Know Thyself

John Collier-priestess_of_DelphiJohn Collier – Priestess of Delphi

Myth has it that to find the center of the world, Zeus sent out two eagles at opposite ends of the Earth – they collided at Delpi, leading Zeus to declare Delphi the omphalos or navel of the world.  Delphi’s initial fame later spread well beyond Greece as the site received Mediterranean-wide recognition as the premier divine oracle.

On Mount Parnassus in Greece, an oracle was recorded as present from as early as 1400 B.C., though the Delphic Oracle associated with Apollo reached the height of fame near 1600 A.D.  The sanctuary at Delphi was constructed in the 8th century BC, and the final prophecy given around AD 393, after Roman Emperor Theodosius ordered the closure of all pagan sanctuaries.

According to Diodorus Siculus the first oracle appeared to a shepherd of the region who stumbled upon a chasm or fissure in the rock.  The shepherd and his goats began to feel and act strangely.  The shepherd fell into divine trance and began to foretell events.  Word of the site spread, leading others to flock to divination mountain.

Greece is ruled by Capricorn and Virgo.
Mountains are Capricorn; fissures are Uranus/Pluto; gasses, divination are Neptune.

Ancient authors claim that bird-watching and entrail-reading, two of the most popular forms of divination, actually began at Delphi. Fortelling by the casting of lots (stones, bones, dice) and the interpretation of flames – a form of divination called Pyromancy  were also common at Delphi.

Delphic Oracle Kylix by rhe Kodros painter 440 to 430 BCEDelphic Oracle Kylix by rhe Kodros painter 440 to 430 BCE

According to the Homeric Hymn to Apollo the site was eventually conquered by Apollo.
In Greek mythology, Apollo (Apollon) is the god of divine light who drove the sun across the sky in a chariot.  Apollo is also god of prophecy and oracles, song and poetry, music, healing, archery, and the protection of the young.  He is usually pictured with a wreath and branch of laurel; bow and quiver; raven; and lyre.

Apollo slayed the holy serpent / dragon named Python (the rotting one) given to Delphi by the Earth Goddess,
 Gaia.  Python was Gaia’s ransacking son who stood guard while the sibyl gave prophecies.  After Apollo cleared the countryside of Pythons widespread destruction, he served an eight year penance as a cowherd, only to return with his priests from Crete – his cult was called Delphinios aka dolphin or porpoise – hence, Delphi was born.
Note: To commemorate the triumph of Apollo over Python, Delphi organized the Pythian Games – athletic events (precursor to the Olympics) which were held every four years.

Apollo_Killing_the_Python Hendrik GoltziusHendrik Goltzius

Curiously, Delphi may also derive from the greek words delph hollow, or perhaps delphis, womb – ironic in that Delphi was the only Apollon temple where females were allowed to give the gifts of the god via oracle. The Pythia was originally a young virgin, but later a wise crone – if the female was married, she had to relinquish family for temple work. 
Upon Apollo’s arrival, the matriarchal decrees of the priestesses of Gaia, were tempered by the presence of his chosen priests.  Apollo killed the serpent (some think the snake represents matriarchal power), keeps the oracle, and the Oracle is then known as a Pythia in honor of killing the serpent who guarded the sacred Castilian springs

The Pythia would fast, cleanse in the sacred spring, enter a chamber in the lower temple, adyton (inaccessible room), where she would inhale the pneuma, or sweet smelling vapors.  Historical accounts claim the Pythia was trance-induced (channeling) by vapors from a chasm below the temple or from chewing laurel (bay) leaves, which she is often depicted as holding.   Worthy of note: in greek, pneuma is synonymous with divine breath, or spirit of the gods.

LaurelBayLaurel aka Bay leaves:
Masculine, Sun, Fire – diaphoretic, emetic, narcotic, stomachic

Do not consume the leaf.  Lore tells that chewing bay leaves and breathing the steam rising off a simmering pot of laurel aids in all forms of divination.  Bay can often be found in incense and dream pillows.  Bay is an excellent purifier, a guardian against sickness, when planted near the home it wards off negative energies.  Use bay leaves in cooking to enhance psychic abilities, speed healing, clear psychic sludge, promote relaxation and a sense of well-being.

