Shiny Scepter !

pet chakras

Venus in Aquarius is opposing my late Leo stuff, so of course I am on the line this eve with a pet psychic trying to find out why my new girl cat is so neurotic fussy.

Seriously – her tail speaks volumesstiff little divining rod
When she’s tweeked the very tip only will make the teensiest jerk.
Meanwhile, sister kitty weaves sign language novellas with her fluffy gizmo.

I laughed out loud when psychic gal tuned in, totally nailed it when she said kitty is really wiggy about her paws.
Just so happens to be what I had the nerve to be touching when I got clobbered a few days ago giving a DYI demonstration of scratching the new sisal mat.

Evidently, she’s a genius, knew what to do with it.  Well, duh. ! 
My helpful Virgo attitude was way outta line and she was clearly miffed the tacky mat I delivered was subpar to the kitty cat mansion she had envisioned.



Tonight’s intel reveals she is an Imperialist neurotic kitty.
I stand corrected.
:: rolls out carpet, steps back, deep bow  :: 

Her Highnesses kitty cat clout obviously trumps my puny Venus/Jupiter/Fortuna.
Wtf was I thinking ?
*Snap out of it lady – I’m the only one with the shiny scepter in this palace.

What Leo type isn’t certain of inherent royalty by birth..?
10th house Leos are esp. ridiculously convinced of superiority.
Sharing the spotlight ? Up there ? At high noon ?  In the house of stick & stay ?
Doubtful.  More likely you’ll grow old waiting.

cat godEscorting Ms. Queenie Puss to safety during tornado warnings last summer went over equally as well as the crunky mat.  My mental image of safety in the box equaled being tossed into a boiling vat of acid in her squirrely head.
I got the drift real quick – fuck this – ain’t. gonna. happen.
Pitch in laundry room, block door.  Mischief managed, tragedy averted.
Meaning I got to keep my hand.

Pesky Uran/Plu square aggravates, accelerates this Virgos learning curves.
Saturn on Neptuner 11 squares my Leo stuff while Venus opposes it.
Mars Rx in Libra on Mercury 9. Computers & cats freak freely.

cat showersSo we here at chez luna move forward into Cardinal Cross Eclipses and hopefully a more peaceable kingdom, by starting H20 + rescue remedy, hunting up dehydrated kibble (who knew ?) and going First Class DE-LUXE all the way baby, all the way.

Meows, PurrRrrrs & Peace

Felix & Oscar

Strangely my two rescue cats are like
Felix and Oscar

If you have no idea, watch.


This kitty is so very Felix
tidy, lady-like, prissy
[aka Felix]

Christnips 14

she sweeps all the stray nibbles
under their food mat
sweeps all the offensive litter
to the back 40
seriously, every. visit. takes. eons.

even nipping
is so so dignified
paws tucked under – all fours neatly on the box
sniffing the nip
a la connoisseur

and then there’s Oscar
living it UP
Viva la Sagittarius Vida


 gung-ho to go
whole hogging it for all she’s worth
messy, rolling, covered in nip
snort !
Lemme try somma yours
time for more cat rodeo, swatting things
gotchas, YaYs !

Kittycat Christmas
cracks me UP

Sad truth, bad Virgo

Meet my girl cat, hiding in the tall weeds of my garden.
Yes, that’s right, my garden.
Bad Virgo.

Sag Moon opp Gem Sun prior to eclipse
and I tell on myself.

Communication spillage.

Gemini is my 6th
(natural Virgo house of daily routine neat freak)
but with everybody and their uncle in there
( Sun, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter )
it seems to be taking me forever
to catch up
the daily chores.
I worked up a storm today
half days both packed – day job, night job
Gem on 6th is twos, two jobs.

Where is your Gemini house ?
Think in doubles !

Where is your Virgo and Pisces
these houses are packing a one two punch !
Mighty big metamorphosis
internal discomfort.

Swaggering Sagittarians in your face a bit
it’ll pass…they’ll wander off soon enough.
once they flash you
the mirror of awareness

::: Creative action is where it’s at :::
Opportunity awaits you
Fire up your Fun
let your spirit pour forth – internal wattage set to
infinity and beyond
Full Moon Eclipse in exploratory Sagittarius
Make it so.


