Loving the Cutting Edges

tumblr_md9e98oggg1reohnuo1_500Jason Engle

Venus in Aquarius
Venus in fixed air sign Aquarius is a bubbly, quirky, Venus – buzzing with bohemian perspectives on art, love, friendship, partnerships of all kinds.

Venus here attracts equally as often as she separates due to the influence of Uranus which rules Aquarius.
This Venus is born and bred into a life of innovation and change – they hook up connections between others – they are uncannily perceptive electrical conduits between people  – artistic and intellectual ideas come in a flash.

Venus in Aquarius understands chaos IS harmony, revels in it.  Balance to this Venus is a dance of fluctuations – common sense dictates life and love are eccentric. Venus in Aquarius relationships are fixed and stable, yet need lots of air and space to grow wildly and free.

Venus and her relationship with money is just as strongly progressive in this placement.  Money is a means to an end – more funds means more experience across the globe.  This Venus is also keenly aware of the plight of those less fortunate and will quietly, kindly, lend a hand of support, either by volunteering, donations or direct involvement.

This Venus is loving and kind, but somewhat distant due to their tendency to be in their heads intellectualizing love.  They know they love you, think you should also know this without constant declarations, gifts.

This sign does well with innovative communicative relationships – sharing ideas of love, making mutual needs known is the key to unlocking this placement.  Also have plenty of free time of your own to develop your work and goals – show your Venus Aquarius you are the cutting edge as well.

Venus into Pisces
Jan 27 USA



photo 29Mary-El tarot

Venus into Aquarius
3:03pm CST, USA
Venus into Pisces
April 5

Highest manifestation of this transit distilled into one card.
(Obv, more on this transit/placement later, as time permits.)

King and Queen married in the tomb of death, time and eternity – creation and destruction.
Balance of worlds, dimensions.

Fertile rains on wasted lands, immortality born of the creative spark.
Connectedness via the human electrical grid, the eternal soul within the body.
Opposites brought together without separation of ego – commonality of life, symmetrical power, the elixir of life, shared.

Kundalini serpent power, raw energy, pure energy.
Redemption, renewal, transmutation via synergy.
Clear vision between worlds, people.


Learning curves

Friday February 28
Mercury Direct 18 degrees Aquarius 8:00am CST, USA
Saturday March 1
New Moon 10 degrees Pisces 2:00am
Mars Rx 27 degrees Libra – Direct 9 degrees Libra May 19
Sunday March 2
Saturn Rx 23 Scorpio 10:20am – Direct 16 degrees Scorp July 20
Wednesday 5
Venus into Aquarius
Thursday March 6
Jupiter Direct 10 degrees Cancer

Transiting Uranus (detach) square Pluto (morph) and Jupiter Rx (higher learning) in square is delivering learning curves 24/7, yah ?

Jupiter aka: satellite dish picks up all kinds of broadband static on a good day, while Rx in Cancer, in tandem with Mercury Rx in Aquarius, information superhighways are buzzing on the down low.  Sensitivities are beyond ripe, strange harvests (Jupiter is fruit) are incoming from all sectors via dark Moon (subconscious), Aquarius (society), Pluto (the masses). 
Perspective shifts imminent.

Amplification of these vibes are on deck with shifting skies clicking into place like tumblers of a tricky lock being picked. 
(Mars rules locks; Saturn, closed doors; Mercury, keys)

Mercury direct at 18 Aquarius delivers an applying trine to Mars (Rx) in Libra, perspective shifts re: aggressive communications – scales swing to find interactive balance. Particularly true since Mars Rx also shoots a square to Venus in Capricorn – revealing inner obstacles about how we have used time, where we have been a hard ass, restricting peace talks, lost our peace of mind. 

New Moon at 10 Pisces enhanced by Chiron and in trine to Jupiter (in the last few days of Rx) will lead us into full moon at 26 Virgo March 16th.  Philosophies re healing via daily routines begin to walk the talk via focused intention setting.  See your Pisces Virgo axis for more specifics. 

Saturn Rx 23 Scorpio reveals personal obstacles re: expression of radical creative power, past ego mongering; opportunities arise to streamline work routines through reviewing past failures/successes.  Bite the bullet, suck it up, dig deep into the mines again, go all heightened awareness Bene Gesserit style and transform the poison into the water of life.  [Personal: My metronome reset, on Neptuner.]