Öèôðîâàÿ ðåïðîäóêöèÿ íàõîäèòñÿ â èíòåðíåò-ìóçåå gallerix.ruCamillo Miola (click to enlarge) The (Delphic) Oracle

The Pythia, a virgin from the local village selected in ceremonies that established her as Apollo’s choice, sits atop the sacred tripod as the Delphic oracle. To the left is the omphalos, the most sacred object at Delphi, regarded as the center of the earth.  A plinth on the right bears an inscription describing Apollo’s conquest of Delphi with the Cretans, who became his first priests.

The prophetess went to the tripod on the sacred seventh day of each month, the day of Apollo’s birth, nine months of the year, to await the god’s inspiration; her inspired utterances were later interpreted by a priest. The ancient Greeks considered the Delphic oracle, both Apollo’s divine prophecy and the prophetess through whom it was spoken, the final authority on almost any matter, whether religious, political, or social.

temple-of-apollo-at-delphi-giovanni-ruggeroGiovanni Ruggero – Temple of Apollo at Delphi

Pilgrims and envoys to the Oracle formed a procession that climbed the Sacred Way to Apollo’s temple, where they would pass three temple inscriptions:

Nothing in Excess
Know Thyself
Go bail and ruin is at hand

The Pythia’s response from deep trance was rendered into classical hexameter verse, then passed along to the seeker.  The Delphic Oracle reached popularity on a grand scale, advising all: heads of state, philosophers and common people from across the Mediterranean and beyond.

Historical and mythological timelines of the Oracle here.
Catalogue of Delphic Responses here.

oracle matrixAsteroid Pythia 432 – This asteroid (discovered 12.18.1897) has a 5 planet Sagittarius stellium of late degrees Sun, Mars, Venus conjunct with early degrees Saturn conjunct Uranus opposing Pluto, Pythia and Neptune conjunct in Gemini all Rx.
Long distance communication, moral codes and higher philosophy is most definitely the name of the game with this asteroid.

I was curious, popped in the latter asteroids listed below though they had not yet been discovered or named – Apollon and Delphine dovetail neatly between Libra Moon and Jupiter all trine Pluto, Pythia and Neptune while in square to Capricorn Mercury.  Sedate, balanced proclamations, good common sense, feminine instinct, understanding coupled with truth-seeking travelers flocking to the tricky, Mercurial Mountainous earth sight.
Sagittarius Mars quintiles Libra Jupiter – Men and Women + Goddess and Gods working together to provide divine guidance.

Pythia obviously indicates where psychic power rises in your natal chart – in addition it indicates where on earth you channel your best, brightest intuitions with the help of Gaian energies.

Asteroid Apollo 1862 – This asteroid (discovered 4.24.1932) has an Aries stellium of Mercury, Mars and Uranus as well as a T-Square: Taurus Sun focal planet square Leo Jupiter opposite Aquarius Saturn.  Solid creative exuberance lead by an impulsive child-like curiosity.  Cancer Pluto squares all that Aries, while Jupiter trines it – explosive impulses lead the way to whammy emotional transformation – via women, the public, the masses; Jupiter has faith enough to try again.

Flirty Gemini Venus opposite Moon delivers any and all communications into compromise mode, especially re: money, women, relationships, the public.  The Temple of Apollo placed women at the forefront of the public, and of course, those seekers with a backing of wealth quickly were ushered to the head of the line.  Waving Plutonic power around does not always sit well with those who arrived first.

Sun is also placed in a grand trine with Neptune and Moon while opposite Scorpio Apollo – highlighting mysterious female lead divinations for the public (shared power), as well as dependable enlightened service over hundreds of years.

Asteroid Apollo indicates a place where reckless mistakes are made over and over with wild abandon – mistakes which lead to metamorphic emotional enlightenment.  It is a place of child-like curiosity, naiveté and unbridled enthusiasm for life, regardless of difficulties.

Asteroid Delphine 3218 – This asteroid (discovered 9.24.1960) features a 1 degree Libra Sun conjunct asteroid Apollon as focal points in an out-of-sign T-Square with late Sagittarius Jupiter opposite early Cancer Mars.
Power to the Women – Right On !  This indicates travelers incoming to both participate in public athletic events and receive divine guidance that brings harmonious outcomes.

Leo Uranus quintiles Scorpio Neptune – unusually creative, mysterious divinations from the gods.  Pythia lands at 0 degrees Virgo conjunct Pluto which trines Capricorn Saturn – she was in transformative service to the masses across centuries.

