Maven of Monstrous Moons

Boris Vallejo 6Boris Vallejo

Full Moon 14 Cancer
Jan 4 Chicago 10:53pm
Jan 5 London 4:53am
Melbourne 3:53pm
Maldives 9:53am

Hands up – who is having a word vomit moon ? Truth spewing misunderstandings all over the shop ?
>>> Feelings meet wildharecard metamorphosis that is Uranus square Pluto/Sun with an undertow of emo, touchy feely Moon strong in ruling house – quincunx Saturn.

Smoldering agitation with likelihood of emo/cerebral lightning strikes !  Deluge of desires including lust, power, achievement, recognition and make it snappy !  See me ( ! ) bursts of Saturnian work frustration square Neptune in Piscesan fog and dispersion.  Arcane moments of clarity/convergence coupled with wounding/healing unearthing private revelations.  YES.

1 – Tonight I had a talk with my mother, who has incoming Full Moon on Pluto opposing her Sun and Mercury.  On Christmas Eve she said to my nephew who has recently been writing for a newspaper, “we’ve never had a writer in the family before”.
What.   ?! !
As you can imagine, this went over with me like a #@(*%&@ ?!  lead balloon.  Moon opposite Neptune girl.  It is what it is.  I had an instant fit that passed quickly – ya know helladays and all – tba aka: to be addressed…later.

2 – Then I wrote something equally surprising suggestive/revealing with t. Venus trine my natal Uranus/Sun.  Ah well.  Is true.  It’s out there in public now, may as well roll with it.  I have Moon trine Virgo Pluto/Uranus/Sun…saying what I feel often works in my favor as personal growth if nothing else.  I am learning firsthand Venus on Venus is charming, pleasingly flirty, magnetic.  It is what it is.

So what is in store for you ?  Keep an eye on
– house Aries (Uranus focal of T-Square at 12)  for massive inner growth
as you deal with the hardballs (co-operation) others are pitching you between

-houses Cancer (Moon 14) in opposition to Capricorn (Pluto 13/Sun 14)

Signs/houses to read for inner growth: Aries 1, Taurus 12, Gemini 11, Cancer 10, Leo 9, Virgo 8, Libra 7, Scorpio 6, Sagittarius 5, Capricorn 4, Aquarius 3, Pisces 2
All houses are in the dropdown menu above this post.

Signs/houses to read for peace talks: Aries/Libra 4/10, Taurus/Scorpio 3/9, Gemini/Sagittarius 2/8, Cancer/Capricorn 1/7, Leo/Aquarius 6/12, Virgo/Pisces 5/11

Also note Nodes of Destiny are squaring this lunation.  The future is upon us – like it or not – and it is Venus-ruled. ~> Interp here.  The past – take the best – leave the rest !
Squares lead to growth via friction and work.

Note also that Chiron sextiles Sun/Pluto from Pisces, so believe in healing through the wounds.  Have compassion for yourself as well as others.  Forgive and move on.  The healer is also healed.

peace, balance, love with sex
…and industry
Happy First Full Moon of 2015, may they all be bright and bearing blessings. 

Gneiss Moon

building brainpan bridges


A journey across the stars and heavens through antiquated astronomical diagrams.

I unearthed some dusty old scientific textbooks in my father’s attic, and immediately became inspired by the delicately rendered diagrams, plots and schemata. These purely scientific visual aids became unwitting artworks on their own, which is something I really loved.

The short animation explores pathways through astronomy’s roots, dating back to antiquity with its origins in scientific, mythological and astrological practices.  kimoni

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cerebral root cellar

Peter by Brom
Brom !

New Moon 10 Aquarius
Thursday January 30
3:39pm CST, USA

Venus direct 13 Capricorn
Friday 31
2:49pm CST, USA

New Moon sextile the ruler of Aquarius, Uranus, shifts perspectives, delivers electricity and a fabulous chance to break free into house Aquarius.
Check what house it lands in your chart, for specifics.

Aquarians are re-inventing themselves with this new moon.  Toros and Scorps are delivered creative tension, obstacles to overcome that make them hustle.  Libras and Gems find creative, intellectual ideas spin easily.  Aries and Sagittarius are called to shift perspectives, make new starts, esp. with others.

New moon, fresh starts.
Set your intent and move it on UP.

House Aries is one to watch – Uranus is focal point of a T-Square with Venus Rx/Pluto in Capricorn opposite Jupiter Rx in Cancer.  Home, teaching, networking, women, family and career are pushing forward in revolutionary ways.

