Father Mercury

6a00d834515b5d69e201053647af02970b-640wi“Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it’s from Neptune.”
Noam Chomsky

Described as ‘”the father of modern linguistics”, and one of the world’s top public intellectuals Noam is also an: analytical philosopher, cognitive scientist, logician,  political commentator/activist.  He has authored over 100 books, is currently Professor Emeritus at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Pandemoniumfromamerica is dedicated to him.  

I have long been a fan, the first time I heard him speak, I was blown away.  Noam is absolutely brilliant, deftly cutting through media bias and cultural subterfuge with unequalled power and grace.  Propaganda and the Public Mind: listen here.

Noam has a shining Sagittarius stellium: Mercury, Lilith. Sun, Saturn all conjunct ASC, with the whole she-bang trine Uranus Rx in Aries. Obviously he’s a very inspirational and creative thinker with a truckload of Mars backing the brains.

His ruler, Jupiter Rx in Taurus trines Neptune Rx elevated in Virgo – his 9th house of higher education and philosophies.  Neptune squares his 6th house Gemini North Node within a degree.  Noam has a very spiritual higher mind that seeks union through blowing the barn doors off grandiose, over-bearing, idiotic boundary-making in the name of power/profit.

With a strong Venusian energy, (including Jupiter conjunct Chiron Rx in Taurus) Noam is an intellectual healer leveling the playing field between all people, globally.  Moon ruled Pluto quintile Venus ruled Chiron supports, indicates same.  Venus in Capricorn in exact square to Moon in Libra (10) and in opposition to Pluto in Cancer, drive his desire to balance relationships between the powerful haves and the powerless have-nots. 

In deep gratitude & respect
I thank you
Gneiss Moon