Late Aquarius Chiron forms an out-of-sign grand trine with Libra Venus and Mars in Cancer while it opposes Uranus and Pythia.  Women held a place of importance at this sight/site which has vast humanitarian implications – women in this sacred sanctuary changed the course of history, the Delphic Oracle spans the ages.  Oracles assist, they guide, they help shift perspectives like cosmic chiropractors. 
Think in terms of the fissure or chasm that collectively brings people together in hope, fellowship and enlightenment.

There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.  – Leonard Cohen

Think Neo – the oracle isn’t the only oracle – how about genius spoon boy in the waiting room ?!  While peeps waited on line for the oracle at Delphi, I guarantee you there were other oracles right alongside popping out gems right and left. 

Asteroid Delphine is where you desire to win, to beat your personal best, where your heroes journey, your spiritual quest draws you to like-minded truth-seekers in order to heal via fellowship. 

delphic ruins

Scientists have found that the vapors rising from the fault fissure were ethylene, a colorless, flammable gas having a sweet taste and odor which is a naturally occurring hormone in plants – inhibiting growth, promoting leaf fall and ripening fruit.

According to traditional explanations, the Pythia derived her prophecies in a small, enclosed chamber in the basement of the temple –  if the Pythia went to the chamber once a month, as tradition says, she could have been exposed to concentrations of the narcotic gas that were strong enough to induce a trance-like state.  Nat’l Geo

Oracles enhanced by narcotic gas – what a fantastic representation of Neptune !

I felt compelled to write of this prior to Scorpio Full Moon on my Neptuner, wanted it up at GMA then, only to finish today when whoa – ck it out…

Pythia is currently conjunct Sun at 28 Taurus; Capricorn Moon trines both
Apollon Rx is at 7 degrees Virgo exact opposite Neptune at 7 Pisces
Delphine is at 17 Virgo exact opposite Pisces Chiron at 17 Pisces

Cool, yeah ?
The Divenusian


John Jude Palencar

When my (former) husband and I were house hunting, I knew  we would buy this house the second my foot hit the driveway.   Of course, when I said so, he gave me an incredulous look like I had just taken a sharp turn around the far bend, turned into a toad or something.

Him: We haven’t even looked at it yet.
Me:  Don’t have to.  I already know.  I got the *twinge*.
Him: The what .?
Me: The *twinge*.  I get it when really, really important things happen.  And I just got it.
Him: Yeah right.  We’re gonna look at it anyway, and don’t go makin’ any weird offers.

ha ha Guess what ?
We loved it, bought it – years later when we divorced, I bought it and I live here to this day.
For the record, twinge  is dialect for pluck or tweak.

Considering I have Neptuner (strings, guitars, psychometry) in the 11th (natural home of electric Aquarius) it makes sense.
Relevant home astro:

Moon (home) exalted in Toro 4 (Moon naturally rules the 4th) opposite biggie Neptuner (rules feet) in Scorp 11.

Moon also trines my Virgo Sun/Uranus 9/Pluto 8 stellium.

Strange thing is, I got the twinge  once before about this house.  We were driving on the interstate – that was a weird one – I got it in the middle of cornfields no & where – with absolutely no reference point to go on.

So I tagged a mental note of the next town we passed.
It was my town, where I now live – 5 years before we even moved to this area.
I felt it once when a galpal was standing right next to me.  I said something to her about it. I figured it was the someone nearby who was looking into me – he wanted something I could not give at that time.  Found out what he wanted later.  Glad you like the Funhouse, btw.  I am not surprised you do.  Happy trails, truly. Happy trails.
Another time I vividly remember getting the twinge, I was in a power place surrounded by 3 friends who would – much to my surprise – figure greatly in my life in the coming years.  One in particular has been the fulcrum of powerfully personal  transcendent transformations, though I did not know it then.

The sunny afternoon it zapped me, I tried to shake it off (it feels weird – every time) by shaking my head, rubbing my temples and grabbing hold of something tethered to the ground.  The man next to me asked me what was wrong.  I told him.  Then he asked me what I meant by twinge.   He wanted me to describe it.

So here goes . . . I will describe my experience of Preception  for you.

First my head starts buzzing.  My senses, my perceptions of the world around me dramatically shift to include  other planes of existence ::: warp speed expansion ::: it is literally like having each foot present in separate worlds.

One foot is on the physical plane – breathing, talking, looking at you and answering your questions about what is wrong with me – and the other foot is holding my place in the world that is Everything and Everywhen and Everywhere Else.

