Seeing Stars

jennifer-jason-leighJennifer Jason-Leigh

Incredible actress.
I watched eXsistenZ again recently after gamergate exploded.  I love that dark little gem, and who can ever forget her scenes in Shortcuts ?  I won’t ruin it for you if you haven’t seen it (click the link) but it is NSFW and it’s Altman, so plan on 3 hours.

Jennifer was absolutely fantastic as Dorothy Parker and she doesn’t shy away from playing really intense screwed up people, see Bastard Out of Carolina, The Anniversary Party for starters.
Something made me think of her last night and I thought she probably has a very interesting chart, she is so riveting onscreen.  Was I ever right !
Jennifer has one of those natal charts that amaze, like Bruce Lee and Nostradamus.

Jennifer Jason Leigh natalWe have an incredible amount of intellectual Aquarius happening !
Soaring idealism, craving for fresh experiences, communicating extraordinary socially conscious visionary realms – all shown in her packed 9th house of philosophies.  Very passionate thinker/communicator who teaches through film.  Amazing.  Now I see how/why she nailed Dorothy Parker so brilliantly.

Venus bang on Jupiter and Mars bang on Saturn in addition to Aquarius Moon conjunct MC opposite Uranus conjunct IC is mesmerizing.  Moon at MC is in the public eye for work, Uranus at culmination degree of Leo at IC leads a private life, but for the screen she will rise brilliantly to the occasion.  Conjunctions are power operating, and Venus on Jupiter is sexy, but eccentric in Aquarius – the intellectual needs fed first.  Mars on Saturn (with the former conjunction in mind) is the macho femme fatale – the tough girl, smart and sassy, works hard/plays hard.

Gemini rising with Mercury (ruler) combust Sun in that powerful stellium with Moon elevated is tricky – at once flirty and nimble but also very strong-willed, focused in purpose and aspirations.  Leo North Node opposite Venus/Jupiter delivers immediate awareness of the art form, a hold-over from the past, an innate knowing boosted by a plethora of Aquarius.  Aquarian motto: I know.

She seems drawn to uncovering the raw humanity inside us all, urging us to see what we don’t want to see.  We have to look at it, know it, in order to change it.  This is a product of Chiron, the wounded healer, elevated in Pisces 10.  Using the work to heal.

Not a bit surprised by bitch goddess Lilith conjunct Pluto, either.  Lilith, she who would not be tamed or an any way subservient to man or god.  She is of course sextile Neptune (aka film) which is in hard aspect to Jennifer’s entire Aquarius stellium by transference of light.  Here lies the friction which has driven her success.  Scorpios and Aquarians are amazingly resilient for fixed signs.

Gneiss Moon

Oprah !

oprah_winfrey_horizontal_a_lOprah !

Recently I needed an UP shift in perspective, so got my Oprah on, big time.
How I love this woman – she is such a light for the world, such a bright light !
I don’t have cable, so I hooked up via the internet to Super Soul Sunday and heard: Iyanla Vanzant, Maya Angelou, Marianne Williamson just to name a few.  I will be adding links here and there, so ck comments below and in the sidebar.

A bit of synastry: Oprah’s Mercury and Jupiter trine my Mercury.
My shift in perspective from a great spiritual teacher – yes.
We also, oddly enough, have Hephaestus contacts: hers on my N Node, mine on her Jupiter.  Hephaestus, blacksmith of the Gods delivers craft, skill and cunning – Hephaestus is where your life is forged, hammered and remade.
* Note: Gemini Hephaestus (1 degree) will square New Moon in Virgo.

Oprah is an second house Aquarius Sun tightly conjunct Venus both of which widely trine Gemini Jupiter in the 6th – daily speaking delivers big financial rewards.  Mercury is also in the second house of Aquarius in trine to Jupiter, which in turn trines Neptune at MC in Libra.

