Sir Hobbit

Sir Peter Jackson
I was thrilled to hear Peter was back on board  and going to direct The Hobbit  thrilled

During casting updates, my ex and I were in a texting frenzy – I was soOo happy to hear Martin was cast as Bilbo !  We saw the traveling exhibit when it came through our area – Weta Workshop the craftsmanship is stunning, I was positively drooling at the leather work, blades, armour, Eomer’s helmet, costumes etc…

Peter is obviously a brilliant filmmaker with tons of credits, awards and he managed to get a TRILOGY of films made when who the heck ever heard of financial backing for that kind of monster project ? 

I amar prestar aen, han mathon ne nen, han mathon ne chae a han noston ned ‘wilith.

I woke out of a sound sleep with the feeling something was up.  I checked the sidebar links for earthquakes, flares, etc.  I just felt something.  Then I knew, checked.
Saturn is exactly exact on MC.
Moon and Jupiter are conjunct on my natal Hephaestus.

J.R.R. Tolkien has Hephaestus conjunct Pluto
in Gemini – both are at 7 degrees.

It is time.  Time for The Hobbit.
I drew a fortune for the occasion
::: Silence is golden when used at the right time :::

What better fortune could I draw for one of the greatest directors of all time ?

Peter has Saturn (time, work, silence, building, concentration) in Capricorn (Saturn rules) conjunct 29 degree Jupiter (culmination degree, visionary teaching – rules the ninth house) and Part of Fortune at Midheaven in the 9th house of philosophy.

Building Monumental Visionary Work

Right off the bat I see Peter’s life work revolves around teaching / communicating (9th house) the importance of bonds of fellowship (Saturn conjunct Jupiter) and building strong working (6th house) relationships (7th house) between a family (4th house) of friends.  And making kick-ass films, lol.  Sun (where his heart shines) is conjunct Neptune (film) and Mars (action – adventure).

Peter is a Master Builder Number 22. (higher octave of 4)   It indicates practical  genius coupled with heightened sensitivity, intuition and psychic awareness, as well as service to middle earthkind.  (Twenty-two is an esoteric number: 22 Major Arcana, 22 letters in Hebrew alphabet, 22 paths of the Sephiroth)

Peter is a Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon with Taurus rising.

Scorpio Sun in 7th is extremely artistically (natural house of Libra) observant, aware of balance at all times.  Peter’s Sun is the focal point of a T-square, with Sun square Moon in 3rd, Jupiter in 9th.  Conceptualizing, writing, filming and directing the audio / visual document of a world-renowned and much loved series of books into a massive trilogy of films is a serious creative undertaking.  Clear – cut (Mars) powers of perception are needed.

Mercury (books) conjunct Venus (money, creativity) in Libra (balance, Venus rules) is great for weighing the options between artistic integrity to the piece and the realities of a studio budget.  Saturn in Capricorn works hard – when conjunct Jupiter it works hard to manifest the vision imagined. (visionary Jupiter / Saturn opposite Moon, imagination)

Taurus ASC means Venus is the chart ruler, so obviously very creative, hard- working  (Saturn elevated) and patient through what is certainly a long arduous process.  Aquarius on Midheaven represents the extraordinary innovative work / vision of filming a trilogy length film over 274 (principal photography) days from October 1999 through to December 2000 (pick-ups from 2001 to 2004). 

Moon in Leo is imaginative, playful and very creative from the heart.  These movies work because he makes us feel the plight of middle earthkindwe care what happens to the Fellowship.  We even feel for Smeagol / Gollum who has been twisted beyond recognition by the obsessive (Scorpio) addiction (Neptune) to the evil ring (low Venus), Precioussss.   Peter gets obsession – his work is obviously his – with Jupiter conjunct Saturn elevated and Pluto in Virgo sextile Scorpio Sun.  Yeah, he gets it.

Peter has a chart full of internal tension (squares) with hard core work ethic elevated.
His one opposition – MOON – the public.  What will we think of it, how will we feel about his creations (Leo) ?  He needs to flex his creative muscles while remaining true to the original work, while also giving the public the goods.

That’s a tough spot for him, as well as the fact that he simply cannot overextend himself at work.  Moon fluctuates and in the dual house of Gemini (3rd) in Leo (rules the heart) Peter is very capable of juggling many things and doing it well – yet opposition to Saturn (the physical body) means finding balance, my friend.  Take care of yourself – we will wait for them and for you. x

We will always fall back on those sextiles and trines – quintiles feel more like ala surprise gifties from the universe – but those sextiles and trines will be working overtime to decrease the internal tension from the squares. 

Peter has some whammy sextiles on his side, for sure.  Sun sextiles Pluto – this is not only artistic transformation and doing things over, and doing them better – it is also this primal rebirthing energy that can be tapped from the house of Virgo.  Makes me think ‘the devil is in the details’ aspect, creativity wise, but it also means the will power is incredibly strong for doing great service to the artwork itself.   Sun and Moon in T-square with work, elevated – he thinks about the creative work day and night.

These films (King Kong, too: loved it !) are HIS LIFE.  These films are embedded in the public psyche forever – the bonds of fellowship, friendship, loyalty, faith and fighting evil side by side.  Amazing – truly, amazing contribution to the world of film, thank you.

Uranus is in the culmination degree of Leo testifying to unusual creative genius, conjunct North Node of Destiny is very favorable for making a creative mark on the world. (Moon, also in Leo, is the public).  North Node of Destiny in 4th (home) is also significant by Peter’s choice to stay in New Zealand for all filming.

Peter’s Chiron in 10 trines Sun, Mercury and Neptune in the 7th; Peter’s Libra Mercury, Venus trine the Midheaven.  His Neptune quintiles Jupiter and Saturn elevated, and Fortuna is elevated as well.  That is very beneficial for a creative career to have so many trines from Venus energy pinging off the Midheaven in harmony.

Neptune quintiles Uranus and Saturn – specialized talent for innovative work on film.

I absolutely love this : the indigenous New Zealand people, or Maori, came to bless (Jupiter) the production’s soundstages before principal photography (Saturn / Neptune) began.  Respect.

Kwentra lye i’narn Elear
Perfect 10, Peter !
Diola lle

namaarie garuhoa