It feels somewhat similar to the inner ear / head phases in an airplane when the physical body adjusts to higher altitudes.
(Mercury at Libra MC 9 : the inner ear affects balance) 

My ‘feelers’ twitch – the hair on my arms and head is raised – tingling like tiny divining rods readying to receive cosmic data. My sense of hearing is somewhat muted, things happening right next to me in the physical world sound as if they are miles away – distant, muffled.

The atmo / air / aura around me – particularly around my head – feels like a live wire.
My head begins to HUM and drone tone.
(HUM is Neptune :: Sun conjunct Uranus, electrics :: my ruler Saturn is in Aries, the head, and it trines Mars which rules Aries)

I get the distinct impression I AM bigger than my body (yes song lyrics) and the universe is tweaking my brain dial – Neptuning me into some cosmic electro-magnetic time stream. 

It feels as if the air around me is a bubble – a bit thicker, heavier in density.  Not liquid as in water or gelatinous – more like membrane or bubble.

Plasma.  That’s it !

WoW.  Glad I wrote this – I am learning too . . .

Think of what the air feels like immediately prior to a thunderstorm – filled with positive ions and heavy.  Positively electric.

That’s what’s going on, in and around my head.  I KNOW something important is – or is about to – happen, but I don’t always know exactly what IT is.

IT may not seem important in the right now moment WHILE I am getting it – but it WILL BE VITAL somewhere, somewhen, someplace.  This I DO know.

I told you it was weird.

That said, I can’t talk to your dead uncle, I can’t talk to my dead uncle either.  These weird shifts happen like a lightning strike – out of the blue – inexplicable and I cannot control them.  Uranian free will baby – they do their own thang.

So on to the relevant astro, then, of course the science.
You saw that comin’ right ?  I loves me some science, lol.

Cap ASC: Saturn ruler in Aries 3 trine Mars in Sagittarius 11.
Mars quintile Uranus ::  Virgo Sun/ Uranus 9 / Pluto 8 stellium.
Mercury at MC in Libra 9.


YaY Science !

Ions can be produced by high-energy events. 

Hmmm . . . fascinating, yes ?
Usually these events are akin to open flames, lightning and sparks, but imagine these events are HIGH OCTANE, game changing, LIFE events.

What happens when positive ions are converted to negative during thunderstorms ?
::: BALANCE :::
 That’s akin to my Libra MC, along with Venus conjunct Jupiter squaring Neptuner. I am always always striving for normality. {spoken in improbability drive voice}

Attract / repel, polarities is all Uranus, baby
 Balance is Mercury (dual, tricksy, neutral) in Libra (scales of balance) at MC

As far as tuning into the cosmic electro-magnetic time stream, it is the ionosphere that reflects radio waves back to earth, allowing humans to broadcast over long distances.  The ionosphere is electrically charged and affected by magnetics.

(my Zinger magnet Uranus conj Sun in the 9th – natural house of expansion, quint Mars in Sag, traveling long distances)

Tesla discovered that he could cause both positive and negative ionization of the atmosphere by manipulating radio frequencies.  (radio wave transmissions in the low frequency range of 10 to 80 hertz)  FYI: Earth resonates at approximately 7.8 hertz

I am tuning into – manipulating the cosmic atmosphere is tuning into – manipulating  me.

Metamorph baby !
I love it !

peace out peeps
cya in the TARDIS

? – click – ? dunno.  interesting though.

Deja Vu

I have been aware of David Wilcock for years, through Coast-to-Coast radio and information and interviews there.  I have watched many YouTube videos, read parts of his website Divine Cosmos.
I am now reading his book, The Source Field Investigations.  David has spent years investigating and compiling scientific proof of connections between life forms through the energetic ‘source field’ or unified field theory.

A bit of history : Albert Einstein coined the term “Unified Field Theory,” which describes any attempt to unify the fundamental forces of physics between elementary particles into a single theoretical framework.

Scientists such as Rupert Sheldrake are delving into, and expanding upon similar scientific work today. The topic of morphic resonance (Sheldrakes work) is covered in David’s compilation of researched material, as well as some fascinating studies on human interaction with plants, crop circles, UFO’s and remote viewing.  It is definitely worth a read simply because David has gathered loads of spiritual scientific studies all in one book.


