

Sun is dependable in Taurus

Ownership and finery rule the senses
Security and zen surrounds keep the bulls placid

Unassuming tenaciousness
common sense and hard working principles are adhered to
they persevere but patience is called for
for they tend to be laggards

Taurus Suns are fond of money
valuing things and material pleasures

Sensible and sensate
they are slow to anger but ornery and intractable
when they reach their limit

Peace of mind regulates their altitude
they resist change
preferring predictable status quo

Valued for reliability and modest self-esteem
they radiate peaceful charm


Sun in Scorpio
October 23 – November 22
8th house
ruled by (ancient) Mars (modern) Pluto
receptive yin
fixed water


Scorpio Sun is secretive

Power Rises UP
regeneration thrives and rebirth rules
cravings and lust for both are integral to being

Steadfast in the eye of danger
neither life or death can move them to fear for they embody both
heeding the call of nature beyond the veil is sacrosanct

Scorpio Suns are fond of power
in whatever form it takes
molding, shaping and manipulating it is their forte

in the absence of chaos they wield it
a steady sword need be tested, tried to be true
transformation is inherent, relentless

gravitas as sidearm masks gifts
carefully hidden
proceed with caution


Straight – no chaser.

Sun into Scorpio
Monday October 22
7:14 pm CST, USA

Sun enters Scorpio conjunct Saturn; trine Neptune Rx / Chiron in Pisces.
Belly up to the bar, another shot of Scorpion on the house.

Straight – no chaser.
Saturn and Pluto are in mutual reception . . . and they are moving to sextile each other.

This is your opportunity to have a rodeo round-up and cull the herd. 
What is your past problem that still feels like dragging a dead horse mile after mile ? 
What is in your memory bank that does not serve your highest calling ?
What is in your life that is no longer running parallel to your path ?
::::  ? ::::

Who walks beside you and who tries to slow your progress ?
Who is your fellowship and who has got your back ?
Cull the herd accordingly.

If that sounds tough, well welcome to my world, I was born with Uranus Pluto up my nostril both conjunct Sun, and I have some whammy Scorp / 8th placements.

If we want to turn our world around: MICRO and MACRO, tough decisions are required.
Scorpio Sun will shed light and increase perception on the material matters and powerful transformations you have been juggling / morphing between your Capricorn and Scorpio houses. As Pluto rips up, transforms Capricorn house – Saturn formulates structures and rebuilds your Scorpio house.
Saturn infused with Plutonian energy trine to Pisces Neptune and Chiron manifests as tangible healing that occurs almost imperceptibly. . . as if in a waking dream.

Sun in Scorp is a creative, passionate, probing Plutonic metamorph – DIVINE WILL – is in progress. Transformation via razor sharp perception, quick and clean, we are about to get supercreative with our metamorphosis.
We are mining for all we are worth – the priceless power  – the fire in our belly.

The Svadhisthana or Sacral energy center holds
:: sensual desires :: personal power :: the need for control ::

The goal is NOT to possess power – but to RADIATE it.

Love, money, creativity and partnership opportunities are favored, flavoured and flirty as Virgo Venus sextiles Mercury and North Node of Destiny in Scorpio.

One thing about Virgo Venus – she is practical. 
She’s taking notes, running the figures and keeping score.
I mean EXACTLY how viable is this ‘woo woo destiny thing’ ?
Is it built to last ?  We don’t wanna go through that again.
Virgo will sort Venus out – she’s a bit too perfectly picky for love, but she is excellent for financial wizardry on the budget.  She requires the balancing of minutiae.

Bringing all mental processes to visionary heights is Sagittarius Mars opposite Jupiter Rx in Gemini.   RETHINK GOALS, adjust philosophies, open your eyes and SEE.

Any Virgo Venus flirting is apt to be sexy / succinct. 
Straight – no chaser. 
Eyes open.

