
This vid has a great Toro nature vibe, chillax.
I could use it.
…You ?

Here at Chez Luna, cats got first full free outside exploration early this am so exciting !
Miss neurosis stayed close, miss wild climbed 3 trees, made a little grey kitty buddy, headed for the lake straightaway.  These two cats of mine are def. Felix & Oscar.

My day : Broom broke, lawn mower broke, vacuum (I just fixed) broke (again) and then my coffee pot cracked (again).
Cue headache.
I laughed.
Ok universe, fuck it. I nap.

CCROSSApril 22 late eve USA

Grand Cardinal Cross perfects

Uranus Aries
Jupiter Cancer
Mars Rx in Libra
Pluto in Capricorn

All @ 13 degrees
Planets +/- 5 degrees will be feeling change UPs, friction. Inner & outer.
Esp.  Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

Sun is in Taurus; in 9 days dark moon meets Sun and Mercury for a New Moon Solar Eclipse. 

The last quarter moon is a time of contemplation, re-adjustments, attunement and elimination of the unnecessary. As the moonlight dims to dark we enter the balsamic moon phase.  This lunar phase is the bridge between two worlds – the past is ending, the future new moon is approaching.  This is a time of shaded solitude, silence and endings – wise crones and contemplative navel-gazing hermits.  Deep contemplation of intentions for new moon growth stir deep within.
New Moon is the time for fresh starts and new beginnings, new initiatives.  Filled with instinct and outbound energy, we express how and where we choose to grow.
fyi: Next full Moon is May 14 at 23 Scorpio

Mercury into Taurus April 23
Chicago 4:36am

Barcelona 11:15am
Qaanaaq 7:15am
Melbourne 7:15pm

April 29
New Moon Solar Eclipse 8 Taurus

1:10am CT, USA
6:10am London
3:00pm Tokyo

New Moon magick done in the sign of Taurus is excellent for patient long lasting changes in the realms of: peace of mind, earnings and self-worth, gifts given or taken, altitudes surrounding time, love, money, sensual pleasures, resourcefulness and land.

This covers any and all things you value, also what you want to increase in value.
Contemplate the energy exchanges in your life surrounding these issues, and make adjustments accordingly.  New Moon at 8 (early) degrees is particularly good for steady long-term growth.
Consider these small but powerful natural magicks:

Seed ritual – your intent coupled with a seed you plant in the earth (houseplant works) and nurture to full growth. As the plant grows, so does your spell.
Earth / Air ritual – your intent powered & painted onto a small cloth in sigil form. Raise your flag into the sky, sing your spell as the wind also carries it into the aether. *

* I chose this combo because Mercury (air) is Lord of this earthy New Moon Eclipse and trines Pluto Rx in Capricorn. Note Pisces Venus (rules Taurus) is also quintile (genius creative expressions, specialized talents) Pluto at eclipse – resurrection of love and money and peace of mind are favored.

peace out



What phase of the moon were you born under ?  Each phase will have a different energy, and will manifest different qualites.  To find your moon phase, click under Astrology on ‘NASA Moon Phases’ and scroll until you find your month and year.

La luna spends about 2 days in each sign of the zodiac making a circle around the wheel of life in approximately 27.33 days.


New Moon= new beginnings, instinctual re-birthing
Cresent= breakthrough, formation of future through the past
First Quarter= active pioneers, here to change things
Gibbous= need to perfect, analytical, learning truth
Full Moon= completion, exploring ideas/relationships/goals
Disseminating= distribution of knowledge, communicators
Last Quarter= re-examination of self, contemplation
Balsamic= quiet visionaries, loners, distilled wisdom

I was born under a disseminating moon in Taurus.  Moon is exalted in Toro, so I’m all about the senses…soft fabrics, incense, essential oils, massages, quiet nights, food has to be crispy, al dente, whatever.  Find the pea in the Princess bed ? *Snap !*  lol.  Taurus rules the throat and I am a singer, and obviously communicating – ta da ! (waves)  Moon is in my 4th so love of home and gardening, quiet, intuitive.
How about you and your moon…how does it work in your chart…?