Sword, Pen, Guitar, Bone

Mads scruff,dirtMads Mikkelsen

I mentioned in a previous post I am watching Hannibal.  (Soon to start Seas 2)  A bit odd for me, and I’ll tell you why… I knew going in: GMA will not ever glorify crime, serial killers or violence for the sake of.  Long time readers are thinking huh?!
I know  – conundrum – there is a plethora of sword & scruff all over this site.  (see dropdown menu: Magick, Sci-Fi/Fantasy)

Lemme ‘xplain.
High noon/MC in my chart aka day hours = Libra/Mercury.  Communication of balance, justice, fairness, love and beauty.  The hidden stuff aka midnight/IC + Aries/Saturn NNode.  Structured power, concentrated self-starting, independent achievements, quite a bit of risk-taking and confidence with my blade.

Sword, pen, guitar, bone – all kindred.
I celebrate the spirit inside that rises up against incredible odds.
The s/hero within that finds a glimmer of hope in the midst of utter turmoil.

Virgo Sun/Uranus/Pluto in 9 learns intellectual violence (read: destruction) by making optimistic/logic defying mistakes.  Yes – being overly optimistic/destructive is a foolish turning away from one half of the lesson.  One must know dark to understand light.  Ignore your shadow at your own peril – it has much to teach you: subconscious drives, how to navigate your path through the thickening woods in the dark of night.

Do not dwell in darkness, but know it intimately, as a weapon you wield wisely.
That said, I move on to the astro…

Mads Tristan gif

The image above is Mads as Tristan in King Arthur – note also stellar turns in Valhalla Rising as One Eye, as well as Draco in Clash of the Titans.

Mads is an actor I noticed right away due to his beautiful facial structure … part and parcel of strong Capricorn energy.  More here.  Now after looking at his chart, I see the resonating Capricorn/Scorpio energy that appeals as well.  Like attracts like, every time.
Without specific deets I run a solar chart aka high noon – planets in signs are (unless near the cusp, thus sketchy) the same; Moon cannot be read (except generally) as it moves the fastest of all (app. 2 days per sign).  Mads is by solar chart a 29 degree Scorp, but note if he was born after 2pm, he is a Sagittarius. IMDb lists him as Sagittarius, so that is what I will defer to.  Also see his official site for Sagittarius (rules horses) horsey trivia hereAlso, speaking of Knights of the Round table, Mads was Knighted on April 16th 2010 by Her Majesty Margrethe 2nd, Queen of Denmark.
FYI: Knighted same day as Viggo.

So we have Sagittarius with (dark, introspective) Scorpio Moon conjunct Neptune in Scorpio trine Saturn/Chiron in Pisces – mentorship, psychological underpinnings, crafting the intangible on the material plane.  This is highlighted by Saturn/Chiron opposing Uranus/Pluto in Virgo – all square Mercury focal point of a T-square in Sagittarius. *  Consider it corralling the details that speak universally into a fine delicate whisper.  Virgo/Pisces axis is yin, contemplative – Sagittarius Mercury tends to blurt what everyone is thinking but not saying: hence the squares or inner turmoil surrounding communication – is it necessary, practical, sensitive, of use ?  Jupiter at 29 Gemini is also hugely communicative, but retrograde aka funneled, and opposite Mars in Capricorn – thinking & acting are a two-way street – restrained Mars is stronger.

Mads as DracoI ask a million questions, and I insist on having answers. I think that is what we have to do. I have to know what the director wants. Some are very much in their head, and I need to force it out of them. I just can’t play around for eight hours and see if something happens. – Mads via IMDb   Note: Mercury is Q&A*

Sun conjunct South Node will also be somewhat circumspect, especially when coupled with Venus and Mars (exalted) in Capricorn – studied restraint, artistic integrity.  This is why cookbook astrology (Sun/Merc Sag, Jupiter late Gem exuberance) only goes so far … nuance is present in every chart, and I am just skimming the surface in these mini interps. 

One last random oddball thing: Mads often plays a character with a defective left eye  (deets).  Left eye in a man is ruled by Moon which he has conjunct Neptune (film/dance) trine Saturn (work); note also a pro dancer for 8 years.  Sight is Mercury and Mads has Mercury square (Mercury ruled Virgo) Uranus (the odd) exact. 

Sword & Scruff forever
I am off to watch Age of Uprising
peace out
Gneiss Moon