May the delicious Scorpionic slink be yours…

Up next…
Tuesday October 6
Mercury stations Rx
5:04pm,CST, USA

Sir Hobbit

Sir Peter Jackson
I was thrilled to hear Peter was back on board  and going to direct The Hobbit  thrilled

During casting updates, my ex and I were in a texting frenzy – I was soOo happy to hear Martin was cast as Bilbo !  We saw the traveling exhibit when it came through our area – Weta Workshop the craftsmanship is stunning, I was positively drooling at the leather work, blades, armour, Eomer’s helmet, costumes etc…

Peter is obviously a brilliant filmmaker with tons of credits, awards and he managed to get a TRILOGY of films made when who the heck ever heard of financial backing for that kind of monster project ? 

I amar prestar aen, han mathon ne nen, han mathon ne chae a han noston ned ‘wilith.

I woke out of a sound sleep with the feeling something was up.  I checked the sidebar links for earthquakes, flares, etc.  I just felt something.  Then I knew, checked.
Saturn is exactly exact on MC.
Moon and Jupiter are conjunct on my natal Hephaestus.

J.R.R. Tolkien has Hephaestus conjunct Pluto
in Gemini – both are at 7 degrees.

It is time.  Time for The Hobbit.
I drew a fortune for the occasion
::: Silence is golden when used at the right time :::

What better fortune could I draw for one of the greatest directors of all time ?

Peter has Saturn (time, work, silence, building, concentration) in Capricorn (Saturn rules) conjunct 29 degree Jupiter (culmination degree, visionary teaching – rules the ninth house) and Part of Fortune at Midheaven in the 9th house of philosophy.

Building Monumental Visionary Work

Right off the bat I see Peter’s life work revolves around teaching / communicating (9th house) the importance of bonds of fellowship (Saturn conjunct Jupiter) and building strong working (6th house) relationships (7th house) between a family (4th house) of friends.  And making kick-ass films, lol.  Sun (where his heart shines) is conjunct Neptune (film) and Mars (action – adventure).

Peter is a Master Builder Number 22. (higher octave of 4)   It indicates practical  genius coupled with heightened sensitivity, intuition and psychic awareness, as well as service to middle earthkind.  (Twenty-two is an esoteric number: 22 Major Arcana, 22 letters in Hebrew alphabet, 22 paths of the Sephiroth)

Peter is a Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon with Taurus rising.

Scorpio Sun in 7th is extremely artistically (natural house of Libra) observant, aware of balance at all times.  Peter’s Sun is the focal point of a T-square, with Sun square Moon in 3rd, Jupiter in 9th.  Conceptualizing, writing, filming and directing the audio / visual document of a world-renowned and much loved series of books into a massive trilogy of films is a serious creative undertaking.  Clear – cut (Mars) powers of perception are needed.

Mercury (books) conjunct Venus (money, creativity) in Libra (balance, Venus rules) is great for weighing the options between artistic integrity to the piece and the realities of a studio budget.  Saturn in Capricorn works hard – when conjunct Jupiter it works hard to manifest the vision imagined. (visionary Jupiter / Saturn opposite Moon, imagination)

Taurus ASC means Venus is the chart ruler, so obviously very creative, hard- working  (Saturn elevated) and patient through what is certainly a long arduous process.  Aquarius on Midheaven represents the extraordinary innovative work / vision of filming a trilogy length film over 274 (principal photography) days from October 1999 through to December 2000 (pick-ups from 2001 to 2004). 

Moon in Leo is imaginative, playful and very creative from the heart.  These movies work because he makes us feel the plight of middle earthkindwe care what happens to the Fellowship.  We even feel for Smeagol / Gollum who has been twisted beyond recognition by the obsessive (Scorpio) addiction (Neptune) to the evil ring (low Venus), Precioussss.   Peter gets obsession – his work is obviously his – with Jupiter conjunct Saturn elevated and Pluto in Virgo sextile Scorpio Sun.  Yeah, he gets it.

Peter has a chart full of internal tension (squares) with hard core work ethic elevated.
His one opposition – MOON – the public.  What will we think of it, how will we feel about his creations (Leo) ?  He needs to flex his creative muscles while remaining true to the original work, while also giving the public the goods.