Women the world over love Oprah for her no nonsense sassy sister delivery style. (Air on earth houses.)  She has brought spiritual discussion (Grand Air Trine w/ Neptune MC) into millions of homes for over 25 years and counting…

She is a 29 (culmination) degree Sagittarius rising, so Jupiter rules her chart, and she is indeed a teacher (Sagittarius Moon too ) – when she started a book club, everyone followed.  When she speaks, people listen, especially women – she is wise in the healing arts, partly because of her own trials and tribulations, but also because she is a very good listener to those who have gone before, those who have paved the way.

Thrillingly, Oprah has Chiron bang on North Node of Destiny in Capricorn; Uranus conjunct South Node in Cancer.  Wounded healer,, philosopher and teacher of s/heroes – yes !

Enlightener, shifting perspectives re: the dynamics of personal, family, love, and global relationships – yes !

oprah-medal-of-honor-2Oprah receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama, where she was recognized  for her “innate gift for tapping into our fervent hopes and our deepest fears.”

Lastly, Oprah has Scorpio Mars as focal point in a T-Square with an Aquarius Mercury – Leo Pluto opposition.  This is not only an aspect of experiencing powerlessness, it is also an aspect of earning fixed staying power through rising up through the inner depths via regeneration of self.

She knows it because she has lived it. Well done.  Shine on Oprah !


Pompeii in Pink

david-gilmour-fondos-103327David Gilmour

I love Love LOVE Floyd.
You can find my interp for
Syd here.

One of my favorite things is waking up in the morning with a fresh cuppa java, listening to KQED while I read cards.  You can find KQED an hour with Floyd on the sidebar under Neptunes.

Thrillingly, David has whammy sensitive / artistic / musical water placements !

Sun and Venus (exalted) in Pisces trine a Mars Saturn Rx conjunction in Cancer.
Aries Mercury also trines Mars/Saturn, as well as Pluto Rx in Leo.
Obviously, he’s a workhorse (Mars/Saturn) in the name of art and music, (Pisces) with 5 retrogrades and heavy water placements, he hits his groove in solitary productivity.
Saturn hermits, conjunct Cancer Mars – in order to work freely, quietly without distractions.

Incredible how many artists are working T-Squares as a catalyst to creativity.
David has Mars/Saturn as focal point square Aries Moon and Jupiter Rx in Libra.
Aries Moon and Mercury is fiery fuel under all that sensitivity / creativity – head space and emotional space are  in tandem – courageous, passionate, inspired. 

Jupiter expands the exploratory creative drives of Venus ruled Libra – while conjunct Chiron Rx – he writes and teaches the wound & the healing in his music. Lyrics are compelling and magnetic with Uranus in Gemini square Sun in Pisces – Uranus cuts  straight to the universal nitty gritty lyrically, but with an inherent sweetness and hope for all life and love. (Sun Pisces)

Gemini Uranus trines Neptune in Libra – brilliant communicator through art – both are sextile Leo Pluto which is powerful creativity, risk and play via music (Sun Pisces).
David has North Node in Gemini indicating a need to share and distribute ideas.  This is a total thinking placement, but in regards to doing so with others rather than exploring independently.

Lilith in late Scorpio is delving deep into unseen desires and with an exact trine to Venus, we have an independent trailblazing creative without a shadow of a doubt.
Mercury quintiles Uranus which again solidifies he is an inspired communicator.

I saved the very best for last !

I always knew they were sincerely playing some kind of cosmic tribute to the dead.
I have asteroid Pompeja aka Pompeii 203 bang on my natal Uranus.

David has asteroid Melpomene conjunct Pompeii in Capricorn (earth, past) exactly quintile Chiron Rx (the wounded healer) in Venus-ruled Libra.
OoOoo musical healing across timespace – gives me gooseflesh ! !

Leo rules Italy; Aries and Sagittarius rule Naples.  Pluto and Uranus rule volcanoes. In  79 AD, devastating volcanoes of that magnitude were unheard of.  I will link a doco in comments.

Look to asteroid Pompeii to see how you deal with completely unexpected circumstances that blow your mind and your world inside out.
I guarantee you having Pompeii on Uranus is a wild ride.

Chromotherapy of

Healing properties: Heals grief and sadness. Restores youthfulness. Brings you in contact with your feelings.

