
Fog. Swamp. Rain.
Insight. Heal. Transcend.

Well this has been an interesting week.  Anytime Neptune takes a hit, so do I.
It is my most highly aspected planet and it shows.
Heads UP, keep an eye on yours too.  It will reveal volumes.

Pluto by transit is also square my chart ruler (Saturn Rx) and coming to trine my Moon which trines natal Pluto (Uranus / Sun in Virgo) and is in opposition to natal Neptuner.
I was wondering how this would play out. 
As it happens, it was in the dream I mentioned earlier.  Valentines night. 
Details remain secret. 
I will say it is funny and odd how Pluto ripped up the turf and surf in sideways.

Cosmic pinball !

Sun is coming to conjunct Neptune, Chiron and Mercury in Pisces ~ incoming !
You have mail !

Healing and discreet communiques are holding court, taking the stage ~
but in the dark – behind the curtain.
Don’t expect to make sense of it right away~
This is Neptune, it will wash over you in waves, seep and creep into the nooks crannies and crevices of your life.

Everyone has this opportunity to go swamp mining Chiron is sextile Pluto in the middle of the rolling conjunction I mentioned above.

Roll up yer sleeves and go at it !  Slog through the mud !

Soon the Sun will sextile Pluto and light will be in dark places.
Healing is in progress and insight is forthcoming on all stations.

When the Sun comes out, you will be amazed.


el Duderino

Jeff Bridges

May I introduce Sagittarian actor, musician, vintner and artist Jeff Bridges.  Jeff was born into a family of actors, his Mom, Dad and his older brother, Beau.  Jeff made his first onscreen appearance at the tender age of four months.

His first big break was in The Last Picture Show, when he became one of the youngest actors ever to be nominated for an Academy Award at age 22 (1971, Best Supporting Actor, The Last Picture Show), and at age 60, Jeff became one of the oldest ever to win (2010, Best Actor, Crazy Heart).
I just watched True Grit and of course, loved it.  I loved Starman and have been to Barringer crater, which is featured in the movie, and it’s fabulous !
Starmans expression when he tried Dutch Apple Pie..?  Priceless.

I loved The Last Picture Show, Fearless, The Big Lebowski, (obviously a classic), The Fisher King, Men Who Stare at Goats, Tron, the list goes on and on…
I have spent my life watching Jeff light up the screen, so I wasn’t too surprised to find out he’s a Sagittarius.
(I am a Sagittarius magnet, it seems, I am naturally prone to fancy them, since I have lots of Sag energy myself.)
Jeff is a life path 3 (the zero adds power) which is a path of growth, flowering, and new directions unfolding out of the balance of 2.

He is a Virgo rising, with chart ruler Mercury in the 4th trine Pluto in creative Leo, on the 11th (natural house of Aquarius) a visionary placement for an artist.  Sun (exact conjunct Chiron) trine Pluto from the nadir (conjunction straddles the 3/4th) and Jeff is a natural gypsy story-teller (4th is the house of Cancer, they can spin a yarn like no other) with an optimistic heart.  Through his craft, he shows others how to heal themselves through communicating the need for loving acceptance of the natural human beauty found within us all.  (The nadir is the deep well of self, where and how we restore balance, trine Pluto in 11th.)

He shines a light on human relationships through his exquisite ability to morph and change in the public eye.  Gemini at mid-heaven and Jeff can fully embody chameleon-like qualities for his career – this is particularly evident with Uranus (polarities and change) elevated as well as Moon (fluctuation, imagination).

Uranus in the 10th has no major aspects – making Jeff a mavericks maverick !  Uranus is rebellious and innovative and without major aspects reigning it in, it is truly wild and free !  Having Uranus quintile the Ascendant gives him the ability to be unpredictable in the eyes of others via work and career.  This quality is further shown by his predominately mutable chart. The quincunx to the artistic Venus (art in the 29th or culmination degree) Jupiter conjunction in the creative 5th house (Sun – creativity – naturally rules) gives Jeff a super – charged ability to build a life – long eclectic career in the arts.
I am tickled Jeff has Venus conjunct Jupiter, because I do as well, but in Leo !  He is very well liked by his co-stars (Venus is kind /Jupiter expands), and is described as exceptionally easygoing (Sagittarius).

His craft is deep and thoughtful (Pluto ruling 3rd) and he derives a tremendous strength from family (strong Nadir placements, Moon trine Venus and Jupiter).  He has been especially influenced by males (Sun trine Pluto) and had worked very close with both his father and brother throughout his life (Mars conjunct Saturn).

He is known for working hard, and when young appeared on his fathers television show, Sea Hunt  with his brother on several occasions (Mars conjunct Saturn conjunct Ascendant). Squares from the Mars Saturn conjunction to Moon at the mid-heaven represents the Sagittarius need to explore his own path, make his own mark with the public (Moon).  Neptune in Venus-ruled Libra trine Moon in 9th and Jeff documents his films and travels on film, he is an avid photographer.

Sun at the nadir opposite Moon at mid-heaven shows that he loves his home life a great deal, but his restless nature calls him out to learn and communicate his feelings through his work.  North Node of Destiny in Aries (Mars rules) and Jeff has a path before him of blazing new trails in showing the depth of human nature (8th) through his work (Mars conjunct Saturn).

I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes from Starman:
You are a strange species. Not like any other. And you’d be surprised how many there are. Intelligent but savage. Shall I tell you what I find beautiful about you?
[Shermin nods]
Starman: You are at your very best when things are worst.