That’s a tough spot for him, as well as the fact that he simply cannot overextend himself at work.  Moon fluctuates and in the dual house of Gemini (3rd) in Leo (rules the heart) Peter is very capable of juggling many things and doing it well – yet opposition to Saturn (the physical body) means finding balance, my friend.  Take care of yourself – we will wait for them and for you. x

We will always fall back on those sextiles and trines – quintiles feel more like ala surprise gifties from the universe – but those sextiles and trines will be working overtime to decrease the internal tension from the squares. 

Peter has some whammy sextiles on his side, for sure.  Sun sextiles Pluto – this is not only artistic transformation and doing things over, and doing them better – it is also this primal rebirthing energy that can be tapped from the house of Virgo.  Makes me think ‘the devil is in the details’ aspect, creativity wise, but it also means the will power is incredibly strong for doing great service to the artwork itself.   Sun and Moon in T-square with work, elevated – he thinks about the creative work day and night.

These films (King Kong, too: loved it !) are HIS LIFE.  These films are embedded in the public psyche forever – the bonds of fellowship, friendship, loyalty, faith and fighting evil side by side.  Amazing – truly, amazing contribution to the world of film, thank you.

Uranus is in the culmination degree of Leo testifying to unusual creative genius, conjunct North Node of Destiny is very favorable for making a creative mark on the world. (Moon, also in Leo, is the public).  North Node of Destiny in 4th (home) is also significant by Peter’s choice to stay in New Zealand for all filming.

Peter’s Chiron in 10 trines Sun, Mercury and Neptune in the 7th; Peter’s Libra Mercury, Venus trine the Midheaven.  His Neptune quintiles Jupiter and Saturn elevated, and Fortuna is elevated as well.  That is very beneficial for a creative career to have so many trines from Venus energy pinging off the Midheaven in harmony.

Neptune quintiles Uranus and Saturn – specialized talent for innovative work on film.

I absolutely love this : the indigenous New Zealand people, or Maori, came to bless (Jupiter) the production’s soundstages before principal photography (Saturn / Neptune) began.  Respect.

Kwentra lye i’narn Elear
Perfect 10, Peter !
Diola lle

namaarie garuhoa


Final Frontier

Terence McKenna

Sun conjunct Venus (conjunct ASC) in Scorpio, Jupiter also in Scorpio, all in the 12th house of the collective unconscious.  (Chiron is also Scorpio, in the 11th.)
Pretty amazing.

Scorpios love research and Terence was a shaman who devoted his life to exploratory research of the worlds of hallucinogenic drugs.

He had Virgo Moon (at MC – Moon is the well of the psyche- the unconscious and it rules his 8th house) in square to all his personal planets – yet it was quintile Uranus.  His Uranus was a singleton (no major aspects) in Gemini.  (See Jeff Bridges under actors – he has a singleton Uranus as well.)  Uranus unaspected operates as a maverick’s  maverick  – it truly in every sense operates on instinct alone, wild and free.

Uranus is quincunx 12th house Venus showing a need to adapt and improvise – perfect – think of how he had to adapt when speaking and communicating his other-worldly vision quests so they could be understood or useful to others.  North Node of Destiny is in Gemini as well, making Terence a communicator, esp with Mercury conjunct Mars.

Terence had Saturn conjunct Pluto in Leo in 9, serious reasearch of the creative spirit, of all life and our place within the vast universe that crosses all ethno-species time-space dimensional barriers.

Saturn and Pluto squared Jupiter in Scorpio from the 9th to the 12th – so interesting, yes ..?  He did not physically travel to other worlds, but within his mind, in a drug induced state – yes, he explored new horizons within the human universe – the final frontier – THE MIND. 

I saved Neptune for last because it is the Drug Planet.
Terence had Neptune in Libra sextile his Sagittarius Mercury, Mars conjunction ( there are his actions thrown behind  expansive, mind-altering vision quests).

His Neptune was also sextile his Saturn, Pluto conjunction in Leo (he shines a light on teaching from the depths of his deep mind diving research – 12th house Scorp Sun).

Lastly, his Saturn Pluto conjunction in Leo 9 was trine his Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius in the first house.   Fire to fire, willpower aimed at communicating visions and new horizons – opening doors of perceptions was how he rolled.