Esoteric/magickal: Softness and tenderness, romance, caring, nurturing, for children, youth, peace, friendship, femininity, emotional love, emotional healing. source

Peace love and Floyd


vyacheslav-mishchenko6Vyacheslav Mishchenko

The doctrine that matter is unconscious which science is based on traps scientists into thinking that the entire universe – the stars, the galaxies, all the other planets, everything else on this planet – is unconscious.  That we for some peculiar evolutionary reason have become conscious, but our conscious doesn’t do anything.  That is the world view that most scientists have, and I think it is a deeply unsatisfactory one.  
If we take the idea that material systems can be conscious, then all sorts of new questions come up – for example – the sun is a complex material system, could the sun in some sense have a mind or be conscious or be aware ?

Rupert Sheldrake

Vyacheslav Mishchenko 2Biologist Rupert Sheldrake is a big hero of mine.
He SEES nature the way I do – he is bursting with curiosity towards all life, with an open mind that craves exploration, new perspectives – most importantly – he USES what he SEES to make connections between all life forms.

I have listened to several of his lectures with Terence McKenna et al.  I love the philosophical banter, friendly conversation, exploring ideas from differing perspectives with like-minded explorers. Trilogues here.  The interview that features the quote above is below this post, and yet another interview (I have not heard it yet) will likely show up in comments later tonight or tomorrow.


Rupert is a Scorpio rising ( ! ) Cancer Sun conjunct Jupiter (exalted) opposite Moon in Capricorn.
Very caring (Cancer) and delightfully philosophical, he is a whiz at balancing (7th house) elemental principles – fire/inspiration, earth/material, water/emotions, and sky/mind.

He is one whammy thinker with a 4 planet Gemini stellium straddling the 7/8 houses.  Venus conjunct Uranus and Saturn in 7 – Mercury (ruling) Gemini in the 8th house of deep research, metaphysics and UNCOVERING the UNSEEN depths.

Venus conjunct Uranus is a love of the wild – doubly so conjunct Saturn or Earth and with all three trine Neptune in late Virgo he represents ALL sizes and forms of life.
Neptune feels it, believes it – then Virgo PROVES it.

Responsibilities to stewardship of our planet, all planets and all life is part and parcel of North Node of Destiny in Virgo conjunct Midheaven from the 10th.

vyacheslav-mishchenko8Leo Chiron conjunct Mars Pluto in the 9th is incredible !
Bulldozing the teachings of those who indeed need a kick in the seat of the pants for being so mistakenly CLOSE-MINDED and dogmatic regarding their one true scientific principles as irrefutable.  Ridiculous !  
Science is ever-changing, as is all life !  Rupert has undergone huge backlash for his statements like the quote above – he is a trailblazer, far ahead of his time, and in my mind, to be honored for speaking out !

Those who are unafraid of speaking their truth are the wisest and bravest of all.
Well done, Rupert, Well done.
In honor of Earth Day 2014.


Rolling Thunderboil

normanNorman Reedus also here

I gave myself the Walking Dead for Full Leo Moon in my 8th house for VDay.
Marathon of intensity for Lunar rush between my Venus/Jupes.  I loved it immediately, particularly when the phrase “we have been through so much, but I hardly know you” came up.  Very Saturn in Scorpio, Uranus square Pluto – cut to the chase, work to be done, the rolling thunderboil.  It resonated, was exactly what I needed.

Daryl is such an interesting character, I read Norman wanted him to have a heart of gold under that rough past, made it happen onscreen.  Savvy Moon in Leo (rules heart) touch, I love it.  Well done.

Norman showing some IL love right onNorman is a Capricorn Sun square Saturn (refined) in Aries (action), with Mars (rules Aries) well placed in Scorpio (ancient ruler, regenerative power) in trine to Venus exalted in Pisces.  Quiet strength, resilient, fair – ready to kick ass into high gear metamorphosis when need be, also good senses re: heart of what matters.

