Seeing the spin

Asteria goddess of the stars, etsy

Asteria goddess of the stars Emily Blaivet

Asteria (asteroid 658) the starry one is the Titan goddess of prophecy and astrology.  Her placement in the natal chart indicates ways and means of reading and divining by the stars.  She is currently at 0 degrees Libra. 

Finding our path to understanding, as I said in my last (full moon) post, is the crux of incredible growth.  Hence, Jupiter/Sagittarius/9th house rulership.

What is found elevated in the natal chart is near high noon (10th house/Midheaven) aka public, visible – what is placed in the 9th, is particularly expansive.  Likewise for the house where Jupiter resides as well as aspects Jupiter makes to other planets/points.  Here we find exploration and infinite growth potential.

That said, I see my past lives (Sagittarius 12th) in my own natal chart. In addition, several psychics have told me that I have previously burned at the stake for being a witch.  Considering what I am doing now, that is not at all surprising, now is it ?
Enter TIME magazine.
Enter biased, judgmental pseudo journalism proving a total lack of understanding.

How Witches on TV spell Trouble in Real Life.

There’s something about witches, it seems, that’s as compelling to us today as it was to the Puritans. But while the 1692 trials were a terrifying and tragic reality show, it’s easy to dismiss the modern fantasy of witchcraft as mere silliness. Not so fast, scholars say: When witchcraft makes a comeback, it’s often a sign of trouble in the real world. Stories of witches cast a captivating spell that both challenges and comforts us in those times — such as now.

Witches, like terrorists, “threaten to wipe out everything you believe in. If they could, they would overthrow your government, overturn your faith, and destroy your society,” Baker writes.

Equating witches with terrorists ?
siriuslySensationalism at its best, thank you ever so much.
Terrorism is a red flag word choice, overused ad nauseum to incite fear and panic.
The herd is getting spooked because they should be.  A few power hungry elite are crushing the options of the many.
Scapegoating is not only entirely misguided, but also in very poor taste. 
Please do your homework.

Student/Teaching/Writing 101

1. Define Parameters.
That’s the first roadblock.  What witch means to any number of people is likely as broad an answer as the number of people questioned. 
Blanket terminology, please meet personal nuance.

2.  Know what you are talking about.
See 1.  First learn the basics – expand from that point. Explore outside your own navel, ask questions and honor paths that differ from your own.

3.  Get off the high horse.
No one person knows everything.  Allowing unlimited space for learning, growth and understanding is the true hallmark of intelligence.

Perhaps the real trouble is witches (your term) choose to understand personal and shared power within our universe.  Personal responsibility and karmic repercussions are widely understood.  They do their own thinking, see the big picture and walk their talk.

People who will not take the bit of propaganda are as a rule, feared because they are not easily swayed by those in power.  They SEE the spin for what it is.  Your truth is not necessarily their truth and they know it.

Knowledge is power that leads to understanding.
If that is destroying society, then we need a new society.

Witches Fire Back.

peace out
Gneiss Moon

Felix & Oscar

Strangely my two rescue cats are like
Felix and Oscar

If you have no idea, watch.


This kitty is so very Felix
tidy, lady-like, prissy
[aka Felix]

Christnips 14

she sweeps all the stray nibbles
under their food mat
sweeps all the offensive litter
to the back 40
seriously, every. visit. takes. eons.

even nipping
is so so dignified
paws tucked under – all fours neatly on the box
sniffing the nip
a la connoisseur

and then there’s Oscar
living it UP
Viva la Sagittarius Vida


 gung-ho to go
whole hogging it for all she’s worth
messy, rolling, covered in nip
snort !
Lemme try somma yours
time for more cat rodeo, swatting things
gotchas, YaYs !

Kittycat Christmas
cracks me UP

Sad truth, bad Virgo

Meet my girl cat, hiding in the tall weeds of my garden.
Yes, that’s right, my garden.
Bad Virgo.

Sag Moon opp Gem Sun prior to eclipse
and I tell on myself.

Communication spillage.

Gemini is my 6th
(natural Virgo house of daily routine neat freak)
but with everybody and their uncle in there
( Sun, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter )
it seems to be taking me forever
to catch up
the daily chores.
I worked up a storm today
half days both packed – day job, night job
Gem on 6th is twos, two jobs.

Where is your Gemini house ?
Think in doubles !

Where is your Virgo and Pisces
these houses are packing a one two punch !
Mighty big metamorphosis
internal discomfort.

Swaggering Sagittarians in your face a bit
it’ll pass…they’ll wander off soon enough.
once they flash you
the mirror of awareness

::: Creative action is where it’s at :::
Opportunity awaits you
Fire up your Fun
let your spirit pour forth – internal wattage set to
infinity and beyond
Full Moon Eclipse in exploratory Sagittarius
Make it so.



Saturn sextiles Pluto – mutual reception – each in each others ruling house, they are for all intents and purposes working very well together, they have a strong energetic connection, like a psychic linkage.