Harmonics & health

Shannon Novak

Music, in the absolute sense, is the invisible geometry of the cosmos, a delicate tracery of frequencies that harmonise with each other and from which all matter manifests.

Pretty cool, huh ?  Sacred geometry of musical notes.  I have been on about sacred geometry here before…fascinating stuff.  You can click the Novak link above and play a few notes and see more visuals / music.

Really hits up my multi – Virgo / mega – Neptune sense of harmonics and health.
Music, bells, the human voice, spoken word, intonation of sounds, chants – all in order to create harmony on the cellular level.  Awesome.

This strikes me as a very Uranian (scientific) way to implement Pluto (metamorphosis) via Neptune (divinely inspired music).
Especially as Neptune is once again swimming in the spiritual seas of her home, Pisces (healing).

The universe is infinitely complex – forms brought forth from the simplicity of ONE.

How cool is that ?!

Planets orbit in sacred geometrical patterns (Venus pentagram), life corresponds to the golden mean, our DNA spirals – it makes sense that to properly use music is to heal from the inside out.

Pick your planetary problem, tap a Tibetan bowl, let the metamorphosis begin.
At the very least, we’d get our zen on…

comments welcome…

birds of a feather

I’ve been thinking about Saturn, totems, time, family, promises and bonds.

Totem poles are carved to delineate family ancestry, clan history, folklore or real life, or to commemorate a particular individual.

A widespread hawk swooped down today as I was driving and landed in the median next to me.  (No, I am not going to tell you if he landed left or right – time in my life is fluid, in flux, always.)

We were in synch – hawk landed at the exact moment I passed – just as I was speaking my heart aloud.  Yes exact is the term I use because in that moment my words formed a bond.  Hard to explain, but messages from my brother are accentuated in hawks – hawk messages are exclamation points.

Hawks form a bridge between past and present.
Hawk was a manifestation of Grand Air Trine meets physical plane

My brother and Father recently visited in an intuitive reading, via Mercury, Pluto, and Sun in Capricorn….totems, time, family, promises and bonds.

I feel their presence, sometimes more than others, but then I feel your presence as I write this too.  You…yeah you !  My readers, wondering where I am leading you…and showing up regardless of the strange paths I takemany heartfelt thanks (deep bow).


So you are wondering why I speak of hawk, when a macaw greeted you at the door ?

Life is not so easily explained.

Many times the larger electro-magnetic spectrum is not apparent until the faceted human crystal is turned, attuned, Neptuned to the proper frequency.

What is said two years ago may not make sense until tomorrow.
 bird of the SUN, a Macaw, enlightens me
Is it You ?
Or is it Me ?
Most likely it is US.

Macaws are bold, colorful and Mercurial – they are very intelligent observers, mimics that communicate bird (Uranian) world – – to human (Saturnian) world.  The Macaw is a builder of bridges; an ambassador, a diplomat (Libra).  Clever and cheeky – they watch, pull pranks, turn jokes to delight and amuse. (Leo)

Macaws ARE portals between worlds.

Mercurial Macaws can also be repetitive copycats that speak without thinking.  Their words can be hollow, shallow, gossipy and twisted to be pleasing to the ear for a time, but not necessarily grounded, or in any way promisorial in nature.  Tricky pranksters that enjoy a leg – pull, they are master manipulators, who enjoy clowning around – not necessarily on any shared emotional time schedule, if you get my drift.

Macaws in my head are thinkbirdtankbrains : Mercury Uranus Libra and Leo.
Most importantly, the Hyacinth Macaws pictured above are red listed.
Thoughts ?


calling in the note

Sun into Virgo and right away I am tending the sick.
Girl cat gone missing for 2 days finally came home with a big puffy bruised spot.
Catnip rub down was much appreciated.
Virgo rules practical magick as well as pets.