Pisces Chiron is trine Jupiter Rx in Cancer at this lunation bringing super philosophical personal healing up from the depths of the well.  Chiron is also sextile Venus Rx/Pluto indicating deep rotted (ha mistyped, apt, leaving it) and deep-rooted healing is available if we only knock at the door of our own personal power.

Uranus waits for none, shifts gears instantly.  In tandem with this new Moon/Sun quincunx Jupiter Rx, we are adapting, expanding, changing attitudes and altitudes.   Venus and Jupiter Rx in closed mouth, restrictive signs, during a dark moon it is more like a rolling boil of pressure to succeed, our foundations in our world are shifting quietly, profoundly.

New Moons in Aquarius in particular are great for change – BIG change, breaking free, eccentric brainpan insight zaps will be in full force.
Use all the insights gleaned from Venus/Jupes Rx digging deep in the past, in the cerebral root cellar to propel you forward, to incite the desired change in your world at this new moon.


Communication Lunation

photo 7Tarot of the Origins

December 17
Full Moon Gemini 23 degrees [Opposite Sun/Galactic Center]
3:28am CST, USA

Uranus Direct 8 degrees Aries

3 T-Squares
1 Mars
2 Uranus
3 Pluto as focal points – internal stress points

Cards above read Left to Right – intent for clarity and direction
1 – 2
3 – (spirit)

1 – Mars 4 Libra: Environment of the Soul (Sun and Moon involvement) 
Lightning in the atmo & a shaman to bear witness.  Fruitful meditations.  Love overflowing.

2 – Uranus direct 8 Aries: Environment of Nature (Jupiter and Pluto involvement)
Earth support on rainy days.  Advancing into the wild unknown with solemn courage.

3 – Pluto 10 Capricorn: Age of Nature (Mars and Uranus involvement)
A child with an Odin, a natural stone of protection and luck.  A happy development.

Spirit – Stone of the Soul: Shaman magick in a circle of dolmen.  Truth surrounds Us.

More on this Gemini Full Moon, Uranus direct etc… later ! (Lunch over)
Lots of good aspects hopping on board at this Communication Lunation !


Skywalkers, Stargazers


Mark Lone

You knew this day was coming.
More Star Wars.
Specifically, Mark Hamill, aka Luke Skywalker.

There are a multitude of micro/macro perspectives to be gleaned from one natal chart.

It is very similar to reading a 36 card Grand Tableau where each card lands on a house, connects to another card on another house…all forming energetic connections, a web  that begins to take shape and flesh out the bones of the story.
Shift focus onto another card, the story also shifts focus.
Reading cards or charts is akin to seeing shifting rainbow facets of a crystal prism. 

I read Mark’s natal and see Mark’s life journey.
I read Mark’s natal and I also see the journey of Luke.
I wrote about this prismatic sight before here.
Kind of like..Jedi Mind Tricks !


Mark is a Libra Sun/Saturn, Leo Moon, Capricorn rising, Neptune at MC.
North Node in Pisces further indicates work in the creative arts is a natural choice.
As does Mars/Pluto in creative Leo, a signature of creative drive/metamorphosis, particularly in the 8th.

Uranus is in Moon-ruled Cancer conjunct DC in the 7th forming the focal point of a T-Square with Jupiter Rx in Aries opposite Neptune as well as Sun/Saturn in Libra.
The need for creative freedom in relationships, both intellectually (3rd/9th axis) and emotionally (Cancer) is highlighted with this placement.  Communication is paramount with oppositions falling across the 3rd/9th house axis.

Star Wars - A New Hope (1977) Factors Commercial Poster by  Hildebrandt


One way out of that tough T-Square is Aries Jupiter trine Leo Moon – learning creative flexibility. Moon sextiles Sun/Saturn elevated, allowing a way around the mountain or(Saturnian restriction to spirit/Sun), if you will.
Another way out is a sextile from Cancer Uranus to Virgo Mercury (strong, it rules) or inventive thought, or in Mark’s case, building (Virgo Venus out of sign conjunct Leo Mars) not only a career in film, but also a rich career in voice work.