Reportedly David may be the re-incarnation of Edgar Cayce.  I do not support nor deny this claim – you can make up your own mind.  I am a disseminating moon – just tossing out the info – that’s what I do.  Other astrologers have compared the two charts and you can read my interpretation of Edgars natal here.

So now for David and his natal chart.

David is a life path 4.  He is here to employ logic and reason in order to build solid foundations, establish structure and achieve results on the physical plane.

This is further indicated by Mars exalted in Earth, trine Moon, also exalted in earth.
This indicates detailed, long-term, meticulous building for the public good.  Moon in 6th (natural ruler of the 6th, is Virgo the public servant).

Mars exalted conjunct North Node of Destiny in Capricorn, both of which are trine Moon (public).  His work is to be heard by and benefit, many people.

David is a Pisces Sun, Venus (Venus is exalted in Pisces) and Mercury.
This indicates sensitivity, also indicated by Moon in Taurus, exalted.
Pluto is elevated (10th), as well as Uranus and Saturn (above the horizon) – he is here to transform, and make changes through his work, otherwise, he is fairly private.

Venus is the focal point of his T-Square with Saturn and Neptune opposite each other.  Working globally for universal love and compassion will likely be his strength rather than working for it on a personal basis.  Venus is personal love – square work and mysticism – Saturn in Gemini 7th, indicates work relationships and often 2 or more jobs. He is a busy fellow, who likes work and study.

Chart ruler, Pluto in Libra 10 conjunct Part of Fortune he is a catalyst for change, particularly focusing on communication with others.  Mercury is quintile North Node of Destiny – Jupiter the planet of exploration and expansion (traditional ruler of Pisces) is in Aquarius (the revolutionary) quintile Ascendant and Chiron – healing on a vast scale through transforming the way people think and communicate with one another.

Saturn in Gemini again, gives depth and structure to communication – David invites us to open our minds and heal ourselves through using the creative will of our own actions (Neptune trine Chiron).  He is a leader in the spiritual realm – seeking enlightenment, and compassionate inclusiveness between all beings.


Well, now that I have read Davids chart, I am seeing the possibilities of the past life connections with Edgar.  Edgar had Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Capricorn – he basically did so many one-on-one energy draining readings, he worked himself to death.

In Davids chart, Pluto trine Jupiter indicates transformation on a large scale (rather than on an individual basis).  He gets a lot of criticism (Pluto opposite Mercury) because he’s shaking the tree, making people think (Mercury sextile Jupiter in 3rd).

Saturn trine Uranus in the 11th of Libra, he is communicating options – a way of revolutionizing the way we (earthkind) express and view love for each other and the earth (Venus sextile Moon exalted in earthy Taurus, Venus rules Libra) and he delivers the science (Uranus trine Saturn) to back it up.

Mars exalted in Earth trine Moon, also exalted in earth –  detailed, long-term, meticulous building for the public good.  Moon in 6th (natural ruler of the 6th, is Virgo the public servant).

Now that I have read both charts, I think David may be Edgar, back for another round…if so, he’s certainly here to work in communications large scale and reach a larger audience this time around.
I am also off to read more closely the link I gave above comparing the 2 charts – I held off until I had read them myself.
What do you think …?


Comeback Kid

Considering yesterdays rant on my poor health and the imminent re-birth of all things Pluto via direct motion, it is only fitting I celebrate the natal chart of a miraculous healer I greatly admire.  Pictured below is Edgar Cayce, also known as the ‘sleeping prophet’.

Mr. Cayce was struck with laryngitis in his 23 year, a case so severe he lost his power of speech, and had to quit his job and live with his parents.  When a circus hypnotist put Mr. Cayce into trance a year later, Edgar spoke, but upon awakening lost his voice again.  Then a local hypnotist put Mr. Cayce under with the suggestion that he diagnose himself  while hypnotised.

Edgar did so, describing his illness as being caused by psychological paralysis, and giving the recommendation of increasing blood to the voice box.  By his own diagnosis and power of suggestion, his health improved, and his voice returned to normal.  Thus began a life-long career in healing diagnosis and readings via the trance state.  To date, about 14,000 of his readings are available online or at Cayce headquarters.

Think that’s cool..?
It gets better, and by that, I mean weirder !

Eventually, Edgar started talking about his past lives, which came as a shock to him when he woke up from trance to read transcriptions of what he had said.  (Edgar was very religious and read the Bible once for every year of his life.)