Scorpio Mars square (internal tension) Mercury (communications) exalted in Aquarius, brain gears running rebel warp speed, yet not oppressive or showy but intense.  He speaks volumes when he doesn’t speak at all (see rolling thunderboil).  Late Virgo Pluto (Rx) out of sign conjunct Uranus conjunct Jupiter in early Libra – sweet rolling trines to earth Sun and air Mercury by transference of light.  Practical balance, exploring the intellectual intensity of relationships (Venus square Neptune).

Norman Reedus WD
Sideways, interesting divinations.

In a close up in the episode I was just watching (3/7), I noticed Norman has two moles on the left (private) side of his face near his mouth.  Moles are metal, considered lucky on the face, I have one on my left also – we will age well. More face reading info in previous posts here.

Jupiter (archer, travel) is conjunct Uranus (adoption, friends) in Libra (partnerships) which is well suited to both Daryl and Normans journey. Norman has spent many years traveling the globe since he was young – travel make camp, then pick up and move on.  Living the 5 life path dream.

Mercurial, (rules 5, and is exalted in Aquarius) thoughtful, kind…he says and does interesting things that shifts my perspective into high qi. He also likes cats (Leo Moon) which is always a plus in my book, having plenty of Leo myself.  Here he is with Eye in the Dark.  I’ll pop a vid in the comments as well.

Norman and Eye in the Dark

Scorpio Neptune trine 29 degree Pisces Chiron finds healing via discernment of emotional connections between all living things.  Very strong healing vibe worked well through the vehicle of film, (Neptune rules) both behind and in front of the lens.

Mercury exalted loves the intellectual perspective shifts creation delivers.
Venus exalted loves the emotional transcendence.
Norman is the best of both worlds, brilliant and compassionate.

The chosen work of the artist is always evident in the natal, as well as the person themselves.  I find it endlessly fascinating how we all manifest spirit through our work on earth. (Sun is spirit; Saturn, rules Capricorn, earth and work)

Norman archery

Interesting also – my brother was punctured by his arrow in a fall, pulled it out himself and hauled his ass outta the woods, alone.  Deets, story in previous post here.  Norman’s Leo Moon (actors, drama) is conjunct my brothers triple Leo Pluto Mars Saturn.

I came back specifically to edit in this amazing pic.
Norman Reedus bein all tactilePeace out ass kickers


billy_boyd 2

May I introduce Billy Boyd.
Billy is a not only a multi-Virgo with my heart up his sleeve, Billy is a Virgo wonderment. 
My Virgo stellium looks like chump change next to his.  Dig it !

Sun 4
Jupiter 13
Pluto 22
Mercury 22
Venus 23
Uranus 28

Now THAT is a stellium.

Billy ScotsSix Virgo Planets, Mars in Leo, Saturn Rx in Aries.
Outbound expression of Leo creativity via Mars power trine North Node of Destiny & Chiron Rx in Aries circumscribed by intense intellectual analyzation. + Cheeky !
Goal-enriched, focused, streamlined creativity.

Virgo restraint is brought to a crux by Pluto, Mercury, Venus (22,22,23) respectively; tight triple conjunction, mind you – straight to the chase, he is.  Perceptual shifts ongoing, daily routine reveals sacred patterns, philosophical shifts and psychological breakthroughs revealed via a mind busy with practical matters.

Virgo Pluto, Mercury/Venus are tightly sextile 23 Neptune in Scorpio, leading to much opportunity and ultimately success on stage in theater (Mars, Leo) as well as (Neptune ruled) film and music. Billy has an amazing voice, Beecake is fantastic, see vids in comments.  Well done.

Billy spies appleSaturn Rx as Yod focal point indicates adaptation, improvisation re: elements & modalities in re: to work, identity, intellect and expressing desires.  Points of a Yod see, feel and react differently – integration, co-operation needed; adaptation, improvisation on call.

