Crawl into my World

Chris Cornell Singles

Chris Cornell, Soundgarden as seen in Singles

Chris Cornell died (police report suicide by hanging, his family disputes this) after his recent Detroit show on Wednesday at the young age of 52.
Incredibly talented man with an unforgettable voice.
Huge Syd Barrett fan too.
Syd is my (primary) patron, so it occurred to me he might have been around to help Chris with his transition, so I asked him.

What follows is a series of Q&A using various card methods – the draw and answer follow the questions.  Lastly, I of course, tackle the astrology.

? Syd, have you checked in on him yet ?
No, he had a troubled passing … but you’re gonna ask me to aren’t you ?
Me: yep.
Syd: Ok, I’ll check in on him.
Me: Thanks, love. x

Chris Cornell Syd

? Chris what was going through your mind the night you died ?
1 Eligor: (Venus) conflict/warfare and strategy; rise or find someone who can
2 Orias: (Moon) inspiration/Hermes, thoughts beyond logic, instinctual responses
3 Bifrons: (Mars) new chapter/transformation, death

Seems he was at war with himself, felt he had no way out than to go higher.

Chris Cornell FA

 ? Chris, now that you are on the other side, what say you ?
Be wary of quick decisions that lead you into the cave of the unknown, rather be generous when judging yourself, disappointment will pass. Turn your creative eye towards those who love you and seek emotional adaptation and wise counsel to assist you as you conquer your demons.

Chris Cornell Other Side

Syd, do you have any parting thoughts ..?
Thanks for hooking me up with your (our) friend, I told him you send him your love. Share this caution to the spooked herd. Rise above the pain and drama and know that his energy remains, infinitely enfolding. Though he lost this challenge, he will, in time, rise again with strength to face the next.


Natch, I also checked the astro.
Chris has an unaspected Cancer Sun (Moon rules Cancer, fluctuates) which was under a progressed Mars transit (conjunct).  This is a call to courage, strength and willpower – a need to release tension properly lest a risky gamble backfire in the heat of the moment.

Unaspected Cancer Sun often has deep feelings that may go unexpressed due to feeling alone and singular in expression. Releasing pressure for an unaspected Sun is more difficult when it doesn’t ‘relate’ to other planets in the natal.

Progressed Virgo Mercury Rx was opposite his natal Saturn Rx in Pisces, which can indicate mental stress, fatigue, and a resultant overmedication. Thoughts become jumbled in the face of reality. Work issues may seem insurmountable or insecurities may begin to run the whole the show.

In addition, not only was transiting Mars conjunct his natal Venus/Mars conjunction in the mental sign of Gemini which points to heightened anxiety, but also transiting Uranus the eccentric was square his natal Sun. Chris took Ativan to combat this anxiety which is a part of his natal signature.  (So do I.)  It is reported he grew confused after taking too much which led to his death.

Rest In Peace, Chris
You will be missed by so, so many.
Oh…and when you get a chance, please tell Syd I love him. Thanks love x


bjork-vulnicuraBjork, Vulnicura

How does a triple Scorpio (Sun Neptune, Moon rising in Scorpio) artist deal with loss ?
She dives deep six for metamorphosis.

Uranus bang on Midheaven tightly conjunct Pluto in Virgo is a skillful inventor, an unconventional thinker.  She writes to process (Virgo MC) and heal her way through prickly intellectual land mines via expressing herself through work (Venus; Mars exalted in Capricorn).   Building the emotional landscape of the wounded healer (Saturn and Chiron at Nadir) is twisty with Saturn reining in the unconscious (Moon trine Saturn in Pisces) while Martian focus is forced to find balance with a playful, distracted 29 degree Jupiter (Rx) in Gemini.

Yet this is not a flighty, flirty Gemini – this is an 8th house twin.  Dark and light in foil to one another, a shiny mirror of clarity pierces the darkness.  Shifts of awareness are keen, clever and tricksy.
This pixie is packing a punch, make no mistake.
See bitch goddess Lilith in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus at MC) if I am not making myself crystal clear about this in particular.  heh.

Sagittarius Mercury as focal point in a T-Square with Uranus/Pluto opposite Pisces Chiron at Nadir (Midnight) is wildly creative, embracing lifelong exploration with curiosity and wide-eyed abandon.  Visionary value judgements, proclamations and philosophies are attained via shades, textures, tastes of both seen and unseen (Sagittarius/Pisces) as they relate to the material experience (Saturn).

Capricorn Venus trine Uranus/Pluto at MC is being recognized in the public for unusual stand apart work and craft.  Chiron trine Neptune at ASC drives courageous mentoring  (Chiron) via unlimited expression of artistic individuality.

