F l y

David Oldridge Woodcote PhotographyDavid Oldridge – Woodcote Photography

Beautiful image, yes ?
Perfect aerodynamics, concentration and what a fantastic angle for the black mask.  Click the link above for much more photography for Neptunian folks. 

Animal intuitive spoke to me tonight to usher in transiting Mercury (pets, small animals) nearly on Venus in Aquarius (birds, flight).  First thing – a flock of birds surrounds me.
Not entirely surprising as I am a Sun conjunct Uranus (rules Aquarius) girl.  I like birds, just posted a cool porcelain artist over on my tumblr an hour or so before the call.

Cardinals were the most vocal messengers of all the flock.
Cardinal totem: They don’t migrate, 12 month season, tap it anytime.  Red. (more below)  They whistle, sing – listen.  A mated pair shares song phrases, but the female may sing a longer and slightly more complex song than the male – working together. In spring and summer, both males and females are fiercely territorial and will aggressively protect what is theirs.  More here.

Fixed signs: Taurus (2nd), Leo (5th), Scorpio (8th), Aquarius (11th)
These houses/signs are fixed aka steadfast, but tough aspects to/from means inner conflict ingrained…deeply ingrained.  One might say aggressively protective.
More here.

These birds are named for the cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church, with their bright red robes.  I did not know that, odd/funny though that my Virgo Sun/Uranus/Pluto lives in 9th house of religion.  I’m not catholic, but very happy with the new Pope, Francis (named after Saint Francis Assisi patron of animals, including birds, and ecology) going all environmentally active.

Marc_Chagall027Would you find it interesting that when my reading began I was also holding a Chagall card (Night of Venice) that a friend sent me ?  Messages.  Zinging !

More incoming ~>  Earlier today I posted (here) a crop circle card for healing.  It did not come with a book, just instructions to meditate, infuse H20 with the frequency of the card…not much beyond the link I provided in that post (under the card).
Perhaps you saw it…mulled it over…?  Wondered what it meant ?
I did.

I of course, being naturally curious with plenty of Uranus (and Leo !) energy…was not satisfied, I wanted more.  I went looking…good thing I am a crack detective – it was worth it, so I share it here with you.

Crop Circle Longwood Warren HampshireThis crop circle I posted earlier today is (well obviously) a Solar system glyph, from Longwood Warren, Hampshire, 22 June 1995. It depicts the Sun, Mercury, Venus, the Earth’s, Mars, and Jupiter’s orbit. (The super cool more precise bit…?)

According to Gerald Hawkins, it shows a planetary alignment that occurred on 6 November 1903, the day the Wright brothers proved that man could fly, and again on 11 July 1971, during Mariner 9’s journey to Mars.  More here.

Incidentally, Mars rules Red.  What is red ?   See Color and Chakras.

[Edit: 11.6.1903: Mercury in Scorpio, Venus in Virgo, Jupiter in Pisces
7.11.1971: Mercury in Leo, Venus in Cancer, Jupiter in Scorpio ]

My reader was telling me via a flock of cardinals that I need to f l y.  I was also flat out told I have (figuratively) one foot nailed to the floor.  Ha  Exactly one to be precise.
Fixed Neptune (feet) squares from Scorpio 11th to Leo 8th & an opposition to Moon in Taurus.  A reluctance to surrender … stubborn… yeah it’s an issue.  I’m fixing it !

I laughed at how perfectly on pointe, then found this crop circle flight ref just a little too good not to share.

I’ll leave this post with a message straight from cardinal himself.

May we all find our wings and fly free…
Gneiss Moon