Current astro is a bit spicy / dicey.
Saturn and Mars (work and men) – they are in the sign of love & balance
trine WoOo WoOo Neptune – steep grades sharp curves
objects are not as they appear in the mirror
With that in mind – this IS fabulously funky astro to

Dream it – then BE IT

Mars into Scorpio
 Thursday 10:24am, CST USA

Mars in Scorpio
hits the ground running with transformative desires
in high gear ::: opportunities abound
reform – reshape – rework
shift ancient paradigms ::: new more efficient
structures are shifting and locking into place

Mercury in Leo is a very creative thinker
and when Mars hits Scorpio
– the sign of Uranus exaltation –
::: expect some incoming inventions, intuitions :::
lightning strikes & ozone buzz
from the still watery depths of your Scorpio house

Follow your inner compass to transformation station
North Node is in Scorpio square Sun
find and fulfill your destiny 

Sun opposes Neptune Rx and Chiron Rx
 magickal mojo is working ::: healing vibrations
between you and another
 are already taking place – Neptuning fork
is calling in the note
Lay low.  Stay grounded.
Free associate.
Let the waves wash us clean.
peace & love

lay lady ley

I have mentioned before the magnetite found in human brains.  Click here  and here for more fascinating info. If an energy surge, or drain is noticeably felt – try constant contact or grounding with the earth –  bare feet on ground is very beneficial, flat out laying on the ground is better..

I am going to get in the grass here shortly before bed, headache.  Tr. Mars exact Pluto and activating my Uranus has prompted (wavy vision, and headaches) and also more explorations into ley lines and earth energies.

For those following the sense of direction bit Perianne and I have been talking about recently: (from link above) some humans, particularly Polynesian navigators, seem able to judge direction in the absence of all obvious cues (Sun, Moon, stars, waves and so on)

Interestingly, the book I am reading mentions blurred vision is an effect of abnormal serotonin levels. The gastrointestinal tract (Virgo rules, that’s Mercury) holds 90% of the bodies  serotonin (my Virgo stellium is getting hammered by Mars now) the rest can be found in neurotransmitters of the central nervous system (Gemini rules, also Mercury).  All the benefics are in Gemini house at the moment, so am in pain, but mellow, thankfully.

I tell you this so maybe you can tune into the energies too … consider it a Uranus Pluto experiment with GneissMoonAstro …

 Current astro…

For now, keep in mind Uranus in Aries means an activation of the electrical brain (Aries rules: hemispheres are Mercury right; Mars, left.).  Uranus is in square to Pluto in Capricorn which means a changing of the earth, and how we relate to it.
 No, I am not meaning macro scale earth changes – I mean micro changes, our brains, our bio-energies in relation to the changing earth as we walk upon differing fields of magnetism present in the earth.

The human body acts as an antenna – it will pick up and absorb energies from the air (ions) and the earth.  Which polarity depends on the position of the body (we absorb horizontally polarized energies while prone; the opposite when walking around upright.)

Magnetic fields in the earth will vary depending on the type of rock, buried ore and type of fault lines nearby.  I feel the Smokies are a slower, older and wiser energy; the Rockies near the four corners is crisp and quick; the energies around the Northwest seem erratic, restless.  That’s the large scale impression I get, but every square mile has its own properties, and if you live near power lines – they attract even more electrical energies from the ground to broadcast, and this will be felt if you are sensitive to it electricity or magnetism.  See how you feel when you walk around….

I will be dowsing and watching for any weirdness – well more weirdness, that is, lol.
 I will be likely be revisiting magnetics, electricity, the brain and ley lines during the
 Ura/ Pluto squares … so check back…

peace love and solidarity through life’s polarities

attitude = altitude

Banaue Rice Terraces, Philippines

Building, long-term, hard work and patience. 

Sacred Valley Trail, Peru

Practical, skillful and ambitious.  

Nazca Lines from Sky

Steady, persevering, and responsible.

Nazca Lines from Earth

ANALYZE what you HAVE and USE it.

Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn mottos.

Mercury Rx sends it back over Uranus, Sun.

Mercury Rx in Aries in mutual reception with Mars Rx in Virgo.

Look for your houses of Aries and Virgo, the analyzation is getting cranked up a notch.

Moon moves to conjunct North Node of Destiny in Sagittarius bringing expansive ideas and visionary goals into focus, optimism is sky high.

Venus conjunct Jupiter today, benefics in tandem = luck Luck LUCK.
Grand Earth Trine = work it !

blessed be~