Venus in Aquarius is a fizzy little Venus – bubbly, friendly, talkative, weird.  Venus attracts by nature; Uranus separates, lives on the wild side.  Good for astrology lovers, scientists, artistic inventions, whiz-bang hook-ups with quirky intellectual types.

Bene G'speace out


a light in dark places

May I introduce a very talented young gentleman who has been playing mandolin since the tender young age of 5.

Pisces Chris Thile formed the band Nickle Creek with members of his family when he was 8.  Winning the national mandolin championship at the age of 12, Chris was well on his way to fame and fortune in music well before he was old enough to drive a car. Pictured below is his solar chart, which remember, means there is no specific time of birth, so pay attention to the planets in signs, not the houses.
Chris is a life path number 5, he is here to face the challenge of many changes throughout his life.  His will be a life of freedom and adventure and finding personal balance.

One of the first things that jumps out at me is the Saturn (discipline, older people) tightly conjunct Jupiter (teachers) which rules Sagittarius where Neptune (string instruments) is placed.  This speaks to me of being under the tutelage of all the great musicians Chris has had the privilege of jamming with at festivals across the country since he was very young.  (Saturn and Jupiter in Libra, ruled by Venus which rules art)  Pluto is working overtime transforming Mercury Rx (communication, rules Gemini, which rules the hands, dexterity, and young people) and Venus (his art) and his Sun (ambition) in Neptune -ruled Pisces.  Chris also has Sun in the first decan of Pisces which is Neptune-flavored.  Mercury Rx conjunct Venus shows me that he will only continue to improve with age as his Mercury retrograde fully blooms.
Mars, the planet of action conjunct Sun in Pisces is an aspect par excellence for musicians.
Check the solo below, it’s smokin’ hot !

Moon in perfection-driven Virgo squaring (internal conflict) Neptune gives him the passionate drive to learn (Sagittarius of higher learning) his craft (Neptune) until he is the very best he can be.  Creativity and self-expression is his life path with North Node in creative, flamboyant Leo.  If you have heard him play, you know he is frisky and playful, a bit quirky and he loves to have fun ! (Individualistic Uranus square Sun, Mercury Rx, and Venus from Sagittarius)
I give the love of Star Wars and Tolkien to Mercury conjunct Venus in the sign of science, Aquarius (love of reading, science) sextile Neptune (film, fiction) in Sagittarius of philosophy.  Chris is not only very driven (Mars/action conjunct Sun), but he also loves baseball (Mars ruled) and is the great-great grandson of Baseball Hall of Famer, Sam Thompson (Sun along with Saturn can indicate males in the natal chart-and Sun rules Fame).
  Also of note is Sun (creativity, spirit) quintile (spiritual gifts) Venus ruled Chiron (wounded healer, herbalist and philosopher) which indicates generosity of heart and a willingness to help and inspire others via the arts. 
Thank you, Chris for your beautiful song in Elks Park.
Elen síla lúmenn’ omentielvo.


Pictured below is Nostradamus, and his natal chart.  He was famous for writing over 900 rhymed quatrains (four-lined poems) filled with hidden prophecies that predicted the future for 10 centuries.  He lived during the Renaissance and was astrologer to royalty and nobles in Salon.  Nostradamus is a 9 life path; a humanitarian.  He was also a herbalist, healer, physician and linguist.

His bio:  http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Nostradamus%2C_Michel_de

When learning astrology, this chart struck me because of the obvious water trines.  Water houses (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are the intuitive, psychic houses; they delve deep, are mysterious.

Moon in Scorpio gives depth of feeling and a keen, penetrating insight into the mysteries of life and death; as well as a tendency to keep true feelings under wraps.

Uranus, the planet that will not take the bit is somewhat quieted in the 12th house of Pisces.  It is quietly, secretly, rebellious – hiding prophetic messages within secret texts, for instance.  Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury (the communicator), and is an intuitive planet working in a mystical house.
Jupiter (generosity, philosophy) is exalted in nurturing Cancer; conjunct an angle- making it even more powerful.  Saturn and Mars are both uncomfortable in Cancer, but I feel they give a steady anchor to home and roots so that when the waves of visions may come, the seer is not adrift.

Sun in Capricorn (honors, fame, time) conjunct Mercury (writing) with Neptune (mysticism) all in the tenth house of ‘how the world sees you’ shows the prophetic legacy Nostradamus left the world.