I also popped in asteroid 8958 Stargazer, for my fave scene (I’ll pop it in comments) where Luke watches the binary sunsets on Tatoonie.  Asteroid Stargazer is just what it sounds like, named in honor of amateur astronomers who love to gaze at the heavens.  Mark has Stargazer in Gemini (ahem binary) trine Neptune (film) in Libra at MC, square Mercury in Virgo (he doesn’t have to say a word in that scene, we totally get it).

milky-way-bulge-5NASA/JPL-Caltech/ESO/R. Hurt

Also of giddy note : 3 Jupiterian Jedi facts !

1 Mark’s Chiron is tightly conjunct the Galactic Center in expansive, higher minded Sagittarius and rising aka strong. 
2 North Node of Destiny in Pisces (cosmic healing) is quintile (special talents, genius expression) Chiron in Sagittarius.
3 Leo Mars is in harmonious trine to Galactic Center, quintile Fortuna in Scorpio 10, art changing how the world sees USE of personal power.

First, Chiron interp, then GC.

Chiron is the wounded healer, teacher / philosopher / healer who through learning how to deal with his own pain, gained vast knowledge in herbal medicines, ethics and fighting.  Chiron trained heroes.
Chiron in Sagittarius trains a LOT of them.
Just sayin’.

To interpret anything, you first have to know what it is.
The Galactic Center is about 27,000 light-years from Earth, (see our Sun near the Orion spur above) filled with dust, gas, 22 million red giant stars and a
supermassive black hole called  “Sagittarius A”.  Not unusual, scientists say black holes are at the center of most galaxies.

Center of Galaxy via NASAImage credit: NASA/CXC/UMass Amherst/Q.D.Wang et al. 

This Chandra X-Ray image (above) shows three massive star clusters: the Arches (upper right), Quintuplet (upper center), and the GC star cluster (bottom center), which is near the enormous black hole known as Sagittarius A.  Cool, yah ?!

A black hole is mass is packed into a tiny volume, squished to its ultimate density.  Black holes create stable deformations in the fabric of spacetime that affects matter moving around them.* Gas swirling around a black hole acts like the record needle, but instead of producing specific sounds, it produces certain frequencies of X-ray light. *First clue.
X-rays consist of electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths shorter than those of ultraviolet rays and longer than those of gamma rays.

E magsScientists think that gas particles moving in warped spacetime near the black hole exhibit two types of motions, each giving rise to a unique frequency. One motion is the orbital motion of the gas as it goes around the black hole. This produces the 450 Hz frequency. The lower 300 Hz frequency is caused by the gas wobbling slightly due to the spacetime deformations. source

To understand what happens inside a black hole, we need to invent new physics. Mathematician Juan Antonio Valiente Kroon 

ESO center_of_Milky_Way_GalaxyThe image above spans the constellations Sagittarius and Scorpius, with the Milky Way’s dusty plane along a diagonal.  Surrounding the galactic center are narrow threads known as nonthermal filaments (NTFs), the most prominent of which are called the Arc, the Pelican, and the Snake. source

So how to interpret Galactic Center ?

First we are in a barred spiral, the bulge (central) stars are normally older red stars,  dating back to our galaxy’s beginnings 13.2 billion years ago.  These stars lack heavy elements needed to create planetary systems and life as we know it.*
That’s the second clue.
 mentioned frequencies scientists find shooting out of black holes above. Sagittarius A is supermassive, likely producing 300 – 450 Hz (+ ?) as well. 

The frequencies for each chakra energy center are:
Root – 256 Hz
Sacral – 288 Hz
Solar Plexus – 320 Hz
Heart – 341 Hz
Throat – 384 Hz
3rd Eye – 448 hz
Crown – 480 Hz

Of the six holy frequencies (ravi solfeggio here) 431 to 600Hz is associated with whole brain quadrant interconnectedness, connecting relationships. Sounds like a singularity  to me.*  You ?  More on chakras here.  *Third clue.

You can see from the electro-mag diagram above the visible light spectrum is just a small fraction of the information incoming that we are currently able to consciously process without technology.  Advancements in science have allowed us to communicate globally, see through matter (X-rays), presumably when conscious energy reaches gamma and upward we can experience time / space / dimensional singularity as well.*

Boiled down, my interpretation of Galactic Center is:
Information incoming/outgoing, lots more information still out there/in here.
Spacetime / mind over matter.

Curious exploration coupled with optimism.
Wisdom through experience, and all that implies.
I’ll let you stew on that last one a bit… 

Mark’s Chiron conjunct GC, Leo Mars trine, and N Node quintile ?
I see the Jedi Master plain and simple.