He described one of his past incarnations as an Egyptian priest named ‘Ra Ta’ who was also a spiritual healer and leader of spiritual thought.  According to Edgar, buried at Giza time-capsule style, are records pertaining to Atlantis, in a secret chamber underground, guarded by the Sphinx paws, only to be unearthed when humans have evolved to a certain vibration.

There are a plethora of Atlantis readings, including descriptions of misuse of a giant crystal that destroyed the continent by earthquake and tidal waves.

To his surprise (Edgar was a devout Christian) he speaks in trance of former incarnations of Jesus, such as Adam and Enoch.  There is also mention of a ‘Hall of Records’ where every deed of every human ever is recorded.  (ok. whoa.  That’s gotta be an enormous library, like planetary-sized ala Doctor Who.)

Edgar also mentions that between incarnations on the earth plane, souls spend time going to planetary vibration school.  There we learn and hone skills needed before re-entering the physical Earth laboratory where free will dominates the 3 dimensional form.  Edgar describes his last sojourn as being in the Uranian vibration where the soul develops the psychic abilities.

Interestingly, during physical readings, Edgar placed his head to the south ; during life readings, he placed his head to the north and feet to the south.  Keep in mind Uranus has a polar axis at right angles to the other planets, it rolls around its orbit.  Edgar himself did not know why the change in polarities was necessary, only that the readings told him to do so.  (I intuitively knew this while doing my own healings, so good confirmation !)
Edgar was a life path 8, a vibration of regeneration, power, harmony, mercy and using gifts for the betterment of earthkind.

Leo rising is a generous kind soul to others, Sun as chart ruler in the metaphysical 8th house is where he ‘shines’.  I will note here that in the readings Edgar describes his Uranus as ‘being at it’s zenith’, an indicator of his previous planetary sojourn.  (Zenith meaning the rising planet applying to MC.)

Uranus (in the decan of Mars or power) in the 1st squaring Moon and Pluto at midheaven (peak of achievements) indicates the public (Moon) saw Edgar as a very odd, yet powerful psychic (Uranus) that could communicate (Uranus higher octave of Mercury or clairvoyance) with realms beyond death (Pluto) and time (10th).   Uranus Rx in Leo (the heart) shows both his generosity through giving readings freely or by donation, and also his coming into full Uranian power later in life (retrograde) as he entered his 40’s.

With maturity, North Node in Pisces, (sleeping and healers) fully activated, he began to lay the pioneering (Uranus) groundwork (10th house) for holistic medicine. (Uranus square Pluto and Moon, which are conjunct healing vibrations of Neptune and Chiron.)  Neptune vibrating high qi is healing; low qi, suffering.  Neptune in the sign of Taurus (rules the throat) indicates the bout of laryngitis, which was later transformed into a healing gift.

Interestingly, his Taurus (exalted) Moon (the unconscious) falls under the decan of Mercury (communication).  Neptune (sleeping) falls under the decan of Venus both of which are octaves of love, personal (Venus) and transpersonal (Neptune).  Jupiter loosely conjunct Mars (exalted) in steadfast 6th house (work) Capricorn trine the 10th (career) shows not only building a foundation of spiritual study (Association for Research and Enlightenment) through his work, but also his devout study of the Bible throughout his life.

Edgar had Sun (spirit) in Pisces, Venus (love, kindness) conjunct Saturn (karma, duty, Earth- I mention this because every giant Neptune needs a grounded Saturn), and Mercury (perception) all in Pisces, placed on the powerful natural 8th house of Scorpio.

Scorpio is the natural house of metaphysics and with Pisces taking up residence as the collective unconscious and lightbearer of the spiritual sun, that’s impressive.

A humble man who dedicated his life to helping others, Edgar changed the heart (Uranus in Leo) of spirituality and health for future generations.
Peace of mind was given (2nd house Virgo) and gained (22 degree part of fortune) through transforming (22 degree Pluto) and lifting the vibrations (Uranus) of the world (Moon) through his dedication to better physical and spiritual health (Neptune) for earthkind.

…for thoughts are deeds, and are the children of the relation reached between the mental and the soul, and has its relation to spirit and soul’s plane of existence, as they do in the physical or earth plane. What one thinks continually, they become; what one cherishes in their heart and mind they make a part of the pulsation of their heart, through their own blood cells, and build in their own physical, that which its spirit and soul must feed upon, and that with which it will be possessed, when it passes into the realm for which the other experiences of what it has gained here in the physical plane, must be used. ~ Edgar Cayce

*edit:  This is turning into an epic post, but I have found some new info from Cayce’s readings, specifically, his comments on his own natal from the astral plane.  Ok, that’s cool~so I’m adding.