Saturn Rx is not only in its fall, but also retrograde – which makes the reconfiguration of actions undergo continual reconsideration.  Actions are slowed and internalized while figuring out how to best express them.  Growing older, at which point expressing the planetary energy has been perfected, the energy is delivered outwardly.  (I have Saturn Rx in Aries, as does Thom Yorke.)  Seeking perfection is inherent – streamlined power in progress, editing on hand 24/7.  Aries Saturn as focal point indicates the need to overcompensate, overachieve and cover all the bases prior to action as well as in the process of doing it.
 Stardust and Melancholy photoStardust and Melancholy

North Node in Aries calls the spirit forth to bushwhack a new trail via impulse & instinct, the emphasis is on self-acceptance rather than seeking accolades through others.  Chiron Rx here is much the same, leading with the spirit of connection, new beginnings, meet/greet/make it neat (fast), move on.

Fire signs (as well as any planets therein) are the cheerleaders of the zodiac; Aries, doubly so – they are the I AM / WE ARE doing it FIRST primal people.  Aries North Node of Destiny, Chiron Rx, Saturn Rx are notable as they are Cardinal – focusing the drive of Billy’s mutable (adaptable) plow.  Mars in Leo is fixed, creative and backing with major powerhouse instinctual energy towards destiny via trine.

Cardinal inspiration, ideas, creativity, exceptionally vibrant healing* are given the reins here especially during fire sign transits. *For those who are of the *Chiron rules Virgo crowd; Sun & Chiron are in tandem giving and receiving great reception as Sun is exalted in Aries.

Beecake BillyBeecake on Twitter

Saturn prominent not only indicates restriction, but also older people, authority figures, ambitions a long-standing career and a love of work.  Billy lost his parents at a very young age and was raised by his grandmother.  Pluto, Mercury 22; Venus 23 Virgo indicates a woman stepping into his life to undertake personal responsibilities while he was young during a major life transition. (Pluto, death, transformation; Mercury, youth; Venus female; Virgo service to others.)  As a comparison, I’ll pop in my own deets: I’m Saturn ruled (in 3, siblings) all bros & sis are over 12 + years older than me.

Note current astro transits: Transiting Capricorn Pluto; Venus direct trine Virgo Jupiter (beneficial, though transformative change via art, communications, balance); Jupiter Rx sextile Virgo Jupiter (opportunity expansion); as well as transiting Uranus conjunct North Node of Destiny.  Uranus rules astrology…and you, my friend, are up to bat this time.  Welcome.

Amin merna quen, Mellonamin
alu telttyene meivseere
Yallume amin rin
Diola lle

Count Double Dooku Gem


My morning astro coffeechat & double Gemini Sir Christopher Lee.
YaY !  A double Gem (Sun + Moon), Christopher has a very powerful chart with 2 T-squares.

Focal planets : Saturn, Uranus
SoOo not exactly surprising to find him voicing an astrology vid.
Saturn is trad ruler of Aquarius; Uranus the modern – Aquarius rules astrology.

Libra Saturn Rx focal (on the strengthening critical 0 degree, also exalted – BAM !) bang on the ASC (conj N Node and Jupiter Rx in 1st) square : Mars Rx in 3rd; Mercury in 9(ruling Gemini at MC – BOOM !); chart ruler Venus (Cancer 10).  Mercury and Venus are straddling MC. 
Continue reading

Supernova Sam transit

May I introduce the incredible the Sam Bush.

Sam started playing mandolin at the age of 11, as a teenager, he took first place  three times in the National Oldtime Fiddler’s Contest. The International Bluegrass Music Association (IBMA) has named him Mandolin Player of the Year four times, and, the AMA (Americana Music Association) has presented Sam with a Lifetime Achievement Award. 

In 1971 when Sam was 19, New Grass Revival formed from the ashes of Bluegrass Alliance.  With a nod to tradition, New Grass took a wild turn into in a fresh patch – rowdy and raising the bar – weaving genres into improv reggae, soul (ck John Cowan in comments – voice that’ll make you see the god/goddess) jazz, (ck Bela’s banjo brilliance here) and blues into a gumbo of bluegrass boogie.


Sam is packing a 4 planet Aries stellium punch of head ’em up an move ’em out. Sun (spirit self) conjunct Jupiter (philosophy of expansion) – Mercury Rx (communications tamed inwardly, streamlined – then expressed outwardly) conjunct Venus (art and balance).