Mark brought the role of Luke Skywalker to life – that character, and his struggle to expand his perceptions captures the hearts, minds and imagination of anyone who has ever hoped and dreamed of learning, seeing, and being MORE.
Luke embodies the hero’s journey we all are on in some form or fashion. 
See Joseph Campbell here.
We all strive to connect cosmic meaning to everyday existence – impatiently so, which is largely why our Earth is in such a mess today – desires run rampant rather than sense.  Once Luke makes peace within himself, he begins to make peace with everyone else – he becomes the hero in his own story.

Like I said in post 7 (Solo), (Vader here) Star Wars changed my life.  As far as posts go, I am nearing a grand, I wanted to wait until the universe moved me to write this very special one.  Mars is coming to conjunct Mark’s Sun; Pisces Moon/Chiron are smack on his N Node in Pisces.  Now might be a good time to mention Mark’s Jupiter is conjunct my Saturn Rx in Aries, just like both Doctor Who and my former husband.  It is a fantastic, hopeful, buddy on tour energy that really helps me keep going in dark times, I am not surprised my first Jedi has this gift for me !

A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. 

So I promised to tell you how I see Luke in Mark’s chart.
Uranus in Cancer (separation from home, family, mother – yes Mark also moved house many times while young, see how astro switch hits ?!) Uranus also rules adoption, and Luke was secreted away to live with his Uncle Owen on Tatoonie after Leia died.  Mark’s MC – Neptune aka the hidden, also spiritual intelligence aka Jedi. Uranus rules rebels – in Cancer, Luke’s family is full of ’em.

Surprise ! (Uranus) your quirky new droid (also Ura) has a message (sextile Mercury). You don’t know it yet (surprise/ knowing/Uran), but that hot chick is your twin (Mercury again, rules Gemini) sister.

See the Yoda quote above ?
Sun conjunct Saturn in Libra (Saturn is exalted here) that is a serious commitment to justice also heehee this is so fun with Neptune at MC, Luke was prophesied (Neptune)  to be the one that would bring Balance to The Force. (Libra MC)

May the Force be with You

Count Double Dooku Gem


My morning astro coffeechat & double Gemini Sir Christopher Lee.
YaY !  A double Gem (Sun + Moon), Christopher has a very powerful chart with 2 T-squares.

Focal planets : Saturn, Uranus
SoOo not exactly surprising to find him voicing an astrology vid.
Saturn is trad ruler of Aquarius; Uranus the modern – Aquarius rules astrology.

Libra Saturn Rx focal (on the strengthening critical 0 degree, also exalted – BAM !) bang on the ASC (conj N Node and Jupiter Rx in 1st) square : Mars Rx in 3rd; Mercury in 9(ruling Gemini at MC – BOOM !); chart ruler Venus (Cancer 10).  Mercury and Venus are straddling MC. 
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That’s right . . .

Tsaheylu is a Na’vi word meaning a bond (neural connection).  This bond takes place when two creatures of Pandora connect their queues. On the Na’vi, it looks like hair, but is in fact an extension of the nervous system.
Instances where this bond occurs are those between a Na’vi and their direhorse, their mountain banshee or ikran (which will fly with only one hunter in their whole life), and during mating Na’vi connect their queues to create a strong, emotional, and lifelong bond.

Make the Bond !

Neytiri: Now you choose your ikran. This you must feel inside. If he also chooses you, move quick, like I showed. You will have one chance, Jake.
Jake Sully: How will I know if he chooses me ?
Neytiri: He will try to kill you.
Jake Sully: Outstanding.

Scorpio (Pluto rules) is soul-bonding through struggle.
Struggles of power and control, helplessness and surrender, obsessions, secrets and desires.

Soul bonds are not only sunshine and lilies – they are blood and guts as well.

Scorpio and Pluto signal transmutation through death or near-death, living through the deep nuclear fission of personal psychoanalysis, the little death of sexual orgasm, qi turned inward to grow into powerful supernova wizard magick.  Nova is new in Latin.

Plutonians defiantly RISE UP – they phoenix – miraculously remaining steadfast and loyal to the quest though the very fires of hell scorch them to cinders and ash.

Scorpions have fixed desires.
They will not let go.
Strong Plutonics will forcibly create metamorphosis when none is available, they cannot live without it.  Divine will dictates.

Scorpio / Pluto energies manifest healing through deep core soul-mining.
Moon transiting Saturn and North Node in Scorpio was richly. . .
surprising, and powerfully rewarding as I felt compelled to strengthen a bond.