TEXT OF READING 254-2:  This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce in Selma, Alabama, on this 19th day
of March, 1919.
(Q) Do the planets have anything to do with the ruling of the destiny of men?
If so, what? and what do they have to do with this body?

(A) They do. In the beginning, as our own planet, Earth, was set in motion,
the placing of other planets began the ruling of the destiny of all matter as
 created, just as the division of waters was and is ruled by the moon in its path
 about the Earth; just so as in the higher creation, as it began, is ruled by the
action of the planets about the earth.

The strongest power in the destiny of man is the Sun, first; then the closer
planets, or those that are coming in ascendency at the time of the birth of the
 individual; but let it be understood here, no action of any planet or any of the
phases of the Sun, Moon, or any of the heavenly bodies surpass the rule of Man’s
 individual will power – the power given by the Creator of man in the beginning,
when he became a living soul, with the power of choosing for himself.

The inclination of man is ruled by the planets under which he is born. In
this far the destiny of man lies within the sphere or scope of the planets. With
 the given position of the Solar system at the time of the birth of an
 individual, it can be worked out, – that is, the inclinations and actions
without the will power taken into consideration.

As in this body here [Edgar Cayce] born March 18, 1877, three minutes past
three o’clock, with the Sun descending, on the wane, the Moon in the opposite
side of the Earth (old moon), Uranus at its zenith, hence the body is ultra in
 its actions. Neptune closest in conjunction or Neptune as it is termed in
Astrological survey, in the ninth house; Jupiter, the higher force of all the
 planets, save the Sun, in descendency, Venus just coming to horizon, Mars just
set, Saturn – to whom all insufficient matter is cast at its decay – opposite
 the face of the Moon. Hence the inclination as the body is controlled by the
Astrological survey at the time of the birth of this body, either (no middle
ground for this body) very good or very bad, very religious or very wicked, very
rich or always losing, very much in love or hate, very much given to good works
or always doing wrong, governed entirely by the will of the body. Will is the
 educational factor of the body; thence the patience, the persistence, the ever
 faithful attention that should be given to the child when it is young.

As to the forces of this body, the psychical is obtained through action of
Uranus and of Neptune, always it has been to this body and always will, just
 outside the action of fire-arms, yet ever within them, just saved financially
 and spiritually by the action of great amount of water – the body should live
close to the sea, should always have done so. The body is strange to other
bodies in all of its actions, in the psychical life, in all of its ideas as
 expressed in the spiritual life as to its position on all matter pertaining to
political, religious or economical positions. This body will either be very rich
or very poor.
In this light~ Uranus moves to conjunct the ASC, Neptune would move from the 10th to the 9th putting the focus on spiritual teaching more so than the building of a spiritual school.  Mercury and Saturn move into the 7th indicating his family who became record keepers of his vast readings.



Pictured below is Nostradamus, and his natal chart.  He was famous for writing over 900 rhymed quatrains (four-lined poems) filled with hidden prophecies that predicted the future for 10 centuries.  He lived during the Renaissance and was astrologer to royalty and nobles in Salon.  Nostradamus is a 9 life path; a humanitarian.  He was also a herbalist, healer, physician and linguist.

His bio:

When learning astrology, this chart struck me because of the obvious water trines.  Water houses (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are the intuitive, psychic houses; they delve deep, are mysterious.

Moon in Scorpio gives depth of feeling and a keen, penetrating insight into the mysteries of life and death; as well as a tendency to keep true feelings under wraps.

Uranus, the planet that will not take the bit is somewhat quieted in the 12th house of Pisces.  It is quietly, secretly, rebellious – hiding prophetic messages within secret texts, for instance.  Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury (the communicator), and is an intuitive planet working in a mystical house.
Jupiter (generosity, philosophy) is exalted in nurturing Cancer; conjunct an angle- making it even more powerful.  Saturn and Mars are both uncomfortable in Cancer, but I feel they give a steady anchor to home and roots so that when the waves of visions may come, the seer is not adrift.

Sun in Capricorn (honors, fame, time) conjunct Mercury (writing) with Neptune (mysticism) all in the tenth house of ‘how the world sees you’ shows the prophetic legacy Nostradamus left the world.