Gayatri Mantra


Om bhur bhuvah svaha
Tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhimahi
Dhiyo yonah prachodayat

Praise to the source of all things.
It is due to you that we attain true happiness on all planes.
It is due to your transcendent nature that you are being worshipped and adored.
Ignite us with your all pervading light.
(translation via Deva Premal)

Happy Full Moon Peeps


primordial beat

An Om meditation using lunar tuning for accessing the healing energies of the Divine Feminine.
The heart and brain are joined in the interval of the fifth, uniting their rhythms in the primordial tone of origins.
Breath deep of color through the eyes and of sound through the skin, that even our very cell may remember that all abides in the healing temple of the Earth.
Source Vibrations

Storming here…the sky is talking to the earth…
 om mani padme hum


Pranava is the original vibration (Uranus rules vibrations) of the universe that is dancing your life into being. If you feel a resonance calling you back to your inner nature, to the Source of creation, then you have the seed of dharma or wisdom.

To re-establish the balance between the inner and outer worlds is what the Buddha called the middle way, and what Aristotle called the Golden Mean, what Lao Tsu called the silent balance between Yin and Yang. 

For those asking how yantra and mantra meditation works…
A yantra or mantra is a tool or mechanism for awakening inner energy and consciousness simultaneously. The mantra is simply the audible form of the visual yantra- the two are not separate; it is only our senses that filter the vibratory world.

Simply be fully present and conscious, while at the same time removing all resistance to the phenomena you experience (gross and subtle sensations, visuals, sounds, thoughts, emotions, etc.). Do not try to DO anything, think anything or make anything happen, but observe reality as it actually is with a still and unmoving mind. This combination of presence and surrender to what IS, is the essence of meditation.
Same peeps who did Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds below, created this.
Note: Text above (aside from Uranus rules) is theirs.

Yes, posts soon…presently on a plateau SEEING things
Thank you


Saturn sextiles Pluto – mutual reception – each in each others ruling house, they are for all intents and purposes working very well together, they have a strong energetic connection, like a psychic linkage.

Your Scorpio (Saturn) and Capricorn (Pluto) houses are where immense growth is possible – USE what you HAVE, follow your INSTINCTS, what you DESIRE is within reach.  This is one of many messages this Cancer Full Moon is delivering. more here

Jupiter Rx is the apex of a Yod – it is quincunx both Saturn and Pluto, both of which sextile each other.  Changes will be in progress through the strain on energies of Jupiter Rx in Gemini.  Visionary thinking turned inward.  Faith and thoughts of bonds expressed quietly, unconventionally.  Gemini is dual, seeing both sides of ethical dilemmas is likely.

How and what do you believe ?
How do you approach ceremony ? committment ?
What are your personal truths ?  your deal breakers ?

Ye olde traditional ways of SEEing your houses of Scorpio and Capricorn may be misleading – get innovative, be clever, flirt with ideas – choose carefully what to reveal, what to teach, what bridges to build and to whom. 

Who or what are your allies ?  your totems ?
Definition of totem: an object (as an animal or plant) serving as the emblem of a family or clan and often as a reminder of its ancestry; also: a usually carved or painted representation of such an object

Very Full Cancer Moon, yes ? 
Family, roots and ancestors, earth allies.

Mercury (in Sagittarius) and Jupiter Rx (in Gemini) are also in mutual reception, feeling a strong energetic connection, a psychic link.  Revolutionary thinking is expansive, yet also internalized.

I wrote before, this lunation calls for a separation of hopes, a choice of some kind.
Ditch one thing, keep another – the duality of Gem and Sag – coupled with the loss inherent to Pluto, and the building inherent to Saturn. 
 With this in mind, I have been cleaning, getting rid of the material dross (Saturn sextile Pluto) in my home and in my life.  Pluto has been dredging up oodles of Martian personality traits – particularly through dealings with others (Pluto in my first – opposite seventh).
 Life is made for lessons, and I am getting them in spades – Matrix downloads – one right after another. Teachers are coming out of the woodwork – reflecting – what I don’t want to be, and also what I am striving for.  

Mirrors are ruled by Moon and Mercury – fitting for the current astro.
A good friend (a Sagittarius) pointed this out to me, so I share this with everyone in hopes we all can enter a more positive loving future, together.

Wrote about Gayatri Mantra here after I saw MOMIX botanica. Two similar translations are offered there, if you are an expert in Sanskrit and can do better, by all means, please do so.

With love, even the rocks will open.
Hazrat Inayat Khan



Felix Baumgartner is an Austrian skydiver and a BASE jumper. He is renowned for the particularly dangerous nature of the stunts he has performed during his career. Baumgartner’s current project is Red Bull Stratos, where he plans to jump to Earth from a helium balloon in the stratosphere.

Baumgartner has been working with a team of scientists to attempt the highest sky-dive on record. The project, which is scheduled see Baumgartner jump 120,000 ft – or 36,600 miles – from a helium balloon, before free falling then parachuting to Earth.

If successful, Baumgartner will break the sound barrier on his descent, becoming the first human to do so without vehicular power.

fyi: The speed of sound is the distance travelled during a unit of time by a sound wave propagating through an elastic medium. In dry air at 20 °C (68 °F), the speed of sound is 343.2 metres per second (1,126 ft/s). This is 1,236 kilometres per hour (768 mph), or about one kilometer in three seconds or approximately one mile in five seconds.  Holy %*$&^%# that’s fast !

A successful jump will also result in Baumgartner breaking three more world records—the highest manned balloon flight, the highest altitude jump, and the longest time in free fall. The free fall (until the parachute is pulled) is expected to last between five and six minutes, with total jump (until contact is made with the ground) expected to last approximately ten minutes.