Jupiter trine Pluto Rx (metamorph) in willful Leo (needs fun, creativity benders) is expressive power with a bent towards c’mon let’s GO.  Fire planets or where fire lands in your chart is where you cheerlead others to excel, to REACH HIGHER.

Aries Mercury Rx (conjunct artistic Venus) trine Pluto Rx in Leo is a full-tilt creative vibe that  blooms communications spectacularly, sporadically…fully nailing the outbound vibe consistently later in life, as spirit time calls it. Cardinals are outgoing – they ARE what is going on, Sam fits this bill and then some with at least 6+ planets (without exact birth deets) in Cardinal signs.

Sam has Mars Rx, which only happens around every two years and two months. Mars is the personal energy that drives the spirit expression forward and outward – while in retrograde (seemingly re-tracing steps from the vantage point of earth) energy is gunning on idle, introverted, perfecting itself before expression outwardly.
This is in addition to Sam’s other 4 retrogrades: Mercury, thought/perception; Saturn,  work/restriction; Neptune, spiritual/healing/music;  Pluto, research/transmutation.
All point to a life of studied practice, honing the craft of transformative communicative arts – a Life of Focused, Channeled Expression.

Attention must be paid to houses Scorpio and Leo re: energy flow or lack thereof. (Mars Rx square Pluto Rx) Same hold true of Mercury Rx in Aries and Uranus in Cancer. These signs/planets are stress points that call for understanding – they are fixed, so also calling for a bit of compromise and much bending of personal willpower.
(See dropdown menu for more on each)

Focus on compromise may SEEM irrelevant, but it is far from it – a life centered around relationships and peace talks with others while also remaining true to self  brings the most satisfying growth. Particularly artistic/competitive agreements centered around family and / or the public spectrum.
Cancer Uranus (unusual family ties) as focal in an Aries/Libra T- Square is La Familia, the path of balance between self, sharing, creative expression in relationships.

The heart (Sun, exalted in Aries stellium) sees possibilities, perceptions, practicalities (Aries Mercury) and promise (Jupiter) – Sun (rules Leo Pluto), expect intense growth regarding all of these.  Outward bound action may be intensely focused and honed to a razors edge by midlife via Mars Rx.
Also keep in mind everything outgoing in (Mars – ruled Aries) has Jupiter (good fortune and expansion) conjunct Sun [both benefics] with Sun exalted. These are aspects of a kind man, who is well-loved with many friends and allies (Venus).

Energy outgoing (Mars Rx) is a matter of deep Scorpio focus – researching personal power, nurturing growth in unusual ways (trine Uranus), from a perspective of depth, quiet, and revolutionary power born from still waters.  Uranus in Cancer feels the love of safety mixed with freedom to rebel and hang loose at home – yet the urge (T-square) to get out there in public, compete & meet and greet  (Aries opp Libra axis) also calls.

Mars Rx trine Uranus in Cancer loves having friends over for home games – Mars Rx square Pluto Rx in Leo craves the metamorphosis of going for it at away games.

I love to think Jupiter is the ruling planet philosophy of festival.  Mercury rules names – Sam has Mercury Rx trine Moon (loose or tight depends on exacts) in Sagittarius – home away from home – Telluride.  Jupiter rules Sag, is conjunct Sun (fame, spirit) in trine to Pluto Rx (transform via creativity) in Leo, which rules Colorado.

Aka: present and picking at 39 out of 40 bluegrass festivals in the San Juans – Sam has the tested & approved, well-worn and much deserved moniker, King of Telluride.

Sam forever changed my perceptions – his Libra Neptune (string instruments) conjuncts my Mercury; his Aries Mercury conjuncts my Saturn; plus all the fire popping around in trine between us – fun ass firecrackers !
He knocked my socks into  S  p  a c e  first time I heard him play, I had a supernova Neptune (music/dance) transit quite a few years back with Sam at the helm.
One of my TBF top 5 – and now that is saying somethin’.

(Deep Bow)
 Peace Love & Mercurious Alchemy !
WOooOoHoOooOo !