Memories and emotional moon (growing to full) keenly felt the pull to heal across time. The desire to form a bridge from the past into the future was satisfyingly intense in execution – a rolling thunder of metamorphosis growing to volcanic eruption.

Emotional shifts of perception were off the scale here at Casa Luna.
Symptom of North Node trine Mercury in Leo + water trine with Jupiter intensifying Moon-ruled matters from her home base, Cancer, while in opposition to Pluto.
It is my hope you felt healing in your home as well.

These are tiny items on my desk, along with Yoda (not pictured).
Ganesha, time turner (one buck goodwill), crystal ball.
My mind is always turned towards metamorphosis, changes and divination regarding both in order to retain balance. My meditation zen zones are divination, music, cleaning and mowing the lawn. Yah, I know, mowing…weird – symptom of Sag Mars (walking blades) quintile Virgo (neat freak) Uranus from the backdoor.

Scorpio territory can be rife with land mines – with Saturn in house in mutual reception with Pluto in Capricorn – we have more options because we get the warnings, can feel the earth shifts rumbling in from the distance.

Better the devil you know
This is why I divinate…to locate the land mines.
I also divinate in order to find clarity and for confirmation of private matters I do not wish to speak of.  Example:  3 years ago I drew almost all wands in a ten card reading prior to what was very nearly a panic attack.
I saw it coming and managed the mischief.

During this aspect of mutual reception + water trine we can FEEL our way out of precarious situations.
Even if you do not divinate daily, you will be more in tune, going with the flow, you will be IN THE ZONE under this sky.

Tap your power, find your sweet spot, USE it to your advantage.

Breath of the Night Mystical Oracle

These two cards landed on the first house position in this morning’s Grand Tableau.
For those of you who do not study Lenormand, the first house is:

The Rider: messages, news
Time: Time means something very special to me, and to that I hold.
Tree: As above/So below (roots/branches), health, a loOong time, karma.

This one’s for you.
You know who you are.
amin mela lle


Edwin Blashfield

The heart has its reasons that reason knows nothing of.
::: Blaise Pascal :::

Well that was a hurricane of Moon/Mercury/Mars/Jupiter – Uranus/Pluto surfs UP of EMO ENERGIES boppin’  and poppin’ – yeah ? 
Y’all ride the waves okay ?

I had to check out awhile … part of our family is moving across country and swung through my neck of the woods,  losing their dog  ! !  somewhere along the way, which is heartbreaking, I know.  So I put up more Wanted: Pet: Reward pics to help them while thy are on the road.  Mercury rules pets, so while in this T-square dance, I lost my cat close to home, while Mercury moves through Cancer house; my niece lost her dog  while moving across country, long-distances are ruled by Jupiter – also transiting Cancer house.  Good vibes appreciated for us and our furry families, thank you.

Good news I met my niece’s husband and son who is the spittin’ image of his Grandad, my late brother !  I hugged and smooched girl cooties all over him – little stinker wiped ’em right off.  HA saw that comin’.
 Big family get together with a bunch of screaming boys.  I asked one his age, deadly serious he answered: I’m five and three-quarters. heheh. Cute.  That last quarter takes for-evah don’t it ?  My 2 yr old nephew was younger than any of them, but with Jupiter in Aries, expanding all that Mars, no matter. 
::: ! Body SLAM ! :::

I love kids: I have Venus/Jupiter in Leo
Leo rules children, fun, games, creativity from the heart.
Soon we are all under a fresh New Leo Moon.

Tuesday 6
New Moon in Leo at 14 degrees

4:51pm CST, USA

Wednesday 7
Lammas cross quarter day

Sun reaches 15 degrees Leo

Thursday 8
Mercury into Leo

Friday 16
Venus into Libra

Tuesday 20
Full Moon in Aquarius
8:45pm at 28 degrees

New Moon meets Sun in Leo at 14 degrees forming a trine to Uranus in Aries.
Genius Moon for harmonious sub/conscious work and creative expression. 

Take this time prior to access, catalogue and purge that which is no longer necessary.
Focus on the direction you seek to meet, on the goal and how you will reach it.
Plan, list it, but allow for changes mid-stream.

Be flexible.

Emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually.

As moon reaches just past new, set forth your growth intent into the universe and your works will increase with the light of the moon.  Until new moon, rest, drink eat and sleep well – RECHARGE your body battery.


 Now I nap.  exhausted.