Your Scorpio (Saturn) and Capricorn (Pluto) houses are where immense growth is possible – USE what you HAVE, follow your INSTINCTS, what you DESIRE is within reach.  This is one of many messages this Cancer Full Moon is delivering. more here

Jupiter Rx is the apex of a Yod – it is quincunx both Saturn and Pluto, both of which sextile each other.  Changes will be in progress through the strain on energies of Jupiter Rx in Gemini.  Visionary thinking turned inward.  Faith and thoughts of bonds expressed quietly, unconventionally.  Gemini is dual, seeing both sides of ethical dilemmas is likely.

How and what do you believe ?
How do you approach ceremony ? committment ?
What are your personal truths ?  your deal breakers ?

Ye olde traditional ways of SEEing your houses of Scorpio and Capricorn may be misleading – get innovative, be clever, flirt with ideas – choose carefully what to reveal, what to teach, what bridges to build and to whom. 

Who or what are your allies ?  your totems ?
Definition of totem: an object (as an animal or plant) serving as the emblem of a family or clan and often as a reminder of its ancestry; also: a usually carved or painted representation of such an object

Very Full Cancer Moon, yes ? 
Family, roots and ancestors, earth allies.

Mercury (in Sagittarius) and Jupiter Rx (in Gemini) are also in mutual reception, feeling a strong energetic connection, a psychic link.  Revolutionary thinking is expansive, yet also internalized.

I wrote before, this lunation calls for a separation of hopes, a choice of some kind.
Ditch one thing, keep another – the duality of Gem and Sag – coupled with the loss inherent to Pluto, and the building inherent to Saturn. 
 With this in mind, I have been cleaning, getting rid of the material dross (Saturn sextile Pluto) in my home and in my life.  Pluto has been dredging up oodles of Martian personality traits – particularly through dealings with others (Pluto in my first – opposite seventh).
 Life is made for lessons, and I am getting them in spades – Matrix downloads – one right after another. Teachers are coming out of the woodwork – reflecting – what I don’t want to be, and also what I am striving for.  

Mirrors are ruled by Moon and Mercury – fitting for the current astro.
A good friend (a Sagittarius) pointed this out to me, so I share this with everyone in hopes we all can enter a more positive loving future, together.

Wrote about Gayatri Mantra here after I saw MOMIX botanica. Two similar translations are offered there, if you are an expert in Sanskrit and can do better, by all means, please do so.

With love, even the rocks will open.
Hazrat Inayat Khan


free to fly

The Thunder Call

Venus in Air of Gemini

She is charming, attracting and eager to engage you in conversation
Versatile and clever, she is alert, loves flexibility and fun
she needs the freedom to fly
she will tell you exactly what she thinks
Aquarians and Sagittarians love Venus

she will romance them sweetly until
August 7 when Venus enters Cancer

Venus brings the Water bearers creative loveword potions
Venus shows Sagittarians good times and fair play
Saturn is Rx in Libra, exalted
Venus rules Libra
Saturn is debts
Venus is love, money, balance
add them together
we have what equals a labor of love
Saturn is in easy trine to the octaves of love

the sweet intoxicating personal love of Venus
and the
higher octave Neptunian cosmic surrender to the All One
…be gentle with yourself and with others…
om mani padme hum

the Force and flow

The Book of Doors Divination Deck by Athon Veggi and Alison Davidson

I was curious, so I dealt a one card draw asking how we (meaning me, you, the world) could best deal with the energies of Neptune into Pisces in order to bring the most benevolent outcome for all.  The card on the right is the Spirit card at the bottom of the deck, a message of what lies underneath the situation, that my not be evident.

TA – Family of Earth
Loyalty. Materialization of plans.  Find nourishment through connection with Earth energies.

Askhut – Family of Fire
Marriage, attraction and celebration.

Pisces rules the feet which connect us with the earth every day.   We will be feeling opposition or compromise with Virgo, which is a sign of health and service to others.
For Neptune in Pisces, there are no others.
This marriage of Neptune and Pisces will bring health and healing of the spirit – acceptance of the Earth and her creatures as a part of US  – worthy of respect and compromise.  She deserves our loyalty and commitment to wise management of limited material resources.

Pisces is yin – passive, introverted and reactive.

When Neptune advances through Pisces, we will be feeling Water on mutable Water (Neptune/Pisces), squares to mutable Air (Gemini), mutable fire, (Sagittarius) which will bring thinking, brainstorming (air), and actions (fire) and we will be in compromise with Virgo which is mutable earth, (building) or making the ideas work.

Cardinals initiate, Fixed signs build, and Mutables can do either.
Mutables are primarily involved in completion and distribution.
Pisces is often called the completion sign because it is the 12th house sign.
Neptune rules Pisces, and Neptunian power will be a mutable force.

Water can lap at stone for millions of years to form the Grand Canyon, for instance.
It is not immediately evident. Yet, it is very powerful.

