into a piece of material work is intensely gratifying, undoubtedly he wants and needs public approval.  (Venus and Mars in sensitive Cancer.)  * for the record, I own Pathfinder, Riddick & love them, I have yet to watch Comanche Moon, my Mother owns it…soon.

Karl has 5 retrograde planets: Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto.  Retrograde planetary energies manifest or ‘incubate’ as internal energy until they are ready to manifest outwardly.  Retrograde energies are usually forced by an outside circumstance to manifest outwardly – as they begin to manifest outwardly you will WoW people with your seemingly new  talents and traits.

North Node of Destiny is in Capricorn, Saturn (rules Cap) is conjunct Sun in Gemini trine Uranus in Libra sextile Moon (public) and opposite Neptune (film).
Unusual communication via the conduit of work in film in the public spotlight.
North Node trine Virgo Pluto indicates transformation though visionary analyzation of artwork, communication and duty.

Since Karl is loaded with polarities (that is a compliment, btw., I am too.) I want to mention Hephaistos (asteroid of blacksmiths; forgiveness, craft, cunning and skill ), since Karl was part of a Weta project regarding the Weta weaponry – speaking in a doco – which of course I cannot locate at the moment, will return to edit, check back.

Éomer carried Gúthwinë (Old English  for battle-friend). It was borne by him at the battle of Hornburg, and presumably at the battle of the Pelennor Fields and the battle before Morannon.  Karl’s Hephaistos is trine Jupiter and biquintile (special talents) Pluto giving him an added boost of artistic (Venus rules Taurus) transformation.
Ok, um Karl has Sun at 16 degrees Gemini conjunct MY Hephaistos, my Sun is conjunct HIS Pluto…fascinating. I did mention polarities, did I not ? lol.

So Karl will experience the Occultation of Venus conjunct his 16 degree Gemini Sun on the 5th of June. (Occultation is 15 ’45 Gemini)  This will likely trigger a long-term slow acting shift in his way of thinking about art, love and relationships.  It may induce a more inclusive, cosmic or intuitive (Sun trines natal Libra Uranus) way of thinking (opposite natal Neptune in Sagittarius) and seeing the cosmos and dealing with others.  It will also tune up his higher ideals surrounding beliefs, healing through film work and the public, as well as on the family front (Moon).  Revelations regarding the creative self and future directions will come into focus with the occultation of Venus.

Saesa omentien lle, lle ume quel, quel marth, mellon.



Jo is radiant  in the photo above, yes ?

Lovely, generous Leo Jo Rowling, is no longer in the Forbes billionaire club.
It is estimated she has given $160 million to charities, supporting organizations linked to poverty, multiple sclerosis (her mother suffered from MS), children’s welfare and illiteracy.  She has written 3 books that have raised almost $30 million for charities as well.

Hi qi Leos (Sun rules) positively radiate  warmth, charisma, and generosity.
They are creative and friendly with a kind heart  (Leo rules).

Jo is obviously brilliantly creative, and I had to have a look at her chart.
This is a solar chart, so the planets in signs are correct, the houses may likely change.

Jo is a life path 5, which represents change, freedom and artistic expression.

Mega Virgo stellium !
A giant rolling conjunction: Moon, Pluto, Uranus, Venus all in Virgo; Mercury conjunct at 29 (culmination degree) Leo.  I am soOo not surprised by the extensive notes and outlines she wrote in preparation for the Harry Potter series. Virgos love their   organization and notes !  I would love to see them, wouldn’t you..?

The whole series of books is so rich with vivid detail and imagination brought to life in the written word.  She has Saturn Rx the planet of weaving and building in the sign of Pisces the mystical, inspired artist opposite all of the above except Mercury – although,  I’m calling it opposite by transference of light.

Saturn is also conjunct Chiron the philosopher, teacher and healer.  Interesting as Jupiter is oriental in her chart bringing a life of exploration, foreign travels, and higher education into sharp focus ( Yes, I just called Jupiter in Gemini focused.) especially with the addition of North Node of Destiny present in Gemini as well.

Jupiter is the focal point of a massive T- Square involving Saturn – Moon, Pluto, and Uranus opposite.  Jupiter in Gemini is hopeful, expansive with a love of grandiose ideas, reading, writing – basically communicating in some form or fashion 24/7.
It is a high-octane mentally alert and cerebrally dexterous house on steroids that loves to explore the universe for new ideas.  I can only imagine the difficulty she experienced reining in all the nebulous Pisces and distractions of Gemini to create works that have sold over 400 million copies and are the world’s best selling series of books.

Jupiter rules teachers and universities (I always saw Hogwarts as a university, I don’t care how old Harry, Hermione and Ron were, that’s how I imagined it.) and think of how many kids picked up the books to read. Even kids that really didn’t like to read were reading them. That’s amazingly cool.  J.K. Rowling is a teacher of wizards and witches the world over.

Her Sun square Neptune in Scorpio (loss of will, hope), and Saturn in opposition to all that Mercury-ruled Virgo have been troublesome for her.  Moon conjunct Pluto and Jo lost her mother just as she began writing about Harry, her mother never knew of her success.  Jo has suffered from debilitating depression, and contemplated suicide, a condition which inspired the soul-sucking dementors.  How sad when the Leo light dims…read her story (from wiki) below:

Seven years after graduating from university, Rowling saw herself as “the biggest failure I knew.” Her marriage had failed, she was jobless with a dependent child, but she described her failure as liberating:

Failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy to finishing the only work that mattered to me. Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one area where I truly belonged. I was set free, because my greatest fear had been realized, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter, and a big idea. And so rock bottom became a solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.
– Harvard commencement address, 2008.

When Jo began to work her Mars in Venus (art) ruled Libra trine Jupiter, as well as Saturn trine Neptune in Scorpio – it alleviated the stress of the oppositions and squares in her chart.  Her Neptune (imagination) is sextile Moon, Uranus and Pluto in Mercury ruled (writing) Virgo.  She also has a lovely Venus quintile Neptune which is a special talent for expressing the Scorpionic mystical arts through writing.

Thank you Jo, for hanging in there and gifting us your brilliant world of magic ~

Ps.  I vote Capricorn rising.  You ? 

*mischief managed *

Saturn day

Emmylou – I just love to hear her sing…
She’s an Aries with Cancer rising which means her chart ruler is Moon.  It is strongly placed for a singer in the 2nd house the natural house of Taurus which rules the throat.

Interestingly, Saturn (time, grey hair) is in her 1st house of ‘how you look’ conjunct Ascendant in Leo (hair, mane), and she started turning prematurely grey in her early 20’s.

Neptune (compassion, the hidden) trine Uranus (committment to human rights) in the 11th (Uranus squares Mars landmines) both Uranus and Neptune are placed in air signs (communication) which shows her work through her music in removing landmines world-wide.

Moon in Virgo (pets) and yes, Emmylou is a PETA supporter.   Emmylou has Venus (love, art) Mercury  (communication) and Mars (action) all in Pisces (spiritual healers) showing her grassroots activism in improving the world for all of us.

Emmylou has expansive Jupiter in Scorpio as focal planet of a T-square with Moon in Virgo and Venus in Pisces – she is an exceptional singer / songwriter (Venus/Pisces)who has collaborated with many talented friends (Venus) through the years.  She has recorded and jammed just about everyone in Nashville.

This post is for my Capricorn Dad, on Father’s day, and my former husband, Eric.  My Dad and I had our Saturns conjunct, while Eric gives my Saturn his lucky Jupiter.