The jump is currently postponed after the scheduled launch on October 9, 2012 was aborted due to “gusty winds”.
Delayed twice –
The next window for launch begins on 14 October.  

Launch progress here.

Taurus Sun, Gemini Moon.
 Uranus Rx at 0 degrees Libra, a sensitive Cardinal degree- making Uranus even more hot to trot to upset the apple cart.

Saturn at 28 Aries (decan of Jupiter) is the apex or finger of god in a Yod.

Saturn is quincunx Virgo Jupiter and zero degree Uranus in Libra – in addition to Neptune Rx in late Scorpio.  The sextile is between Neptune :::: Uranus, and his Jupiter Pluto conjunction in late Virgo.  A quincunx requires adaptation and improvisation  – Saturn is taking all the heat of the outer planet heavy hitters !

Neptune rules sky, Saturn rules falling (diving).  As the apex of the Yod –  Saturn needs release – intense Neptune / Uranus, Jupiter release.
His drug of choice is a heady weird falling rush :: far – out ( his Mars is in Sagittarius in trine to Venus in Aries: fire to fire WoOo HoOo) power sports. ::  With Saturn in a house ruled by Mars on the decan of Jupiter- his history making jumps are action packed and they have got to BE BIG !

So I am thinking, a sonic boom happens when the sound barrier is broken won’t he nearly go deaf ?  So I had to look up sonic boom.  Sound waves travel behind the object.

It is a common misconception that only “one” boom is generated during the subsonic to supersonic transition, rather, the boom is continuous along the boom carpet for the entire supersonic flight.
As a former Concorde pilot puts it, “You don’t actually hear anything on board. All we see is the pressure wave moving down the aeroplane – it gives an indication on the instruments. And that’s what we see around Mach 1. But we don’t hear the sonic boom or anything like that. That’s rather like the wake of ship – it’s behind us.

This oughta be good – I am staying tuned to this one !
peace out peeps

Note: When I create solar charts ( when an exact birth time is unavailable ) I use Noon.
 I split the difference equally – it tends to be more accurate for Moon placement.  Some astrologers use what is called a sunrise chart with Sun rising in the first house.

If Felix was born between midnight and 7:30am he would be a 29 degree Aries – if born after 7:30am (6:30am UT) he is a 0 degree Taurus.
In short : there is a 7 hour window in which he is 29 Aries; a 17 hour window in which Felix is 0 degree Taurus.
Uranus is at 0 degrees Libra regardless what time of day it is on 4/20/69.

Liquid Human Crystals

Zakay Glass

Ok., obviously gorgeous geometric glass sculptures. Click through for luminaries if you dare.  I have a luminary thing, so I love.
This glass sculpture is a Great Stellated Icosahedron.
Can you hear Jor – El ?  hee

I have been studying  platonic solids and sacred geometry.  Fascinating really – the building blocks of the universe.

The tetrahedron, cube, and octahedron all occur naturally in crystal structures.

The human body is made of crystal structures – liquid crystal structures.

Liquid crystals are a state of matter between that of a conventional liquid and that of a solid crystal.

Possessing inherent properties that are ideal for working with light as well as a molecular structure that can be easily controlled by electric fields, liquid crystals are commonly used in the electronic displays of televisions, cell phones and portable gaming devices. Liquid crystals are also found in soaps and detergents as well as in the proteins and cell membranes within the human body. (source)

Think of the solids as crystallized musical vibrations, or spirit seen in matter.  As frequencies change, movement will always occur along spiral pathways, or “phi” ratio.

Notes in the scale of western music are based on natural harmonics that are created by ratios of frequencies.  Ratios found in the first seven numbers of the Fibonacci series ( 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 ) are related to key frequencies of musical notes. (source)

Fibonacci sequences appear in biological settings, such as growing fruits, ferns, tree branches, and the human body.  If you want more: Divine Cosmos – also check out David Wilcock’s chart in mini interps above.

What we vibrate naturally spirals outward, causing others to resonate likewise.

Resonance phenomena occur with all types of vibrations or waves: there is mechanical, acoustic, electromagnetic, nuclear magnetic, electron spin resonance, and resonance of quantum wave functions. (wiki)

All all our bodily systems react to sound vibration, as do our spiritual, mental, and emotional states.  These solids can visually bring our vibrations into harmony with the rhythms of nature. They can help us understand frequencies and learn how to reorganize our own thought patterns – raise our frequency with the help of sound and the symmetry and balance of sacred geometry.

Sound, vibration and frequencies – turn energy and matter into form.

Think manifestation station –

Sun is in Will-Powered Leo coming to conjunct Mercury Rx.
 Sun and Mercury Rx both trine inventive Uranus Rx in gung – ho to go Aries  !
Yee Haw – and Sun is quintile Mars, (rules Aries) meaning action is true and balanced – from the heart ~>  a gift of spirit *

Communication octaves are in trine – like a ringing bell.
Mercury Rx is quintile Saturn.  Think quietly, envision, then work it.
Saturn trine Neptune Rx.  Patiently manifest your inner dream.

Here is a geometry morph vid I love.
Solfeggio frequency for sound healing in comments.


sync the hemispheres

4 Hz Entrainment Audio Program 

Tibetan overtones and undulating drones sound behind a curtain of rain. This meditation is powerfully effective in stimulating a dreamlike state, while also promoting expanded awareness.


With this meditation you will achieve deep relaxation, syncopate your brain hemispheres, and activate brain power for your super-conscious mind.