Her transits for this release are revealing:
1 Pluto on Venus in Capricorn trine MC – very personal work detailing her break-up
2 Mercury/Venus conjunct Lilith who steadfastly knows, lives on her edge, her terms
3 Mars/Neptune coming to conjunct Saturn in addition to a Chiron return in Pisces
4 Saturn (December) conjunct late Scorpio Sun – somber creative work purge
5 Pesky little Uranus square Pluto (see 1)

Lion’s Tooth
Gneiss Moon

Full of Grace

Carved Indonesian Mask
photos: Gneiss Moon

I got off early yesterday, took a nap that turned into 7 + hours. 
Ummm okay. whoa.

Welcome to transit Neptune square natal Mars, (Mars Rx 10) + total energy drain.

While comparing this sluggish transit with my progressed Moon/Mars conjunct in Capricorn transit (when I happily worked constantly for weeks on 4 hours sleep/night), it occurred to me that if we pay close attention to our progressions, transits and the energies we experience that accompany them, we as a collective could eradicate hatred due to personal differences very quickly.

Origami deamonOrigami daemon

Hence, the maskswe try on many energies while we are living here on earth.
I was quizzical during my workaholic phase (helped me better understand my boss) and I am rather resigned to accepting (understanding chronic fatigue) this lack of energy as signaling a time to be introspective and reintegrate/balance my sub/conscious drives, actions/desires.

We are each born to a static natal chart, but with every second that passes, energies shift meaning we change.   The planetary movements do not cause change, they simply reflect energy shifts occurring in us on a larger scale.

Everything is connected, related – we are ALL ONE – yet experiencing a different facet of the crystal prism of life.  We careen/balance – if we are aware, we also LEARN.

The luminary vibrations aka Sun/Moon are called The Lights – Sun is conscious; Moon the reflective subconscious.  Each planet has a vibration which is expressed individually (static natal); felt personally (how it is filtered geometrically via natal as planet moves), and experienced globally by all as planets transit each sign.

Mexican retablo pieceMexican retablo mask

I think visually, so I picture current transits like a murmuration – we are all shifting energies in the same signs.
The shifts in our respective houses and planetary placements in them – I equate to individual wing adjustments that accommodate the murmuration en masse.

Grecian HeadGrecian head

All this brings me to the upcoming Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra in mid-April.
Balance, relationships, love, money & equality – all pistons are firing for relationship growth, change, and personal metamorphosis.

Eclipses are often felt weeks prior to the actual event, they occur in cycles and reverberate across our entire lives.
Pretty intense, huh ?  Just the way I like it.  heheh….

This lunar eclipse is with North Node – winds of change will alter many a course towards a more balanced, just, harmonious, diplomatic destiny.
Placing bets that someone says something strangely synchronous that blows your mind/shifts your emotional perspective – alters your course to a higher vibration.

Eclipse energies
are always speed freaks, CHANGE NOW ! 
Eclipse in tandem with the incoming Cardinal Cross, indicates energies are even more action-adventure driven.  This is true globally, as well as individually.

Fresh starts are imminent – this is CARDINAL energy.

Pinpointing ponderations….

WHO are you ?
How do you FEEL ?
How well are you USING your gifts ?
What goals do you need to RE-EVALUATE ?
Where do you REFINE your direction ?

Are you taking care of YOURSELF ?
Do you play well with OTHERS ?

…more eclipse soon…

mercurial minutia

Alexandra BellissimoAlexandra Bellissimo

Quickie transit illustration of my weird astro minutia.

T. waning void moon (home) in Virgo conjunct natal Sun/Ura/Plu (self, health).
Mars (action) conjunct natal Mercury. (doors)
T. Uranus (high winds) conjunct natal Saturn (cold) in 3 (doors again) which trines Mars by the backdoor (12th house Sag) which in turn Q natal Uranus.

Worked all day (fulltime gig) & night (here at GMA) Sunday with the beginnings of sore throat.  Last night (Monday), restless sleep, crazy wind gusts. We were under a weather advisory (-10 + blizzard) that I was not aware of before retiring.

I wake up early am for meds to alleviate stomach issues (moon rules) found my backdoor was flung wide open and blowing snow was all over my living room, not to mention it was very cold.  Indeed, I now definitely have a sore throat. (My natal moon is in Toro (the throat) in 4 (home).

Had I read my cards last night this 5 pentsprobably would have come up, but alas, I did not.

Yet another good reason for 2 daily draws says T. Mars on Mercury in Libra, Moon in Libra.