Moon at MC, indicates fluctuation (and the public) and interestingly enough, some saw Terence as a kook, some saw him as a visionary, some saw him as a modern- day scientist / shaman / researcher,  some saw him as a green eco-warrior waving a flag of peace and calling for balance and respect for all life forms.

However the world sees him, Terence was VISIONARY and ahead of his time.
RIP Terence.


Western Stars

Kathryn Dawn Lang

omg. the voice. goosebumps !  when I last heard her sing Western Stars I accidentally grabbed my friend’s knee when she hit the last note, kd. is. incredible.
Toro Moon and of course I am going on about singers again…

kd is a Scorpio Sun conjunct Neptune (inspired musician) in the 3rd house of communication.
She is a Virgo rising, Mercury (chart ruler, communication) conjunct Venus (art) in Libra second house. Libra is harmony, beauty.
The second house is the natural house of Taurus, which rules the throat.  Venus rules both Taurus and Venus, so Venus is at home in the 2nd, conjunct Mercury which rules her ascendant and her mid-heaven.  the voice

Mercury & Venus square her Saturn Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn (big-boned gal !).  
Tension and largess coupled with restraint and fine tuning.

Her Scorpio Mars squares her (Virgo) Moon – (Leo) Uranus, Melpomene, North Node conjunction in the 12th.  Mars gives power by any contact, and inner tension can be transformed (Mars quintile Pluto) into great works – her Pluto is conjunct Virgo Ascendant. 

She is powerful in voice and spirit, she is a rulebreaker, a woman (Moon) with her own trail to blaze (Uranus) in the public eye (Moon).  She was destined to shine her creative light in unusual ways, be a music muse, a woman’s muse, a proud humanitarian  (Uranus in Leo) with a big heart and (North Node Leo) a big voice to match.

kd also has Neptune (inspired music) quintile Saturn in Capricorn (rules, is strong)
Neptune quintile Uranus (higher octave of Mercury) which conjuncts Melpomene, the divine intonation.

happy dark Toro moon all

Comeback Kid

Considering yesterdays rant on my poor health and the imminent re-birth of all things Pluto via direct motion, it is only fitting I celebrate the natal chart of a miraculous healer I greatly admire.  Pictured below is Edgar Cayce, also known as the ‘sleeping prophet’.

Mr. Cayce was struck with laryngitis in his 23 year, a case so severe he lost his power of speech, and had to quit his job and live with his parents.  When a circus hypnotist put Mr. Cayce into trance a year later, Edgar spoke, but upon awakening lost his voice again.  Then a local hypnotist put Mr. Cayce under with the suggestion that he diagnose himself  while hypnotised.

Edgar did so, describing his illness as being caused by psychological paralysis, and giving the recommendation of increasing blood to the voice box.  By his own diagnosis and power of suggestion, his health improved, and his voice returned to normal.  Thus began a life-long career in healing diagnosis and readings via the trance state.  To date, about 14,000 of his readings are available online or at Cayce headquarters.

Think that’s cool..?
It gets better, and by that, I mean weirder !

Eventually, Edgar started talking about his past lives, which came as a shock to him when he woke up from trance to read transcriptions of what he had said.  (Edgar was very religious and read the Bible once for every year of his life.)

He described one of his past incarnations as an Egyptian priest named ‘Ra Ta’ who was also a spiritual healer and leader of spiritual thought.  According to Edgar, buried at Giza time-capsule style, are records pertaining to Atlantis, in a secret chamber underground, guarded by the Sphinx paws, only to be unearthed when humans have evolved to a certain vibration.

There are a plethora of Atlantis readings, including descriptions of misuse of a giant crystal that destroyed the continent by earthquake and tidal waves.

To his surprise (Edgar was a devout Christian) he speaks in trance of former incarnations of Jesus, such as Adam and Enoch.  There is also mention of a ‘Hall of Records’ where every deed of every human ever is recorded.  (ok. whoa.  That’s gotta be an enormous library, like planetary-sized ala Doctor Who.)

