cats & birds

abby diamondAbby Diamond

Moon into Leo 1:15pm
Mercury Rx into Aquarius
9:30pm CST, USA

Blue Jay as totem indicates reassessing natural gifts, boldly using creativity to further yourself via personal power.  Jay is derived from the latin word for gaia/gaea or Mother Earth.  A member of the crow family, jay is bold, fearless and tricky.  Jay also warns of imbalance, teaches adaptation to changing circumstances.

Mercury Rx moves into Aquarius to meet Sun prior to Full Leo Moon Friday. Saturn is focal point of a T-Square with Sun (soon, Merc Rx) and Moon which in turn oppose each other.  (Full Moons are always opposite Sun.)

Saturn is: Past, work, authority, fathers, body, bones, knees – while in Scorpio, restructuring, regeneration, renewal, inner energy – in tandem with all the above.
Leo Aquarius axis: heart/ electrical or nerves, pride/detachment, romance/breakups,  creative play/think tank. 

I have already heard from a man from my past who had an altercation at work, needed to cool down.  As for myself, it is my body that is causing issues.  I still have two purple bruises from when my chair exploded, my right foot is sprained (? still swollen.) and I am getting over a bug.  Earlier this weekend, iTunes uninstalled itself, the app that tapes calls did not work properly, a post I had up here completely vanished (after several mishaps & errors) so I abandoned that to cook lunch, only to find – for the completely random – my coffee pot will now inexplicably only brew 4 tiny cups at a go. 

Saturn is also patience
, probably ought to mention that. heh. 
Patience with yourself, your body, the poltergeists in the machinery, any and all situations, really. 
If Merc Rx is not going smoothly in one sitch, leave it and do something else.  Getting irritated just sends Aquarius (and Mars in late Libra, a fit start placement) more funky wadded up energies.  Deep breathing and busy hands will untie the knots/nots.

Find what house Leo lands on in your chart to see where your illumination is incoming.
Find your house of Scorpio for where you are mainlining internal growth. 
Short list house info here – otherwise, see dropdown menu.


Wondering what is in store for Cats and Birds with FM & Merc Rx ?
Cats are Leo; Aquarius are birds.
I asked The Wild Unknown deck, since my ? involves critters.

bird&kc FM
Impatience, skittishness, less surefooted, magnetics and honing/homing tweaked,
traveling farther seeking changes, new experiences while light shines above.

Interesting a horn aka: Saturn card shows up !

Old injuries, aching bones, shedding past issues.
Surprises, freedom.  Cycles or groups of five/six.


Count Double Dooku Gem


My morning astro coffeechat & double Gemini Sir Christopher Lee.
YaY !  A double Gem (Sun + Moon), Christopher has a very powerful chart with 2 T-squares.

Focal planets : Saturn, Uranus
SoOo not exactly surprising to find him voicing an astrology vid.
Saturn is trad ruler of Aquarius; Uranus the modern – Aquarius rules astrology.

Libra Saturn Rx focal (on the strengthening critical 0 degree, also exalted – BAM !) bang on the ASC (conj N Node and Jupiter Rx in 1st) square : Mars Rx in 3rd; Mercury in 9(ruling Gemini at MC – BOOM !); chart ruler Venus (Cancer 10).  Mercury and Venus are straddling MC. 
Continue reading


Felix Baumgartner is an Austrian skydiver and a BASE jumper. He is renowned for the particularly dangerous nature of the stunts he has performed during his career. Baumgartner’s current project is Red Bull Stratos, where he plans to jump to Earth from a helium balloon in the stratosphere.

Baumgartner has been working with a team of scientists to attempt the highest sky-dive on record. The project, which is scheduled see Baumgartner jump 120,000 ft – or 36,600 miles – from a helium balloon, before free falling then parachuting to Earth.

If successful, Baumgartner will break the sound barrier on his descent, becoming the first human to do so without vehicular power.

fyi: The speed of sound is the distance travelled during a unit of time by a sound wave propagating through an elastic medium. In dry air at 20 °C (68 °F), the speed of sound is 343.2 metres per second (1,126 ft/s). This is 1,236 kilometres per hour (768 mph), or about one kilometer in three seconds or approximately one mile in five seconds.  Holy %*$&^%# that’s fast !

A successful jump will also result in Baumgartner breaking three more world records—the highest manned balloon flight, the highest altitude jump, and the longest time in free fall. The free fall (until the parachute is pulled) is expected to last between five and six minutes, with total jump (until contact is made with the ground) expected to last approximately ten minutes.

The jump is currently postponed after the scheduled launch on October 9, 2012 was aborted due to “gusty winds”.
Delayed twice –
The next window for launch begins on 14 October.  

Launch progress here.

Taurus Sun, Gemini Moon.
 Uranus Rx at 0 degrees Libra, a sensitive Cardinal degree- making Uranus even more hot to trot to upset the apple cart.

Saturn at 28 Aries (decan of Jupiter) is the apex or finger of god in a Yod.

Saturn is quincunx Virgo Jupiter and zero degree Uranus in Libra – in addition to Neptune Rx in late Scorpio.  The sextile is between Neptune :::: Uranus, and his Jupiter Pluto conjunction in late Virgo.  A quincunx requires adaptation and improvisation  – Saturn is taking all the heat of the outer planet heavy hitters !

Neptune rules sky, Saturn rules falling (diving).  As the apex of the Yod –  Saturn needs release – intense Neptune / Uranus, Jupiter release.
His drug of choice is a heady weird falling rush :: far – out ( his Mars is in Sagittarius in trine to Venus in Aries: fire to fire WoOo HoOo) power sports. ::  With Saturn in a house ruled by Mars on the decan of Jupiter- his history making jumps are action packed and they have got to BE BIG !

So I am thinking, a sonic boom happens when the sound barrier is broken won’t he nearly go deaf ?  So I had to look up sonic boom.  Sound waves travel behind the object.

It is a common misconception that only “one” boom is generated during the subsonic to supersonic transition, rather, the boom is continuous along the boom carpet for the entire supersonic flight.
As a former Concorde pilot puts it, “You don’t actually hear anything on board. All we see is the pressure wave moving down the aeroplane – it gives an indication on the instruments. And that’s what we see around Mach 1. But we don’t hear the sonic boom or anything like that. That’s rather like the wake of ship – it’s behind us.

This oughta be good – I am staying tuned to this one !
peace out peeps

Note: When I create solar charts ( when an exact birth time is unavailable ) I use Noon.
 I split the difference equally – it tends to be more accurate for Moon placement.  Some astrologers use what is called a sunrise chart with Sun rising in the first house.

If Felix was born between midnight and 7:30am he would be a 29 degree Aries – if born after 7:30am (6:30am UT) he is a 0 degree Taurus.
In short : there is a 7 hour window in which he is 29 Aries; a 17 hour window in which Felix is 0 degree Taurus.
Uranus is at 0 degrees Libra regardless what time of day it is on 4/20/69.