Noted. Lesson learned.  (Mercury)

peace + health

Doctor, Doctor

Brilliant !” My favorite Doctor, perfect 10, David.

“Bodies are boring, I’ve had loads of them.”  11th, Matt

Imagine that – Doctor Who has a 6th house Sagittarius Stellium  !

This does not surprise me in the least. King of Wands all over. Did you see my recent Aces High Draw in twitfeed ?  haha Kismet !  All 4 Aces culminating in King of Wands – groovy !  This stellium configuration tickles me to regeneration, because I have a Virgo stellium on the 9th of Sag; Doc has a Sag stellium on the 6th of Virgo.
heeheeYaY !
Geronimo !

Fresh as a daisy 0 degree Sagittarius Sun with Sag Mercury, Mars, Venus up for going on tour at the drop of a fez, Aquarius Moon for a bit of eccentric zip.  Gemini Rising for gift of gab, versatility, thinking on your feet – also being a cheeky flirty birdy !

Saturn (TIME, and the loner) smack on eccentric Aquarius (genius) MC aka Midheaven (peak of achievements, bulbs flashing), in the 9th house of boho travel.  Moon-ruled North Node in Cancer on 11 degrees – same as Mercury in Sag.  Remember how Martha spread the word, defeated The Master – how apt !

Sag Mars squares TARDIS <~(click for biggie asteroid TARDIS post) in 11th house Pisces exact at 21 degrees, a stolen time space machine with a mind of her own – spins The Doctor sideways to what she AIMS him to SEE, hands him plenty of surprises and off track destinations !  Sun and Mercury trine Aries Jupiter (Doctor Jupes is smack on my natal Saturn ::GRIN:: )  Means two benefics spreading courageous goodwill and good vibes of 6th house healing (plus, Chiron in Pisces 10) to all beings of the time multiverses.

Doctor Who’s rambling conjunction of Mercury, Venus and Mars squares Virgo Uranus/Pluto in the 4th, though he doesn’t live on Earth, he feels a responsibility to protect her and will become enraged if she or her life is threatened.  This is also true for other worlds – he is The Coming Storm.  He is a fierce and mighty protector of those who are underlings (Virgo, 6th house) without power.

Tenth house Aquarius Moon quintile Sag Mercury is most definitely getting out of tight spots by your wits and USING what you KNOW, have LEARNED over time and eons of experience.  Scorp Neptune square Aquarius Moon and Saturn – haha the phrase timey whimey comes to mind !  In this case among other things, a penetrating mind keen for research, travel, the unusual, built for shake-ups in career aka: being his own boss, rather than a long-term partnership in a rut in one spot.

Pisces Chiron trines North Node and Neptune forming a Grand Water Trine of healing, feeling and reeling the companions in (co-workers are 6th house) for the same common goals of delving deep into the mysterious cosmos, helping others.

Now for some fun transits and progs: 

Chiron return ! 
Learning the meaning of the wounded healer by review of past accomplishments/work, seeing/feeling the deep wound of the life/work – tweaking the sitch and heading back out into the fray to go another round of healing/leaning/philosophizing getting it better and brighter.  Chiron also trines North Node, leading the way with the public (Moon) showing how we can move into OUR FUTURE with tolerance and understanding, peace with all life forms.  Brilliant !

Transit Cancer Jupiter Rx trine natal TARDIS in Pisces 10; opposite transit Venus and TARDIS in Cap 8 – the traveler looks back (Rx) into Time and Relative Dimension in Space – feels the impact made with the people, the public, the collective cosmos, how is the balance – is the transformation good for you too !?.

Cap on the 8th, ruler Saturn on MC lovin’ that !
The Doctor doesn’t die, he regenerates. 
hee getting all tingly just thinkin’ ’bout it !

Also, Venus transit Cap is the passage of time, great hurdles overcome and the bonds of love across time and of course, space.  Progressed Mercury, Sun and Mars all in Cap on 6th – spotlight on the work over TIME, the change in perspectives are lovingly crisp, intense, and talked about as Venus, TARDIS and Pluto transit this house.

Oh come on, what’s your fave (Venus) episode, your fave Doctor ?
I have so MANY it is hard to choose !  Silence in the Library

Progressed TARDIS lands on the Zero degrees Aries Point, indicating a huge rush of outward energies – YES !  Progressed MC lands in Aries which is such an I AM, identity, how I pioneer the world in my fashion gig – with Leo rising in progressed the spotlight is on the craft of self  – the spirit of the Doctor in all his incarnations, all episodes, all are distinct and memorable – in their own way they each own the role. 