Edgar also mentions that between incarnations on the earth plane, souls spend time going to planetary vibration school.  There we learn and hone skills needed before re-entering the physical Earth laboratory where free will dominates the 3 dimensional form.  Edgar describes his last sojourn as being in the Uranian vibration where the soul develops the psychic abilities.

Interestingly, during physical readings, Edgar placed his head to the south ; during life readings, he placed his head to the north and feet to the south.  Keep in mind Uranus has a polar axis at right angles to the other planets, it rolls around its orbit.  Edgar himself did not know why the change in polarities was necessary, only that the readings told him to do so.  (I intuitively knew this while doing my own healings, so good confirmation !)
Edgar was a life path 8, a vibration of regeneration, power, harmony, mercy and using gifts for the betterment of earthkind.

Leo rising is a generous kind soul to others, Sun as chart ruler in the metaphysical 8th house is where he ‘shines’.  I will note here that in the readings Edgar describes his Uranus as ‘being at it’s zenith’, an indicator of his previous planetary sojourn.  (Zenith meaning the rising planet applying to MC.)

Uranus (in the decan of Mars or power) in the 1st squaring Moon and Pluto at midheaven (peak of achievements) indicates the public (Moon) saw Edgar as a very odd, yet powerful psychic (Uranus) that could communicate (Uranus higher octave of Mercury or clairvoyance) with realms beyond death (Pluto) and time (10th).   Uranus Rx in Leo (the heart) shows both his generosity through giving readings freely or by donation, and also his coming into full Uranian power later in life (retrograde) as he entered his 40’s.

With maturity, North Node in Pisces, (sleeping and healers) fully activated, he began to lay the pioneering (Uranus) groundwork (10th house) for holistic medicine. (Uranus square Pluto and Moon, which are conjunct healing vibrations of Neptune and Chiron.)  Neptune vibrating high qi is healing; low qi, suffering.  Neptune in the sign of Taurus (rules the throat) indicates the bout of laryngitis, which was later transformed into a healing gift.

Interestingly, his Taurus (exalted) Moon (the unconscious) falls under the decan of Mercury (communication).  Neptune (sleeping) falls under the decan of Venus both of which are octaves of love, personal (Venus) and transpersonal (Neptune).  Jupiter loosely conjunct Mars (exalted) in steadfast 6th house (work) Capricorn trine the 10th (career) shows not only building a foundation of spiritual study (Association for Research and Enlightenment) through his work, but also his devout study of the Bible throughout his life.

Edgar had Sun (spirit) in Pisces, Venus (love, kindness) conjunct Saturn (karma, duty, Earth- I mention this because every giant Neptune needs a grounded Saturn), and Mercury (perception) all in Pisces, placed on the powerful natural 8th house of Scorpio.

Scorpio is the natural house of metaphysics and with Pisces taking up residence as the collective unconscious and lightbearer of the spiritual sun, that’s impressive.

A humble man who dedicated his life to helping others, Edgar changed the heart (Uranus in Leo) of spirituality and health for future generations.
Peace of mind was given (2nd house Virgo) and gained (22 degree part of fortune) through transforming (22 degree Pluto) and lifting the vibrations (Uranus) of the world (Moon) through his dedication to better physical and spiritual health (Neptune) for earthkind.

…for thoughts are deeds, and are the children of the relation reached between the mental and the soul, and has its relation to spirit and soul’s plane of existence, as they do in the physical or earth plane. What one thinks continually, they become; what one cherishes in their heart and mind they make a part of the pulsation of their heart, through their own blood cells, and build in their own physical, that which its spirit and soul must feed upon, and that with which it will be possessed, when it passes into the realm for which the other experiences of what it has gained here in the physical plane, must be used. ~ Edgar Cayce

*edit:  This is turning into an epic post, but I have found some new info from Cayce’s readings, specifically, his comments on his own natal from the astral plane.  Ok, that’s cool~so I’m adding.

TEXT OF READING 254-2:  This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce in Selma, Alabama, on this 19th day
of March, 1919.
(Q) Do the planets have anything to do with the ruling of the destiny of men?
If so, what? and what do they have to do with this body?

