Cusp Flux Metamorphosis

“We can transform ourselves no more quickly than we transform our language, and the way we transform our language is really pushing the envelope on the act of communication.  The caterpillar says to Alice, say what you mean and mean what you say, I do. ”  Terence McKenna

I am naturally, with Moon on Pluto square Uranus, not feeling physically well this am – mentally however; ahhhh.  Infinitely pleased with this Nutritious Miraculous Chat as Ralph Abraham terms it.  I woke up this am from a nightmare that was yes, related to men and my past and it had my heart pounding.  Then I stumbled upon this video and was taking notes of portions that triggered something in me.

Cusp Flux  – Don’t have a fit astro fiends go re-read the above re: pushing the communication envelope. I am a 29 degree Virgo Sun conjunct Uranus Pluto in 9.  Mercury at MC sextile Leo Venus / Jupiter in 8.  It resounded with me, my aspects and the times of Uranus square Pluto.  Listen to the fascinating lecture below, then you will understand.

Chaos is the birthplace of order.  Moon coming to conjunct Pluto in the sign of structure in square to the planet of chaos (Uranus).

Anima mundi (or Axis Mundi), the soul of the world or cosmic consciousness.

Coincidentia Oppositorumunion of opposites where it is both what it is and what it is not – it escapes contradiction – it is the miracle of life.  Now that link <~ I have not read, which is something I do not ever do – that is, post – then read.  Feels right this am.
If I find it lacking, I will remove it this evening.

Now, one of the best lectures I have ever heard:


cosmic omphalomancy

The spider web relates to the creation of the web of life; the interconnectedness and inter-dependence of all things.

Plato had a dream of great goddess Ananke, “Necessity,” spinning the universe; the sun, moon, and planets were her spindle’s whorls; sirens sang through the webs of time and fate that she wove, and souls endlessly moved through the strands on their way to and from death and rebirth.

The Axis Mundi, or The Lesser Heavenly Cycle, and Axis Coeli, or The Microcosmic Orbit, are ubiquitous symbols that represent cycles of energy of rebirth and restoration and that cross diverse human cultures.  They have also been referred to as the cosmic axis, world axis, world pillar, columna cerului, and center of the world.

I made a joke about my navel being my 4th eye once, then I read this today…

Communication from lower realms may ascend to higher ones and blessings from higher realms may descend to lower ones and be disseminated to all. The spot functions as the omphalos, or navel: the world’s point of beginning. This is the point where we find our anchor point in this incarnation, our cord that attaches us with all manifestations of life. *

The navel of the universe being the macro and the personal navel being the micro.
The navel is the lotus of the body.
The navel is ruled by Venus.
Venus rules Love.

If you think it’s getting too serious in here, try some of this on for size.  hee
Omphalomancy is the art of fortune telling by navel gazing~>

1) The Horizontal Navel. This belly button is oblong in shape and spreads
sideways across the tummy. People with horizontal navels are complex and highly
emotional. This can take a toll on their health.

2) The Vertical Navel. Also oblong, this belly button stands on end, running
up and down along the tummy. It indicates a person who is self-confident,
generous, and emotionally stable.

3) The Outty. A belly button that protrudes outward indicates an optimistic
person who approaches life with enthusiasm.

Dreaming of your own belly button is traditionally associated with starting
up a new venture with possible long-term benefits, and dreaming of someone else’s navel denotes a new love affair.

The second form of omphalomancy is based on the umbilical cord. A Jamaican
old wife’s tale holds that the number of knots in the umbilical cord of a
newborn baby shows how many more brothers or sisters are yet to come. It is
 interesting that this one has been verified and it seems to be accurate.  **


** more navel gazing here :