jellyfish kundalini

Atlantis – Kay Dean

Neptune rules Atlantis hidden under the sea.

Neptune rules ambushes, sneaking, bribes, bars, your shower.
(I have a vision board shower – laminated Machu Picchu and Rapa Nui are hanging there.  My Neptunian transporter room, ya dig ?)

Neptune rules aliens, ambushes, bliss, cameras, chakras, comas, dance, dew, bubbles.  Tip: ALWAYS blow bubbles in the dew or mist, trust me. try it !

Neptune rules diseases that are hard to diagnose, (<~can testify to that) drowning, string instruments, film, fortune telling and divination, geysers, harems, hashish, holy water, hypnotism, jellyfish, kundalini, liars, LSD, migration, nets, oil, osmosis, paradise and the penitentiary as well as pseudonyms.
Can be high holy or low locked.  Hollyweird.

Neptune rules the pineal gland, romance, sea, seances, sirens singing you a shipwreck, swamps, telepathy, toupees (!), utopia, vapors, visions and voodoo, waterfalls, yeast and yogis.
 My ex made the best bread- the yeasties loved him Neptune in the 1st opp moon

For those curious …Yes… Neptune has rings.

This Voyager image shows the three main arcs in Neptune’s Adams Ring.
The Liberty arc is near the lower edge of the image, followed by Equality and Fraternity above it.  A fourth, fainter arc, called Courage, would be just ahead of Liberty.

For More info, head over to
Trivia: The symbol for Neptune (trident) in both the French and the British system of hobo signs means here they give you food if you work

One spin around the Sun here.

cya stargazers
keep looking UP !