(A) They do. In the beginning, as our own planet, Earth, was set in motion,
the placing of other planets began the ruling of the destiny of all matter as
 created, just as the division of waters was and is ruled by the moon in its path
 about the Earth; just so as in the higher creation, as it began, is ruled by the
action of the planets about the earth.

The strongest power in the destiny of man is the Sun, first; then the closer
planets, or those that are coming in ascendency at the time of the birth of the
 individual; but let it be understood here, no action of any planet or any of the
phases of the Sun, Moon, or any of the heavenly bodies surpass the rule of Man’s
 individual will power – the power given by the Creator of man in the beginning,
when he became a living soul, with the power of choosing for himself.

The inclination of man is ruled by the planets under which he is born. In
this far the destiny of man lies within the sphere or scope of the planets. With
 the given position of the Solar system at the time of the birth of an
 individual, it can be worked out, – that is, the inclinations and actions
without the will power taken into consideration.

As in this body here [Edgar Cayce] born March 18, 1877, three minutes past
three o’clock, with the Sun descending, on the wane, the Moon in the opposite
side of the Earth (old moon), Uranus at its zenith, hence the body is ultra in
 its actions. Neptune closest in conjunction or Neptune as it is termed in
Astrological survey, in the ninth house; Jupiter, the higher force of all the
 planets, save the Sun, in descendency, Venus just coming to horizon, Mars just
set, Saturn – to whom all insufficient matter is cast at its decay – opposite
 the face of the Moon. Hence the inclination as the body is controlled by the
Astrological survey at the time of the birth of this body, either (no middle
ground for this body) very good or very bad, very religious or very wicked, very
rich or always losing, very much in love or hate, very much given to good works
or always doing wrong, governed entirely by the will of the body. Will is the
 educational factor of the body; thence the patience, the persistence, the ever
 faithful attention that should be given to the child when it is young.

As to the forces of this body, the psychical is obtained through action of
Uranus and of Neptune, always it has been to this body and always will, just
 outside the action of fire-arms, yet ever within them, just saved financially
 and spiritually by the action of great amount of water – the body should live
close to the sea, should always have done so. The body is strange to other
bodies in all of its actions, in the psychical life, in all of its ideas as
 expressed in the spiritual life as to its position on all matter pertaining to
political, religious or economical positions. This body will either be very rich
or very poor.
In this light~ Uranus moves to conjunct the ASC, Neptune would move from the 10th to the 9th putting the focus on spiritual teaching more so than the building of a spiritual school.  Mercury and Saturn move into the 7th indicating his family who became record keepers of his vast readings.


‘may be’ erratic

Caption for this photo:
Bob Knight throws a chair to protest officiating at a
basketball game against Purdue University in Bloomington on 2/23/85. The
incident was part of a tirade which earned Knight three successive technical
fouls and expulsion from the game. (AP Photo)

There is another pic I won’t post of Knight grabbing player Neil Reed’s throat.  In the same article, reports of Knight choking and punching sports information director, Kit Klingelhofer, in the 1970’s over a news release that upset the coach.

Whoa.  Mercury (communication) in Scorpio (intense power) conjunct ASC (1st house is your style) opposition rebellious Uranus in the 7th (relationships with others).  Jupiter (wants to expand) tightly conjunct Saturn (wants to constrict) in the sign of the bull.   Not to mention some serious squares to Moon (emotions) and Mars quincunx (stressful adjustment) Saturn /Jupiter and semi-square (friction) that radical Uranus.   eep.
I’ll be at home watching from the couch, thanks.

Virgo in the 10th (career) and hey, let’s face it…Virgos are perfectionists.

Legendary coach…here’s the wiki blurb:
Among his greatest achievements are multiple NCAA and NIT championships, but he has had international success as well. In 1979, he took the U.S. Pan American team to a gold medal in Puerto Rico. Knight is known for an almost uncanny ability to extract the full potential from his players, and he is proud of their high graduation rate. He is his own man, with high principles, expectations and demands. Not afraid of controversy, he often uses profanity to make his point and exercises an impressive temper. He has a great ability to teach young men both the game of basketball and the game of life, and in May 1991, he was inducted into the National Basketball Hall of Fame.