Neptune in Pisces motto : Go with the flow



One of the things I love about astrology is how it explains so much about people.
Astrology explains who and what, even how you like.
For instance Neptune is my most highly aspected planet and it rules the sea.
I should be an ocean gal, then right..?!
Mountain girl all the way !
Why is that..?
My Neptune has squares (conflict), while my chart ruler, Saturn (Saturn is Earth, rules Capricorn my Ascendant, is the mountain goat) has a trine (ease) to Mars.
That feels better.
Look to your chart, you will find yourself naturally going for the trines and sextiles every time.  They are the back door, the trapdoor, and the secret passage out of trouble with squares and oppositions in your chart.

Here is a pic of stuff I had gathered pre-astro knowledge.


I have Saturn trine Mars (steel, fire & the forge).

Sun conjunct the morphed metal is my Virgo Sun conjunct Uranus Pluto (heat, change, morph, forge) in the 9th (lucky horseshoe).I have Libra at Midheaven (ruled by Venus, art), hence balance sculpture/art.
My Venus (art, friends) is conjunct Jupiter in Leo (creativity, luck).
I am an artist, and have creative friends, I like cats.
I have a ‘thing’ about naming things. Mercury (names) at MC, with Neptune (fictitious names) most highly aspected.
I have changed my name to something mystical – representing polarities, time and union.
My cats have names that mean ‘friend’.
Neptune is my most highly aspected planet and it rules film & photography.

Look to your chart to see what you like written in the symbols of the skies …

Rooster of Conjunction

I am open to the guidance of synchronicity and do not let expectations hinder my path ~ Dali Lama

Tabula Smaragdina (Emerald Tablet) ; Artist Matthieu Merian

December 10. 2011
Uranus direct zero Degrees Aries at 1:04 am, CST, USA
Full Lunar Eclipse 18 degrees Gemini: 8:36 am, CST, USA
Click here for eclipse illustrations and eclipse info in depth.
Click here for NASA map with info regarding visibility.
Total lunar phase lasts 51 minutes.

This Full Lunar Eclipse in Gemini follows the partial Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius that occurred on November 25, 2011, click here for more on that eclipse.

Eclipses are signposts indicating new directions in life, both personally and globally.

Full Lunar Eclipse in Gemini means Mercury Rx (retrograde= re-evaluate, revise, re-invent) is Lord of the Eclipse. The energies of the eclipse degree will remain active for several months after the eclipse, as other planets make aspects to the eclipse degree.
Lord of the Eclipse, Mercury Rx adds to this delayed release of eclipse energy.

Mercury Rx at the time of the eclipse is on the decan of Jupiter, bringing a sense of hope and faith in the future for us personally (micro) and globally (macro).  Mercury Rx is trine the newly direct Uranus. (Uranus turns direct 7.5 hours prior to the eclipse.)
It is worthy of note that Mercury in revision, trine Uranus going direct will shift intuitions, advanced soul growth is particularly acute for this eclipse.  The mind and how we communicate is covering all the bases.
Mercury Rx is in Sagittarius, and rules both Gemini and Virgo.

During a Full Lunar Eclipse, the Earth (the material world, work and wealth) shadows the Moon (emotions, fluctuation, security).
The Earth is receiving the light, while the moon is not.  For this reason, material world issues will be called to the foreground and are in the middle of a compromise.


This compromise lies between higher visionary ways of seeing / thinking, and being actively in service to others * (solar) ;
versus counter-productive fluctuating emotions, scattered thinking regarding health, work, and personal responsibilities (lunar).

* note: this is the North Node of Destiny Path*

Some interesting polarities: Sun on the decan of Mars, opposite (compromise) the Moon on the decan of Venus.
Solar Mars is ego, male energy, and it is in a transpersonal sign and house – in compromise – with Lunar Venus, female, emotional energy in a personal sign on a social house.

Sun is quintile (creativity expressed, the spirit quest) Neptune and Chiron – this is an amazing healing vibe !  In addition, Venus is quintile Uranus giving art and love an edge of maverick intuitive expression ~  what a fabulous way to go direct, yes ? !

Sun and Moon are both square Mars in Virgo on the decan of Saturn.  Mars and Saturn work well together.  Saturn focus is good for crazy Martian energy, it gives stamina, tact and self-discipline to power.

Mars in Virgo with a Saturnian flavor adds stamina to detail work and thinking – in square to eclipse energies, with Mercury Rx trine Uranus direct, expect self- examination & wild card / lightning bolt brainstorms.

Where will you be feeling the eclipse energies ?  Look for the Gemini / Sagittarius axis in your natal chart.
Where will you be feeling Uranus direct ?  Look for the house of Aries in your natal chart.

Here’s a very general guideline:
1/7 = self/others
2/8 = mine/yours
3/9 = learning/teaching
4/10 = home/career
5/11 = personal will/ will for others
6/12 = personal health & work/ universal health & service

Planets in your natal conjunct the eclipse point of 18 degrees Gemini and any aspects to that point will feel a strong influx of eclipse energies, and look in the future to planets crossing this degree for more incoming eclipse vibes…

find and fulfill your destiny~