Last one – progressed Venus is on natal Moon a charge and kick it up a notch love attraction from both women and yes, the public at large – doubly so since natal Moon lands in the 10th at MC.  Love the TIME LORDS, yes we do !

Happy 50th Anniversary Doctor
Many, many more regenerations . . .


Let’s COLOR !

a9aee82e0dcbaf1a933b1a8a1e6d9faeMoon into Leo 5:56pm CST, USA

Celebration of MOON in The Funhouse of artistic creations.
Aka: Leo ruled by SUN !

This X-Rite Color IQ Test is a fun way to test your ability to see the color spectrum.
Move the out of sequence colors into order, see how you compare with others of your gender and age group.   I scored well, YaY !  I’ll see if I can find the vocal pitch quiz, pop it up later.

Guy at work is having a free gifts from the ladies Venus transit (trine his natal Mars), he got my free punch card espresso today, we shared my vegan zucchini bread, he has some pastries up for him later as well from another lady friend – sweet, literally – Venus rules gifts and sweet things.

Note to earth peeps: Venus is buttering up 15 degrees (+/- 5 ) of all earth signs from Capricorn where it is now by trine.  Cap, Toro, Virgo please note !

Note to earth peeps: Mars is powering UP 22 degrees (+/- 5 ) Toro and Cap by trine from Virgo, note this as well and expect incoming energies headed your way !

Crazy busy at work – all for now, longer BRILLIANT ! post tonight !
You’ll see what I mean, not ego – quoting !

Have a fab day readers
Thanks for popping in ! xo

Emerging with gratitude


Numinosity Mandala – Cristina McAllister

Tuesday 19
Chiron direct
7:07am CST, USA

Thursday 21
Sun into Sagittarius
9:48pm CST, USA

Weird 24 hours.
Full Moon and Mars over my natal Virgo stellium: Sun/Ura/Plu is working a charm.
Transit illustration for you… 

The 25 degree Full Toro Moon fell in my 4th (home, family) in Toro trine my natal Uranus.  I got a call (Uranus, surprise) my brother (Mercury rules oldest sibling) was injured in the thigh by an arrow (Mars rules blades, arrows, accidents) while hunting (Jupiter rules hunting, thighs).

Transit Uranus is in my 3rd (rules siblings) trine my natal Mars (men, accidents) in the house of Sagittarius (hunting, also luck, benevolent) which in turn is quintile (the uncommon, blessed) my natal Uranus in Mercury ruled Virgo (oldest bro).  He was lucky the arrow didn’t hit any major arteries.  He is okay, will improve after plenty of rest.

I was going off to see him this am, (he was airlifted [Uranus] to a hospital near me) but there were tornado warnings (Uranus) all over my state, sirens going off, herding cats to safety, just nutty/weird.

In my brother’s chart Full Toro Moon opposed his natal Chiron, squared (obstacle) his natal Mars Rx (accidents). Transit Uranus Rx is applying to his natal Sun which squares his Jupiter in Sagittarius (hunting).  

Chiron is about to go direct on his natal Mercury, the trickster.  He was hunting on a bum knee, which was not such a good idea.

His (over) eager enthusiasm to explore Jupiter is Rx as of November 7, will most definitely be turning inward rather than outward (retrograde highlights inward focus) for the rest of hunting season.

Also of note: Mars is sextile Jupiter, aka an opportunity to merge the energies, a chance for success.

Our family (Jupiter is in Cancer, family) is grateful (Jupiter rules) he is okay.

Yet another weird thing. 
My TV wouldn’t work no matter how I tried earlier today, and I did try all sorts of things for about a good 45 minutes. 
Storms over, bro got home okay – it started right up. 
Mars has yet to cross my stellium.
I may wear a helmet.

clear for takeoff

Even with a life chock full of strange, these aspects feel weird.
Synchronicities/brainstorms are flying/raining in so fast I am losing count.

Shifts in the crusts post on the 9.27 for example, coincided with the most sublime focus in perspective – bending the crystal prismatic to YES. 
I knew I would know when I was ready, turns out I was not the only one.

I will explain…

First weekend of September I was chatting with one of my students about films/books she really digs Buddy Holly & Zac Efron, so I did a quickie run down for fun, explaining how the energy of synastry works.  Turns out Zac’s Sun is on her Moon (trine her Venus).  Sun/Moon is a great couples aspect (Yang male on Yin female), toss in harmony to Venus and that’s a great start.  Just a start – the whole wheel has to be considered, most definitely Mercury (communication) and Mars (heat !) as well.
Casting agents must moonlight in astrology – the good ones are certainly very intuitive about combinations of people.

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